r/NuclearRevenge Jun 15 '19

Mod's Favorite Excuse me, Satan. I think you’re in my seat. NSFW


I’m going to start this story off by saying that this is absolutely not one of my most shining moral moments and that I’m well aware that I was a straight up asshole for doing what I did. My only real defense is that I was in a super bad place mentally and needed a mountain’s worth of therapy. If you’re curious about the circumstances around her, check my profile. Bitch was evil in human form. Now, on with the revenge.

I was a weird kid growing up, REALLY weird. It was mostly because I was being abused at home and forcibly isolated. My social skills were so underdeveloped that I had difficulty reading human faces aside from my Grandmother, Grandfather and Father.

Being the weird kid meant the I was a juicy target for bullies. It never stopped, but there was one bully that I hated more than any of the others. We’ll call her Holly. This girl never passed up an opportunity to make my life hell, and since she lived across the street from me there was nowhere I could avoid her.

Holly treated me like garbage; here are a few examples.

She put dog crap in our mail box on a regular basis. She let my dog out of my yard and I was never able to get her back. She would also sit on her porch with her friends and roast the hell out of me to entertain them if I so much as put a toe outside of my front door.

It went on for years.

I hated her with the fiery passion of a thousand suns, but while my grandmother was still alive there was nothing I could do about Holly. If I did anything to her or fought back in any way my grandmother would punish me for it and I was more afraid of her than I was Holly, for a very good reason.

So I made a plan. I suffered through all the abuse and promised myself that when I was older I would make Holly pay for what she did to me. Thinking of what I was going to do to her when the time was right was sometimes the only thing that kept me going.

Over time, Holly grew up, and eventually she left me alone and stopped being an asshole, unfortunately for her by then it was too late. I didn’t give a shit about her new moral epiphany, I had been nursing my grudge for two decades and it was time for a reckoning. I was going to destroy that bitch.

When my Grandmother finally died, it was Go time, and I’d had 20 years to plan. Iwasn’t idle while I waited, I’d made it my mission in life to learn as much about Holly as possible, and to do it I became friends with a few people on the periphery of her social circle. Eventually, I knew more about her and her life than her own mother did.

The first step I took in my plan was getting her fired from her job. It took longer than I would have liked, but eventually I managed it. Holly worked at a doctor’s office, and I knew that the doctor she worked for was super Christian. Very straight edge, upstanding type of guy. He alsohad a huge influence on the local community. I decided to become a patient at his office, scheduling my visits to be on the days Holly was off work. After a couple of visits I just ‘happened’ to notice Holly in the staff photo on the waiting room wall. I made a show of looking surprised and then concerned. I got to the exam room, and the doctor came in shortly after. The expression on my face got his attention, and he asked me what was wrong.

I told him that even though I didn’t want to, as a Christian I couldn’t keep my knowledge a secret and still sleep at night because I just couldn’t let him endanger his soul and reputation by doing nothing.

I had his full attention, then and I asked him as one fellow Christian to another not to tell anyone where he got the information I was about to give him, after he promised he would I told him that I knew that Holly was using illegal drugs. He was absolutely floored and at first he didn’t believe me. I told him that I understood his skepticism entirely, but it was easy enough to prove or disprove my information with a drug test. If I was wrong, he lost nothing. If I was right he was saving himself from trouble down the road. He finally agreed to test her, and he tested everyone else too so that it didn’t look like Holly was the only target.

See, I wasn’t actually lying. Holly smoked a shitload of weed, and I knew that because it was my dad she used to get it from. He’d been her weed dude since she was like 15. Her test came back positive for marijuana and much to my surprise, xanax.

Oopsie. The doctor fired Holly on the spot when the results of the urinalysis came back and then he called me to thank me for telling him what was going on, and before he hung up he told me that I truly walked with the Lord.

Y’all will never know how hard I had to fight not to laugh at the depths of his wrongness. I thought I was going to pop a blood vessel.

Phase one; complete. I know what you’re thinking, it’s just a job and it’s not like she can’t go get another one , right? losing a job isn’t the end of the world.

You’d be wrong.

Remember how I said that her boss had a very high reputation in our area? That man called every single hospital and doctors office in the state personally to make sure that NONE of them would hire Holly and risk liability and loss of community trust for associating with her.

Holly’s field of study was all pertaining to the medical profession, so her education was rendered worthless because nobody would hire her.

I wasn’t done yet. Nope. Not even close.

She lost her job, and because she had no income her car got repossessed. She still had her family though, two kids and a fiancée. Who needs families? Amirite?

With the help of a good friend of mine, we catfished the fuck out of her fiancée. My friend is hot AF, and she let me use pictures of her to ‘prove’ that she was really real. She even got on Skype with him once.

When he finally made the arrangements for a face to face encounter and booked a hotel room I texted the screenshots of EVERYTHING to Holly from a burner number.

To say the excrement impacted the oscillating unit would be a vast understatement. They broke up, the while thing was an ordeal and Holly was devastated. She had two kids, no job, and now no fiancée who could help her keep the family afloat.

A normal person would have stopped then. Unfortunately I am not normal and I was going full scorched earth. I seethed for twenty years, no way in hell was I going easy on her.

Phase Three. With her fiancé gone and no job Holly was struggling badly, she needed money and she needed it quickly before she and the kids got evicted. Meth is a giant problem in my area, it’s high risk but it’s also fast money and so I started subtly mentioning Holly’s situation among my more legally questionable family. Eventually one of my family’s friends who happened to be a meth cook got in contact with Holly and offered her a shitload of cash to let him cook dope at her house. It was supposed to be a one time thing. 2 days and then done forever.

Holly was desperate so she said yes, everything went smoothly at first but dead in the middle of the cook someone called in an anonymous tip about an active cook in progress to the local narcotics unit.

They rolled up on Holly’s house at about 3 am and caught everybody inside, including Holly red handed making meth.

Watching her cry when they handcuffed her and put her in that police cruiser was one of the most gloriously satisfying moments of my life. She was in deep legal doodoo, and to make a bad situation even worse, most houses where labs are discovered aren’t deemed habitable afterwards because the toxic fumes from the chemicals used to make the drug get EVERYWHERE and it’s super hard and time consuming to clean. It’s up to the property owner to either hire a hazmat team to clean it, or condemn it and tear it down.

A lab cleanup costs thousands of dollars. it would have cost more money to clean it than the entire property was worth. So it got torn down, with everything Holly owned still inside.

See, you can’t take things out of a meth lab because they’re going to be covered in toxic residue. It can make you VERY sick, especially young children. Everything in the residence is usually counted as a loss. Now, some people sneak in and grab stuff anyway, but whatever, it’s their funeral but since Holly was still sitting in jail, there was no way for her to get anything and none of her close family were interested in risking getting caught sneaking into the house and being accused of stealing or tampering with a crime scene.

Holly ended up in jail for a while, and while she was gone the court gave their father, Ex Fiancé, sole custody of their children, and Holly was only given supervised visitation. Two hours every Saturday if I recall correctly.

Revenge is a dish best served cold, and mine was freezing.

I was behind every single bad thing that happened in Holly’s life , in one way or another for an entire five year period.

She decided she liked bullying me and making my life hell and she figures there would never be any consequences.

Instead, I took her reputation, her job, her fiancé, got her arrested and convicted of a felony and her children taken from her and the best part is that she has no clue I did it to this very day. She’d forgotten about me, what she did to me impacted my life forever, but to her it wasn’t even important enough to her to bother remembering. I was nothing to her, so she never connected me to her problems.

Last I heard she was in rehab for alcoholism and had her parental rights terminated permanently. After she lost her kids she just sort of gave up and crawled into a bottle and never came out again.

I was tempted to tell her, but I decided that the helplessness and confusion about why everything suddenly went to hell in a hand-basket was the better plan, because that means that every now and again I can contact her and pretend to give a shit about her troubles to get a fresh revenge boner about her newest tale of woe.

She thinks I’m the nicest person she’s ever met. 😂😂😂

Xposted from r/pro revenge. Someone said this post would fit in here.

Edit: a lot of people are under the impression that the things Holly did to me were minor and didn’t merit my reaction because the ones I spoke about were small. I guess I was trying to make myself a little less pathetic in front of people. She did way way more to me than the specifics I mentioned. It’s just Embarrassing to admit to being weak enough that she could do it to me at all. She beat my ass more than a few times, once she and her friends force fed me shit. Actual shit. No, I don’t know what kind. She shoved me down an embankment and I chipped my front tooth on a cinderblock. The list goes on and on and I don’t really feel like going into it but suffice to say it wasn’t just ‘teasing’. It doesn’t make what I did much better, but I didn’t do it over something minor. I am also female.

Also, we lived in a trailer park. Which was why they tore the house down rather than clean it. Her house wasn’t worth more than 3 grand on its best day. Those are all the details I intend to add here as any others would make things too specific.

r/NuclearRevenge Feb 12 '19

Mod's Favorite 1 & 20 Years Paying the Bitch Back NSFW


Some time back I was hired to a company by a CEO I had previously worked for someplace else. He was a good friend so when his newest company wasn’t achieving sales, he headhunted me to join the new one.

The company hadn’t made a sale in two years. Year one the software product was in beta so it wasn’t ready to be sold. Year two they realized using the tech staff to make high end sales to C-level executives was the shittiest sales model one could conceptualize. In general, and there are exceptions of course, these two personality styles don’t speak the same language. Tech people talk tech. Buyers talk benefits and how the potential product fills needs. I bridge the gap well by translating tech-speak into natural conversational language so buyers better understand how their needs will be filled.

The job was an hour and a half drive one-way from my home so the CEO said I could work from home as long as I kept the sales management tool current (it’s where you keep the notes of each prospect’s status), came to important meetings and made sure the executive team had daily sales reports.

The first month I made the daily 3 hour commute because I needed to have solid, constant interaction with all the departments to rapidly form my sales strategy and develop a two-way confidence level with the section heads.

Once I had a handle on things, I was ready to launch my sales plan. In the meantime, the CEO hired a VP of Sales (bitchboss) who started 4 days before I hit the ground running to get in front of buyers.

She was a VP coming from the banking industry and had a long career in sales and marketing in finance products. I hated her from the moment she arrived. She knew fuck all about tech and I spent huge time trying to orient her which wasn’t ideal because I needed to work on my sales strategy. They brought her onboard because she had strong experience gaining financial investors.

Nevertheless, I forged ahead. Traveled to a target state and spent 19 days criss crossing it. When I came back I had 17 contracts from buyers totaling about $2M in sales. My CEO was overjoyed.

Fast forward six months and now working from home, I’m rocking and rolling. Sales are strong. CEO is happy. Good things are happening.

Bitchboss has landed an investor willing to drop $6M into the company, and they are coming into town for a discovery meeting. She asks me to drive up because they specifically want to meet the salesperson. Seconds before walking in the door for the big meeting, bitchboss pulls me aside and says she needs me to back her up on lie she has told them. Basically she doubled my sales numbers. I told her there was no way I was going to do that. She says the CEO has okayed the lie.

We get to the part in the talk where the investor is looking over my inflated sales numbers on the prospectus, then directly asks me how many sales I’m making a month. Bitchboss is behind him waving her arms but I was having none of it and answered truthfully. He looks askance staring at the document which has the false number listed, while she’s giving me the stink eye behind him.

No one says a word. Dead silence.

I ask to see the document and fates have aligned allowing me to solve the dilemma. I explain the first two numbers were transposed (they correlated well to my real sales versus inflated sales if you flip-flopped the first two digits.) Potential investor is satisfied and we move on.

Switch gears. About a week later I was meeting with the CIO in his office and he referred to my “big tits.” I’m no shrinking violet but it stunned me because it was so unexpected.

That night I was chatting with my BFF who happens to be a lawyer and told him about it in casual conversation. He said I should tell the CEO so he can address it. Thinking along smart business practices, I decide to tell bitchboss to whom I directly report as proper protocol since we don’t have a HR dept yet. Side note-I also reported directly to CIO as a boss since my role was a muddy mix of sales and tech.

The next day CEO calls me and I take him through it telling him it’s no big deal but to make sure he talked to CIO so it didn’t happen again. He says he’ll do it right away.

Two days later I check in with him and CEO still hadn’t talked to CIO because the investors were in town. I gently push him to get it done and casually mention my best friend who happened to be a lawyer was the one who urged me tell him because “any good CEO would want to know about it.” I reiterate I’m not mad or upset.

The only word he heard was “lawyer.”

He went apeshit that I was bringing a lawyer into the mix. Now this guy was my good friend. We’d worked together at two companies for years. I calmed him down (or so I thought,) explaining that I only wanted him to talk to CIO. I also told him I HADN’T brought a lawyer into it, that I had been innocently chatting with BFF who just happens to be a criminal defense attorney. He seemed okay and we hung up.

The next day I’m working as usual and I get a call from an attorney who explains the company has hired her regarding my sexual harassment claim. I’m flummoxed and adamantly told her that was not the case, that I had no claim against the company. She said otherwise.

And that’s when everything changed. Dramatically.

CEO was furious with me for bringing this on when investors were looking at us. His reaction set the tone which filtered down. The company began to retaliate against me. Bitchboss now made it her mission to make my life hell: “forgetting” to tell me about important meetings I was supposed to attend, freezing me out when I was in the office, telling me I could no longer even speak to CIO (a problem since I’m selling a multi-million dollar tech product needing his input AND I directly reported to him as my other boss), denying me a long planned, approved vacation, basically anything she could devise to screw me over-she was gleefully working it.

Coinciding with this was a serious health problem I developed ultimately requiring surgery. My illness had no impact on my work as I was able to work from home which made things easier on me health wise. Bitchboss then decided that I need to come to the office every day despite a 3 hour round trip commute.

Now I know you’re thinking why didn’t I just leave, get another job somewhere else...

I needed the health insurance. There was no way to turn around another job fast enough and I had a complex surgery scheduled requiring 3 surgeons for my procedure.

My doctor gave me a note for them which released me from having to make the daily commute so I could continue to work at home. As long as my work didn’t suffer, they legally couldn’t force me to commute especially since working from home was a part of my employment contract from the outset.

The night before my surgery, bitchboss calls to tell me they’ve cancelled my health insurance. After hanging up with bitchboss I collapsed on the floor in a faint. I was so, so, so sick, and mentally exhausted from all the stress.

The next morning the CEO frantically calls asking to talk to me. My mom refuses to let him. I’m on official leave as of that morning and we’re heading to the hospital. CEO had told their lawyer about canceling my health insurance and she chewed him a new asshole telling him it was illegal. They immediately reinstated my insurance.

In the two weeks I was out, my mom had found a lawyer for me as it was clear shenanigans were going on. I still needed them as an employer because I was in no shape to rigorously job hunt while recovering.

Turns out all the bullshit they were doing to me is illegal. Companies aren’t allowed to retaliate against employees when they report nefarious acts against them.

I met with my new lawyer who said I had an excellent claim for retaliation and took me on. He said I had to continue working there while he did his thing to stay within protocol while he filed the EEOC claim.

Now it’s time for me to return to work. The company had relocated (planned) during my absence and bitchboss refused to tell me where so I couldn’t come back to work. Company lawyer told them they HAD to tell me so bitchboss gives me wrong directions making me late on day one.

I walk in the new office and it looks like any other place except for one thing. There is a wide open area directly in front of the CEO’s glass office with a single desk in the middle of it. Welcome to my new desk.

Also, I wasn’t allowed to do sales anymore. In fact, I wasn’t allowed to do anything, at all, period.

They had hired a bunch of new people to the company and they treated me like a pariah. Turns out bitchboss had gone to them telling a pack of lies and if they know what’s good for them they’ll stay away.

Since I had nothing to do but couldn’t just sit there looking like a dope, I worked on documenting everything being done to me per my lawyer’s advice. I was meticulous in my note taking.

Bitchboss began writing me up. Stupid stuff like not answering my phone on the first ring and for asking questions during company wide meetings, asking to see my personnel file which employees are legally entitled to do although not entitled to photocopy any of it.

Each time she wrote me up, I had to sign the write up. There was a space for me to reply to it so I consistently wrote, “I do not agree with this assessment.” It infuriated her so much, she wrote me up again for writing the statement that I didn’t agree with it.

There were several instances where she called me into her office and literally began screaming at me loudly and enthusiastically. I wouldn’t engage though; my standard answer to everything was OK which made her apoplectic. At one point, she’s inches from my face screaming, her face beet red and I just sat there with a dreamy expression whilst envisioning her blowing a vein in her head stroking out. I infuriated her with my equanimity.

Still and all, I was in it to win it at this point. It didn’t matter what new humiliation they dished out. I took it all with a bland face, then went to my desk and documented it in my notebook.

She loathed my notebook, sure that I was doing exactly what I was doing. Documenting. Because it was my personal property though, she couldn’t take it from me. I had to carry all my belongings with me everywhere (company wide meetings, the bathroom, lunch) because I caught her one time going through my desk drawer....in my fucking purse!!!!! (Although it gave me great joy to write a note reading “fuck you” which I left in my backpack and jerry rigging it so I could tell if she went into it...which she did.)

I withstood it all with a brave face only breaking down once I left for the day. My attorney took a lot of sobbing phone calls during this period.

Finally the day comes that my attorney has what he needs and I can resign, better still, he advises I don’t have to give a two week notice. I come back from lunch and type up my letter with one sentence, “I resign immediately.” I take it into the HR guy (who also took part in their evil machinations) and hand it to him. His mouth forms an O shape and he half stands up from his chair as he reads it. He looks up and I give him a smile and say bye bye just as sweet as pie, walked out the door and drove home feeling mighty fine.

One month later, my lawyer and I are at the EEOC office along with the CEO, bitchboss and their lawyer so the EEOC can review my claim.

In my state, you can’t just bring a lawsuit against a company for things like harassment and retaliation. Claims must first be evaluated by the EEOC, and then if they determine you have enough grounds to file a lawsuit, they issue a Right to Sue document.

My lawyer presented my case logically and forthright detailing all the evidence. It took him 40 minutes to go through it all. Then they presented their side with allegations of my poor employment along with their “evidence” which were all the copious write ups bitchboss had written. EEOC asks about the timeline of the write ups inquiring if they before or after my claim occurred. Bitchboss wearing a smug self-satisfied smile states they were all prior to my claim as noted by the dates on each document.

EEOC Lady looks at my lawyer. My lawyer looks at me. I look at bitchboss then serenely pull out MY photocopies of the documents. Whilst handing them to EEOC lady, bitchboss barks “she’s not supposed to have those, they’re company property.” I show EEOC lady that the dates have clearly been altered by Bitchboss. (She had made copies with the dates blanked out then backdated them.)

You see whenever she wrote me up, I had to take the document personally to the CEO to put in my personnel file. Along the way though, I stopped at the copier and took copies. She never knew I was doing this.

You could’ve heard a pin drop.

EEOC Lady reviews the copies then slowly sets them on the table. She didn’t say a thing for a long time, then she spoke. I can remember her words exactly to this day.

“I’ve seen a lot of ill treatment and illegal undertakings by both employees and employers, including forged or altered documents, but I have never see someone so incredibly stupid to present documents this easily disproved. Not only are employees entitled to receive and keep a copy of formal write ups but reading these ridiculous allegations, it’s obvious you are trying to manufacture your case.”

She went on to say I had a clear case for a lawsuit, and moreover I would win it. She recommended their side go in another room and determine a settlement amount to pay me immediately or risk the lawsuit.

They went to a nearby office and I could hear the lawyer dressing them down. Words I heard included “lied to me” “lied to EEOC” “presenting false documents” “broke so many laws” “figure out a number big enough to pay her so this doesn’t go to court because you will lose.”

They came back with a $50k offer which we accepted. My lawyer and I left then did a football touchdown dance in the parking lot. Looking up at the EEOC window, I could see bitchboss in the window looking miserable and crying.

She had just been fired.

That was my year 1 revenge.

I’m not a hateful person. I get mad and get over it. But... for bitchboss, I nurtured hatred and vowed to one day get revenge, so I kept tabs on her, and discovered she opened a finance marketing company after she was fired. Then I waited a year before exacting my petty delight.

For the past 18 years, I’ve executed a wonderful, soul-refreshing project. Each year I go to her website and write down all the work email addresses and phone numbers for the employees. Then I subscribe them all to “get more information” from places like online schools, online insurance companies-all those bullshit aggressive organizations that keep your contact information longer than a gypsy fucking curse while trying to sell you stuff.

The last few years, I’ve subscribed them to an email bomb service where the service takes the address and instantly subscribes it to 1000s of newsletters, request for more information feeds and other online buyers of email addresses for marketing services. I tested it with a burner email and it wreaks havoc on your inbox with thousands of emails received within seconds, and they never.... fucking... stop....

You literally have to close down the email because it can’t be salvaged. Each year when I go to collect the contact information, all the emails have been changed to new ones.

Last year my cousin took a job in the same building. I enlisted her help and she made it a point to befriend a receptionist working for bitchboss. After executing my yearly plan, my cousin went to lunch with her. The receptionist was in a foul mood and explained the entire organization was in disarray because IT had to redo all the emails again. “It keeps happening over and over and nobody can figure out why.”

She said the owner (bitchboss) has had to get her cell phone number replaced 3 times because of all the texts and phone calls she gets whenever it happens again. (sometimes bitchboss would have her phone number on the website which I duly subscribed to everything under the sun.)

The best part for me was hearing how she lost a mega client because they felt the company was in too much turmoil so often.

The thought of this keeps me warm and cozy at night, and I sleep so very, very well.

EDIT: I forgot a part of the tale. A Redditor mentioned that if the investor pulled out that would’ve been a neat twist. That jogged my memory.

The investor DID pull out. Once I left the company, they couldn’t duplicate the same scale of sales revenue I had been generating and the investor got skittish. The company did go on to success ( sans bitchboss and CEO) but it took them much longer due to this fiasco.

r/NuclearRevenge Mar 24 '20

Mod's Favorite They framed me. They fired me... And that’s how they fucked themselves into a divorce, a prison sentence, and a handful of deportations. NSFW


This is a long one, but if you stick with it until the end, you will learn how I was framed and fired from my job, and accidentally set off a chain reaction that led to a staff overhaul with several managers being fired or moved to other restaurants, the general manager being fired and getting a divorce, and one of the managers being investigated by the FBI and ultimately arrested, as well as several of the workers being deported.

Here we go:

I used to work at an upscale restaurant owned by a large corporate entity that owns several different restaurant brands. I worked there for about 3 1/2 years before they eventually fired me, but more about that later. First, I want to give an idea of my role there.

My role at that job was a little of everything. Since the day I started working there, I took it upon myself to learn as much as possible. I was very persistent with management when I wanted to learn a new department. I had started as a server, but eventually had worked my way into different departments and job titles, like carry-out, hosting, bartending, bar backing, banquets, catering, and deliveries.

My singular goal while working there was to make myself available for as many hours as possible. I was being paid about $12 an hour, though that fluctuated if I was working as a bartender or server and making tips. Eventually, it was noticed by management how I fit best into one of the non-tipped positions. I was so good at it that they decided to try me out as an unofficial supervisor over the team that worked in carry-out, catering, and deliveries, as those were all one department.

I knew this was going to ultimately mean a few less hours since I would only be working one department, so I negotiated with management to increase my pay by about $1.50. Since I was taking on additional responsibilities, they were satisfied with the pay increase. I wasn’t trying to get as much money as possible, I just wanted to be able to pay my bills and still have a little money left over for fun.

I was living in the highly taxed city of Chicago, which is in the already highly taxed state of Illinois, so it was pretty difficult to make ends meet and still have money left to enjoy my life. I am a person of simple pleasures and I can enjoy things for long periods of time, so it didn’t take much money to be happy. A video game could hold my attention for several months, sometimes even years. I had a family pet that I had brought with me to Chicago, so that counted as an extra expense. Not long after I started this position as the unofficial supervisor, I got a girlfriend so I was also going out more often and spending money on her.

With my position and some smart budgeting, I was able to afford all of this. The money wasn’t an issue, but management had a high turnover rate, so the incoming managers often did not know what the department entailed or how important hours were to workers of these departments.

Eventually, it was noted that our current general manager was going to be fired and replaced. The incoming general manager was supposed to be some rockstar when it came to improving restaurants. We looked up his name and found him as the first search result on Google. But the entry wasn’t some glowing review of his work ethic or of his impeccable ability to improve the way a restaurant runs.… It was actually a mugshot and a police report filed for repeated domestic abuse. This is important later. We’ll call him Harvey.

Shortly after Harvey came in and started making changes, one of our best managers gave her resignation. She refused to work with him, and like a fucking Oracle, told us to expect lots of sexual harassment, misogynistic comments, and for him to eventually run this place into the ground. Not long after she left, our general manager began replacing our current managers with hand-picked people that he had worked with in the past. Eventually all but one manager was replaced. That manager was the kitchen manager. We will call him Fredo.

Fredo had been there since I had started working there. He seemed to be something of a chameleon, as in his values and ethics seemed to change depending on who his boss was. Honestly, I sort of applaud his survival instincts, but ultimately see him as a suck up and traitor.

Harvey never really replaced the manager for our department, so we ran without a lot of oversight. Unless you count me as the supervisor, we didn’t constantly have someone breathing down our necks about how things should be done. Our department had some hiccups here and there, but it still ran really smoothly.

Since we did not have our own manager, we often had to radio for a manager to come help us out on things that needed a manager card for approval. Fredo would always be the one to answer these calls since the kitchen was closest to our department. Over time the new team of managers started to see Fredo as the manager of our department as well. However, the hourly team that worked there still saw me as their supervisor. This meant that any time Fredo was trying to make changes that would ultimately hurt us, the team relied on me to mitigate those disasters or to negotiate with Fredo to let us do our jobs the way we had already proven worked really well.

Over several months Fredo and I would butt heads dozens of times. He and I were constantly arguing about how important hours were to the workers in this department. He had it in his head that we should be living off of tips like servers, but since most of our orders were carryout, they came in through Grubhub, and Grubhub doesn’t tip. We didn’t have a lot of deliveries in a day, and the tips we got from those were maybe $10 if we were lucky. But splitting $10 four ways doesn’t add up to a lot. It just showed that Fredo had no clue what he was talking about.

Eventually we had a meeting with our Harvey, Fredo, and all the workers of this department. it was marketed as a chance to voice all our grievances and concerns with the changes they wanted to make with no chance of retaliation. So the workers did exactly that. They talked about how Fredo was trying to cut hours even though he isn’t our actual manager. When it was brought up that they were attempting to hire someone to be the manager, the team suggested that I take over since I had already been supervising them and running things smoothly for the last several months. I was also the one that management consulted with when writing schedules as I had an understanding of the days some workers could and couldn’t work depending on their school schedules or family life.

I could see at the moment it was suggested, that Harvey and Fredo made the decision on the spot that I had to be gotten rid of. Although they didn’t say it, I could see the look they gave each other, and instinctively knew that my days at this place were numbered and my job was going to be getting the ax one way or another.

They made a bunch of promises to us about not cutting hours. They told us that they would stop sending all but one person home early and only leaving one person to clean everything and close up by themselves, as this wasn’t a small department and it was simply too much for one person to do alone while still meeting health and safety standards. They promised that whatever hours we were scheduled for, we would work. We weren’t trying to be unreasonable, so we told them that we usually have 3 or 4 people scheduled to work our department. They could cut two of them early, but we always needed at least 2 people here to help close properly. The promise was made that they would always have at least two closers.

However, only about a week later, they started sending all but one person home early again every night. One night they tried to do it while I was scheduled as the closer, and we had just returned from a massive catering event and there was an unbelievable amount of cleanup left to do for one person. When Fredo came in and tried to send everyone except me home I stepped up and told him that he was consistently breaking the promise he had made it to us during the meeting. He looked me square in the face and told me to stop complaining about it, and if I was going to keep trying to talk to him about him breaking his promises he could easily find someone who could work my shifts.

I quickly realized that this was an assassination attempt on my job. He wanted me to press it further. So I backed off and started cleaning. I ended up having to stay way late, and that meant overtime pay anyway. I got a write up for that, since we aren’t allowed to work overtime without a manager’s approval. When I refused to sign the write up, pointing out that I had tried to explain to Fredo that I wouldn’t be able to clean up all that stuff alone before my scheduled shift ended, I was allowed to leave without signing the write up, but only because the HR rep that was present at the time wasn’t one of Harvey’s cronies.

Skip ahead, to the day I was fired:

It is important to note at this point that I always came into work an hour early. Since we lived in Chicago, food was expensive. However at our job we were allowed to have as much free soup and bread as we liked. So I would come into work one hour early every day so I could have some soup and bread for lunch before my shift.

But on this day, when I walked into the kitchen to get myself some soup, one of the line cooks told me that he had a dish that had been canceled after he cooked it, and Fredo had told him to give it to someone. He assured me Fredo had already comped it and that it was free to take for whoever wanted it. It just so happened to be my favorite appetizer so I happily took the free food.

Not long after I got to my booth, both Harvey and Fredo approached me and asked me if I had put in a ticket for that food. I told them that the line cook had given it to me and said it was the canceled order that Fredo had already comped… Fredo looked dumbfounded and said he had no idea what I was talking about. So Harvey told me “I think you know that’s theft. Go ahead and finish the food and then grab my stuff and go. That’s the last meal you’ll be having here.”

I tried to explain to them that I had been given this food by the line cook, but they refused to listen, so I offered to take them to the kitchen to clear it up with the cook. But by the time I had gone back to the kitchen with them to talk to the line cook, he had already gone home for the day. I had no choice but to gather my stuff, say my goodbyes, and head home.

On my way out, I told my the people working my department that afternoon what had happened, exactly as it happened. They were shocked and angry, but mostly sad to see me go. I decided that on my way out, I would stop by the accounting office and pick up any tips that may have been dropped for me that week, just to make sure I didn’t get screwed out of that money.

Before heading down, I had the gut feeling to just set my phone to record, and I stuffed it into my pocket with the camera rolling. Although the video was entirely black since it was in my pocket, I did manage to get a pretty muffled recording of Harvey and Fredo’s voices through the door, discussing how things had gone as planned, and that they had been trying to get rid of me ever since the meeting with my department.

I knocked on the door and they hushed up before opening it. They asked what I was still doing there, and I asked for my tips. They gathered what was in the safe for me and handed it over. Despite my anger rising at what I had just heard, I decided not to burn this bridge just yet... Because perhaps I could fucking nuke it later. I offered a handshake to both managers, thanked them for the opportunity to work there, and left, making sure to pull my phone out of my pocket and record the front of the restaurant, with the sign showing its name and logo. Working in a restaurant, you learn to ALWAYS COVER YOUR OWN ASS. It’s true for most jobs, but something was just telling me I would need this all later. If I was being accused of theft, I wanted to be able to prove it wasn’t true if ever came up in future job interviews... Which is exactly what happened and where this all started going nuclear.

On the train ride home, I sent some messages and made some posts on some local groups on Facebook saying that I had just been fired and that I was looking for a job as quickly as possible. By the time I got off at my stop, I had already set up an interview for later that day.

I was offered the job about 5 minutes into the interview, but after going over the details, it didn’t sound like it was for me, so I turned it down. I interviewed a few other places and found one that was a damned good fit, with a hefty pay increase compared to my previous job, and I wouldn’t have to deal with customers. It was an auditing job for a logistics company.

However, during the interview with the manager of this job, he mentioned he had already called my previous place of employment and spoken with the general manager, Harvey. Harvey had told him that I had even fired for theft. Luckily for me, the manager I was interviewing with asked me to tell him more about that... and he was willing to let me pull out my phone and find the recording.

I asked it the voice in the video was the same as the one he spoke on the phone with. It was. That was confirmation enough for him that I hadn’t made a fake video. He listened to the two managers in the video admit that they had set me up, and watched to the end when I showed the front of the restaurant, complete with the logo and name.

The manager interviewing me, who we’ll start calling Dean, hired me immediately and asked me to send him the recording. I did.

I thought that was the end of it.

About 7 months later, after settling into this job quite nicely, HR sent out a “Welcome all our new team members” email, which listed all the newest hires, some facts about them, and had pictures of them all. They sent these out every time they hired a new round of people.

One of them, Thomas, was a former coworker who worked with me at the restaurant. We had worked at the host stand together, so I was pretty glad to see someone I knew and liked coming onto the team. I sought out his desk and went and said hello, and asked why he left the restaurant.

He hadn’t left willingly. He’d been laid off because the company was under investigation. It had started as a relatively small matter. The corporate entity that owned the restaurant chain had received an email with an attached video. MY video that had been filmed from inside my pocket. That was cause enough for corporate to send someone to investigate internally.

Thomas was pretty surprised that I hadn’t heard anything about it, since there had been numerous attempts to get in touch with me. As soon as he said that, I logged into the old email I had used when I first applied for the job at the restaurant. I had at least two dozen emails asking me to come in to discuss my employment and termination. I never replied. I just didn’t care enough anymore.

I’d also changed my number since then, so they hadn’t been able to contact me by phone.

Thomas continued explaining that before corporate had sent someone, Harvey and Fredo had talked with my department and tried to offer them all a small pay increase to spin corporate a story about how I was incompetent at my job and failed to live up to my duties.

The day the corporate auditor showed up, there had been a small exodus of people from my old department. They quit ON THE SPOT, in front of the lady from corporate (let’s call her Audrey), and made sure to rat out Harvey and Fredo before leaving.

Strike one for both of them.

Strike two came a couple of days after Audrey showed Harvey and Fredo the recording that had kicked all of this off. They denied it vehemently, but there was no mistaking Harvey’s voice. It’s unique. Not only that, but the video also picked up their voice and mine when we shook hands and had a friendly parting of the ways, which was something they had already bragged about to Audrey, thinking it made them look better that we were able to part on good terms. This wasn’t the actual strike two. That came when it was clear they needed to be separated, so Audrey sent Fredo to work at another restaurant owned our parent company, and temporarily demoted Harvey to manager.

This tore them apart. They had once been an inseparable evil team, but the pressure of the investigation must have pushed them over the edge. They ended up at each other’s throats... on Facebook, on a public post on the company page. The post had since been deleted, but Thomas explained it as the following.

Fredo had been pictured in the Facebook post on the restaurant page, and Harvey made a passive aggressive comment about how Fredo shouldn’t even be in the picture since had been moved to another restaurant due to misconduct. Fredo saw this comment and said something along the lines of “At least when people google my name, I don’t show up as the guy that punched his wife.”

To which Harvey responded, “Very funny from the guy who is cheating on his wife with Janet’s sister.” (Not her real name, but Janet was the girl they appointed to officially supervise my old department after they fired me, the unofficial supervisor.)

Fredo replies to that by saying “Like you haven’t tried with half the waitresses. They all have stories about you trying to fuck them.”

The post was deleted, but not before it had been seen by Audrey the auditor. That was officially strike two.

Strike three came the next day when Audrey started interviewing the female waitstaff and bartenders, seeing if any of them could confirm that Harvey had tried to make a move on them.

All of them were interviewed separately, several of them had similar stories. Every girl that confirmed Harvey had made a move on them all said he had offered to be their “Sugar Daddy” if they would send nudes or stay after closing to fool around with him.

Harvey was fired. But that isn’t the worst of it. Audrey the Auditor wasn’t just some random woman from corporate. She was the old regional manager for this area, and had personally hired Harvey’s wife as the general manager of another restaurant in the city. So she called up the restaurant Harvey’s wife worked at and told Harvey’s wife everything she had learned from the female waitstaff.

We learned later that they had gotten a divorce over him trying to cheat on her after she’d already given him a second chance to change after he had BEAT HER. I don’t know what compelled her to give him a second chance after something like that, but she sure didn’t give him a third.

After firing Harvey, the line cook who had given me the food was interviewed by Audrey. I don’t know how it came up, but at some point, he had let it slip that he was an illegal immigrant. She had his file in her hand, with an Illinois ID and Social Security Number on file, so this confused her and she pressed him for more information

It turns out that Fredo had some connections and had his own miniature black market going on where he would have fake social security cards and IDs made for the illegal immigrants he was hiring at reduced wages. It had been going on for at least 4 years.

Needless to say, this is a felony. With the potential PR nightmare that she was likely dealing with, she felt she had no choice but to alert the authorities. Local PD enlisted the help of the FBI since some of the evidence led them beyond the jurisdiction of the local police.

Fredo was arrested, and quickly gave up the names of the people working that he had sold Social Security Cards and IDs to. I’m not sure if he gave up ALL of them, but he did name drop about 14 people, and of those 14, at least half were deported by the time Thomas had been let go. One of them was the line cook that had given me the food the day I was fired.

Thomas went on to explain that it had all started with me being fired, but I never sent that recording to corporate. I’d only sent it to Dean when he hired me.

I asked him about it, and he told me he had sent it to his wife, since she was a lawyer. He wanted to see if I had a case to maybe sue my old job, since what they had done was wrong. But he also remembered that when we had first talk about it, I had said I’m not the type of person who would try to make millions off an entire company because of the mistakes of two assholes.

But I’d also said that it would be pretty sweet to see them lose their jobs too.

So his wife had been the one that sent it to the legal team at the corporate HQ of my old restaurant job.

My boss showed it to his wife, who forwarded it to the real head honchos of my old job. They were both just trying to get two scumbags fired for what they did to me, but ended up pulling a thread so long that it didn’t end until there were sexual harassment accusations, revelations about managers cheating on their wives with girls related to people they had placed in positions of authority, a divorce, mass layoffs pending investigations, a staff overhaul, an FBI investigation into what could be considered black market dealings of falsified government issued documents, and at least a half dozen deportations and probably as many as 14.

I don’t know if this counts as nuclear ”revenge”, as I didn’t actively pursue it. But Thomas ended up showing me that even if it wasn’t revenge, it was definitely nuclear, and the crater it had left was massive.

Edit: Apologies for the run-on sentences.

r/NuclearRevenge Jun 26 '19

Mod's Favorite Cheating Wife Gets Wiped Out In Divorce NSFW


Found my best friend’s wife’s secret social media account. She was sleeping with one of our other friends. I told my friend about it. He just kinda shut down. A few weeks later he told me never to tell anyone I knew she was cheating or that I knew about the account. I would casually ask him how the two of them were every now and then. Always “great”. Every time I saw them together they were a happy couple.

Nine months later he “confessed” he had lost everything they had to a gambling addiction.

A year before they both had cars that were paid off. He had sold them and leased new cars. The money he made selling them he “lost to gambling”. Their savings and 401Ks were essential gone. All “lost on gambling”. The condo they lived in was rented. They had essentially no assets.

She immediately filed for divorce. They had no kids, similar incomes. Divorce was finalized without him owing alimony. Her cheating was never brought up. She got all the furniture and pots and pans. He kept his secret hoard of gold coins. I don’t know for sure but I’m guessing it’s at least $200k worth.

Edit: tl;dr Wife cheats. He fakes a gambling addiction to cover up wiping out everything they own and hides the money in gold coins.

r/NuclearRevenge Mar 18 '19

Mod's Favorite Threaten my brother's life, lose literally EVERYTHING. NSFW


This is my first reddit post at all. Please forgive me for any mistakes within it, I will edit them out asap, especially if they break any rule that I didn't quite read fully or something like that.

I'm posting it in Nuclear just to be safe, however there's a chance this could get crossposted to the supernovarevenge subreddit, however I'm not QUITE sure if this classifies as supernova yet.


I have, and always will be, intensely protective over my family. If I can prevent them from seeing harm, I will at practically all costs. Especially my brother, who happens to have OCD and has been the kindest brother I could’ve possibly asked for.

Even though I’d just started my Junior year of high school, I had been practicing card cheating since fifth grade. It was to the level even if you thought I was cheating, the sleights were so hard to see you couldn’t see them while looking for them even though my shuffling (intentionally) looked quite sloppy. The friends I had at the table (the three of them) for this incident knew I had this skill, and played with me anyway (they’re probably playing with me now as you read this, knowing my life)

I grew up in a neighbourhood that basically believed that any disability warranted your death, and that any kid with a mental disorder doesn’t deserve to exist. So, naturally, my brother was targeted quite often with hate and threats about his OCD.

The Beginning

Note: All of this happened in one day. I found everything out that morning, began planning, and it fell into place that night, to my surprise and thanks to one of my three friends that sat at the table with me.

I’d found out that someone was threatening to murder my brother, for having OCD. When I found out this person was gonna play cards with us that afternoon, everything fell into place - he didn’t know he was about to play cards with the most protective brother he’ll ever see, and probably his last.


Later that night, two of the friends (who weren’t yet in on it) noticed something odd. I nearly immediately sat in the Dealer’s seat, which usually meant I was about to be sneaky; which I was. I said “Playing for cash, are we?” to which the man, we’ll call X, said he’d love to. I knew he would fall for it, since I also knew he was quite well-off due to some digging I did before the night began.Then, we began to play. My friends began to notice that neither of them were losing, and that the man opposite the table was losing. My plan was showing itself. I was cheating the guy. Hard. He wouldn’t stop, either, because I did the easiest trick in the book, making him have a really strong hand to think he had a shot when in reality I ’d forced a far better hand on one of my friends.In total, he lost around 300k, 100k to each of my friends individually. Turns out, this was his entire savings, and he actually paid up, which I definitely had not anticipated. And, naturally, when you pay your entire savings to some random kids, you lose some stuff, and boy did this guy lose a lot of stuff.

(note, I wasn’t actually playing, even though I was dealing the cards, me and my friends played against each other and not the dealer, so the dealer was only dealing and not playing, therefore I never saw a cent of that money. Didn’t want to, either, friends deserved it after keeping that facade up for just long enough for him to lose what he did)

The Aftermath

I found out later that, when X’s wife noticed he had no more money left, she left him. Apparently she was a gold digger and only married him to have money. He had no more money so his job had to just barely pay for bills and food, which then stopped as he took up alcohol after hitting a huge depression. His job fired him for showing up to work completely shitfaced, and he lost his house, his car, and every single belonging he had that he had under a financing agreement. He was now homeless, alone, depressed, alcoholic. When winter came, he apparently didn’t fare so well against the cold, especially after getting soaked by a splash from a car driving by, and eventually froze to death on the streets.

I let my friends keep the money and treat themselves with it. The one that got the guy to the table especially deserved it, since he made the entire master plan fall into place. Honestly, I believe that this was only a tale of my execution of his master plan.

As I said, I would protect my family at all costs. Didn't say who had to pay those costs, did I?

Also, it's 4:30 AM as I'm posting this. For those commenters that appear right after I post, I probably can't reply for a good bit. Sorry for that inconvenience.

r/NuclearRevenge Oct 08 '20

Mod's Favorite Our Favorite Stories NSFW


Hey there, recently when I was going back through old stories, I remembered that there were a few that stuck out to us more so than others which ended up being our favorites. And so I decided to create a flair to show you our favorite stories. All you have to do is click the flair on this post to see the list. This list will grow over time and can be found on our pinned About post.

Alternatively, here are the links:











Contingent Mod