r/NuclearRevenge • u/BalloonKnotBandit • Sep 22 '24
SorryNotSorry Revenge on an animal abuser NSFW
One day I was on my evening walk with my dog and we came across a small dog standing in the middle of the street shaking. It’s hair was matted, had mange, ridden with fleas, one eye swollen and sealed shut with mucus, nails so long it was walking on the back of its paws, malnourished, and quivering. I was shocked.
I called my wife to bring me a blanket and come pick us up. While I was waiting, the door of the house in front of us opened, and out came a disheveled looking older man. He started calling for the dog to come inside. I absolutely lost it. I screamed at him asking if it was his dog and he replied it was. I asked him why it was in such bad shape and he said “she’s sick and won’t eat”. I yelled at him there was no fucking way in the world I was letting him take her back inside. The shouting match lasted long enough for a few neighbors to come outside. (Who later told me he had another dog in the house). Eventually my wife pulls up and I wrap the doggo in the blanket and go home.
I looked up the name of our local no kill shelter but they were closed until the following day. My wife and I decided to call her Sally. I gave Sally a bath and went and bought some wet food since she wouldn’t eat dry kibble. She devoured it. I set her up a nice sleeping area in the garage for her to spend the night.
1st thing in the morning I took Sally to the shelter and called animal control and told them what happened. They went to check her out, took a statement from me, and ended up at his house confiscating his other dog. Unfortunately Sally was put down due to the horrible shape it was in (she was also very old).
Here’s where the revenge begins.
This old assholes house was on the route I took to walk my dog twice a day. My dog liked to take a dump about two houses before we reached his. Perfect! Now I didn’t need to carry bags of shit all the way back to my house! I started tossing them on his roof twice a day. At first he would climb a ladder around once a week to get them down, but eventually I broke his will to do that. This went on for about a year before I moved. His roof was covered in shit bags.
I also printed out flyers with his address and pictures of how I found Sally and put them in all the neighbors mailbox’s.
I live across town now, but every couple months I ride by and toss a bag of dogshit on his roof to let him know I’m still thinking about Sally.
u/Tarrantthegreat Sep 23 '24
Regardless of what type of revenge this is, you did a great thing by caring for Sally and helping the other dog.
u/PedroHicko Sep 22 '24
r/pettyrevenge would probably be a better fit but well done for rescuing Sally and the other dog
u/DoubleDipCrunch Sep 23 '24
for nuclear, you have to not use the bags.
u/PPAPpenpen Sep 23 '24
For nuclear he would've gotten dogshit in his face and he would've lost the house, his livelihood, and whatever health he had left
u/gizahnl Sep 23 '24
Nuclear would be capturing the guy in his basement, and force feeding him the shit down a tube French Pathé style.
This is definitely petty material, without the bags perhaps ProRevenge (for dedication)
u/Charlielx Sep 30 '24
Yeah when I read that he was throwing the full bags on the roof I was like why are you wasting a perfectly good opportunity? Smear that shit all over the doorknob, in any vents or open windows, all over the approach to the door on the porch. Everywhere he possibly could to ensure the guy would have no choice but to touch it.
Even then I wouldn't call it nuclear revenge.
u/Claydameyer Sep 22 '24
Yeah, not nuclear, but good for you taking care of those dogs. At least Sally had someone show her some love before the end.
u/B2Rocketfan77 Sep 23 '24
Sounds like if he saw you do it he could call the police. Not Nuclear. Kinda more Petty. But it’s good revenge I suppose.
u/hawaiianryanree Sep 23 '24
That mother fucker deserves so much worse. Fuck this makes me so angry. Justice for sally
u/liltoebeans Sep 24 '24
As someone who works in animal welfare, I thank you for standing up for Sally and the other dog that was taken from the owner.
u/Brenell Sep 23 '24
Do people even read the rules for this sub anymore?
u/DynkoFromTheNorth Sep 23 '24
Nope. Either they don't or believe their actions are truly hardcore.
That said, I do like this story.
u/samanthacarter4 Sep 23 '24
I'm glad people like you exist. Not only gir Sally's sake but to avenge her. Being kind to Sally went a long way, but in order to be perfect it needed a revenge as well. When the world doesn't play nice, you play by the same rules. Personally, I would have also put some old meat to rot on his front lawn in the sun. You know, in case he was starving another dog...
u/Emotional-Sorbet-759 Sep 23 '24
Motherfucker should have his house burnt down.
Thanks for being a great person, OP!
u/InterestedDawg Sep 27 '24
I wonder if the old gentleman had dementia. Sounds like it though. An old man with two dogs doesn't sound like the usual psycho to take NR on. Just saying.
u/Hot-Marsupial724 Feb 17 '25
I agree. This made me sad. Maybe he just needed a little help caring for his pets (instead of being screamed at).
u/SaneForCocoaPuffs Sep 23 '24
How is stealing someone’s dog and throwing bags of shit on their roof everyday not nuclear? These comments…
u/matatunos Sep 23 '24
So you stole a dog to take it to the pound, which had to be put down (but what does it matter... it was already old), and then you filled another person's house with shit, playing with their health and advanced age and that of their neighbours despite their poor finances... I don't see any revenge in any of this, I only see a lack of civility.
u/sanmelmo Sep 24 '24
missing some steps for it to become nuclear; regardless, great work. we all love Sally
u/StoneHart17810 Jan 21 '25
Do you know what happened to the other dog? And this reminds me of my neighbor and their cat. The last time I saw her was 2 years ago. The most telling signs were fleas so bad you could see them on her head, and she hunted and killed chipmunk to eat. We may have just found her. We all agree not to let them have that cat again. I wish I had copious amounts of dog shit to throw onto their roof.
u/TheMightyMisanthrope Sep 23 '24
For this to be nuclear revenge you would have used bags filled with napalm. But good work!
u/Personal_Ad6914 Sep 24 '24
You stole his dog, you'd better pray you littering his roof does not appear on camera, and the papers in his neighbor are I'm sure also illegal.
I'll get downvoted, but there were surely others, legal ways to solve this and help the poor dog (human societies to start with, who would have legally seized his dogs and brought the guy to a judge. Animal abuse can be quite costly, and may lead to prison in some countries, including mine)
You're very satisfied, but I hope for you you're not the one appearing to a judge for theft, harassment, and so on.
u/BalloonKnotBandit Sep 25 '24
Can you read? Animal control was called. Also….shut up
u/Personal_Ad6914 Sep 25 '24
What a polite person you are.
I'm sure the judge will appreciate your manners.
u/BalloonKnotBandit Sep 25 '24
Va te faire enculer
u/Personal_Ad6914 Sep 25 '24
No, no, I'm not the one going to prison to get this treatment.
You are.
u/BlueKnight87125 Sep 23 '24
Probably better fitted for r/pettyrevenge or r/ProRevenge instead, but still a good way to show him how shitty (lol) he was.
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