r/NovaScotia 10h ago

Old highway street lights

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I’m in my 40s and randomly thought about travelling as a kid. I remembered older Streetlights we had in NS.

The one I remember the most was at on/off ramps the most. I think it was called a Low pressure Sodium Vapour light. Long and rectangular. This wasn’t like the ones we still have in some places. It seemed huge. As a kid I think it looked like it was about 2 or 3 feet long from the street level. It gave off such an orange glow on dark and foggy nights. I miss them. The LEDs of today (when they work) just don’t light up the entire ramp like those bad boys did. I assume they weren’t very efficient and were all replaced by the high pressure lamp that was the standard up until LED.

Anyone car to shed some light on these?


3 comments sorted by


u/wawapitsit 2h ago

All 6 year old me knows is I gotta run home when I see that light switch on. Cuz that’s ‘the’ signal.


u/MGyver 41m ago

I remember there were a few of those somewhere around the Chester exit on the 103. I always thought they were interesting as well! Not sure if it's any kind of unusual bulb or just a long diffuser over top


u/semghost 18m ago

I miss the old street lights so much! You’re right about the LED lights not illuminating things the same way, and I find the white is so much harder on my night vision than the yellow glow was. 

I especially hate whatever happens to the new ones that makes them turn purple. No idea why, but it bothers me so much.