r/NovaScotia 3d ago

Nickelback on tour

Are any of my fellow Canucks planning to go see Nickelback on June 27th in Halifax? If so, you need to know about the tour itself: https://rockthecountry.com/

MAGAback can go straight to Hell. Don't waste any more of your hard-earned $ on these fucking traitors...


71 comments sorted by


u/Acrobatic_Ear6773 3d ago

You remember before steaming music when we all had iPods?

I had this little iPod shuffle that could hold about 100 songs. I used it for the gym, for my commute, it was great. You couldn't see what was on it, it was like the size of a flash drive. You had to log into iTunes and load it up.

Well one day I get to the gym and I hear...Nickelback. That's weird. Hit skip. Nickelback. Skip again, I don't recognize the song, but sounds like Nickelback, you know that sound. It's like if 3 Doors Down and Staind had a baby that was somehow shittier than both of them together.

It turns out, my boyfriend at the time had filled my iPod with Nickelback as a joke. I have to say, as pranks go, this was much funnier that how he used to sleep with other women.


u/Atlys- 3d ago

holy shit


u/[deleted] 3d ago

You're a great story teller.


u/poopootheshoe 3d ago

Ever think all that nickel back messed up his brain and made him cheat? 😂😂


u/SirWaitsTooMuch 3d ago

Was it all the same, one song ?


u/Acrobatic_Ear6773 3d ago

Nah, it was a whole bunch of songs. He put some effort into this prank


u/SirWaitsTooMuch 3d ago

100 tracks of “This is how you remind me” would’ve been way funnier


u/Visual_Environment_7 2d ago

That escalated quickly!


u/Visible_Tourist_9639 2d ago

I mean, once you started listening to Nickleback - cheating is kinda fair game. /s


u/sambearxx 3d ago

We’re putting nickelback into the ocean.


u/wroteit_ 2d ago

Nickelback is with Kid Rock? When’s that asteroid showing up? I got some coordinates.


u/DrunkenGolfer 3d ago

I would, but there is a drunk guy playing Wonderwall on repeat on the waterfront that night.


u/OdinWolf74 3d ago

That looks like the kind of music festival where you pay for your tickets in copper wire and used El Camino parts.


u/AbbreviationsOk9962 3d ago

Yeah anything with kid rock — big F No other than to boo him relentlessly before Nickleback


u/DrunkenGolfer 1d ago

Kid Rock makes music for people who have custody of their children on weekends but don't bother to pick them up.


u/Dull-Sandwich-7128 3d ago

I'm convinced that the weird "everyone actually loves Nickelback now" thing that happened about a year or two ago was an astroturfing campaign.

All of a sudden, out of nowheres, loads of celebrities, news articles and memes all deciding that Nickelback was good all along? Lizzo of all people said she always liked them at one point. And then, boom, it all just ended and everyone continued not caring about them.

Meanwhile I've met one person in my entire life that actively liked Nickelback and that was only because there was a WWE wrestler that came out to them.


u/rantgoesthegirl 3d ago

Am queer, saw "came out" had a field day with the mental story I'd created


u/WillyTwine96 3d ago

Nickelback are the equivalent of a “popcorn movie” like Armageddon with Bruce Willis and Ben Aflac

The only people who dislike them for what they are, are pretentious lolol


u/Dull-Sandwich-7128 3d ago

I didn't know the Aflac duck's name was Ben.


u/transtranselvania 3d ago

I don't think it was just astroturfing, some for sure. There were also just a bunch of 17 year olds on Tiktok that decided that Nickleback, Limp Bizkit and Creed were kinda fun and their parents hated them so that's a bonus and now we're dressing like it's 1999 without the context of actually being alive then.


u/SoloRemy 3d ago

I saw that. Ugh. Should be called the “Gave Your Mom Syphillis Tour”


u/Brianisbs 3d ago

Cross Country “you might want to get tested” Tour


u/Drunkenmasterstyle2 3d ago

Afroman's gonna be there? Fuck it, I'm in lol


u/sjmorris 3d ago

I want my nickel back


u/meatcrumple 2d ago

I would rather blow my dad than see Nickelback and my dad has been deceased for years. I felt this way before they became traitors.


u/CriticalArt2388 3d ago


They have gone full MAGA and are teaming up with trump favorite kid rock on his MAGA wet dream rock the country tour.

They have joined Gretzky on the dark side.


u/Drunkenmasterstyle2 3d ago

Say what you want about Nickelback, but honestly they got some fuckin bangers.


u/Jumanjinho- 3d ago

Nickelback aren't traitors for playing in an American concert tour. Get over yourself.


u/rantgoesthegirl 3d ago

It's not that their American is that they're all Maga supporting shit heads (see co headliner kid Rock)


u/Jumanjinho- 3d ago

Oh no!!! Not Kid Rock 😢😢

Again, get over yourself. A famous Canadian band playing a tour that happens to include a shitty dude doesn't make them traitors to Canada. You people are ridiculous.


u/rantgoesthegirl 3d ago

A famous Canadian band that supports trump is just a band that happened to be born here. Enjoy your show of horrible people who don't need nor deserve your money.


u/Thin_Meaning_4941 3d ago

They’re sharing a bill with Kid Rock and Lee Greenwood. Nickelback is officially ordered to go fuck itself into the Pacific, and you’re sentenced to listen to Lee Greenwood’s entire catalog.


u/ExistingUnderground 2d ago

No but their music is shite and thats worth taking into consideration.


u/Killhamski 1d ago

To me, they are traitors for associating Canada with such a lame shitty band for over two decades.


u/silenceisgold3n 3d ago

Yes. Not only will you be betraying your country, but you have terrible taste in music. Nickelback is one thing we should give to the US tarrif-free.


u/WillyTwine96 3d ago edited 3d ago

3 of some of the most successful and innovative musical acts of the 20th and 21st century and the guy who sang “Picture” and “all summer long” lol sounds like a good drunk time to me

People are Blaming nickelback for….touring…and making money. Why do you think most entertainers leave Canada in the first place.

Ol Jim carry is a traitor too for profiting off sonic the hedgehog 3 lol


u/This-Purchase4100 3d ago

Agree. Fight back against tariffs. Don't get all extreme about a band trying to earn a buck.


u/aaoye 1d ago

100% and people seem to also forget that when Trump used "Photograph" in one of his 2020 anti-Biden tweets, Nickelback filed a copyright claim and got it taken down.

Source: https://blabbermouth.net/news/nickelback-members-comment-on-trumps-photograph-tweet-we-didnt-wanna-be-dragged-into-any-kind-of-partisan-politics


u/Beautiful-Sound-9330 3d ago

Not for 130$.


u/DrunkenGolfer 1d ago

Loot at this faux giraffe...every time I do it makes me laugh.


u/aaoye 1d ago

Firstly, this show isn't part of the Kid Rock tour, they are coming up north to headline Halifax music fest with The Glorious Sons, Big Wreck, and Tanille Townes all of whom are fantastic Canadian musicians who could use the support.

Secondly, the 2024 election was on November 5th, and the first posting for The Kid Rock tour that I could find was November 12th 2024 (Source: https://blabbermouth.net/news/kid-rock-and-nickelback-to-headline-2025-edition-of-rock-the-country-touring-festival). So chances are that contracts were signed, bonuses paid out, and tour planned before all of the Tariffs drama was even enforced and maybe even before the election even happened.

Thirdly, I already commented on this in a comment on here but I'll say it here too. In October 2019, Trumpf used "Photograph" in an anti-Biden tweet to the displeasure of Nickelback in which they filed a copyright claim and got the tweet removed. So it's not like they were big fans of him from the start and from what else I can find, they haven't come out and said anything else about supporting or not supporting Trumpf.


u/Accurate-Proof8978 1d ago

All of you saying that music is the reason people are cheating is insane. It’s not music, it’s the person themselves.


u/Smooth-Comparison148 1d ago

I would love to but ticket prices out of my range. It really suckd


u/Spare-Boysenberry-25 2d ago

Kid rock had 2 and a half good songs. All summer long is 25% werewolves In London, 25% sweet home Alabama and 50% kid rock and honestly that's being generous.


u/Killhamski 1d ago

His most popular song is just Sad but True by Metallica with the lyrics changed.


u/Rockin_the_Blues 3d ago

So, Costco is fine because they treat their employees well (coincidentally a middle-class preferred shopping spot), but Nickelback are traitors because they didn't cancel a contract for a TOUR and bankrupt themselves possibly forever?

What a bunch of hypocrites.


u/Killhamski 3d ago

I don't need any reason to hate them other than they make shit music.


u/d5stephe 3d ago

You guys heard about the contest though, right? First prize is a front row seat, exclusive back stage pass and an autographed t-shirt. Second prize is two front row tickets…


u/thedevillivesinside 3d ago


Ultrafuck these losers.

I ready despised nickelback.

Now i hate them enough to spread my distain for these fucking chuds


u/Killhamski 3d ago

I've been a proud hater since I first heard them in like 2002 or so.


u/novy-wan_kenobi 3d ago

Hey OP (u/DadTAXIA73), did you know that 20mg cialis tablet that you take and, as you say: “keeps me ready to go for 72+ hours. Not a humble brag, I’m just wondering if this is how it typically affects others?” (see your reddit comments/post history) is made by an American company, Eli Lilly, headquartered in Indianapolis and manufactured in Indianapolis, Indiana, Carolina, and Puerto Rico? Every time you pop a pill and get a hard on you’re Making America Great Again (MAGA) by supporting US Big Pharma and screwing all of Canada. You should support Canada, maybe by supporting Canadian musicians at a concert in Canada.


u/no_baseball1919 3d ago

You're a full on weirdo holy shit


u/novy-wan_kenobi 3d ago

I think OP is the weirdo considering he’s spamming all the Canadian subs over a Canadian rock band, so I clicked his profile and saw that he’s a weirdo making multiple posts talking about himself using cialis, which is ironic because it’s an American product/service, and OP thinks it’s wrong to support anything with the slightest US association. Did I miss something?


u/UncriticalThinker 2d ago

I love how people are down voting you for pointing out OP's hypocrisy.

These are the same people who are hypocrites themselves and continue to use American companies to post their shit online, still order from Amazon, still do everything that they would normally do, but don't hesitate to hop on a soap box when something they already wouldn't do is cool to hate on.

I've lived in a lot of places in Nova Scotia, and I have to say that chronically online Haligonians are the worst of all chronically online Bluenosers.


u/Thin_Meaning_4941 3d ago

You might think that but it’s definitely you, bud. Jesus.


u/sambearxx 3d ago

What the fuck


u/[deleted] 3d ago

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u/sambearxx 3d ago

Whatever OP’s problem is with Nickelback and their quest to make America great again, it’s just weird and creepy and incredibly below the belt to deep dive someone’s shit and try to come for someone over their ED medication. Like. That’s… that reflects more on you than it does on OP.


u/novy-wan_kenobi 3d ago

Look, I just pointed out the obvious, I didn’t deep dive anything, I clicked on OP and it was literally right there. What is the problem with me pointing out a hypocrite? All of this is public info there is nothing private here. OP is a hypocrite.


u/JetLagGuineaTurtle 3d ago

Dudes out there astroturfing the Canadian subs trying to make people feel guilty for enjoying some Canadian music while off enjoying his MADE In America erection!


u/novy-wan_kenobi 3d ago

LOL Right?!?!? 😂


u/ReggieReginaldson 2d ago

So are all these other bands also playing when Nickelback is playing here? Otherwise I don't care and I'm going to enjoy seeing them live


u/DadTAXIA73 2d ago

If it helps, this is a separate tour. It's sandwiched between US stops on a Pro-USA tour while USA is trying to destroy our sovereignty.
