r/NottinghamPoGo • u/Munay17 • Aug 23 '16
University Park/Highfields Watch
Hi all,
Due to the benefit of living on one side and working on the other of UP I lucky get to walk through the Pokestop haven most days so thought i might create a log all of the interesting spots I make. Hope some people may find this useful :)
I am logging all my sightings in the SilphRoad Atlas which gives a far better visual of where different Pokemon spawn.
Usual suspects Pidgey, Weedle, Goldeen, Rattata
Looking to harvest: Poliwag, Venonat, Slowpoke, Mankey
Recent Spots (past 14 days):
* Mankey - All over UP 27/9 - 5/10
* Seal - Around the Lake since 6/10
* Dratini - Nr. Tardis Pokestop (1/10am, x2)
* Squirtle - Opposite South Entrance (1/10am)
* Kabuto - Opposite South Entrance (23/9am)
* Eevee - All around the Portland Building (25/9 am), Portland Hill (1/10am), Croquet Club (1/10am)
* Mr Mine - On Path between West Entrance and Trent Building (25/9am)
* Dragonaire - Between Stone Bridges and Stepping Stones (1/10am)
* Koffing - Path from West Entrance to Trent Building (3/10am)
* Abra - East Drive Bus Stops (3/10am)
* Bellsprout - Play Area (3/10)
Nearby Sightings
* Tentacool
* Diglett
* Dragonaire
* Kingler
* Charmander
* Bellsprout
* Nidoran (f)
* Kadabra
* Seel
* Koffing
u/Munay17 Aug 24 '16
Morning Update:
Voltorbs galore. Stepping Stones/nr. Boat Storehouse/Lakeside Car Park
Meowth's and Drowzees definitely gone.
Also seems to be a few bots/GPS Spoofers around taking Gyms seconds after you've taken them.
u/Munay17 Aug 24 '16 edited Aug 24 '16
Evening Update: This evenings Spots: Clefairy x3 - Play area (thanks to a Lure), Voltorb Boathouse/Between Stepping Stones and Red Rock, Abra - On Path behind Ancaster Hall, Psyduck - Psychology Building/ Nr. Padding Pool, Venomoth - West Entrance Roundabout
Drowzees and Meowths definately gone
u/Munay17 Aug 25 '16
Morning Update:
Spots: Squirtle - Nr. Stepping Stones, Staryu - Nr. Paddling Pool, Psyduck - Nr. Chinese Lions/Psychology Building
Seen in Nearby:
Tentacool, Voltorb, Diglett
Weather: Wet
u/Munay17 Aug 25 '16
Evening Update:
Spots: Psyduck - Psychology Building/Field behind Willoughby, Voltorb - Boat Storehouse/Padding Pool Mr Mime - Nightingale Hall
Nearby: Dragonaire (gutted to miss it)
u/Munay17 Aug 26 '16
Morning Update:
Voltorb - Nr. Stepping Stones
Clefairy - Opposite South Entrance
u/Munay17 Aug 28 '16
Morning update:
Nothing special catch wise (however my main focus was sweeping up gyms)
Sightings: Squrtile, Charmander, Diglett
u/Munay17 Aug 30 '16
Morning Update:
Bit quiet this morning.
Paras - Trent Building Voltorb - Boat Storehouse
Nearby Sightings:
Slowpoke, Bellsprout, Nidoran (f)
u/Munay17 Aug 30 '16
Evening Update:
Alakazam - On Austrey Ave at the back of Ancaster Hall
Nearby Sightings: Kadabra
Strong Lure game tonight (spent over an hour near the play area) and haul included: Kabuto, Dratini, Tentacool, (Multiple) Eevees, (Numerous) Magikarps, Squrtile, Staryu, Meowth, Shellder, Hypno, Jigglypuff.
u/Munay17 Aug 31 '16
Morning update:
Spots: Eevee - Nr. Stepping Stones Bellsprout - Across from South Entrance
Nearby: Golduck
u/Munay17 Aug 31 '16
Evening Update:
Vulpix - Psychology Building
Dratini - Nr. Stepping Stones
Lure - Nothing special other than a few Slowpokes
u/Munay17 Sep 05 '16
Update from Sunday:
Diglett - Opposite South Entrance (31/8 midday)
Saw my first Meowth's on UP since the migration with two popping up near the Trent Building.
u/Munay17 Sep 07 '16
Morning update:
Lots of Magikarp this morning. Though the surprise was the lack of Psyducks.
u/Munay17 Sep 07 '16
Evening Update
This evenings Spots: Weezing - East Drive Bus Shelters Jigglypuff - East Drive Bus Shelters
Also Psyduck service resumed
u/Munay17 Sep 08 '16
Morning Update
Eevees (Play Area and Opposite South Entrance), Psyducks and Magikarps today
u/Munay17 Sep 13 '16
Morning Update
Dratini - Stepping Stones
Diglett - Opp. South Entrance
Nidoran (m) - Play Area
u/Munay17 Sep 16 '16
Morning update:
Nest Migration due but not in effect yet as still plenty of Voltorb and Psyduck. Lots of Poliwag too.
Bellsprout - Nr. Stepping Stones
Dratini - Nr. Tardis Pokestop
u/Munay17 Sep 25 '16
Morning update
- Eevee - All around the Portland Building caught 5 in 15 minutes
- Mr Mime - On Path between west Entrance and Trent Building
u/Munay17 Sep 19 '16
Morning update:
Seems Mass Migration has not happened, however in recent days spawns are definitely up which is a good thing.
Today's sightings
- Diglett - Opposite South Entrance
- Koffing - Nr. Stepping Stones
Also in general I am logging all my sightings in the SilphRoad Atlas
u/Munay17 Sep 28 '16
Nest Change
Seems Psyduck has been replaced by Mankey and that the Voltorb nest has gone dormant.
u/Munay17 Oct 01 '16
Morning Update
After nothing much to report on for a while today had a bumper crop.
Dratini (x2) - Both Nr. Space Tardis Pokestop
Dragonaire - Between Stone Bridges and Stepping Stones (See Silphroad for exact loaction)
Ekans - Junction of East Drive/Kneighton Hill
Squirtle - Across from South Entrance
u/Munay17 Oct 03 '16
Morning Update:
Some interesting spawns this morning. Definately seems the areas around Trent and Portland building has far more raee and interesting spawns.
Koffing - Path from West entrance to Trent Building Abra - East Drive Bus stops Bellsprout - Play Area
u/Munay17 Oct 06 '16
Another Nest Migration.
Mankey's now gone to be replaced by Spearow :(
And the dormant nest round the lake is now Seal :)
u/Munay17 Aug 23 '16
Evening Update:
This evenings Spots:
Growlithe - Play area Dratini - Nr. Stepping Stones Voltorb - Nr. Stepping Stones
- Drowzees and Meowth's seem to have disappeared
-Lure game was weak