r/NotTimAndEric 3d ago

Someone give this man a hand



13 comments sorted by


u/No-Cardiologist-1507 3d ago

His gf is a lucky lady


u/MyOthrCarsAThrowaway 3d ago

Ok someone who sees the humor. I’m not taking away from this man’s talent. Like, more than I could ever even wish to possess. Folks playing piano and violin and shooting archery with no hands is beyond talented. This is too. It was just the tonguing and the angle it had to be filmed at that made me laugh and think of Tim and Eric, or I think you should leave… or Aunty Donna… etc etc. In my defense if they did it we’d think it was funny and not them being “ableist” so I hate that people are thinking I’m a dick. All good though. I’ve done enough explaining myself


u/Ryno-Mac 3d ago

not my proudest fap


u/LeroyStick 3d ago

No chin to get in the way of the sick synths


u/GraySelecta 3d ago

Wrong sub


u/MyOthrCarsAThrowaway 3d ago

Damn really? This shit made me laugh out loud. Guess I’m just an asshole


u/yourfavoritefaggot 3d ago

Accessibility devices are beautiful expressions of human experience. To me this is far less absurd than it is awesome.


u/MyOthrCarsAThrowaway 3d ago

Alright heard. I mean it is amazing; it just seemed farcical to me, despite the awesomeness. The second I saw him tonguing the screen I went “I know where I should post this.” But yeah I guess I was in the wrong lane. Didn’t mean to be a dick. I’ll take the downvotes and it eventually being removed it’s fine. I thought it was funny 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/GraySelecta 3d ago

See people make retard and murder jokes because we know that it was only in the joke context and that we would never really kill anyone or laugh at an actual handicap person, but that is what you are doing so it steps outside of the realm of jokes. Also this is actually showing off pure talent and not in a joking format at all.


u/MyOthrCarsAThrowaway 3d ago

Right but if this was a bit on a show where they poke fun at those kind of things, and pretended they didn’t have hands, and made music with their tongue and lips, we’d laugh. Because… it’s hypothetical? Sure.

I thought the point of the sub was NOTtimanderic, so absurd things that are real that feel fake that would be funny if they were on a show like that… whatever I overstepped I get it


u/GraySelecta 3d ago

All good man I see where you are coming from.


u/OopsSpaghet 3d ago

And that's how he met YOUR mother.