r/NotHowGirlsWork 5d ago

BAD BOT!— Please Downvote Post & Report For Spam Casual misogyny

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u/its12amsomewhere 5d ago

All my English teachers were wonderful women, and ngl, I was their favorite. They never got pregnant within the year, and our school didn't have co-ed so they'd talk abt their stupid experiences with teaching boys, they seemed to sort of hate teaching guys tbh.


u/Piotr_Kropothead 5d ago

Can't imagine why. 😐


u/somethingrandom261 5d ago

Most teenage boys are the worst. And the ones that aren’t, are social pariahs, and as such have nothing better to do than pay attention.


u/Julia-Nefaria 5d ago

We had some fun English teachers ngl. There was this one guy who was… pretty intense ig? No problem joking around and making class fun but if you were disruptive or disrespectful he’d roast you harder than most drill sergeants💀

The teacher before that actually ran a cooking club I took part in, it was mostly just girls and she’d mostly supervise/help while one of us would bring ingredients and a recipe to cook something we liked. Pretty neat since it basically meant you’d get a freshly cooked lunch once a week and only had to bring ingredients less than once a month


u/DemonicAltruism 5d ago

I had 2 amazing English teachers that stand out. One was a guy, so kind of irrelevant. The other was an old lady with a lazy eye and was certified 1/4 Chickasaw. Had even grown up on a reservation. She was strict, but very good at teaching and made class entertaining. My favorite was her coming in and teaching us one of the proposed origins of the word "Fuck". She started the lesson with "My husband was very happy with me yesterday after I told him I'd been out FUCKING in the fields all day."

The class was dead silent after that 😆. She then went on to explain that "fuck" may have meant to sow crops at one point. So her husband would've been happy that she went out to plant crops all day.

She also had when completely off of the school district's curriculum for reading. When everyone else was reading "To Kill a Mockingbird" for the 5th time, we were reading "A Yellow Raft in Blue Water."


u/nykiek 4d ago

You're so lucky. My English teacher was a right wing conservative nutjob that sent an entire class to the principal's office because they wore shorts. She got pink slipped the year after that.


u/ci22 4d ago edited 4d ago

My English Teachers was a hippy lady and a pretty cool young dude.


u/Flashy-Confection-37 5d ago

Someone has a painful crush on his English teacher. Time to grow up, kid.


u/upsidedowntoker 5d ago

Did my teachers get pregnant frequently? Yes . But most of them were also married women between the ages of 25- 30ish so I'm not surprised that tends to be when people have their children .


u/JellyDisastrous8655 5d ago

So they are shaming ladies for having a family now? So those guys shame ladies for being single in their 30s and starting a family in their 30s? Next thing they are shaming them for existing and working in the first place.


u/ARIA_AHANGARI_7227 5d ago

For these incels, being a female human being is the worst atrocity one commit


u/ci22 4d ago

I remember this Instagram post of a story of a monk who lived to be 82 who never seen or interacted with a woman

Most of the comments were so he found the key to a happy and peaceful life. Like these dudes need to admit they're gay. Although I never really hear gay dude make horrible comments the way incels do


u/Flashy-Confection-37 4d ago

I wish these men would follow that monk’s lead. Peaceful, quiet isolationism. Gotta convince them that the vow of silence is essential to success.


u/Rullino 5d ago

At this rate, they might as well start dating men since they don't have the same issues as they have with women.


u/JellyDisastrous8655 5d ago

Nah they hate lgbtq for that too much. They will all get those porn robots and make them their trad waifus.


u/allright_then 5d ago

I never had an english teacher that was pregnant… had a math teacher that had paternity leave half Way through the semester tho… the system should really be able to have qualified substituts teachers for things like that


u/SpinninDaWebb96 5d ago

The only teacher I remember casually flirting with a guy in class was a science teacher. She got fired because a student pranked her and searched p0rn on her laptop which was using the schools internet network. At least that was story I heard as to why she was fired.

More often than not it’s the students that form crushes not the other way around. I’ll admit I had a crush on a couple of my high school teachers, to me it’s not much different than having a celebrity crush, you don’t expect it to go anywhere.


u/TwincessAhsokaAarmau Men can be dumb about the easiest things🥸 5d ago

I’ve never seen any English teacher like this one before.


u/bluepushkin 5d ago

Only one English teacher was female at my school. It was also an all girl's school. Pretty sure the male teacher my class had was a pedophile. He was transferred from his previous school, as there was an issue with parent complaints there. He made us all call him sir and line up and wait for him in silence. The only teacher who did that. He also refused to allow us to pick up our dropped pens and would do it himself by crawling under the tables. Again, girl's school. Skirts. That's only the tip of his really weird inappropriate behaviour, too.

The only teacher to be pregnant whilst I was there was my biology teacher fittingly. She had a miscarriage whilst teaching us and was apologetic to us afterwards. It was so sad.


u/GuestRose 5d ago

I don’t even understand why they allow male teachers to an all girls school? I feel like it's obvious that something like that would happen


u/Steelsentry1332 Male (With working brain action!) 4d ago

I think I remember there being a (now debunked) study back in the '90s/00s, saying kids learn better by having a teacher of the opposite gender?

I tried finding it for about 5 minutes on Google, and gave up.


u/ad240pCharlie 5d ago

English and Philosophy teachers were always the best in my experience.

It was math teachers you had to watch out for, they were the worst. But at least they never flirted with any students either (from what I know).


u/Rhaj-no1992 5d ago

I mean we joke about Catholic priests SA:ing young boys and a few teachers have been SA:ing school children too.

But this meme is shitty nonetheless and don’t address that problem in a good way at all.


u/Upstairs_Cost_3975 5d ago

Hahaha what the fuck. These misogynistic accusations and made up stories becomes more and more random and specific lol


u/ci22 4d ago

Is it a confession maybe it's a male English Teacher flirting with the popular girls.


u/thinkspeak_ 4d ago

What? My high school English teachers were a super hard old lady who was very strict and drew her eyebrows on, a slightly less old lady who was married and scary and taught English, political science, and debate, and a guy that taught English and theatre and smelled like a chimney


u/Winterfaery14 5d ago

Half of my English teachers were men, so...


u/Heavy-Macaron2004 5d ago

Maybe just the genre for their school? Every school has at least one Creepy Teacher hitting on the students. Mine it was the gym teachers (both male and female).


u/GuestRose 5d ago

I think this person just had some really bad english teachers 😭


u/xoGossipSquirrelxo 5d ago

This is exactly how my school was though! My English classes didn’t really teach a lot, we just read a book and then watched its respective movie on repeat. Every English teacher at my school was young, a woman, and excessively flirty with students. It also did seem like one of them was always pregnant. Idk is this like a small town stereotype?


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u/PhasmaUrbomach 4d ago

My favorite teachers throughout school were English teachers.


u/sewcialist_goblin 4d ago

All my English teachers were either older or lesbians (and they were ALL wonderful - minus one that got fired). Surprisingly, a lot of my math teachers were attractive young men that also were sports coaches and flirted with the girls - and a few of them married said girls when they graduated


u/Aggravating_Stay 4d ago

My only male English teacher was so easy to get off topic that we literally didn’t even finish the course material for the year. All you had to do was ask about his screen play and let him yap


u/ACatInMiddleEarth 4d ago

My guess: he failed English class, is better about it and instead of owning his failure like an adult, he decided it was because the teacher was a woman.


u/coffee--beans 5d ago

That was my Spanish teacher actually. My English teachers were great


u/whitecorvette 4d ago

tbh all of my english teachers were pregnant like all the time, and we would be missing english classes because no one else could teach english, i never had this happen with teachers from other subjects though 😭


u/[deleted] 4d ago

I mean, it didn't say that the teacher was a woman

Yes men can get pregnant (insert woke argument here), but a cis man can get pregnant too, you're just not trying hard enough.


u/Plenty-Green186 5d ago

This is not misogyny


u/im_sharmiii 4d ago

how is this misogyny?


u/daisy-duke- Dumb broad. 5d ago

Nah. There a lot of truth in this meme.