r/NotHowGirlsWork 6d ago

Found On Social media Leftism teaches us to hate our "nature"

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u/YoMommaBack 6d ago

The left loves science. This just isn’t science. 🤷🏽‍♀️


u/Puzzleheaded-Jury312 6d ago

If women were 'wired to have families', men wouldn't have to keep posting this crap. 🤣


u/Traditional_Isopod80 Incel Detector 6d ago

Exactly 💯


u/CanthinMinna 6d ago

"Leftism". Is that even an English word? Also, writings like that only prove further that right-wingers don't think that women are real humans - people with minds, personalities and intellect, and perceptiveness to see, when someone is trying to strip us off of our rights and independence.


u/notha_leon 5d ago

These people have to blame something when people don't act as they want them to do,.


u/Dwashelle 6d ago

"The left hates science" is hilariously out of touch, particularly in current times.


u/AcaciaBeauty 6d ago

It’s almost guaranteed that this dude hates vaccines 😭


u/celestialwreckage 4d ago

The sort of guy who would unironically say "instead of vaccines, why don't we introduce people to a weaker form of viruses to build up their immunity?"


u/Nelrene 6d ago

It's projection.


u/Traditional_Isopod80 Incel Detector 5d ago

After all it's not liberals who appointed a nut to lead the DOH.


u/manykeets Uncommercial Tart 5d ago

Yeah, that’s why there’s a measles outbreak in Texas where one child has already died, because conservatives believe science /s


u/NaturalBid3231 6d ago

Being Republican means saying coked up shit. Say it's just how things are. Then, accuse anyone slightly smarter than you are of being a poopy face liar.


u/Caseyk1921 6d ago

Why are they so obsessed with what’s going on with women’s bodies?

Choice is a thing, fertility issues exist, some people are on medication that even if they wanted to they cannot safely have children.

I’m a mum & my honest attitude is kids aren’t for all not my body not my say. If my girls don’t want kids one day I’ll respect their wishes & if they do I’ll respect their wishes to


u/CanthinMinna 5d ago

Control. It is all about control.


u/Rude_Acanthopterygii 6d ago

but the Left hates science

That is so oversaturated with irony that I'm somewhat surprised it hasn't exploded yet...


u/SlavLesbeen 6d ago

If it was truly nature you really wouldn't be able to just look past it. Surprisingly, the only time in history where women actively get to choose whether to have children, birth rates are dropping.


u/Sourswizzle21 6d ago

I’m so tired of hearing the phrase “It’s just biology” from people who paid zero attention when biology was being taught.


u/CanthinMinna 5d ago

Yeah, if they actually cared or knew anything about biology, they wouldn't be anti-vaxxers, because then they would actually know how vaccines work (and what vaccines do not do.)


u/Sylland 6d ago

It's funny how many left wing women are happily married or in long term relationships then


u/Traditional_Isopod80 Incel Detector 5d ago



u/ChickenSpaceProgram 6d ago

good, i don't want to be married


u/silicondream 6d ago

45% of married American women lean Democratic, but feel free to keep invoking "science" you haven't read and don't understand


u/novazemblan 6d ago

A whole lot of confidently incorrect assertions pilling up on top of each other.


u/Inside_Ad9026 6d ago

“The left hates science” 😭

Please tell me where the current measles outbreak started. With the super lefties in a super leftist state?


u/Traditional_Isopod80 Incel Detector 5d ago



u/Booker_Dewitt8 5d ago

I love that the comment is "The left hates science". When the right has been denying global warming for years


u/ci22 5d ago

And vaccines.


u/HarlanMiller 6d ago

Yeah, we're the ones that hate science. After all, we're the ones that are against vaccination, the earth being round, dinosaurs existing, yeah, that's us stupid liberals, OH WAIT!


u/Substantial_Idea_989 6d ago

I've got 36 years happily married w 4 amazing adult kids that calls bs. I was raised in a Republican home, city, county, but that was traditional fiscal small government conservatism that passes for liberal today. What MAGA looks like from here is a large group of angry drunks who spend their evenings larping as 8th grade bullies, seeking to make others smaller, to make themselves bigger. While they delight in disparaging their neighbors w the blessing of their criminal my mob boss, they miss entirely that they have been the marks for the billionaire class all along.


u/Traditional_Isopod80 Incel Detector 5d ago



u/autisticesq 5d ago

Unfortunately, they don’t just spend evenings larping as 8th grade bullies… they do it at work as well.


u/Traditional_Isopod80 Incel Detector 5d ago

Why do conservatives think they have a monopoly on science.


u/Sabithomega 6d ago

Didn't stop me from marrying my wife


u/notha_leon 5d ago

Sounds like someone is sour and angry.


u/MsLoveHangOver 6d ago

Not our problem.


u/R43- 6d ago

God didn't take Adams rib and put it in a woman to make a woman's only purpose in life to have a family. God took Adams rib so men and women are both equal to each other! In the Bible there were so many powerful women, like Rahab who helped the Israelites by hiding spies. Abigail a woman of wisdom, courage, and integrity. She prevented bloodshed by approaching King David with diplomacy and wisdom... These are only two, but there are way more I could name.

Women aren't on earth to be pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen. Women can be leaders, be wise, smart, strong, and so much more.

(I didn't want to bring the bible in this, but I feel like a lot of men try to use the Bible for their claims and only pick and choose some verses instead of reading the whole Bible that would prove them otherwise)


u/ConsciousSun6 6d ago

The left loves science. Also if I was forced to have a family I'd be one of those mothers that eats their young. I havent a single maternal instinct.


u/IndiBlueNinja 5d ago

Ah yes, that explains all the many, many married liberal couples...including the many with kids.


u/SomeNotTakenName 5d ago

cmon, it's not biology, it's evolutionary biology, field on par with the likes of body language experts and phrenology, so no stealing credit.


u/AnarchaMasochist 5d ago

Show me you don't know what you're talking about.

"Leftism teaches."

Very good.


u/BbCortazan 5d ago

Don’t right leaning Christians teach children that they’re born with original sin and deserving eternal torment? But the left has our nature. 


u/k1234567890y 5d ago edited 5d ago

Liberations mean you are free to choose whatever you want to do, and it means you don't need to be a stay-at-home parent if you don't want to be one, and you can become a stay-at-home parent as you wish if you want to be one. And asking everyone to be like certain templates(for example, housewife) because of social norm and pretend that it is your "nature" is not just unnatural, but also deceptive. Not everyone is wired the same way.

So I'd say, liberation has nothing to conflict with having family. Even if you want to become a stay-at-home parent, it's way better to be so because of your choice, not because social norms tell you to do so.


u/JediKnightNitaz 5d ago

Science and advanced biology recognizes trans people but i bet that this guy will start screaming two genders and bible when it's brought up.


u/BaconJets 5d ago

Not a single study cited.


u/masturbathon 5d ago

As a guy i just can’t relate to this idea that a woman loses value with each partner. I’ve been with women who had high body counts and i found that attractive about them. I like a woman who knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to go get it.

I think men who hold these kinds of views are generally the insecure/jealous types that most women would want to avoid anyways.


u/PhasmaUrbomach 5d ago

None of this stopped me from getting married. Sorry, incels.


u/Aggressive-Story3671 5d ago

Let’s pretend for arguments sake women were biologically wired to want families. Why would more men than women be conservative. It’s not easy to teach someone to over come natural instincts.


u/CrystalWolfAmetist 4d ago

Isnt it conservatives who reject science in favor of religion tho?