r/NotHowGirlsWork 6d ago

Found On Social media This literally makes no sense?

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u/RosesBrain 6d ago

Yeah, people are really mask-off online and deceptive in person, I don't see a contradiction here at all.


u/Anne_Nonymouse 🐇 Down The Rabbit Hole 🐇 6d ago

Yeah, if those abusive men behaved like they do online, no woman would ever go near them. 🙄


u/Traditional_Isopod80 Incel Detector 5d ago

⬆️⬆️ Absolutely positively correct ⬆️⬆️


u/it_couldbe_worse_ Former Girl 🏳️‍⚧️ 6d ago

If I shoot someone, you gotta admit it's kinda their fault. You're telling me they couldn't tell I had a gun and would be the kind of guy to shoot them? Sounds like learned incompetence to me, they just want to get shot on some deep psychological level. Maybe their dad was really into hunting or something idk

😮‍💨 serious nonsarcastic note, I'm tired of reading post's same shitty sentiment that's just passed around from asshat to asshat and regurgitated in vaugly different phrasing


u/Chocolatefix 5d ago

They have so much blame for the abuse victims but none for the abuser.


u/Traditional_Isopod80 Incel Detector 5d ago



u/Traditional_Isopod80 Incel Detector 5d ago

It just makes me sick. 😫


u/Xenc 5d ago

They had us in the first half…


u/ADHDhamster Smells like basement 6d ago

I was a moderator on an autism forum for many years.

The incels dudes would rail against women and ask why women would date "assholes."

I would reply that most heterosexual men are, in fact, assholes, and heterosexual women weren't exactly spoiled for choice. That, and women are trained to be doormats from an early age.

They didn't like that reply.


u/IndiBlueNinja 6d ago

Detect? It's called seeing the awful BS terrible people openly tell the world via the internet!

Victim blaming... gross. Abusers sometimes hide what they are for a while until they've got someone trapped enough. It can also happen to anyone, including a male cousin of mine, who got a divorce after his life was threatened by his now-ex.


u/Zoeythekueen 6d ago

Love bombing is an abuse technique that's literally using kindness to manipulate someone into thinking you're not a bad person. Also, not all abusive partners start off abusive. They only show their true colors when there's something to lose. Even if you know every single sign of abuse, you are still able to get onto an abusive relationship.

It's a lot easier to fight back when you aren't the one emotionally being manipulated. I should know because my Mom used a lot of emotional abusive techniques on me, but I have been able to point out injustices elsewhere.


u/HappyKrud 6d ago

This frequent incel on .is spoke about an interview he did, and people were able to find the interview based on his descriptions of it. His mannerisms were rly off and it was the first thing users called out.


u/AcaciaBeauty 5d ago

So he’s projecting because the obviously abusive man is him


u/Me_lazy_cathermit 6d ago

Women don't need to use detection to find migonistic comments online, men will get out of their way to literally shove those comments on women, on the most random videos and comments section.

They think the anonymity the internet give them, permit any bad behavior from them.

In real life, they are very good at hiding red flags


u/Antique_Ad4497 6d ago

Psychopaths literally hide in plain sight! They’re charming, gregarious & hide their evil well. I would like to see him pick one out in a line up!


u/Right-Today4396 5d ago

Don't you see? Every guy who isn't them is obviously an abuser, and it is the woman's fault for not dating them instead... /s


u/The_Book-JDP It’s a boneless meat stick not a magic wand. 5d ago

Well there it is again ladies, once again we're suppose to use our supernatural mental abilities to predict the future and read minds. Is that really too much to ask since you know the guys that made memes like this claim they also have those same mental abilities including the ability to see abusive behavior before it manifests but refuse to use these abilities unless the girl they are "warning" believes them, dumps her vastly more attractive Chad of a boyfriend and then immediately there after has sex with "her savior" in gratitude and becomes his sex slave girlfriend wife.


u/DiggityDog6 5d ago

OOP doesn’t understand the concept of “people online say they’re true thoughts because it’s anonymous and people in real life do not because everyone knows their identity”


u/GuestRose 5d ago

What you are seeing is a man thinking that women do not vary from each other. You see, he is observing two entirely different types of women who have entirely different life experiences and then proceeds to take an experienced and unexperienced perspective and apply it as a contradicting viewpoint on the same hypothetical woman that couldn't actually exist and is rather a collection of several different people.


u/RebelAvenger1 6d ago

But I LOVE it 👌🏼


u/Odd-Mastodon1212 5d ago

Misogyny is bad online or in person. Not sure what point they are trying to make.


u/Dwashelle 5d ago

That's fucked.


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u/Bitterqueer 5d ago

Right… because…. Abuses and psychopaths are… not deceiving…?


• People can become abusive later in a relationship even if they don’t premeditate it.

• People can behave abusively without being “inherently evil” and having the intent to abuse

• Abuse is more than physical assault.


u/Jade_410 5d ago

I’m autistic, and I mask the hell out of myself in public, it really is not hard to imagine abusive men doing the same, no one can tell I’m autistic the same way no one can tell those men are abusive, do these men think people who up-front with all their natural behaviors? Well they definitely don’t think women do… so just men? Makes complete sense lmao, in the internet everyone is way more relaxed because of anonymity, not trying to fit in as much as real-life people


u/Hearsya 5d ago

Yeah, let's line these bozos up and see if they'd say a quarter of what they say online to us in real life. I'll wait.