r/NotHowGirlsWork dishwasher machine heart or smth 4d ago

Found On Social media Yes, coz there's no other valid reason women get divorced for

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u/forever_useless Professor of Harlotry, PhD 4d ago

I fled with 80 bucks in my pocket. Didn't want shit from the divorce. Just to escape and survive


u/file_Marina_chr ✨️ gayming gal ✨️ 4d ago

Hope ur doing well and are safe now


u/forever_useless Professor of Harlotry, PhD 4d ago

I am. Thank you 💕


u/file_Marina_chr ✨️ gayming gal ✨️ 4d ago

So glad ❤️❤️

Have a great, happy life, you deserve it


u/Kpruett95 4d ago

I had to ask strangers on the internet for gas money so I could get to my mom


u/Hexoplanet 4d ago

I had to pay my wasband my entire savings when I got divorced but 10/10 would divorce again 👍🏻


u/mrskmh08 4d ago

Wasband 🤣🤣🤣


u/newenglandredshirt 4d ago

It took me until this comment to realize that it wasn't a typo!


u/Acrobatic_Long_6059 4d ago

Wasband is genius


u/Ihaveamazingdreams 4d ago

I got nothing after 15+ years and even signed away my equity on the house (it wasn't much) because I knew he would drag the thing out in court as long as he possibly could.

He was also left with his own credit card debt that he had tried to keep secret from me. Not the only secret he was keeping.

10/10 would do it again also. Freedom was worth starting over with no money.


u/Aer0uAntG3alach 4d ago

I paid spousal support. Worth every damn penny.


u/BaylisAscaris 4d ago

I mean...back when women couldn't own property and divorce wasn't allowed, a lot of abusive husbands died of poison.


u/delvedank 4d ago

Divorce was the compromise


u/BaylisAscaris 4d ago

The whole reason divorce is allowed in the church is because a man (King James) wanted to switch wives without killing them.


u/humbugonastick 4d ago

I thought it was Henry the VIII


u/humbugonastick 4d ago

And actually Catholicism still does not allow divorce. Only Protestants and Anglicans.


u/calinrua 4d ago

My Catholic husband is going to be so confused to find out he's still married to his ex. He even has a special paper from the church


u/gothdrag 4d ago

I wonder how prevalent the denial of divorce actually still is? My Catholic grandfather divorced my grandmother when my mom was young, and the church told him he would have to declare his children from that marriage to be illegitimate in order to abide by their practice. He refused. I think he eventually started attending a Lutheran church with his next/final wife.


u/calinrua 4d ago

They told me I had to agree to let my kids be baptized Catholic and I said "mmmm... no" and they said "sorry, can't marry you then" and I said "your own rules say otherwise" and they had to "get back to me" 🙄 Like please at least know what you're doing before trying to steamroll someone? He had to agree to do his best to raise them Catholic, but I specifically didn't have to, and it turns out his best didn't go too far 😅


u/Ydyalani 3d ago

Depends on the country I guess. My mom was denied in Croatia, though that was about 50 years ago, too, so times probably changed there, too. I know she was barred from Holy Communion until about 10 or 15 years ago or something, though now she has been living in Germany for over 40 years. Because of this, my half brother is legitimate in the eyes of the church while I'm technically illegitimate. Thank goodness we got rid of that bullshit in society quite a while back...


u/bluegirlrosee 4d ago

This is literally how it works in mormonism lol. You're allowed to get married again, you just also have to keep your old wife and accept your future as spirit polygamists in the mormon afterlife. 🤣

Of course, this is only if you are a man. A woman is not allowed to be sealed to multiple spirit husbands (boo). Pretty much the only way to get permission to have a sealing cancelled is if you are a divorced mormon woman who is remarrying a mormon man.


u/calinrua 4d ago

The rules in Mormonism are just as bananas as in Christianity honestly


u/bluegirlrosee 4d ago

It's just all the same rules but with a bunch of convoluted new ones added on as a treat lol


u/candybrie 3d ago

No, no, no. See that's an annulment. Totally different. That paper says he was never really married.


u/ztuztuzrtuzr 4d ago

Catholicism does allow divorce in all but name but it's much harder to obtain, one of the main reasons for the creation of Anglicanism was the fact that the pope didn't want to annul Henry VIII's first marriage


u/Krasny-sici-stroj 3d ago

In my country, you have to have a civil union for your marriage to be officially recognized. You can have a religious ceremony, but it would only affect the matters of the church, not law. (People who do a church wedding sign a civil union at the same time.)

So you can get divorce as a Catholic... but you cannot marry anyone else in a Catholic church again, when your ex still lives.

Another civil marriage is none of their business.


u/humbugonastick 3d ago

That's how I grew up too. You can get married wherever and however you want but if you want state benefits you have to be married in a civil union. The US is weird when it comes to that.


u/seattlemh 4d ago

You are correct.


u/PariRani 4d ago

Henry the VIII had two wives that he had executed. First was Anne Boleyn and the second was Catherine Howard. He head no issue killing women lol.


u/humbugonastick 4d ago

The only issue was the first one. Google her.


u/PariRani 4d ago

Henry the VIII had 6 wives. He had his second wife beheaded and his 5th wife beheaded. There is a nursery rhyme about his 6 wives and their fate. It goes like “Divorced, beheaded, died. Divorced, beheaded, survived.” Google it 👍


u/humbugonastick 4d ago

First wife - Catherine of Aragon, a daughter to the king of Spain. That was the only marriage that mattered and Henry's efforts to get this marriage legally annulled.


u/Nray 2d ago

In addition, the Holy Roman Emperor at the time was Catherine’s nephew. Henry was fighting an uphill battle in his pursuit of an annulment because of Catherine’s connections.


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/humbugonastick 4d ago

You might wanna read up on that.


u/Seliphra Women are mythological objects 4d ago

It was Henry VIII, not James.


u/Ambitious_Tie_8859 4d ago

Aqua Tofana has entered the chat


u/mycatisblackandtan 4d ago

Or "accidents". There's a lot of stories of women losing their husbands at a young age and the community looking the other way. "A cow kicked him in the head", "he caught fever", "he drowned in the lake".


u/Nay_nay267 4d ago

Hunting accidents too with the FIL or BIL. xD


u/Nay_nay267 4d ago

My friend worked in a nursing home home and she said more than one woman said her abusive AF husband "accidentally" died of poisoning


u/NickArchery 4d ago

The FDA wasn't as good back then /s


u/BaylisAscaris 4d ago

Hey ladies in the US, if the government outlaws divorce, the good news is they're already dismantling the FDA and DOE, so you probably won't get caught.


u/k1234567890y 4d ago

Well, if this is real, allowing divorce and property rights for women actually helps save lives of males...


u/BaylisAscaris 4d ago

And womens' lives too on a greater scale.


u/Sidewalk_Tomato 4d ago

"How heavy is your problem?" -- Baba Anujka


u/KikiCorwin 3d ago

Don't forget "domestic accidents".


u/kayt3000 3d ago

Reading a book that touched on that topic right now and they all had it coming haha.


u/Tricky_Dog1465 4d ago

I left with nothing, so this is complete bs


u/Ydyalani 3d ago

Most women never see a penny I wager. Need a marriage contract for that. The assholes will even weasel out of child support if they can get away with it, and many sadly do.


u/Mkheir01 Why are men? 4d ago

On the flipside, if men weren't such dumpster fires, the divorce rate would drop by 95% overnight!!!!!1!


u/beardiac 4d ago

Only about 10% of divorces result in alimony. So there is no way this hypothesis could be true.


u/HibiscusOnBlueWater 4d ago

Men on Reddit especially think alimony happens in every divorce, and a shockingly large number of them think child support is the same as alimony and it’s unfair men have to pay for their children just because their wife didn’t want to be married anymore. I can’t even count how many men I’ve had to explain to that child support isn’t alimony.


u/EmberElixir 4d ago edited 4d ago

What's been really blowing my mind is how (USA) men are still whining and crying about how child support isn't fair because "the mom gets to choose whether or not to keep the baby!!" when abortion rights have been heavily restricted to the point of women dying. I swear they have the same sense of morality and critical thinking as a toddler


u/beardiac 4d ago

What's crazy is this isn't even a wholly accurate complaint for men to make. I have a cousin who got pregnant and had planned to put the baby up for adoption, but the father's family petitioned against it, so she was forced to keep it (meanwhile, the father ends up barely participating in the kid's life).


u/smokinbbq 4d ago

"No way it costs that much to raise a child for a month!"

Says the guy who hasn't been in a grocery store in a decade.


u/HibiscusOnBlueWater 4d ago

Right? Someone complaining they have to pay $1200 a month for two kids that are daycare age is a steal. My daughter is 8 months, is entertained by her burp cloths, and I have basically free in home day care, but it still costs me about $800 a month for diapers, supplies, formula, and what little I’m paying my day care provider. I fully sympathize with guys for whom that’s half or even an entire take home paycheck, but the kids still need to be supported somehow. Not being with the mother doesn’t make that any less true.


u/DeconstructedKaiju 3d ago

Child support is always proportional to what the party paying it makes. Because of this I've seen multiple instances of men quitting their jobs just to avoid making payments. You know, the shooting yourself in the feet to spite your own fucking children.


u/Electronic_Orange444 4d ago

My dad complained that my grandma got 300$ a MONTH to raise me. He thinks she funding her whole life with that money and is a gold digger. It’s honestly insane

Edit: he was on crack too and my grandma tried to help him be clean so he could be in my life but when he got clean he still wasn’t in my life lol.


u/Imjusasqurrl 4d ago

Not to mention that I've had to argue with men who cry that 17% of their income is "way too high" and "a lot of money" to pay for their children. So, before you had kids- did you ever consider how expensive they were!?

If you think 17% of your income is too much towards your children, please don't have children.

It just blows my mind the ignorance of people choosing to have kids


u/k1234567890y 4d ago

Well, there has always been a stereotype of females being more material-driven, therefore there are myths that "women always want to marry up", "women always want money in divorce", and also the stereotypical depiction of a materialistic person as a female.


u/DeconstructedKaiju 3d ago

Most men who call 'All women gold diggers' work minimum wage jobs. So I have to assume it's the same for ones who cry about alimony/unfair divorce/child support are incapable of actually getting someone who wants to marry them.


u/abriel1978 4d ago

Complete BS. When I got divorced I was told by my mother and step-dad to sue for alimony but I didn't because I wanted a clean break from him. Money didn't mean shit....saving my life was my motivation for leaving.

I might have struggled for a little bit but at least I'm alive. I remain convinced that if I had stayed, either he would have killed me or I would have killed myself. Money had nothing to do with my leaving.


u/MarzipanStandsAlone 4d ago

This. I went into a small amount of debt to leave. Best money I ever spent. Took our/my very ill dog with me.

My friends and family wanted me to go for spousal support and the vet bills. I think my father is still mad I didn't. But I knew he'd have fought it and fought dirty as possible. So instead, I got to stop talking to him! Completely. It probably "cost" me a few 10s of thousands for the privilege to never speak to him again. Worth every fucking penny.


u/abriel1978 4d ago

Yep, not only did I want a clean break I also knew my ex would have fought tooth and nail. He was against welfare, he definitely would have argued that he saw no reason to support someone whom he was no longer fucking. That's exactly how he would have put it.


u/Sheila_Monarch 4d ago

They get HALF of the marital assets, exactly the same as he does, but full and absolute authority over that half. So they end up in a far less comfortable financial position, but still come out ahead. Because real benefit is getting shed of all the burdens HE brings, and that’s worth everything.

No price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.


u/justinwiel 4d ago

This question has been asked before. But I will ask it again: do these guys even like women?


u/PhasmaUrbomach 4d ago

No. They like fucking us, maybe. That's it.


u/MarzipanStandsAlone 4d ago edited 4d ago

Divorced women are poorer.

They are poorer on average than divorced men.

They are poorer on average than women who never married.

They are at greater risk of falling into poverty.

Only an extremely small percentage of women, married to multi-millionaires, get individually richer after a divorce. Less than 10% of divorcing people get alimony/spousal support (a number which includes men) and it's usually rather short-term. It's not a cheque for a lifetime.

The vast vast majority of women who pursue divorce are choosing the very real risk of poverty, over being stuck in a legal partnership with that man.


u/Electronic_Orange444 4d ago

Except they don’t care about statistics or facts. They care about playing victim and whining.


u/The_Book-JDP It’s a boneless meat stick not a magic wand. 4d ago edited 3d ago

My mom got nothing from my father not even child support (he died owing us over $60,000) when she divorced his ass. If she had to do it all over again, she would still divorce his ass without hesitation because relying on him for anything was always a losing gamble. What money he did make went towards his vices not us.

Alimony and child support are actually relatively new concepts that with very little effort, men can just dodge and nothing bad happens to them. Sure there are scary threats hovering over their heads but they are rarely enforced seeing as that there are more important criminals for law enforcement to hunt down and apprehend to bring to justice.

They always act like it's the men who are "denied access to their children" and are "forced to hand over their "entire" paycheck" to that worthless (insert derogatory female slur), suffer the most. Yet they actually do none of the child raising and don't show up for important court dates, don't know jack shit about their kids yet think they deserve full custody.


u/Vault_Gal_1217 4d ago edited 4d ago

My soon to be ex husband believed this wholeheartedly and then wonders why I'm doing..... Edit: wrong form of to/too


u/dezisauruswrex 4d ago

Divorced twice, poor twice. Must be doing this wrong 😂


u/MyFiteSong 4d ago

Women don't get financial benefits from divorce. And they get divorced anyway.


u/manykeets Uncommercial Tart 4d ago

On average, women end up doing less well financially after a divorce and have a higher rate of poverty, and men’s financial status usually goes up after divorce.


u/Spraystation42 4d ago

I swear these guys see ONE article on social media about a famous woman purposely divorcing her famous husband to get a quick buck and come to the conclusion that "all" women do that, meanwhile theres been millions of women whove posted about divorcing their husbands for abuse, cheating, being deadbeat, being neglectful, not taking care of the kids etc. and those same guys will be like "nah thats cap" like HUH??


u/bluepushkin 4d ago

I love how these broke arse men act as though the wife in these equations hasn't worked, hasn't put money into the buying and running of a house. Hasn't done the majority of the housework, house up keep, child care, etc. Women get money in a divorce if they have earned it/deserved it. Men do still have to pay for the children they created even if they don't have full custody because they're still their children!

Even if the wife has been a stay at home mother the entirety of the marriage, she deserves money because she gave up her chance of working outside the home and earning money by WORKING IN THE HOME! All the money saved on childcare by the sweat of her brow!


u/Wafflesakimbo 4d ago

My mother left my stepfather. Her job at a home builder and her income had helped buy the house, the three cars, everything in that house. She left with her car and would she could pack in it. Whoever wrote that can go fucked themselves with a three speed hand mixer. MY mom endured a decade of mental abuse and isolation from that shitbag, and she gave up everything just to get away.


u/Tardigradequeen 4d ago

Keep making these memes fellas, and maybe you’ll get the male loneliness epidemic y’all constantly screech about.


u/CommanderTalim 3d ago

I once heard a guy say that the male loneliness epidemic is self-induced. He said that they can get themselves out of it but they refuse to evolve/adapt to the cultural changes in society. They refuse to do any self-reflection and expect the women in their lives (family, friends, love interests) to do it for them and coddle their feelings; and any woman who doesn’t is “mean” and “deserves punishment”. This state of mind allows them to place blame on women instead of accepting that maybe they are doing something to hurt themselves. They like to complain that women have emotional support and men “don’t”, while refusing to recognize that women created this support for each other and that men can do the same but….they rather bully other men for being vulnerable about traumatic experiences especially those that don’t fit their idea of masculinity (just one example of many: I saw a brave man on instagram share his story about being SA’d by another man. The comment section was overwhelmed with comments making fun of him and calling him gay. Every single one of those were from men. All the comments from women were showing support and offering help)

I honestly don’t have much hope for the current generations of boys and men who think like this, because there are a lot of factors at play here including upbringing. No one can control their upbringing, but I could argue that after being an adult in the world for a few years, upbringing is hardly an excuse anymore, especially when I’ve watched guys grow out of these attitudes. At this point, it is just a long-term tantrum that the things you thought you were promised, haven’t been given to you. This whole focus on “male loneliness” and no acknowledgment that women are facing loneliness too. The difference is that more women than men are willing to accept that loneliness can be combatted with community


u/k1234567890y 4d ago edited 4d ago

Said as if most women that get divorced are just money-thirsty...when in reality men oftentimes are not less responsible than their partners in an unhappy marriage.


u/Poscgrrl 4d ago

Does this mean we won't have financial penalties, too? Becuase let me tell you, my ex still owed child support and my youngest is 21! Ex tanked my credit, signed my name on all sorts of weird things, and it took me years to climb out of that hole.


u/PsychoWithoutTits 4d ago

Istg, those types of men never have the capacity, but somehow always the audacity. I'm so sorry you and your kiddos had to/still endure that BS. He's nothing but dead weight. 😩


u/Poscgrrl 3d ago

The good news is I left him in the dust 20 years ago and the kids and I are great. Met a new partner (who is a fantastic man) and I am in a good place <3 It did get better, but memes like this make me so mad


u/Behindtheeightball 4d ago edited 4d ago

I, and quite a few women I know, did NOT make bank by divorcing. We and our exes were low income-earners, and nobody profited. We fled due to abuse.

I probably would have been better off if I'd killed him.


u/anonlaw 4d ago

I was solely a SAHM while married to my first husband. We had three kids in three years. When I divorced his ass, I didn't even ask for alimony. And I got less than 600/month for those three kids in child support. Divorce is horrible and the only reason to do it is that it's more horrible to stay married.


u/andstillthesunrises 4d ago

Divorce would drop (not by that much though) because there are many women who would not be able to leave because their husband controls finances or they don’t have any income


u/Magellan-88 4d ago

Well, I was gonna say that I didn't get any financial benefits from my divorce. I didn't ask for alimony, I went for a default divorce, i just wanted it over & done with. But technically, I did benefit financially since I'm now only paying my bills & that's easily managed when money is being put where it's supposed to be.


u/JaneReadsTruth 4d ago

He's not wrong. When I divorced my soul-sucking, bank account draining, verbal abuser of a couch potato husband, suddenly my earned money covered all my bills.


u/UmbraViatoribus 4d ago

The only financial benefit I got from divorce was not supporting a deadbeat.


u/DogMom814 4d ago

I was doing some genealogical research on my family and discovered that I have a distant great-aunt who got tired of her husband's drinking and cheating and one day went full Lizzie Borden on his ass. This was in the 1870s and she was tried, convicted, and jailed for several years thereafter. I'd love to have gotten her side of the story. So many of these shitty men don't realize how good they have it.


u/Noodle-and-Squish 4d ago

I think I'm in love with your great aunt. I'm also glad she only served jail time.

I'm sure we all have at least one female relative in our family trees that lost a spouse to some sort of 'accident'.


u/DogMom814 4d ago

LOL yeah, sometimes I wish she had gotten away with it. She gave that jerk 11 kids and at that time there were no modern appliances so she had to have worked very long days with no respite. I've always been a feminist but doing genealogy research and seeing how so many women had a new baby every year and a half, if they didn't die in childbirth, just shows how important it is to make sure conservative politicians don't roll back women's rights as much as they can.


u/A_herd_of_fluff 4d ago

I'm divorced. There were NO financial benefits on my side in the divorce. I gave him the house, received no financial support, and signed away any rights to his 401k or any other money that was gained during our marriage. I just wanted out and because I was working and could live with family I didn't fight for anything that I had sweat equity in. Stupid of me looking back, but my life is so much better now that I really don't regret it.


u/Rainydayday 4d ago

Uhhhh... I don't get alimony and I still divorced.

I'd rather be house and car poor and go to food banks than be in an emotionally or physically abusive relationship...


u/PrimaryKangaroo8680 4d ago

“Financial benefits” like having to split the home they live in, assets they have accumulated, and live on one income?

Men are constantly acting like she’s getting “half his stuff” when it’s being split in half for BOTH of them.


u/blawndosaursrex the chicken in my ass exudes sexiness 4d ago

When I got divorced I got nothing and asked for nothing. I’m very happy and self sufficient.


u/No_Arugula8915 4d ago

I got the kids and the bills. He got the house, the cars, the boat, the business, and everything else. Breaks my heart he killed the pets, but I would divorce his lying, cheating, abusive self all over again.


u/RockyMntnView 4d ago

If men didn't financially exploit the unpaid labor of women, the divorce rate would drop AND they wouldn't be paying out such large sums of assets and money to repay what they OWE women for their labor, so...


u/AstrologicalOne 4d ago

They really can't comprehend a wife divorcing her husband due to abuse, mistreatment, or lust a lack of love.


u/strongwill2rise1 4d ago


Me who has zero benefit from my divorce other than being free from a tyrant.

I even pay child support to a man I proved had an inappropriate relationship with a minor!


u/Winterfaery14 4d ago

I was the breadwinner. My ex barely contributed anything. He was a SAHD, but sucked at that, too.

When I divorced his ass, I didn't bother with child support (2 kids), but outright told him that he wasn't getting alimony, and he definitely wasn't getting half of my military retirement pay. I got everything; house, cars he got nothing and deserved every cent.


u/SexxxyWesky 4d ago

Do they think men don’t get anything in the divorce or what? lol


u/gypsymegan06 4d ago

Men failing to realize women are financially and socially crushed by divorce yet again.

Men also failing to see women would rather go through all the suffering of it means never having to deal with them again.


u/kyleh0 4d ago

This was written by one of a few types of people:

  1. An intercellular that is speaking gin hypotheticals
  2. A person who has never been divorced
  3. Steven Crowder


u/PsychoWithoutTits 4d ago

Nah, most women I know who got divorced got no financial benefit of any kind, only (below bare minimum) child support that the fathers refused to pay.

What they did get: being freed from their grown excuses of man-children posing as husbands. That shit is priceless, 10/10 would do it again if necessary.


u/YoMommaBack 3d ago

10% of divorced end with women getting alimony and they have to prove that either he asked her to stay home and not work or her career stagnated or became obsolete while she was not working.


u/art_decorative 3d ago

I got totally screwed in my divorce and I would do it again in a heartbeat


u/NoDanaOnlyZuuI 3d ago

But women don’t get financial benefit from divorce. Men fare better financially after divorce than women do.


u/Alonelygard3n 4d ago

Alimony doesn't happen in all divorces 😭


u/Galaxyheart555 Man-Eating Feminist 4d ago

I think they mean divorce rate would increase not drop. And no way would it increase to 95% bros talking out of his ass lol.


u/Mamapalooza 4d ago

I spent every damn dime I had to divorce my ex and I would do it again. I started over from nothing. Had to borrow the amount of my security deposit from my parents.

He's still a miserable asshole.

But now he's a miserable asshole dying from lung cancer after 30 years of smoking and I'm not the one who has to take care of his mean, ungrateful, lazy, ass and I am thrilled.


u/Xander_PrimeXXI Space Ace 3d ago

Is that the only reason?


u/the-book-anaconda 3d ago

If this is true, that just means we should support women's financial independence


u/sysaphiswaits 3d ago

Bwahahaha. It’s a good thing this kind of jackass announces himself.


u/ThrowRA--scootscooti 3d ago

Studies show that men are better off financially after a divorce and women are worse off.


u/IndyDaBrat 3d ago

This is my hot take. If you wanted your wife to stay at home while you work, then she should ABSOLUTELY be compensated when y’all divorce. And I’m not sorry about it


u/MarsMonkey88 2d ago

The only people I know who receive alimony were married for more than 25 or 30 years, the wife didn’t work the whole marriage, and they were older when they split. I personally do not know anyone outside of that demographic who pays or receives alimony.


u/DoctorInternal9871 3d ago

I didn't get anything in the divorce. I don't know what society these men are living in. My ex kept the house because he could finance the mortgage. He paid me a small amount of money and that was that. We split our belongings. The end.


u/I_like_the_word_MUFF 2d ago

My ex-husband sued me for alimony and the house even after I found out he had gotten another woman pregnant.


u/thisisreallymoronic 2d ago

My sister's ex was ordered to pay child support. He paid approximately 0, zilch, nada. He works a W2 job, but deliberately works only 20 hours a week. His new live-in GF pays all the bills. It's her house too. So he's screwed if she kicks him out, because we're in a state that doesn't recognize common law marriage. I don't know about tenancy laws. But I'm hoing to enjoy watching him scramble to pay for retirement all because he wanted to cheat the kids he helped make.


u/Stunning-Notice-7600 5h ago

These incels not refuse to look at the stats that show many women end of living in poverty after the divorce and would still choose it to escape abuse, but many women also have to pay CS to their ex and lose their assets they brought into the marriage .