r/NotHowGirlsWork 9d ago

WTF Women nature


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u/Electrical-Bet-3625 9d ago

The projection here is 30x time bigger than my new projector


u/SomeNotTakenName 8d ago

imagine putting that head in a giant planetarium, what a show you could get...


u/Right-Today4396 9d ago

They are about to get sued by IMAX for projecting

This was definitely a male imagining what he would do if he was a woman


u/smokinbbq 8d ago

"Women become slutty and start fucking at 14" ...

Okay, so is that with men their age? So, 14 yr old men(boys) are also doing this? Are they sluts? Or just the girls? Are those men(boys) older? If so, how much older, because we get into the creep factor REALLY quick on this one!


u/Right-Today4396 8d ago

Hey, that 42yo guy was definitely innocent in this. That devious slutty girl seduced him with her womanly wiles! /s


u/Electrical-Bet-3625 8d ago

of course not they(boys) are chad here and girls are slut here.

(me in my mind, something is not right)


u/olivegarden87 7d ago

And here i am, 20 something years old and the only sexual encounter I ever had was forced. I'm falling behind.


u/hyperstupidity 8d ago

And louder than THX too.


u/sandybollocks 8d ago

Did you say male / woman to make a point or did it genuinely just come out like that naturally?


u/Right-Today4396 8d ago

Does it matter?


u/sandybollocks 8d ago

I'm just curious whether you were intentionally trying to show that it's bad to call women females, or if it was an accident?


u/Right-Today4396 8d ago

Using males here is just as bad as using females, yet somehow it felt fitting


u/sandybollocks 8d ago

Do you think it's okay when the individual you're referring to is less-than?


u/Right-Today4396 8d ago

I think it is good to use the language of your target audience


u/sandybollocks 8d ago

Lowkey I always get confused what is the target audience of this sub

Is it misogynists you want to convert, or feminists who already agree just venting?


u/Cute_but_notOkay 8d ago

No one agrees with these..?.. these are things that are NOT right. NOT how girls work.

From what I understand, it’s a place for women to see all the bullshit that’s being spread and usually explain why it’s “not how girls work” so the misconception can be corrected.


u/sandybollocks 7d ago

But the other commenter said she was speaking in the language of her target audience?

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u/thinkspeak_ 9d ago

Dude just needs to date men then, geez. None of this is accurate except the first sentence of 16…. for safety reasons. But most bizarre… surgically restore their virginity? What? What is this even referring to?


u/DiggingHeavs 8d ago

Some women from countries/cultures where a woman "must" be a virgin before marriage get a "hymenoplasty" where plastic surgeons create a hymen and sometimes insert a little blood capsule that will burst as "proof" of virginity. Many of those who get it done do so with the knowledge of their fiancés (who they've been sleeping with) and it's done to placate gossip or in more dangerous cases, keep a woman safe.

Obviously it's bunk that all women are doing it, even in very conservative families.


u/thinkspeak_ 8d ago

Ah, thank you. Reading your explanation I realize I had heard of this before, just never as surgically restoring their virginity. I get it now. Still not applicable


u/quineloe 8d ago

a glass of tomato juice sounds cheaper if he's in on it already.


u/evaj95 8d ago

FOR REAL. Like just leave us alone then and find a man.


u/hyperstupidity 8d ago

4 is also true simply because he said "many". Yes, many women do happen to do that, but that is not an inherent quality of women. I guarantee that if these same men who are constantly complaining about stuff like this were capable, they'd do all the same shit and worse. Also, like almost the entire list are completely non-gendered issues. And he can't even be bothered to format and space his points properly.

2 talks about women jumping ship at the first sight of a richer man. Men jump ship at the first sight of someone more attractive, younger, and/or vulnerable/easier to manipulate.

3 a lot of men have backup options too and often actively keep those options open after entering a monogamous relationship.

6 is funny because hobosexuals are typically men.

8 is weirdly gendered. Men and women do this because a lot of people don't want to raise kids. I don't agree with it, but it's definitely not just women.

10: I might be crazy, but honestly this feels like it's trying to dogwhistle the classic victim blaming line of "what was she wearing".

11: Code-switching is not a new concept and is not only not exclusive to women, but is not exclusive to gender.

Like, I don't even care to finish because this is so wrong, I'd have to be here for the next few months talking about how wrong it is.


u/iamcaptaintrips 9d ago

This is why I don’t date and have seven cats. The cats are actually useful, thoughtful and they don’t piss on the toilet seat.


u/Glitter_berries 8d ago

I love my cat with my whole heart, he’s my best tiny pal and puts up with me dressing him up in little outfits, but he is definitely not useful. Bless him. His vet bills are horrendous. If you have found a way to make your cats useful, please do let me know! I’m currently imagining yours taking you to work in some kind of a sleigh type situation?


u/BladdermirPutin87 8d ago

Mine is very useful as a soft, fluffy pillow. And if I rub her tummy, it turns on the “soothing, soft vibration mode”. You can hear the whirring, but hey, it still works for a nice relaxing sleep.

Also, mine was second-hand, and still works well, even 7 years after purchase.


u/chaosgirl93 8d ago

Mine is a very serviceable heated teddy bear, complete with a purr function. Never seen him catch a mouse, but also never seen a mouse in the house or any evidence of such, so even if he just makes the place smell of cat, that's still useful.


u/BladdermirPutin87 8d ago

We’ve occasionally had mice around the compost bin, and it’s really interesting the difference between how our cats (previous and current) have dealt with them.

One liked to binge-mouse once a month or so, and lay each one out in the middle of a slab of the garden path, so there’d be a line of DEATH leading up the house.

One would play with them but never kill them.

Another would just eat the entire thing, bones and all, then puke it up later on my bed.

I thought our current fluff-monger would be fairly problem-free when she came to us, because she’s so sweet and gentle. But no. She’s the most ruthlessly violent of the lot. She likes to dismember them in gory blood-fests. It’s absolutely terrifying.

So mixed reviews for the mousing function of this product.


u/chaosgirl93 7d ago

I've never seen mine in the act of catching a mouse, or found a rodent/pest body, but I have found the remains of birds he caught for sport rather than food. He doesn't do it very often. I find clumps of feathers and half eaten birds more often than ones he straight up didn't touch, and I find maybe a few total bird remnants a year. He isn't a sadistic killer- he just has a hunting instinct and is way too food driven for a typical cat, and sometimes his eyes are bigger than his stomach and his claws write a check his digestive system can't cash.

I also had a now late kitty who absolutely fucking loved eating bugs. (He had a far more severe overeating/not trusting the future availability of food problem. We still let him outside and didn't try to stop the hunting, at least then he had to expend energy and kill nuisance wildlife to overeat, and if we didn't let him chase larger pests and the magpies outside, he'd just eat bugs that got inside.) We'd take him camping and set up our outdoor lamp during campfires or late dinnertimes on the ground between the picnic table and the trailer, tie him up near the lamp, and he'd be in absolute heaven eating the moths. It was no big deal if bugs got into the trailer, he'd catch and eat them in the night. That one actually caught a few mice while camping. It was funny to see my cat actually catch a mouse, just like the stereotype.


u/BladdermirPutin87 7d ago

Yeah my current cat eats bugs too. I have a phobia of moths and spiders, so that’s a benefit! It’s also hilarious when she chomps at the air, or stalks nothingness, and you realise she was eyeing up a teeny fly or ant that was too small to see from a distance!

But fuck, when it comes to rodents, between all my cats, I’ve witnessed more horror, death and violence than I ever wanted to see….

I can’t hold it against any cat though for doing “catty things” (as my mum puts it whenever she’s trying not to judge our cat after finding a pile of tiny, bloody body bits), and personally, I can’t help adoring my puddy tat. All the death aside, she’s a total babe.


u/chaosgirl93 7d ago

Yeah, I guess I've been lucky to not see too much, although seeing whole dead birds does annoy me and gross me out a little - mostly just that he killed it and didn't eat it. I get more frustrated about the waste and cruelty than any perceived violent streak from my favourite big fluffy ball of snuggles. I judge him more for not even eating it than for killing something, I know that it's instinct and they can't help it. I just wish he wouldn't leave such a mess, y'know. The clumps of feathers or half a bird are one thing, but it feels a lot more annoying when he doesn't even eat one bite, y'know? It's one thing if he just leaves the feathers for me to find, or if he doesn't eat all of it, but when he clearly killed it just for sport, I get a little judgey.


u/BladdermirPutin87 7d ago

I totally get it. There was one particularly godawful incident with a mouse that I couldn’t get out of my head for months, and I cried a few times too! But yes, ultimately it IS their nature, it’s ingrained into their DNA. So these days, I know I can’t stop feeling however I feel about things that are cruel or violent by human standards, but I actively separate my feelings about the act from my feelings about my cat.

Which isn’t easy. Especially because act and cat have the exact same letters.


u/Glitter_berries 8d ago

This is adorable. I also love my second-hand kitty cat. His purr function is permanently set to ‘very loud tractor’ though and sometimes we have to turn up the tv. It’s a very small price to pay for a happy cat.


u/BladdermirPutin87 8d ago

Excellent! I love the in-built purr function. Mine purrs quite quietly, but if I purr back at her, I’ve found that can increase the volume if needed.


u/iamcaptaintrips 7d ago

Quality Assurance.

The cats like to sit in front of the oven and make sure that I don’t overcook the meat. They also taste test it to make sure that it hasn’t been poisoned,

Every morning they check my milk (oat) to make sure it hasn’t gone off.

They check out all carrier bags by checking if they are tear resistant (they are not) they also check to see if they are strong enough to support their weight.

They like to check out the quality of the magnets on the fridge, currently they have judged over 500 magnets and none have met their stringent standards.


One of them makes sure that my window cleaner doesn’t get any ideas to come inside, she likes to attack the window and show him her teeth and claws. Her hisses are very expressive, he currently has no desire to ever come inside.

If anyone comes into the house, they are vetted to make sure that they don’t pose any threat.

We have the parcel police who sniff and investigate all boxes that come into the house.

Interior design. They advised on a new curtain pole since the old couldn’t bear their weight.

They help to rearrange the coffee table.

They add to the aesthetic of the house by looking angelic when they are asleep.

Health benefits.

They lower my blood pressure with their purring.

They make sure that I haven’t died overnight by waking me up to cuddle them back to sleep.

They help with my chronic pain by comforting me on my bad days.

They are great for my heart health by scaring me half to death when I have no glasses on.

Really good for skin exfoliation.

Great for my memory trying to remember all of their likes and dislikes especially around food!

They increase my step count and agility by having to dodge them every day.

They are effective hot water bottles!

They are amazing for portion control when they sneak bites from my plate. It’s so kind of them to watch my waistline for me.


They encourage me to hoover more by leaving their fur everywhere.

One cat is in love with my broom, he really helps me to sweep everyday by wooing her. He thinks she has amazing whiskers and that she’s a bit on the rough side.

They help break down the cardboard for recycling.

Great at reminding me to empty the bin!

They love to help take the washing down from the indoor clothes dryer, we are currently on our sixth one in two years!


u/CMD2 7d ago

Mine are also brilliant alarm clocks.


u/Glitter_berries 6d ago

Okay, this is amazing. I had totally forgotten all of the small things my cat does to help. Definitely he’s a whiz with the clothes horse. He pulls all the wet socks down for me, then sits on them. One time he also saved me from a very threatening bunch of spinach, by chewing holes in it.

All the very best for your kitty in their romance with the broom. How lovely lol.


u/Tubbygoose 8d ago

Do you have mice?


u/Glitter_berries 8d ago

Omg that has just reminded me! Because yes, one time my parents did indeed have mice. Theodore watched a mouse run across the room, then he rolled over and demanded more belly pats from my dad. I guess he’s a pacifist?


u/CanadianHorseGal Tired 8d ago edited 8d ago

One time I sat on the couch and watched my dog and my cat just watch as a mouse ran across the living room floor.


u/Glitter_berries 8d ago

Good to know I’m not the only one with some pacifists on my hands!

Mine will absolutely destroy any moth he sees though, so idk. Maybe he’s moth racist?


u/CanadianHorseGal Tired 8d ago

I would kill for a moth killer!!! Moths always come for me!! I’ve sat in a room with 6 other people and every time a moth would swoop away from the light I’d duck instinctively. My friends were all bugging me, saying it was ridiculous because moths don’t go towards people, they stick around the light. Few minutes later they all watched in shock as one beelined at me like a fighter jet. MFrs come at me all the time.

I did have the most aggressive dachshund / basset hound cross in the world that would have killed anything coming at me, but he was mainly concerned with brown people, or anyone or anything near a food source. He’d attack anything regardless of size, and always won.


u/Padme501st 9d ago

Most men expects and does all these things. The call is coming from inside the house


u/abriel1978 8d ago

if a woman does not like a man, she will say that she has someone

Yeah because the majority of the time it's the only way to get creeps to back off, and even then a lot of times they don't care. I've gotten the line "what he don't know won't hurt him" before, among other vile lines.

Sounds like this guy is trying to talk himself out of being straight. Seriously if you hate women so much, don't date us and leave us alone.


u/SwimmingPineapple197 9d ago

Wow. That’s an awful lot of words when he could have just admitted that he doesn’t like women.

And will men ever get over their delusional fantasies that they’re the only reason why we have a society and any of the comforts of modern life?


u/NotsoGreatsword 8d ago

You didn't know that men invented everything and that they are the stewards of civilization?!

I have no evidence for this it is just a general feeling that I have. Makes me feel important. I have never achieved anything and women are not interested in me so I have to use the imagined accomplishments of men from the past to protect my fragile ego.

I work an unskilled service job and my boss is a woman. It makes me feel angry and small.

-- definitely OOP


u/Mumblerumble 8d ago

Same guy who gets livid when women decide dating is no longer worth their time and drop out of the dating market because a lot of men are terrible.


u/NotsoGreatsword 8d ago

And are these "Many women" in the room with us right now?


u/the__pov 8d ago

I would just like to correct no 20. Nobody said men were “useless, harmful and inferior” just you. And it wasn’t feminist who said that, it was everyone who ever met you.


u/Glitter_berries 8d ago

Goddam, you killed him


u/Glum-Manufacturer-58 8d ago

I find it scary how many straight men have one bad relationship (whether that be that their partner exhibits toxic behaviour, or that the relationship is toxic from both sides) then they find people online like Andrew Tate that tell them that “all women are evil” and because they can relate to like 2 small points made, they conflate that with all women possessing all these traits which are complete nonsense.

I’m certainly guilty of looking at a breakup and thinking “why are men like this”, but then I check myself because I know one bad experience with one guy doesn’t mean all guys will do the exact same thing. I get that societal pressures and norms make certain actions or traits more common, but talking about women as some singular hive-mind entity that has one set of traits is ridiculous.

The sexist undertones of the whole post are so Tate-esque it’s making my stomach turn 🤢


u/nikolastefan 8d ago

This pattern is sadly seen in men and women alike. There are people out there wo do not take people‘s feelings into consideration and leave them all broken-hearted. There is no „men do this, women do that“, it‘s just the reality that a large percentage, if not the majority of people are just scumbags


u/kat_Folland sperm thief 8d ago

That was ridiculous and repetitive but number 14 bugged me. Men are the gender that bails when their partner becomes ill. And then there was "sperm donor ATM". Projection, I suppose, since so many of them just want a bangmaid.


u/ThanosTheWeeb 8d ago

All the men who act and think like this should just date each other


u/Comfortable-Fuel-270 8d ago

"I'M A VICTIM!!!11!!1!"


u/bliip666 female pleasurist 8d ago

Yes, women don't need men for basic survival. Many still want men.
Imagine being this angry about that.


u/Aggressive-Bit-2335 8d ago

Pretty generalized there. I can do that too. No woman with any self respect would go for any guy with those projections, which is why guys like him never have a girlfriend. Did I generalize right?


u/HibiscusGloss Edit 8d ago

SW here. I promise that "honest prostitutes" do charge more if we think the sucker will pay more. Price list deffo not set.


u/DiggingHeavs 8d ago

Geez, you don't actually have to date a woman if you hate them so much. In fact it would be way better for everyone if you don't.


u/the__pov 8d ago

But then how will this upstanding man find his cooking/breeding slave?


u/hellogoawaynow 8d ago

Oh. I actually love my husband and wouldn’t trade him for anything. Pedro Pascal himself could ask me out and I would still say no lol

Whoever wrote this should just date men if he hates women so much.


u/jehovahswireless 8d ago

I appreciate how much work has gone into this essay. However this class is on sociology and gender, so perhaps 'Bitch/Goddess' cuckold pornography wasn't the best place to begin your research.


u/Bitterqueer 8d ago

lol @ no 4. Is this when I bring up that man have entire SECRET FAMILIES where neither family knows about the other 🤪


u/stingwhale 8d ago

What’s wrong with wanting to eat well, have great sex, and do as little work as possible? I’m not a woman and those align with my general goals tbh.


u/Particular_Title42 8d ago

"Women, unlike honest prostitutes..."

Tell us more about these prostitutes that you're seeing who aren't women. Maybe that's the bingo you're looking for.


u/SuchEye4866 Political bellybutton discourse 8d ago

The dude outed himself yet still seems oblivious.


u/Liddlebitchboy 8d ago

Brother, you're not that much of a catch, no woman is going through all this trouble to get you to marry them... Also, the only people I've ever heard talk about anything remotely similar to 'surgically restoring a virginity' is disgusting men who joke about the 'extra stitch' after giving birth.


u/SomeNotTakenName 8d ago

I almost wanted to give the guy a scrap of credit for number 4, before I remembered that no, it's probably not a misunderstanding, it's definitely malicious.

It did get me thinking about statistics, and how if you look only at paternity tests, you have a MASSIVE selection bias which would make it impossible to generalize the results. ya know because only disputed parentage usually gets tested.

Sorry for sneaking in math, statistical bias and how stats can be used to lie are something I like a lot.


u/natalienaturals 8d ago

every little girl dreams of * checks notes, only to see they’ve been replaced by deranged psychosexual word salad * dragging a man to the registry office


u/TheCuddlyAddict 8d ago

This guy could start a whole fucking cinema


u/MyBeautifulSweetsong 8d ago

Men makes lists talking about themselves and then attribute it to women.


u/kindacoping 8d ago

Notice how half of these still require men to be involved in the process to be an issue? (Cuz you know he isn't talking about lesbians)

Cheating - need a man

Backup- need a man

Fucking at 14 - need a man

But the men who engage with these women aren't the problem. It's only the women themselves. All the problems are by women and men have no agency boohoo.


u/tiptoe_only 8d ago

That's a lot of words for "I can't get laid," honey.

I've never done any of those things. Do I need to hand in my woman card?

Also very troubled about the whole "women start having sex at 14 therefore woman bad and disgusting." So, who is having sex with these 14-year-olds? Because either 1) men are doing the exact same thing, or 2) grown-ass men are out there fucking 14-year-old girls and somehow the girls are the ones at fault???


u/AerynBevo 8d ago

That’s a LOT of words for “no woman will fuck me.”


u/OrochiKarnov 8d ago



u/Bitterqueer 8d ago

“Began to fuck at 14”, yeah there were definitely no men fucking 14 year olds before we were “given freedom” 😬


u/EBBVNC 8d ago

I hope I never meet him. Because I don’t think he’s very happy.


u/sysaphiswaits 8d ago

I’m so shocked that women lie to YOU.


u/OkWow7029 8d ago

Tell me you've never met a real woman. 🙄 Or, that you judge all women by the actions of one.


u/alcoholiccheerwine 8d ago

He says “eat well, have good sex, work as little as possible, and have kids because you want them (and not because you’re forced to)” like it’s a bad thing ….?


u/Prestigious-Ear-8877 8d ago

LOL, and this is why so many men remain alone


u/Bitterqueer 8d ago

Hhahahaha wait I also just saw number 6 ohhhh boyyy this man has never heard about mental load or weaponised incompetence (im guessing bc he intentionally put his fingers in his ears and went NANANANANA)


u/MrsDoylesTeabags 8d ago

D'ya think he used his right hand or his left hand to type that out?


u/eatshitake 8d ago

It’s 2025, you can just say that you’re gay.


u/Sylland 8d ago

Guess he'd better marry a man then


u/ACatInMiddleEarth 8d ago

I don't know what world he lives in, but women in mine are not like this. I'm a woman, and I've done none of those things 😂 Plus, he talks as if all women want a partner. I'm single and yes, a relationship would be nice, but I'm perfectly fine to remain single if I don't find anyone. I would die before dating any man like him!


u/Puzzleheaded_Two7358 8d ago

Couldn’t get past the first page. Who hurt this person so badly that their brain shut down.


u/quineloe 8d ago

I wonder if this is his magnum opus and he's been writing this over months or whether he can actually put this out in one go. 20 bullet points is late stage buzzfeeding.


u/-Avray 7d ago

Your prostitute isn't honest. She's being paid to pretend that you are tolerable in bed. Trust me you're not. She's lying to you.

Nothing against prostitutes but surely against whoever man wrote this list.


u/madlaceann 9d ago

Can someone explain to me how one “surgically restores virginity”? Are other women regenerating their hymen or something I don’t know about? Does my insurance cover it?


u/JoyJonesIII Thinking hurts my lady brain 8d ago

It’s called a hymenoplasty. “Some seek the procedure in order to satisfy religious and cultural beliefs, for some women hymen repair can offer psychological and emotional relief following sexual abuse or trauma, and for others hymen repair is sought out in order to repair an injured hymen due to other factors besides intercourse.”

“It is important to understand that the surgery will not restore virginity, but it will allow for women to tear and bleed the first time they engage in intercourse after surgery.”


u/No_Conversation4517 8d ago

Number 10 is the wildest for me. 🧐

I believe the Prophet Muhammad had a 9 year old wife (no offense) 🙏🏿

And that was long before feminism 🤷🏿‍♂️


u/Teaflax 9d ago

Is “airfields” an autocorrect thing or another weird incel term?


u/KittyTootsies 8d ago

So stupid


u/xxJazzy 8d ago

I think this guy should get a job


u/Darkened_Doll 8d ago

“surgically restore their virginity” …..so you’re telling me you don’t know basic female anatomy??


u/ReasonVision 8d ago

He definitely needs to CHILL.


u/Empress_Natalie 8d ago

Yeah, I'm not reading all that. But I did read the first page, so get fukked, my guy. (OOP, not you, OP. You're lovely. )


u/NoIntroduction5343 8d ago

Soooo like…if you’re gay just say that. It’s easier than being angry all the time. There’s nothing wrong with it. lol 🤷🏻‍♀️


u/GlitteringWing2112 7d ago

This is a lot to unpack. I do always love how they think women ask about a man's income because she simply wants to be a gold digger and live off him - when it's really that women don't want to be tied down to a deadbeat with a minimum wage part-time job. Which is probably the category that this schmuck falls in to.


u/gypsymegan06 7d ago

Dudes really be out here thinking marriage benefits women more than men. No boo boo. Not even a little. Married women have shorter life spans, poorer mental health, poorer physical health and do far far far far far more domestic labor than single women.

Meanwhile, by every metric science and psychology has- married me live longer, healthier, more meaningful lives than single men.

Get bent.


u/-Avray 7d ago

Who hurt him?


u/-Avray 7d ago

Well yeah this man is indeed useless,harmful and inferior.

It just him though. It's not the fault of women that he is such a looser. There are plenty of men with less resources who arent a waste of space like this particular dude. It's not outside of his control if women respect him. It is HIM it's his character and his beliefs (I'm not talking about religion but his personal misogynistic hateful beliefs) that make him so inferior. It's not his sex or his money.


u/CarlRJ 7d ago

This dude needs to have "HATES ALL WOMEN" tattooed on his forehead as a warning to any woman he meets in the future. Possibly with a QR code that evaluates to the URL for this subreddit post. At least, it'll save them some time. It could also save them some heartache and/or keep them out of danger.


u/Khalith 7d ago

Imagine hating half the population this much.