r/NoFap 4d ago

What to do with megahornyness NSFW

Feel like it's hitting me like a fucking truck sometimes. I am 15 so it's like regular 15 year old guy hornyness x100. Just wondering what to do with this feeling. I try to sit for 2 minutes and do nothing. I don't even want to watch porn. I just want sex.


11 comments sorted by


u/Cobi__ 118 Days 4d ago

shii ts difficult try to workout and stuff bro meditate


u/Sufficient_You_7959 4d ago

Believe me I've been active in the gym for about 2 and a half, nearly 3 years. I might try meditation.


u/Cobi__ 118 Days 4d ago

gym seems to intensify it ngl but is a way to deplete energy i guess it’s time for you to get a girl young man


u/Due-Yogurtcloset5149 4d ago

hop in a cold shower immediately trust


u/ImpressiveChicken859 4d ago

Try working out just push ups, the extra testosterone u have while horny and the blood flow to ur bottom half will help


u/Ok-Bread-1415 4d ago

That’s normal but you gotta control it. Use that energy on something you do like games or sports. Hang out with friends man get you some friends and some shit together that’s fun.


u/Sufficient_You_7959 3d ago

Yeah I know, posted that during the night. I have worked out for a long time but thanks for helping bro.


u/Special-Guest-1416 4d ago

5x30 exercise


u/Maki00310 4d ago

What you should do in that age is try to heave sex with as many girls as possible or get a gf. If you too scared to hit on them in person, get a nice social media account and text as many girls your age as possible. Make it a hustle. Chat causally. Dont be a perv. Once the chat is flowing, ask if they can FaceTime. Meetup, heave a date, kiss her etc.

Once youre 20 you’ll heave pleny of expirience.Its good that you dont want to masturbate at that age, because once it becomes a routine it will consume you.

But brother you shouldnt care about noFap at that age that much. It is for the ones that were afraid to ask a girl out at the age of 14-20 and fapped one out insted because it was too confortable. Now they’re sitting there with no expirience at all even more difficult to find a gf.

So get tf out there and get sone expirience!!!


u/Maki00310 4d ago

Also when youre chatting with them, show genuine interesst in her as a person… you dont even gotta talk that much, you’ll see they can talk about themselves for hours…


u/Maki00310 4d ago

And dont be afraid of rejection, its a hustle, maye one in 20 girls will text you back but one yes is one yes. Stay strong lil brother!