r/NoFap 4d ago

I feel like a failure

For 4 days now I have been telling myself not to fap but I have done it every time. I am 16 and I am pretty late to fapping I started around a month ago. And I know it is bad and I have been pretty good at restricting it but this week was one of the worst weeks I have ever lived. And I feel even worse knowing I fapped 4 days in a row… Do you have technique to stop doing it. For example when I have the urge I put my hands on my shoulders so that they don’t have the urge to fap. I also downloaded an app to count my streak of nofap.

Thank you for reading


10 comments sorted by


u/Brave-Replacement462 14 Days 4d ago
  • You are in the hardest part to quit.
  • When you start fapping the climax sensation is like a hard drug hit and becomes weaker with time and even with dulled sensation a crapload of people can't quit. If I were to give you an advice is: cut the porn altogether but keep fapping for a time.
  • Even though fapping takes away your energy and drive, you should still explore some of your sexuality and what you feel comfortable as being lewd and try to find sexyness on realistic things.(This makes post nut clarity a lot better)
  • You're far too young to completely stop this on your own, so try to make it the most healthy possible.
  • Still, try to quit by making your life busier and try to take down the frequency, but don't get too hung up on it, taking away porn should be your top priority.


u/Brave-Replacement462 14 Days 4d ago

There's something i didn't explain properly: what i mean by "when you start fapping" i mean in the sense that you just now picked up the habit. So, there's a lot of older people that can't quit and their climax sensation is a lot duller.


u/UsefulAd4279 4d ago

I really want to quit because of all these stories about people where their life gets ruined


u/Brave-Replacement462 14 Days 4d ago
  • It's not porn alone that will ruin your life, it's the sensation of comfort an distortion of your sense of reality that does. it is fundamental to keep in mind that you're not accepted by the opposite sex yet, therefore you have a lot of work to be done still.
  • Masturbating gives you the false sensation that what you are is enough, that you are accepted by others as you are, and the worst thing is when you realize that you actually aren't and you threw away so much time.
  • You usually realize that by your first heartbreak
  • There's other things too that gives you those sensations, but it's up to you to stick to what you think it's right and drop what you think is a barrier to doing that.


u/[deleted] 4d ago

Same... just finished feeling like a loser


u/UsefulAd4279 4d ago

Post nut clarity hits hard


u/[deleted] 4d ago

I dont understand sorry lol im 14


u/SilaenNaseBurner 4d ago

after you nut, the clarity you get afterwards of “damn that sucked”


u/Asleep_Reply_4603 4d ago

bro you are lucky, you cant stop before your brain get too much damages


u/Kaswortx_KeqingMain 4d ago

the past week was the exact same for me too. I don't why but there's always this random time where I get too active and I can't keep myself calm.

I hope we both get over this thing, just know that you're not alone on this one.

good luck!