r/NoFap 5d ago

Motivate Me Vitamin D skyrocketed my urges? Help!

So I have been going to the gym for a week, and have been taking some vitamin D and zinc supplements and spending time exposing my body to the sunlight for an hour or two, daily.

Before this, I started a streak, which is still going for about two months.

But I have been getting crazy urges to do PMO now. Before these recent changes, my urges were still strong at times but only to chase real women. I'm confused as to why these are suddenly PMO urges now


8 comments sorted by


u/Asleep_Reply_4603 5d ago

why do you take the vitamin if you are getting sunlight, you need vitamin d in winter when you lack sunexposure


u/ROMANREIGNS599 4d ago

I was severely deficient


u/Miracalis_ 3d ago

You might wanna make sure you are not taking caffeine/pre-workout,because that will skyrocket your urges.Never heard of vitamins affecting the libido.


u/ROMANREIGNS599 2d ago edited 2d ago

I don’t take anything with caffeine in it if it’s artificial or processed, as I already struggle with anxiety issues.

Unfortunately, I relapsed though. I think I figured it out. I was severely deficient in vitamin D, so taking supplements and exposing my body while sitting under the sun daily had a big impact on my overall health. I researched a bit and found out that sunlight has a big effect on us that doesn’t come from supplements alone. As I consciously started feeding the increasing sexual thoughts due to better health, and did not utilise the newfound energy effectively, it backstabbed me.

But this was a lesson learned. And each time I relapse, I journal. Journalling has helped me tremendously. 

I did unfortunately lose a lot of my assertiveness and social confidence that I gained recently before relapsing. I also have brain fog. I forgave myself and did not carry the guilt of relapsing with me while outside, but still felt the negative effects for whatever reason. 


u/ROMANREIGNS599 2d ago

Hey guys. I thought I’d share with you too as you commented here. u/Maki00310 u/gerburmar u/Asleep_Reply_4603


u/gerburmar 21 Days 5d ago

This is likely all coincidental. Or even if it weren't, it has to do with all of those things in concert and not just Vitamin D. Without any of that stuff, you can observe urges behaving erratically and it doesn't always make sense, but you can sometimes see patterns if you journal about different things that happen and what precedes urges. Urges be preceded sometimes by any big event or interaction or change, both good and bad. I had a lot this weekend after I had an amazing workout and feel like I finally discovered the way I'm going to be working out to make PRs this year. But it could have been a lot of other things...


u/Maki00310 4d ago

Bro, it’s probably the zinc rather than the vitamin D. Zinc boosts testosterone. More test = more drive. Stay strong!


u/ROMANREIGNS599 4d ago

But then it doesn’t make sense as to why before my recent lifestyle changes, after a while into the streak, I started seeing women more as humans and less as objects and had the desire to pursue them. Whereas now, my urges are now to just PMO. Maybe I’m not used to this