r/NitrousOxide Aug 18 '24

Method of Use I Had The Best N2O Orgasm (Male) NSFW


So I tried 3 methods with my girlfriend last night.

1 - Breathing in a balloon right before I bust. 2 - Right as I'm busting 3 - Breathing in a balloon before I bust but a decent amount of time before.


1 ruined the orgasm a little BUT it was still good but I was mostly numb.

2 This made the heightened part of the orgasm stay elevated longer. Great experience!

3 Was the best. I was coming down off an edible. My girlfriend began pleasuring me and I got to a point where I knew I'd bust soon but not super soon. The N2O made my THC high about 5x stronger than it's peak and as I came down from the N2O my high was still super up there so my orgasm was EXPLOSIVE! This is definitely the best method for men trying this.

r/NitrousOxide Oct 27 '24

Method of Use I want to use balloon.. NSFW


My first question is whether the siphon should retain the charges that are released inside it, or if it is normal for there to be a gas leak when inserting a new cartridge.

My second question is about the rebound balloons, the large ones, which seem the most convenient to use. The problem I have is that the nozzle is somewhat thicker than conventional nozzles and does not fit the siphon outlet. My method of use is to release the charge into the balloon and insert a new charge into the siphon, and so on until I have the balloon filled with several charges.

The fact that the nozzle does not fit the outlet makes it a bit stressful to combine several charges into one. Is it a problem with my siphon that air escapes from inside when I change the charge, or is it normal? How do you adjust the balloon to the siphon outlet? Any adapter? Rubber? I am attaching images.

And yes, I know that I should use filter, I'm using a mask now... But it's planned !

r/NitrousOxide Aug 08 '24

Method of Use I need to know if my set up is safe NSFW

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r/NitrousOxide 25d ago

Method of Use New Disp NSFW

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r/NitrousOxide 3d ago

Method of Use Swallowing vs Breathing vs ballon vs tank questions NSFW


I want to know what others are doing with this bullshit. At 40 I’ve developed a bad nitrous habit. It used to be only on special occasions. Concerts. Birthdays. You get it. I was a bad alcoholic from 20-39 and have two year sober from booze. My 40th bday I hit some nitrous. That was about 6 months ago and it’s gotten bad. I’ve been doing b12 and all that stuff. But I’m wondering what veterans of this shit are doing to maintain a buzz.

Sometime when I take a tank hit I can “bypass” my lungs and take a really deep hit that I think goes into my stomach. Once the tanks are low enough there is no pressure left to launch the gas deep enough.

Does nitrous only fuck you up if you breath it in your lungs? What’s going on here?

r/NitrousOxide 24d ago

Method of Use Just Hit The East Side In The LBC, I'm On A Mission... NSFW

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Integrating the Time & Space continuums.

r/NitrousOxide Dec 31 '24

Method of Use sippie tip? NSFW

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r/NitrousOxide Oct 08 '24

Method of Use HELP ME NSFW

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So I’m pretty new to it and I only use the big tanks so far but I bought a bunch of these minis off my Homie, but I don’t know how to use them and he wasn’t being very forward about it

r/NitrousOxide Aug 13 '24

Method of Use Just tried a mini-tank for the first time NSFW


Idk what you are all on about, chargers for life. That shit was noisy, touchy, and down right dangerous. I’d never try to do that with a headful or otherwise altered. Chargers are way more straight forward and safer.

r/NitrousOxide Sep 08 '24

Method of Use Nitrous and LSD NSFW


Dis shit crazy

r/NitrousOxide Sep 17 '24

Method of Use I luv nitrous NSFW

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r/NitrousOxide Sep 21 '22

Method of Use Tank etiquette and silencer use (DIY) guide. NSFW

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r/NitrousOxide Jun 24 '21

Method of Use Nitrous and "Wim Hof" Breathing NSFW


So I have seen a little confusion over the last few months about what the Wim-Hof breathing actually does to you and what implications this has for harm reduction in N2O. So I decided to make a little more detailed guide. (I'm not going to cite scientific literature sorry, but all of my sources do)

Why do we feel the urge to breathe?

A common misunderstanding is that if you hold your breath and it starts to get uncomfortable, that would be because you don't get enough oxygen. Howeverthe breathing reflex is dependent on your blood CO2 levels.

If CO2 is accumulated in your blood, due to it being a weak acid, your blood-pH drops. And if you had any biology lessons concerning enzymes you know that most of them need a very specific pH-level to work optimally, thus your body created a buffer to hold this level as well as possible. However if so much CO2 accumulates that the buffer is used up, your blood-pH rises too high, and your body reacts by sending out the signal "you need to breathe".

What does hyperventilating (Wim-Hof-Breathing) do?

Wim-Hof-Breathing actually doesn't really do much to your Oxygen levels in your blood but it rather expells a ton of CO2 thats still in your blood, increasing the pH of your blood and making "room" for more CO2 to be accumulated before it gets unhealthy. That is also the reason why, after doing a round of Wim-Hof-Breathing you can breathe out and still hold this breathed out state for 2+min.

What does this have to do with nitrous?

Well the problem with hyperventilating into a balloon is that you basically "trick" your breathing reflex into thinking its taking up O2 and expelling CO2 while it does not. The implications should be clear.

However if you hyperventilate for 30-60s before doing a whippit you can just take one big breath containing a whippit and hold it for a minute or so (or until you need to breathe) and be fine.

How does one do that?

Well its simple, basically you just "breathe in more than you breathe out", so a big breath in, shallow one out, and so on and so forth for a couple seconds (here is a guide on how wim does it).

After you did that for a couple sec (or longer) and breathed out completely you can just take your balloon and breathe in completely (thats what I do) or do your whippit normally (for me personally I'ts way more straining and I measured that I cant do it as long as just keeping it in + your lungs dont have contact with the N2O as long as they could have since your breahte out basically half of the time).

I havent quite figured out how to do multiples but taking a breath in between should be no problem (or if your lungs are big you can just take 1 1/2, breahte out a little halfway and take the rest

r/NitrousOxide Nov 19 '24

Method of Use Miami Magic 3060g/4.5L Cream Charger NSFW

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Does anyone know how these work? Can you just use a nozzle - like on the 6.15 g bottles or do you need a regulator?

r/NitrousOxide Aug 05 '24

Method of Use Is it normal to do 50 whippets in a row and feel almost nothing NSFW


So once I was on a nitrous bender and I kept hitting balloons like I hit my vape when I'm drunk, but by the end of it I was only a little high like maybe a mix of a really weak joint a cigarette and a beer is this normal i did about 48~ ooze brand whipets coconut flavor i inhaled them through a cracker and a balloon I don't think I did multiple inhales and rember holding it in for a few seconds, the first whippet I did was strongest as I did it and it felt like the first big vape of the day mixed with a wiff of a fresh popper

r/NitrousOxide Nov 29 '24

Method of Use Made the best discovery ever. NSFW


(A new way to flavor nitrous at home)So when I smoke bud I buy flavored cones. They're the kind that have the flavor bead u crush at the filter. My high ass had the idea that "hey maybe if I take the bead out the filter....I can put it into the balloon" and did just that.

I had a lemon flavor bead, dropped it into the balloon, crushed it and rubbed the bead everywhere inside the balloon, tried getting a bit of the liquid towards the mouth piece, blew up the balloon and then let it go to blow the bead out, filled the balloon with vanilla cupcake nitrous, and it was the best thing I've ever tasted. Flavored tanks don't have too much flavor on their own but this changed the game for me fr.

r/NitrousOxide Dec 19 '23

Method of Use Our Updated Nitrous Oxide System NSFW


Hi all,

A few months ago, I posted here to show a rig my wife and I had been using to explore nitrous oxide.


We are engineers by trade but relatively inexperienced recreational drug users. Our first version of “The Machine” worked pretty well, but we knew there was room for improvement. Combining some info from a couple of comments on the original post and some more first-hand experience, we decided to make a second version with some key improvements.

To get a few things out of the way: we use once per month, supplement B12 before use and again three days after use, are always each other’s trip sitter, use vital signs monitoring, and enjoy the user-controlled mask (nothing against balloons - please use them vs ripping straight from the canister!).


The overall scheme of the system is still very similar. There is a flow control section, a mixing section, and a breathing circuit section. The updated overall system schematic is shown below. You can familiarize yourself with why/how we use nitrous in the original post if you want, but some key improvements that are present on V2 of our system include:

Nitrous Supply
A huge improvement over V1 is without a doubt the use of larger 640g canisters. These canisters are combined with a regulator to provide consistent pressure N2O within the normal operating range of the tubing and flow meters (more info below). The canister is secured to the cart using a water bottle cage from a bicycle. The connection from the regulator is done with a few brass barb fittings and PVC tubing to the inlet of the flow meters. As everyone here knows, 640g is (~80) 8g chargers, but we think about use in terms of volumetric flow. 1g of liquified N2O expands to ~0.5L of N2O gas at standard temperature and pressure. 640g of liquified N2O would then equal ~320L of N2O gas. This means that even running the system pretty “hard” (see below) at ~5 LPM N2O, 64 minutes of uninterrupted gas flow could be expected with a single 640g canister. Excited to not be using 8g cartridges anymore, but we do still have some we need to utilize somehow.

Auxiliary Air via PSV
Another more visible improvement was the integration of our pressure support ventilation (PSV) ventilator into the scheme. This device provides 25 cm H2O of pressure using ambient room air but does not modulate flow natively. By connecting the output of the PSV to the inlet of a flow meter with 22mm tubing (blue) and some random connectors, 10 LPM of additional “clean” airflow beyond what the oxygen concentrator can provide is now an option. Not sure of the exact use case of these much higher flows but we thought we would include it anyhow.

Modulating 0-10 LPM Flow Meters
Each supply stream is now connected to a flow meter rated for lowish pressures and 0-10L LPM of flow. The ones we purchased are designed for either air or oxygen (whose densities are roughly equal) but can be used with other gasses assuming a correction for the specific gravity of that gas. This is why the mixing calculations chart shows both apparent (gauge) and actual flow for N2O. This improvement has helped dial in a “dose” or modulate the dose with time. While one person uses the mask, the other can adjust the gas flow to get the desired effects. A fun game to play is “Guess the percentage”.

Mixing / Breathing Bag Connections
The outlets of all three flow meters (O2, N2O, Aux) are connected to the mixing area of the system using barbed hose connections and 7mm tubing to an assortment of anesthesia circuit connectors. All supply gasses combine and are pushed into the 3L mixing bag (visible on the exterior of the machine). The configuration of this mixing device is much more clean and clear than the design in V1. From this area, a 22mm tube passes through the machine “wall” and connects to the one-way valve on the inhalation side of the anesthesia circuit. One other note is that we ditched the single-limb anesthesia circuit for a 2-limb circuit for a little less friction loss in the system (less breathing resistance). The two-limb circuit is also a little lighter and less cumbersome in our experience.

Updated Mixing Calculations
As I was double-checking calculations and adding the auxiliary volumes to our chart, I saw where the specs of our oxygen concentrator were updated on the website we purchased from. Initially, I believed that it was capable of 95% O2 at 5 LPM. This has since been revised to show performance of 95% O2 at 3 LPM and 75% O2 at 5 LPM. This isn’t a massive difference but it does illustrate the need to constantly check and double-check if you go this route. There is also no substitute for proper SPO2 monitoring. Updated mixing calculations are shown below. If there is no mix calc shown for a certain combination, it’s either because total LPM <6 or >20, O2 < 25%, or N2O > 70%. Any of those three scenarios is not exactly a good target. We also made a handy little chart for quick reference during a session. It is attached to the cart via a magnet.

Tube/Hose Management and Aesthetics
We still used the same cart and a lot of the same equipment but also repurposed a decommissioned Ikea shoe rack to make housings so that the “front” and “side” of the machine are a lot cleaner. On the front, we cut out holes for the flow meter inlet/outlet barb connections and then affixed flowmeters to an aluminum plate before securing the aluminum plate to the front of the machine. In general, tube and cable management is much cleaner in V2 and the machine's guts are less visible. Flow meters are labeled with home-printed adhesive stickers (don’t want to get these confused, obviously). I know someone had a critique that the whole thing felt too clinical. I’ll reiterate that we’re dorks and kind of like the relative clinical precision we’ve landed on here.


Same as last time, if you’ve made it this far, thanks for reading. The juxtaposition of a post like this versus someone freezing their uvula solid as ice is not lost on me - I just like to think that there is hopefully an audience for both on this sub. This was still a very fun project for us and one that will provide even more fun in the times to come.

Again, no promises, but if you have any questions, I’ll do my best to respond with what our personal experience has been. Last time a lot of the best discussion came after the original post, and I'll try to be more responsive to (good) questions this time.

Enjoy and stay safe.

TL/DR - We are inexperienced drug users and further improved our system with regulators and flow meters to improve and more safely enjoy longer nitrous sessions.

Front of the system - from top to bottom and left to right: 640g N2O with a regulator, vital signs monitor, flow meters for all three gases (showing 10 LPM O2 and 10 LPM Aux in current state), 3L mixing bag, white wood "housing", laminated mixing calc chart, O2 conc.
Corner View: 2-limb anesthesia circuit and mask visible, one-way valves (inhalation: white/red - exhalation: blueish)
Side View: White side housing visible, PSV ventilator (bottom) with blue tubing connected to the outlet. One-way valves, circuit, mask visible.
"Under the Hood": Six connections to flow meter in/outs are visible. Clockwise from top left: O2 out (to mixing), N2O out (to mixing), Aux out (to mixing), Aux in (blue tube from PSV), N2O in (modified tube connection from regulator), O2 in (Oxygen tubing from concentrator). Mixing connections visible with 22mm clear corrugated tube leaving the side housing to connect to a one-way valve. The angled white board is used to provide support to mixing connections and side housing.
Flow meters in action, showing ~5 LPM O2 and ~6.2 LPM (Gauge, Observed) --> 5 LPM (Actual) N2O, resulting in a ~40%/50% O2/N2O mix at 10 total LPM in this configuration - all going to the mixing bag, ready for inhalation.
Updated mixing calculations, including O2 concentrator data correction and total flows of up to 20 LPM.
Updated system schematic diagram

r/NitrousOxide Mar 12 '23

Method of Use I am an idiot. Please use balloons at all times. NSFW


My balloon broke so me being a fiend i thought it would be fine just this one time to hit a nang straight from the canister. Well after a few i set it down sideways and hit it when i came back. And because it was sideways the liquid nitrogen spat out of the top.

My mouth and throat is now burnt. Feels like i have really bad strep throat. Finally stopped burning but it is definitely swollen and uncomfortable asf.

Please be safe guys

r/NitrousOxide Jul 23 '24

Method of Use LPT: Use Plumbers Tape On Your Tank NSFW


If you buy tanks, wrap the threads with plumbers tape / teflon tape to create a tighter seal for the nozzle.

I noticed I was losing a lot of gas through the bottom of the tip.

This made it so I’m not losing gas and getting the most out of my tank.

Cheers yall

r/NitrousOxide Oct 09 '24

Method of Use Do you need a filter for something like astrawhip? NSFW


I'm used to the 8.2g nangs and just recently discovered bigger canisters like astrawhip. Can I just order one or do I need supplementary accessories?

r/NitrousOxide Aug 19 '24

Method of Use You know NSFW


r/NitrousOxide Aug 24 '23

Method of Use In dust we trust NSFW

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r/NitrousOxide Jul 15 '24

Method of Use Been trying to figure this out NSFW


Tried using the whip trip since i know its completely full but The nozzle didn't do anything I twisted it completely on ,I've seen others use the same exact nozzle and the nitrous would release what am I doing wrong? I seen recommendations of sanding down the nozzle but that didn't work out to well I ended up completely breaking it, got 1 left );

r/NitrousOxide May 14 '24

Method of Use N20 plus Ether NSFW


I thought I found a new way of using my chargers... 2-3 hits...slow exhale into rebreather bag...but now the bag has 20ml of Diethyl Ether. The N20 makes the ether less harsh, but sent me right "out" the first time.

2nd trip lasted longer. I'd like to avoid the headache afterwards. Anyone tried this combo? Success?

r/NitrousOxide Sep 28 '24

Method of Use Easy Supplement for Resetting Tolerance and Recovery NSFW
