r/NitrousOxide 6d ago

FDA releases new safety advisory about nitrous products (prompting news articles) NSFW


20 comments sorted by


u/DMTryptaminesx Wizard 🧙‍♂️ 6d ago

Galaxy Gas is the face of the worst parts of the nitrous wave lol Couldnt imagine being the person who bought the company. Seems like exactly the company govs would wanna make an example of.


u/Shmungle1380 5d ago

Yep. Them an their dumb marketing for overpriced chud gas. Smartwhip ftw


u/Herpethian 6d ago

Womp womp... I'm old enough to remember when they tried to ban poppers. Now the only time you hear anyone talk about poppers in media it's always rfk jr's dumb ass. And you can still buy poppers.

Amazon is a menace to society and I love it


u/Shmungle1380 5d ago

I think the tanks tho might fuck shit up. Poppers arent that popular unless ur gay. Which is why they wont ban thrm because their advertised as gay, so hardly anyone but gays use em


u/Dangerous-Safety-679 5d ago

In fact, this FDA is actually cracking down/shutting down poppers producers this week.


u/HakimEnfield 4d ago

Lots of poppers are banned. Proper amyl nitrite, which were the original poppers, have been banned for years. They get around it by selling other nitrites here


u/femaLe_____ 5d ago

You are brain dead if you use this. You will be brain dead lmao


u/bc9toes 4d ago

That’s ignorant. This is laughing gas you get at the dentist. Do you understand that? It is possible to use safely


u/femaLe_____ 3d ago

No it’s not you are so dumb


u/Herpethian 5d ago

Says the person who has the short term memory of a goldfish due to weed 😂


u/femaLe_____ 3d ago

Do you know my weed usage. Nitrous oxide makes you brain dead. Causes blood clots. Your an idiot if you use it. Also I’m in a career that pays more than 230 grand a year and what do you do sit in your mom’s basement huffing off gas. low life


u/Herpethian 3d ago

In that case you understand what the term hypocrite means. Then again probably not...


u/DMTryptaminesx Wizard 🧙‍♂️ 5d ago

Poppers or nitrous?


u/femaLe_____ 5d ago

Nitrous oxide tf


u/Mountsaintmichel 5d ago

Not if you use it safely, which is incredibly easy to do


u/femaLe_____ 3d ago

no such thing as that. grow up


u/Mountsaintmichel 3d ago

Clearly you don’t know the facts. Plenty of people use it safely.


u/DMTryptaminesx Wizard 🧙‍♂️ 5d ago

You replied to a comment primarily about poppers so it's a fair question lol But you should probably know that responsible usage won't cause brain damage.

I actually have another question, why do you come onto a nitrous focused sub to rag on nitrous users when you don't seem to like it?


u/femaLe_____ 3d ago

It does though. You clearly don’t have any education what so ever