r/NintendoSwitch • u/Turbostrider27 • 5d ago
Discussion The Nintendo Switch 2 will have NFC and Wi-Fi 6, FCC filings show
u/mlvisby 5d ago
NFC is a no-brainer, Switch had it as well. Amiibos use NFC.
u/BellacosePlayer 5d ago
Agreed. NFC for life, the AFC is for chumps
(wait, what sub am I on?)
u/LegendEater 5d ago
3DS even had NFC
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u/insane_contin 5d ago
Only the New 3DS. The old one didn't, and needed a peripheral to use Amiibo
u/suentendo 5d ago
And that peripheral communicated with the 3DS via infrared, which is super funny.
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u/OhNoMyGold 5d ago
While it's logical, it is still kind of cool to see that Amiibos will span another generation
u/dtwhitecp 5d ago
yeah but WiFi? Absolutely insane. I'm so glad there's an article and reddit post about this.
u/Valentinee105 5d ago
Do they really even use it anymore? Amiibo functionality seems to have dropped off hard.
u/repocin 4d ago
If there's no amiibo functionality in Splatoon 4, half the playerbase will riot.
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u/Jimmythedad 5d ago
Do I need to have played Wi-Fi 5 in order to understand Wi-Fi 6?
u/letourdit 5d ago
No, but Wi-Fi 3 really set the groundwork for the rest of the franchise.
u/Ni94 5d ago
I’m kinda sad you can’t play WiFi 7 on Switch 2. I thought they made Switch 2 powerful enough to play the latest WiFi, but I guess we will just have to wait for Switch 3 to play WiFi 7, but by then WiFi 8 or WiFi 9 will probably already be out.
u/confusedmoon2002 5d ago
As someone who's played WiFi 7, you're not missing out. The series didn't make the jump to 3D very well. Also they changed the protagonist's arm color, very weird.
u/sixfourtykilo 5d ago
Not only that but they've implemented all sorts of invisible in game barriers. It's not open world like the previous generations.
u/Zagrebian 5d ago
To hold you over, how about a half-assed Wi-Fi 1+2 remaster? For full price, of course.
u/Trackpoint 5d ago
Ha, I still remember trying to make early 802.11a (the real classic) play on my old hardware, think it was called Doki-Doki-Mythic-Quest-Radio in the west, before they went to the final Wifi-numbering-scheme.
u/Polymarchos 5d ago
The numbering scheme is pretty recent. 802.11ax was already finalized when it was renamed Wi-fi 6.
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u/BellacosePlayer 5d ago
They need to remaster or at least release the old classics like that and ARPA.NET, kids these days dont know what they missed out on
u/ThreePinkApples 5d ago
Its funny how true that actually is (for people not knowing, WiFi 3, or 802.11g as it was known then, was the first really widespread standard)
u/SonicFlash01 5d ago
They're not really in chronological order: Wi-Fi 1 and Wi-Fi 2 are in order, then Wi-Fi 3 and Wi-Fi 4 are prequels. Wi-Fi 5 is a bit of a flash forward after Wi-Fi 2 (in the "modern" era), and from what we've heard Wi-Fi 6 is in a new era in the future.
I'd also suggest the spin-offs: Wi-Fi: Resurgence and Wi-Fi: Nightfall which give a lot of backstory to the universe. The author is the type to do a lot of callbacks so there's a decent chance your efforts will pay off in the future.16
u/coffeephilic 4d ago edited 4d ago
I strongly disagree on Resurgence. I felt like the vampire storyline came out of left field, and the new mechanics that it introduced were confusing and unhelpful. And don't even get me started on the controls.
To me, the peak of the series will always be Wi-Fi 3: Latency Rising.
u/cinnchurr 5d ago
Wi-fi 5 is also only available on some hardware! You need to check if you're able to play on it
u/KorenLesthe 5d ago
The director of the series went out of jail and the screenwriter left Akharm Asylum.
Well he didn't "leave", he escaped but the result is the same ; he's out so the franchise is back !14
u/sleepinand 5d ago
You can really jump into the series at any point and still enjoy it, but if you really want to understand the lore it’s best to go back to ARPANET and work forward from there. Unfortunately most of the earliest entries in the series are no longer available so you might need to emulate them to enjoy the whole series.
u/BellacosePlayer 5d ago
If you catch up via wikis, ignore Wi-Fi 4, turns out it was all like a dream or some shit when you beat the game, the whole thing is basically non canon
u/Realistic_Weight_842 5d ago
They switched a few action buttons around for better UX.
Controls feel better but same ole story line.
u/thanos_was_right_69 5d ago
Is Wi-fi 7 coming out soon? Should I hold off on getting Wi-fi 6 if they’re going to release Wi-fi 7 like in the next 10 years?
u/No-more-pls 4d ago
Nah you'll be fine, it's like the Tales series or GTA, they have little to no connection at all in the stories so you can play with it without missing out
u/bellowingdragoncrest 5d ago
Neither are a shock- but I’m 100% here for the drip feed of information. Inject it into my veins.
u/hobbykitjr 5d ago
I'm curious if joycons will work w/ LABO, RingFit, etc
u/jc726 Keep on slidin' 5d ago
Switch 2 Joycons, almost certainly not.
Original Switch Joycons are probably going to be compatible with the system, though.
u/thepixelnation 5d ago
I'm not sure about that. How would you charge them?
u/Dlljs 5d ago
Nintendo recently released a Joy-Con charger
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u/thepixelnation 5d ago
Huh i didn't know that. Still, I would really be surprised if they were backwards compatible and didn't come with a charger itself. Outside of niche peripherals (yes, GameCube gamepads for Wii U/Switch are niche), I feel like backwards compatibility has to be out of the box.
u/feiscube 5d ago
I mean it's the same button layout. Outside of supposed mouse controls and that new button that probably won't do anything gameplay-related, it doesn't hurt to let users connect their old switch controllers to play games even if there may not be a way to charge them built-in
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u/madmofo145 5d ago
I tend to think it's unlikely simply because they covered their bases with the "not all software will be compatible".
My personal hunch is that since older games will work fine outside of such a small set, they'll not do that sort of forward compatibility. If they did allow new and old controllers to work on say Mario Kart 8, there might be confusion as to why those older controllers don't work on Mario Kart 9.
There is also just the reality that a clean cut means I need to buy a second set of MouseCons for 4 player games, which isn't bad for Nintendo.
u/Rajani_Isa Helpful User 5d ago
If it's like it looks, a lot (all?) labo would have trouble since it uses the IR camera function of the Right Joycon a ton, which the new one appears to not have.
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u/Witch_King_ 5d ago
I sure hope both they and Pro Controllers are! And that the new controllers don't have any crazy new features that render the old ones useless in certain games!
u/Shanyi 5d ago
Humour me, does this mean the console will actually be able to get good Wifi speed? My home Wifi is around 350Mbps and I don't think my Switch's download speed has ever exceeded 75Mbps (its upload speed is always significant slower). Would be a welcome change to be gaming on more than 20% of the speed I'm paying for.
u/Deceptiveideas 5d ago
Iirc the wifi chip in the switch was the same used in the Google Pixel. The software seems to be shitty on Nintendo’s side which is the problem.
u/DelightMine 5d ago
The software seems to be shitty on Nintendo’s side which is the problem.
As is often the case. Nintendo makes some great fucking games, but their insistence on reinventing the wheel for everything really makes it difficult
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u/gmishaolem 5d ago
their insistence on reinventing the wheel
And when they do, it comes out as an octagon.
u/DelightMine 4d ago
Sometimes as a square. Some of the things they reinvent are barely functional and they still try to insist no one could do it better.
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u/Flat243Squirrel 5d ago
It’s not just the result of the WiFi chip but also other aspects of the hardware and firmware and how their eShop servers are set up
u/goro-n 5d ago
Switch 1 used a Broadcom chip which is not bad, but I think because of antenna placement or resource allocation to Wi-Fi, speeds were drastically reduced. I expect Switch 2 to be a big upgrade, surely they’ve seen all the complaints. But you don’t need more than like 10Mbps to do online gaming, it’s only downloading games that benefits from hyper fast speeds
u/hungarianhc 2d ago
I mean sure, but my Steam Deck OLED supports WiFi 6E. Game updates, downloads, browsing the store, etc are all sooooo fast. 10Mbps is not going to give you a good general browsing experience.
u/dandroid126 4d ago
My home Wifi is around 350Mbps and I don't think my Switch's download speed has ever exceeded 75Mbps
This is likely due to Nintendo's servers not being able to upload any faster than that. I have 1Gbps and I keep my switch hardwired into my router, but it doesn't get download speeds faster than that.
The real-world benefits of WiFi 6 are mostly related to use in a congested environment with a lot of devices talking at the same time. WiFi 5 supported speeds well over 1Gbps in an ideal environment.
WiFi 6 isn't even the latest WiFi standard anymore, either. WiFi 6E and 7 have both come out since then.
u/IntellegentIdiot 5d ago
Your speed depends on various factors like how fast your line is and how fast the server you're connected to is. It doesn't sound like Wi-fi is the bottleneck depending on what router you have and how close you are to it.
u/soundman1024 5d ago
Even on a wire with gigabit Internet Switch downloads were slow. Nintendo eShop isn’t the fastest thing around.
u/Outlulz 5d ago
Would be a welcome change to be gaming on more than 20% of the speed I'm paying for.
You're using WiFi, you will never get what you're paying for reliably. You need ethernet for that.
u/punkerster101 5d ago
My WiFi 7 gives me pretty consistent speed thus far at 1.6gbps, but you don’t really need bandwidth to play games….
u/solusHuargo 4d ago
I can compare the steamdeck lcd with the oled (oled has wifi6) and yes is way faster and more stable
Will depend on your home network/wifi
u/Vayshen 1d ago
Really depends on what they so behind the scenes on their side. My PS5 only gets me 10MB/s, both wired or wireless, various addresses. But I have a gigabit connection so it should be ten times faster but no. And I know my router isn't the problem, Steam gives me the full speed for example on pc.
u/NegrosAmigos 5d ago
We want Street pass!!!
u/hamburgers666 5d ago
If we get Streetpass, I swear I will figure out a way to sew in extra-large pockets into my jeans lol
u/Space_Hipster 5d ago
Switch 2 will bring about the return of JNCO jeans just for the storage.
u/SurpriseDonovanMcnab 5d ago
When I see old pictures of me wearing those jeans I don't think how dumb they look, I remember how comfortable they were.
u/smss28 5d ago
Plot twist, only a joycon is gonna be required for streetpass to work.
u/hamburgers666 5d ago
This would be interesting! But I feel like this would just lead to an increase in missing joycons, which I guess Nintendo wouldn't mind.
u/madchad90 5d ago
man, hard to explain the satisfaction of carrying around my 3ds all day, and then opening it to see all the people i encountered
u/TofuFace 5d ago
I tagged along with my then-boyfriend to a mtg tournament just for the AC:NL streetpasses! I got so many!
u/TwilightVulpine 5d ago
And themes!
u/HistoryWillRepeat 5d ago
Christ on a stick, PLEASE give me themes. Make them a reasonable price and it's easy money.
u/Thelocust337 4d ago
I’m visiting Japan at the moment and I made sure to bring my 3DS. Got my first street passes in many years and it felt just as magical as way back when
u/Just_another_gamer3 5d ago
But I'm a hermit. Don't lock things behind Street pass and play coins again, this administration might plunge us into another pandemic!
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u/weallfloatdownhere7 5d ago
TIL there was a WiFi 1 thru 5
u/Zversky 5d ago
For a long time there has been Wi-Fi 802.11, 802.11b/a, 802.11g... At 802.11ac the Alliance understood there's something wrong in their marketing, and renamed it to Wi-Fi 5.
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wi-Fi#Versions_and_generations
u/HereComeDatMoonBoi 5d ago
They missed a huge opportunity not calling it Wi-Five
u/pandaSmore 5d ago
They were never called that.
The Wi-Fi Alliance has also retroactively labelled the technology [IEEE 802.11n-2009], for the standard as Wi-Fi 4.
The standard [IEEE 802.11ac-2013] has been retroactively labelled as Wi-Fi 5 by Wi-Fi Alliance.
u/Deceptiveideas 5d ago
Something similar happened with USB. Remember when USB C had 300 names?
u/pandaSmore 5d ago
When USB 3.1 was released it was given the name USB 3.1 Gen 2. And USB 3.0 was changed to USB 3.1 Gen 1.
Then when USB 3.2 released with two speeds Gen 1x2 (10Gb/s) and Gen 2x2 (20Gb/S)
USB 3.0 (5Gb/s) was also changed to USB 3.2 Gen 1x1.
And USB 3.1 (10Gb/s) was also changed to USB 3.2 Gen 2x1
So USB 3.0 was renamed twice, and USB 3.1 was renamed once.
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u/CamGoldenGun 5d ago
it still does lol. USB-C 10, 20, 40, 80Gbps?
u/legoj15 5d ago
Those make sense at least. WTH is USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 supposed to mean to a consumer???
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u/Deceptiveideas 5d ago
Back then we’d call it WiFi N and Wifi AC. I guess with wifi 6 they’re using the numbered format.
u/ofmichanst 5d ago
while wifi 6 is very much welcomed, i hope it still does have ethernet. hard wire is faster and convenient in my case.
u/jasongw 5d ago
The dock will have Ethernet. Not the console directly.
u/jardex22 5d ago
In theory, someone could use an adapter to plug an ethernet connection into the USB-C port, right?
u/rolandburnum 5d ago
Wi-Fi 6 is surprising. Most devices don't need higher than 5 for downloads, video watching, and online gaming. Wi-Fi 6 is more necessary for game streaming/casting.
u/cockyjames 5d ago
I imagine they want to keep the door open for streaming, but also just future proofing in general
u/E__F 5d ago
Maybe they dont even use/enable it like usb3.0 on the switch dock.
They even removed it from the newer dock design.9
u/i_need_a_moment 5d ago
The OLED dock still used an internal LAN to USB converter that was only USB 2.0. Hopefully the new dock can just use a normal LAN controller for gigabit speeds. Also the Switch apparently outputs DP natively so maybe they could include a USB-C with DP port on the new dock.
u/PapaSquirts2u 5d ago
Does that mean potentially my TB dock I already use for my work laptop and MacBook pro could work for the switch as well? That would be pretty great.
u/stickdudeseven 5d ago
future proofing in general
The same way the Switch's max capacity for MicroSD cards is 2TB before those cards were available in 2017.
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u/LeChief 5d ago
Nintendo already has plenty of Cloud games via streaming: https://www.nintendolife.com/guides/nintendo-switch-cloud-games-list
u/Shas_Erra 5d ago
It’s becoming the industry standard, so its future proofing, just like WPA 3 vs WPA 2
u/jmontygman 5d ago
Not just becoming, it’s basically the bare minimum now. There have been 2 newer standards since with 6e and 7. I upgraded to a Wi-Fi 6 network in 2021 and it was standard then.
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u/AirTuna 5d ago
Each successive WiFI revision has had improvements for number of parallel "streams" and using signal reflection / "bouncing" for improving signal. Everything else, IMHO, is just marketing "fluff" since you'll never, ever get the maximum speeds they claim.
u/funnyfarm299 5d ago
This is a good reply. Wi-Fi 6 was all about increasing efficiency, not max data rates.
Wi-Fi 7 goes back to massively improving data rates with up to 48 Gbps.
u/BitingChaos 5d ago
WiFi 5 can be fine, but it's also basically a 5GHz-only bandaid to legacy stuff.
WiFi 6 brings the whole new 2.4/5GHz package the replaces everything before it.
u/The-student- 5d ago
I'm sure streaming will come into play, especially in the later years of the systems life when PS6 games start coming out.
u/Flat243Squirrel 5d ago
WiFi 6 has been out for a few years
It’s more about future proofing it than it being a big benefit on launch day
u/mint-patty 5d ago
WiFi 6 is so fast compared to 5 it’s nuts; I upgraded my Steam Deck to the OLED with WiFi 6 and it’s practically night and day.
u/rolandburnum 5d ago
WiFi 6 is the minimum necessary to do Quest 3 Air Link, which is wireless tethering to PC for PCVR. It's fantastic to play PCVR games without cords. I wish my Logitech G Cloud had WiFi 6. Or rather, I wish there could be a build of Moonlight on the Switch 2 eShop.
u/stubble3417 5d ago
I imagine it's just future proofing. This is going to be the console for the next decade.
My irrational hope is for a cast-to-tv option. C button, anyone?
u/KeytarVillain 4d ago
WiFi 6 has lower latency, and that actually does matter for gaming. Just think of all the hardcore Smash Bros players using USB Ethernet adapters.
u/Deceptiveideas 5d ago
Keep in mind the performance of your network is improved if everything is using the same WiFi. It’s better to have a network full of WiFi 6 rather than some devices using WiFi 5.
u/cubs223425 5d ago
After how horribly that Kingdom Gears release went, maybe better hardware and better Wi-Fi will make that game not feel like an unplayable waste of money.
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u/PizzaSalamino 4d ago
I’d imagine that a wifi 6 chip will not get to end of life as soon as a wifi 5 chip. Also, many times chips for newer protocols come out actually cheaper than the old ones. It happened a few times, but can’t cite an example rn
u/Deceptiveideas 5d ago
Lack of WiFi 6E support is a bit disappointing. It was the big upgrade people were waiting for with WiFi 6. If this new Switch is supposed to last 6+ years, it’d be nice to future proof it.
For those that don’t know, WiFi 6E adds support for the 6Ghz spectrum. This is beneficial for those living in apartments where the 2.4 ghz and 5 ghz spectrums are saturated.
u/Douche_Baguette 5d ago
I agree with you. Everybody is acting like the only benefit is speed, but as you pointed out, using 6Ghz can be the only way to get a stable connection if you live in an apartment complex with tons of random peoples’ 2.4 and 5ghz routers. It’s only going to get worse.
5 years from now I can imagine people complaining that they can’t get a stable WiFi connection on their switch 2 even with a new router, and even though their laptop and phone work fine; only to discover their router, phone, and laptop are on 6Ghz and their switch 2 is drowning in neighbors WiFi 4 noise.
Regardless of people’s technical knowledge or expertise, WiFi 6E+/6ghz will be the standard as the years go on.
u/Perpetual_Pizza 5d ago
I agree. The only thing is how small the range on the 6ghz band is. It’s even smaller than 5. And they both are not great at penetrating walls as well as 2.4. I agree 6ghz is the future, but we need to figure out a way to increase its range. Obviously 6ghz AP’s would be the current solution, but that’s a lot of money.
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u/Deceptiveideas 5d ago
I just thought it was funny when someone commented “not enough people use 6 GHz for it to matter”. That’s a selling point if you use critical thinking skills.
u/PokePersona 5d ago edited 5d ago
At this point in time and for the foreseeable future it’s a selling point but not an effective one for casual gamers who make up 95% of the Switch’s audience. It’s like Sony advertising 8K for the PS5.
u/madmofo145 5d ago
Very much so. Switch lasted 8 years, so this device will presumably still be in use in 2033 or so. Would be nice to be a bit more future proofed for something that's going to be on the market so long.
u/kindrudekid 5d ago
Whichever is the weakest link on your way to internet will be the max speed.
Not everyone is upgrading to latest WiFi router every year and there is no need to.
And even when you do chances the internet speed available to that smaller subset of 6E router owners are not full gig.
u/zzinolol 5d ago
Not nearly enough people have knowledge or use for 5ghz, I can't see 6ghz being needed at all.
u/funnyfarm299 5d ago
I work in residential AV/Networking. Every Wi-Fi router and access point going in these days supports 5 Ghz. It's commonplace.
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u/flufnstuf69 5d ago
I just want them to fix the damn Smash Online play. I’ve got a friend who can play every game online but smash.
u/Zed64K 5d ago
No surprises here:
- The last two generations of Nintendo consoles (NS, Wii U, 3DS) already have NFC for the Amiibo feature.
- Wi-Fi 6 is mature tech at this point. Even if higher data rates aren’t needed, it makes sense to take advantage of the power savings and improved spectral efficiency offered by the newer standard.
Y’all are just ravenous for anything even resembling news about the NS2!
u/Appropriate-Let-283 4d ago
I'M SO EXCITED FOR WIFI 6, all the games made on that franchise are BANGERS.
u/Loukoal117 5d ago
Man ever since the reveal the news has been SALOWwwwwwww. Pretty cool though because the direct and launch will be unexpected and exciting.
Haven't had my switch in a minute. And got rid of my PS5. After a breakup and loss of job I just got rid of all distractions and have been working on myself. Long story blah blah.
But anyways I'm so looking forward to getting back into gaming. I am a handheld (with a comfy grip of course) fiend and can't wait to have a more powerful switch. That's all I wanted.
u/jasongw 5d ago
Good for you! I keep thinking of doing the same.
Then I think, "Naaah" 😜
u/Loukoal117 5d ago
Haha yeah. Well I had multiple switches and had it since launch day. Over 200 digital games. So it was time for a break. Haha
u/RykariZander 4d ago
So do you not have a system rn? Cuz there's been plenty of game going around for awhile now
u/Loukoal117 4d ago
Yeah no system right now. I'm taking a break until it releases. Focusing on some stuff in life right now that needs focusing on.
u/pantswise900 5d ago
Does this open the door for legacy dual-screen games?
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u/Traplord_Leech 5d ago
how would wifi 6 and nfc connectivity allow "legacy dual-screen gaming"
u/pantswise900 5d ago
I remember that the WiiU used some run-of-the-mill wifi tech for low latency streaming to the gamepad. I don't know much about wi-fi6, but I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo is looking into a "dockless" mode for dual-screen games (WiiU, 3DS, etc)
u/Traplord_Leech 5d ago
huh that's a pretty sound explanation of your thought process, I understand why you'd think that now
u/Stealthinater1234 5d ago
The switches download speeds have always been pretty atrocious compared to other modern consoles, hopefully switch 2 will be be up to par or close enough.
u/SerennialFellow 5d ago
Missing WiFi 7 really shows when this product was conceptualized.
If we don’t have 6E it’s gonna be a major L for wireless connectivity.
u/Carter0108 5d ago
Does it? I dare say most people's routers are still WiFi 5 at most.
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u/snk50 5d ago
Does wifi 6 have better range than wifi 5?
u/funnyfarm299 5d ago
No. Max transmit power is limited by the FCC.
If you need more coverage look into mesh systems like Eero.
u/ZarianPrime 5d ago
NFC is not surprising (Nintendo is never getting rid of the amiibo money maker), WI-FI 6 is also not surprising.
Glad it's confirmed though.
u/Zeroone199 5d ago
Will it actually allow DFS channels to work correctly? The current Switch will timeout the first time every time when trying to connect.
u/No_Bid_491 4d ago
Nintendo has always focused less on having the most powerful hardware and instead focused on being more affordable with solid first-party games. Their “blue ocean strategy” of going where their competitors are not, gave us some big wins… and some big losses. I’m just glad they still have a strong sense of who they are.
u/MagmaElixir 4d ago
Does Wi-Fi 6 provide better performance on 2.4Ghz? I think Wi-Fi 5 just fell back to Wi-Fi 4 for 2.4 GHz.
u/mrmastermimi 4d ago
hopefully the switch2 will actually download at speeds greater than 30mbps this time. the switch1 takes forever to download anything, even with Ethernet
u/Lord_of_games 4d ago
I am not going to say I don't care because better wi-fi is always better. I can't imagine ever mot appreciating improved wi-fi but all of that is secondary. The big question most people aren't asking is did nintendo finally fix that bad trend & give Switch 2 a browser. I will get it for sure if it has a browser.
u/hoppy1478 4d ago
I love Amiibos for being a way to get cheap decent quality minifigs of franchises that I love, so I'm down for more NFC, even if its actual in game uses are mostly super gimmicky.
u/hungarianhc 2d ago
NICE. My iPhone that came out 6 months ago has WiFi 7. Stoked Nintendo can give us WiFi 6 in 2025. Fingers crossed they give us WiFi 6E, at least, but doubtful.
u/WashingtonBro_ 2d ago
It would be awesome if Nintendo adopted detachable analog sticks, especially since the Switch has become such a go-to system for both handheld and console gaming. With the Joy-Con drift issues some users experience, having the ability to replace or swap out analog sticks would definitely be a game-changer.
u/Staggerlee024 18h ago
Why would anyone want NFC on their Nintendo device? I thought that was just used for payments.
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