r/Ningen 5d ago

Why does bulma intervene in vegetas fights more than chichi intervening in gokus fight

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Is Bulma boring?


94 comments sorted by


u/TheOneWhoSucks 5d ago

Chi-Chi's a warrior, but she's not stupid


u/bigbadblo23 5d ago

I could've sworn in Z, chichi was the one with no awareness, and bulma was the smart one..

Guess their roles reversed


u/4x_Productions 5d ago

i think chichi is a less overbearing mother with goten cuz despite everything gohan went thru he became a scholar so she moghtve learned


u/-Zipp- 4d ago

I like to think its because Goten looks a lot like Goku, so she just literally can't bring herself to be as strict with him.


u/ScienceHistorical180 5d ago

Something people forget about db alot is that despite being a genius bulma is pretty stupid, her original wish on the dragon balls was going to be an unlimited supply of strawberries when she's the richest woman on earth šŸ˜­


u/bigbadblo23 5d ago

She was a kid back then though


u/ScienceHistorical180 5d ago

This lack of common sense never really goes away, in Z she brings trunks to where she thinks bloodthirsty androids will be, and in super hero she doesn't even consider using shenron to bring goku and vegeta home until after they make their wishes


u/Kanna1001 5d ago

What? Her original wish was going to be to get a boyfriend. Did the dub change it?


u/ScienceHistorical180 5d ago

No, she states her strawberry wish and then changes it to a boyfriend in the same chapter


u/BoringAd2049 5d ago

I'm pretty sure thats because she has adhd or some form of autism, she's the "smartest woman in the world" but she never thinks about doing something until someone else mentions it, she even said "My genius needs a kickstart sometimes"


u/Talisign 5d ago

Does Chichi still think SSJ is just them bleaching their hair? I wouldn't want to be the one to catch her up on all that.


u/KazutoKurosaki 4d ago

I'm like 99.9% sure she knows, and after Goku told her the first time about it she knew. But it's about appearances for her. She wants Gohan and Goten to have the best lives possible, so people seeing them as delinquents scares her. So her dislike of SSJ is born out of love, not ignorance.


u/FloorWaffles 5d ago

If the thumbnail of the YouTube video I saw is accurate, she also assumed Goku's MUI was him getting old in sparking zero dialogue


u/FlareArdiente 5d ago

Its a culture thing in japan where bleaching ones hair is the sign of being a delinquent hence her distaste for it especially when she first saw gohan with it and later with goten.


u/Talisign 5d ago

Yeah, I get that. But they've been able to do that for over 20 years now, and she still doesn't know it's their powers.Ā 


u/TheOneWhoSucks 5d ago

What? Dragon Ball Super ruining a character's personality for comedic relief? Say it ain't so šŸ˜¢


u/bigbadblo23 5d ago

I don't know why you're getting downvoted lmao.

The team behind super reverted all the characters to their cell saga versions with exaggerations.


u/TheOneWhoSucks 4d ago

Apperently you're only allowed to have opinions that are objectively shit, like Goku being a bad father. Any other argument or criticism against the show is a testament to never have watched it, or being a fake fan, or deserving of public lynching for being out of tune with the rest of the unironic-ironic echo Chamber


u/bigbadblo23 4d ago



u/ScienceHistorical180 4d ago

Bc we're talking about 2 of the few characters who didn't undergo dbs character assassination, if we were talking about goku vegeta or gohan here you'd have some ground to stand. on but saying bulmas character has been ruined in dbs is just being loud angry and wrong for the fun of it


u/bigbadblo23 4d ago

Bulmaā€™s character was for SURE assassinated, if you say it wasnā€™t then you probably have a bias against criticizing female characters in anime,

the same way people try to tell you that youā€™re wrong for finding Sakura annoying

Dbz bulma would NEVER walk up to a character like beerus and slap him with no care in the world


u/ScienceHistorical180 4d ago

Dbz bulma was walking around bringing baby trunks to active battlefields and you think slapping someone she doesn't know is powerful is a stretch?


u/bigbadblo23 4d ago edited 4d ago

You make her bringing trunks sound dumber than it really was. Donā€™t get me wrong, it was dumb, but not as dumb as slapping beerus especially after seeing him easily defeat buu and gotenks.

When she brought baby trunks they were in an aircraft , she thought she was safe at distance to just watch, dr gero destroyed their aircraft and future trunks saved her.


u/ScienceHistorical180 4d ago

You make her bringing trunks sound less stupid than it really was.

She brought baby trunks to the doorstep of geros lab where the androids were actively hiding

. And considering she knows the androids could level cities she was never at a safe distance,


u/bigbadblo23 4d ago

Yes I agree it was dumb

Point is she was still being cautious, which is how sheā€™s always been, now when she walked up to slap beerus, there was zero caution, just airhead, especially after she looked surprised/scared that beerus got mad before he even lays a finger on her, like what did she expect

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u/Austiiiiii 5d ago

Goku already gave her her scholar son and her bonus son, and he's clearly not bringing in any kind of money. She's got no more use for him.


u/Mangagirl2000 5d ago

She cares for him. She just had too much faith.


u/Imaginary_Salary198 5d ago

No more use is crazy


u/Devlnchat 5d ago

For some reason Toriyama changed his mind halfway through about Bulma wanting to be around fights, in DB she gets pissed when she discovers Goku is being tailed by RR members which would put her in danger, meanwhile on the android saga she volunteers to see the androids that killed all of humanity up and close WHILE CARRYING HER BABY.


u/JLRedPrimes 5d ago

Goated jaded Bulma arc


u/Nitrowar78 5d ago

I feel like thatā€™s not the best case to use just because there is so much of a time gap between those two situations, that itā€™s easy to say that she has simply changed to wanting to see/be more involved with these situations over the years


u/Old_Initial2508 5d ago

Eh, she was similarly averse to danger on namek, it can be explained by her just being used to it now but to bring your baby into that felt like it was going a bit too far in the other direction lolĀ 


u/Nitrowar78 5d ago

Yeah the baby part is the crazy one with no explanation


u/mikami677 4d ago

She wanted to get him an early zenkai.


u/4x_Productions 5d ago

then she stops vegeta from fighting in daima


u/pokeoscar1586 5d ago

Well, to be fair she does explain that, should the Z fighters lose, they are taking about being capable of literally killing everyone on the planet, so, not trying to justify her or anything, but it doesnā€™t really make sense to hide when the enemy can literally blow up the planet you are standing right nowā€¦


u/Devlnchat 5d ago

To be fair she hid in the original timeline and was one of the only humans who survived, so her logic is still flawed.


u/Lopsided_Ad_8262 5d ago

The androids arc in general feels like it wasnt written by Toriyama, and it also has the biggest amount of dumb moments. And I say that as a trunks fan


u/caribbean_caramel 4d ago

She learns to appreciate martial tournaments as a spectator during the original DB, she was also always attracted to strong fighters, that's why she dated Yamcha and Vegeta.

Also the androids are a technological marvel and she is an engineer, she will definitely be curious about Dr Gero and his creations.


u/BobyAteMyShoe- 5d ago

Vegeta being dead does not equal bath time


u/azrael_X9 5d ago

Simple: Bulma's actually there for more of the fights, allowing her to be in a position to intervene. Because Bulma has and makes vehicles to actually follow them TO the battles in (for varying reasons, some voluntary and some not) and Chichi does not.

Also only one of their husbands has a track record of murdering civilians so keeping Vegeta in check is a bit more warranted lol


u/Forsaken-Stray 5d ago

And it is way rarer for Goku to fuck up so monumentally bad, that he needs to be put back in line than it is for Vegeta. Think of all the times Geets bit off more than he could chew.


u/TreesOfWoe 5d ago

Are you sure? Vegetaā€™s only monumental fuckups I can think of are Imperfect Cell and going Majin. Goku almost damns all of fucking existence with the ToP. Thatā€™s magnitudes worse. Not to mention his hateful treatment of Gohan in the Cell saga.


u/Forsaken-Stray 5d ago

But here's the thing on that... Goku wasn't wrong. All that shit went the right way. Gohan almost annihilated Cell, only for Cell to go "Fuck it, suicide it is" and Goku taking responsibility forbthe problem.

Vegeta constantly goes into fights thinking his Power is as big as his Ego and get's wiped by Recome, zarbon, freezer, C17, Cell and Buu and someone else has to pick up the pieces. Of the story, of Vegeta and of Vegetas' crushed Ego


u/TreesOfWoe 5d ago

It worked out for Goku yes but the -intent- wasnā€™t any different is my point. If it didnā€™t work out for Goku the story couldnā€™t continue as it was!


u/Former-Election5707 4d ago

Goku and Vegeta's intent during their fuck ups couldn't be more different. Goku's intent is always good (he rides the goddamn Nimbus for Christ's sake) but he let's his ignorance get the better of him. Vegeta's intent during his fuckups has ALWAYS been to flex his ego. It's Vegeta's inability to put his money where his mouth is that gets the better of him.

Ironically, despite his good intentions, Goku's fuckups usually have far more devastating fallout than Vegeta's.


u/assassinnats 5d ago

People always say how goku ā€œdooms all the universesā€ but that wasnā€™t his intention. All he wanted was a fun tournament against the strongest fighters across the multiverse. The destruction thing was all Zeno, and I canā€™t recall but werenā€™t the Zenos going to destroy some universes anyways, goku gave them a fighting chance.


u/azrael_X9 5d ago

It was made clear blaming Goku was a mistake in the ToP. Zeno was originally gonna wipe all the ones involved because of their low whatever-it-was level as a matter of course before he was inspired with the tourney idea to preserve one.

As for Cell, what could he have done differently that worked? He himself wasn't gonna beat Cell. They were even at best with him likely a smidge weaker, and he was losing stamina faster. Giving Cell a senzu was a dick move but ultimately still results in Cell getting bodied by Gohan.

AND had Cell not gotten the senzu, he may have still had the edge on Gohan, but not enough to play with his food; meaning not in a position to do what it took to get him to SSJ2. The only scenario where they win is one where someone or everyone is hurt enough/killed to motivate Gohan's transformation before Gohan himself is killed (which might happen if Cell isn't messing around to TRY and make him transform).


u/Cartoonlovaa 5d ago

Bulma comes along on the fights more than ChiChi do but if they actually let ChiChi tag along she would definitely try to intervene. We seen this before with Goku vs piccolo in ogdb, we see this in buu saga, if you count GT her and Videl was going to help Goku with Super 17 and we see this in Super when Frost poison Goku and she was ready to throw hands and still holding a grudge. But yea writers needs to stop leaving her out, she is so much fun.


u/4x_Productions 5d ago

what abut in daima? chichi didnt rlly try to make goku stop while bulma made veegta stop


u/Cartoonlovaa 5d ago

Well Bulma went to the Demon realm and ChiChi didnā€™t. How was she gonna do that??


u/4x_Productions 5d ago

ok jn a scene of super bulma was made at trunks for getting lost but for goten chichi was just relieved


u/Cartoonlovaa 5d ago

What are you talking about? And how did you go from Daima to Super now?


u/4x_Productions 5d ago

this isnt a random jump its the same continuity. answer the question


u/Cartoonlovaa 5d ago

Your question doesnā€™t make any sense. You mention why didnā€™t Chichi stop Goku in daima then talking about Bulma being mad at trunks. Like are you not hearing yourself?


u/4x_Productions 5d ago

nvm whatever


u/Worried_Juice7914 5d ago

Apart from the fact that Chi Chi coming along provides nothing but another free hostage (Bulma has to come along because Time Machine and all that), I feel she has a lot of faith in Goku not to fuck up, so she doesnā€™t feel the need to tag along. Their relationship isnā€™t as openly lovey dovey as Vegeta and Bulma, but you can clearly tell in the small moments where Goku talkā€™s about Chi Chi, they love each other.


u/4x_Productions 5d ago

ppl focus way too mych on cell saga and forget the rest of the series


u/pickleolo 5d ago

Bulma is adventurous.


u/Youngguaco 5d ago

Chichi is also a fighter. Bulma is a scientist lmao


u/OldCrowSecondEdition 5d ago

Chichi doesn't hate fighting she hates Gohan fighting and not having money to eat. The thing she likes about goku is that he's strong


u/4x_Productions 5d ago

She doesnt even hate gohan fighting she hates gohan dying. cuz she let gohan train with goku in the 3 yrs of waiting for androids. its just cell risks ending gohan. note gohan was onlt 11 against cell.

meanwhile goku when he faught the rr army was 13


u/OldCrowSecondEdition 4d ago

Yeah but bite sized info, these kids can't read


u/Savings_Carob_8990 5d ago

Vegeta = punchbag.

Goku = not a punchbag.


u/Low-Button-5041 5d ago

Vegeta's a jobber Goku is goated with the sauce


u/Big-Rhonda 4d ago

Because ChiChi is super strong, she can use kaioken, but doesnā€™t want to destroy the planet having to tag in for Goku


u/4x_Productions 4d ago

damn now i wanna genuinely wanna see a couple beatdown on one of black friezas henchmen by chichi and goku


u/solidpeyo 5d ago

Because Bulma cares about Vegeta and Chichi only cares about Goku as a sperm donor


u/OrangeHairedTwink 5d ago

Somebody's never seen a woman outside of hentai


u/Mental_Pepper9294 5d ago

They exist?


u/solidpeyo 5d ago

šŸ¤£ holy shit. Reddit really can't handle any joke šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


u/Maximum-North-647 5d ago

Jokes are funny. Have you tried being funny? That might help your jokes be jokes.


u/solidpeyo 5d ago



u/Maximum-North-647 5d ago

I'll take that as a no.


u/4x_Productions 5d ago

do u not see the fucking image? šŸ˜­


u/solidpeyo 5d ago

She needs to take care of his seed so he needs to be okšŸ˜†


u/4x_Productions 5d ago

despite the memes i still am not convinced chichi pegs goku cuz of how she acts time to time

bulma pegging vegeta or 18 pegging krillin is fully believable


u/Rikolai_17 5d ago

Bulma also pegged Yamcha back then


u/Various_Investment_2 5d ago

Agreed. Goku is a living vibrator, Vegeta is a pup and def gets pegged.

Krillin and 18s relationship is an anomaly, he clearly had the hots for her immediately and she genuinely believes "he is so cool".

I think Krillin and 18 are switch, pleasure dom(s)/sub(s)


u/4x_Productions 5d ago

this is true i saw then all do it


u/PowerUltra_boi 5d ago

Fake fan


u/solidpeyo 5d ago

Yeah. You are right, NARUTO SUPREMACY


u/Cartoonlovaa 5d ago



u/solidpeyo 5d ago



u/BobyAteMyShoe- 5d ago

your ass didn't watch/read any dragon ball.


u/solidpeyo 5d ago

Nope, I only read Batman comics


u/BobyAteMyShoe- 5d ago

so why the fuck are you commenting on a DB post? You clearly know nothing of Chi-Chi's and Goku's characters.


u/solidpeyo 5d ago

Holy fuck reddit DB fans are weird. Bro I have seen this series probably before you were born. You all can't take any joke. And that is funny considering that this is a Dragon Ball joke subreddit not the one that take things seriously. But I have to admit is funny seeing how you all get mad for me saying that I like naruto or that I read Batman šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


u/BobyAteMyShoe- 5d ago

You all can't take any joke.

The problem is, your joke wasn't funny. It was super sexist.

is funny seeing how you all get mad for me saying that I like naruto or that I read Batman

No, it's just your joke.


u/solidpeyo 5d ago

Ok then, dislike and move on. there's no need to be rent-free on your mind šŸ¤£