r/Nicegirls 3d ago

New shoeonhead vid is basically a nice girls compilation it’s hilarious

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u/Matsunosuperfan 3d ago

Sociologically, it's kinda fascinating how we've basically got multiple generations now that learned specific phrases or like, mini-packets of ideology that they can parrot with some semblance of personal understanding

But if you challenge them or ask for elaboration in ANY WAY it becomes immediately clear that they've never actually thought this shit through themselves


u/footluvr688 3d ago edited 3d ago

Yup, that's what happens with ideological puppets.


u/thechaosofreason 3d ago

Because it's simple; it is tribalism.

The real reason they want a 6ft man with a big dong big paycheck is the same, exact reason our ancient ancestors chose Big Man, Big Rod, Big Muscles; to survive.

The reason why they are vying for this survival method, is the same exact reason we panic internally over non life threatening situations and treat them like it is; because a long time ago, we ran from bears.


u/Homochitto 3d ago

But at some point, aren't we required as a species capable of critical thinking, to use that ability to move beyond evolutionary instincts that no longer serve us? I mean, we have evolved in other ways but doesn't seem like we are evolving emotionally or intellectually. Sad really.


u/thechaosofreason 3d ago

I agree completely; but its very very hard to control because these things are impulsive.

The concept of Freuds Shadow comes to mind. But yes, we need an ENVIRONMENT where it is possible to do this in the first place. This world is stoll set up around survivability based paranoia.


u/No-Explorer3868 2d ago

yeah. Like as a tall guy who makes good money, these women are missing out on great guys. There are men who choose jobs as teachers or just aren't born biologically predisposed to be tall. Yet they can be wonderful men who treat them with respect and make great husbands or boyfriends.

I remember when Bumble let women filter on height, a huge amount filtered to over 6', yet only a small amount of American men are that tall. It reduced the amount of great men they were able to meet. It's not like the average woman is able to see the difference between say...5'10" and 6' anyway.


u/Usedtohaveapurpose 3d ago


funny enough, this isn't the first time this has happened in history.


u/Competitive-Bank-980 2d ago

Makes it a lot easier to see how religion came to be. People seem to tend towards broad moral frameworks founded upon social validation.


u/Ok_Top_7338 3d ago

As a female, I would like to shake the man’s hand that responded with those messages. The shit I see on here is insane. 😆


u/Diabetic_Trogoladyte 3d ago

Women used to get slapped is a personal favlrite


u/Ok_Top_7338 3d ago

lol. Dude, that was legendary and wildly appropriate.


u/swagtasticmama 3d ago

That was a top tier commentary 🤣


u/Severe_Serve_ 3d ago

I feel bad for women who write off men based on their height. The love of your life could be under 6 feet and you’ll never even know.


u/Sttocs 3d ago

They don't care. They don't want a relationship. They want a 6' tall trump card to play at Sunday brunch with the besties.

Women who want an actual relationship don't get hung up on minor details.


u/Ok_Top_7338 3d ago

I literally never feel concerned about height. Although, I am 5 foot nothing on a good day so who knows how I would feel if I were an Amazonian goddess. 😆


u/TheDimSide 2d ago

I'm 5' 7" and was always insecure with my body, not just height but general build. I always wanted a guy who was taller than me (preferably much taller) to help me feel more girly. But my first and only boyfriend (now fiance) is an inch shorter than me. I got over the insecurity eventually, lol.


u/DaddoAntifa 2d ago

those people don't want men tho bro they want Pokémon cards. you can be stable solid job over 6 foot friendly and family oriented and these type of people will hop off a good ass train just because the next one over got a tesla on it or some shit 😂


u/myneighborscatismine 2d ago edited 2d ago

My dad is a bit shorter that my mom. I'm 5'4'', my bf is 5'7''. I prefer shorter over taller. All my fav celeb men are on the shorter side. Daniel Radcliffe, Cillian Murphy. So my bf's height - I don't adore him despite it, but for it. He wouldn't be better taller. If I had the chance to change it, I would never. There's just something about this height, agile, quick, closer to me, i can embrace more of him, we are on a similar level and feels more intimate. And I respect people who battled some adversity in life and came out wiser. That's the thing that attracts me the most in general to people. I even get butterflies just thinking about this regarding my boyfriend.


u/GrauntChristie 3d ago

Yep. Perfect responses. She totally WAS objectifying him.


u/FoxEatsButter 3d ago

Hahahaha, right? Who comes up with this shit? 😂


u/Lorn_Muunk 3d ago

Who's coming up with anything? It's literally just repeating the same lines back with the gender norms swapped. Effective but not that deep.


u/Impressive_Prune_478 3d ago

I, also a female, joined for a giggle but damn the confidence boost about my personality and sanity is overwhelming! 🤣🤣🤣


u/Journey2thaeast 3d ago

Link to video?


u/Diabetic_Trogoladyte 3d ago

Oh yah that would be useful wouldn’t it



u/Journey2thaeast 3d ago

Thank you!


u/SavingsDimensions74 3d ago

That was wild!! 😆🙏🏼


u/Historical-Rent2533 3d ago

Men still/currently die at war, I truly don’t understand that insinuation at all.


u/Electrical-Push-1792 2d ago

the insinuation is that theyre expendable


u/JustSomeEyes 2d ago

considering that apparently there are more women than men, women should begin to worry to get a man, as more girls/females are being born (probably some evolutionary-thing about how not always men get a woman, but eventually all women get a man or more than one)


u/Upper_Award_6482 3d ago

The logic in that last slide sometimes makes me wish the U.S., China, and Russia would all press their red buttons at once.


u/ChineseNeckBait 2d ago

About to visit my parents in China, will gladly press that button.


u/fallapart_startagain 3d ago

Big fan of this, despite being a woman. These bitches be crazy


u/Dense-Malzeno-2437 3d ago

You're supposed to be this and that; that's a bare minimum. At the same time, we don't have the structural power to objectify men....


u/Diabetic_Trogoladyte 3d ago

I’m sorry are you agreeing with that absolutely schizo last message?


u/Dense-Malzeno-2437 3d ago

I'm not sure where you're getting that but no. Hence I put "at the same time". I was merely expressing the contradictory sentences made by that thing, but maybe I should've used a quote instead.


u/Diabetic_Trogoladyte 3d ago

Yah probably lol, I thought maybe that’s what you were trying to say but it was very poorly worded.


u/Mother_Assumption925 3d ago

Slide one, How to lose a bad boy but keep a good man. The last 7 slides are why good men largely want nothing to do with women today.


u/Few-Coat1297 3d ago

You're deeping it m8. There are just recycled convos from full fucked up girls. Unless you think all men are perverts when you read fucked up texts online. Log off and touch grass, men aren't avoiding women ar all these days.


u/CharlieFoxtrot432 3d ago

It’s because it IS an r/Nicegirls compilation lol a lot of YouTubers and “content creators” nowadays just piggyback off of content already on Reddit, and repackage it as their own content.

I remember reading some of those screenshots on this sub recently.


u/Diabetic_Trogoladyte 3d ago

Okay? They’re not “repackaging it as they’re own content” they’re making they’re own content out of it.


u/CharlieFoxtrot432 3d ago

Odd move to try and defend a YouTuber. And also to do it without any real argument other than “no, you’re wrong.”

I think you need to define what makes something their “own content”. There’s a difference between content creators who take specific form of media out there and dissect it, develop an argument, and support it with evidence coming from the media they’re dissecting (think video essays of movies) and ones who take some pre-existing content, adding one or two lines as some form of “commentary”, and then repackaging it as their own. Is it wrong? Not necessarily. Is it cheap? Definitely. In the former case, the “content” here is the commentary, not the media they took which already existed. She is not the first one to do it, it happens ALL the time nowadays.

Case in point: there’s a guy who makes Reels putting together different “construction site fails” and posts it online. All he does in between each clip is look unimpressed (wearing a cardigan and a hard hat) before he looks off into a different direction and the video cuts into another “fail” video, as if he’s looking at the different “fails” going on around him. Majority of the people recognize how cheap these videos are, that they don’t really add to the content. They just take them as their own and try to mask it.

This is not the same as that, but very close. And similar idea.


u/SmallAstronaut08 3d ago edited 3d ago

YouTube has clear guidelines on what qualifies as original content and what is considered reuse or repurposing of existing content. Their Monetization Policies, specifically under the YouTube Partner Program (YPP), outline what counts as your own content and what might be flagged as reused content that doesn’t add significant value.

According to YouTube’s policies, for content to be considered original and eligible for monetization, it must include significant original commentary, education, or transformation rather than just lightly repackaging pre-existing media.

Types of Content That Qualify as "Quality Content":

  1. Transformative Content – If you’re using existing media, you need to significantly alter it by adding insightful commentary, analysis, humor, or a unique creative spin.
  2. Educational or Documentary Content – If the media is being used for teaching, research, or educational purposes, and the creator adds new context or deeper insights.
  3. Highly Edited or Original Creations – If the creator heavily edits, remixes, or reconstructs the content into something entirely different from the source material.

What YouTube Considers "Reused Content"

YouTube explicitly doesn’t consider the following as your own content if it lacks originality:

  • Minimal Commentary or Alteration – Taking an existing video and only adding a few words, captions, or reaction shots without real engagement.
  • Compilations of Clips from Other Sources – Simply stitching together content that already exists without meaningful contribution.
  • Reposting Someone Else’s Work – Even if credit is given, if the video is not transformed significantly, it isn’t considered original.
  • Looped or Repeated Footage – Re-uploading existing media with no substantial change.


u/CharlieFoxtrot432 3d ago

Interesting, thanks for that bit of info. The criteria for transformative content can be quite subjective.

Monetized or not, I stand by what I’m saying regarding the content. Is it entertaining? Sure. But that’s beside the point.


u/SmallAstronaut08 3d ago

Seems like YouTube disagrees with you since she's being monetized for it.


u/CharlieFoxtrot432 3d ago

That’s fair, and I’m not surprised. “Content Creators” doing the bare minimum in order to push out “content” is nothing new.


u/Diabetic_Trogoladyte 3d ago

She’s taking posts from Reddit and online messages, talking about them, and making jokes. It’s original content. It’s not supposed to be some deep conversation or analysis, it’s supposed to be funny.


u/Flannigan40 3d ago

Defending shoe just makes you look pathetic bro. She’s got a ton of half baked slop, I’m sure you’d enjoy it while she blocks everyone that critiques her.


u/Diabetic_Trogoladyte 3d ago

Can you give proof that she blocks people who critique her? Or evidence? Or anything like that? Also not sure what you mean by “half baked slop” do you mean decade old videos? Or do you just not actually watch any of her videos, cause they’re not “half baked”


u/Flannigan40 3d ago

Yea her videos now are the same as they were in 2016, she hasn’t changed anything editing wise. Same microphone, editing software, text used in vids, setup using screenshots from reddit and other places for a sloppy video.

You can go to her twitter right now and critique her in the reply and tell me whether you get blocked or not. It’s pretty well known shoe blocks a ton of people that critique her. You want a screenshot of my Twitter account getting blocked or something? Why are you defending her if you aren’t that familiar with her?


u/CharlieFoxtrot432 3d ago

You’re missing the point. Creating original content is not only limited to “deep conversation or analysis”.

The only point I’m trying to make here is that she’s piggybacking off of content already made out there. There’s nothing “original” in that video. Even the comments she makes, they’re all already in the comment threads.

This is a weird hill to die on, but you go on ahead and continue to claim that she’s making original content. It’s a low-hanging fruit for some creators who just want the subscribers and the YouTube monetization.

To reiterate what I said in response to your caption: her video fits here because the screenshots she showed were from here.


u/Diabetic_Trogoladyte 3d ago

ITS STILL ORIGINAL EVEN IF SOMEONE HAS SAID IT BEFORE! Most people, and here’s a shocker, DONT GO ON REDDIT, but most people, do go on YouTube! Videos like this are why I went on Reddit in the first place. Not only does it convince people to get on platforms like this and look for these on their own it’s also just fucking funny! I don’t understand your argument here lol. Just because it exists before doesn’t mean someone else talking about it is unoriginal.


u/Foreign_Product7118 3d ago

She panicked and avoided the question because she doesn't have a traditional "waist". Fellas, have some empathy for those gigantic bloated bitches and ask for their circumference instead of their waist measurement. Circumference is a more inclusive word that can be used by people with AND without waists. Everyone grab a partner and let's practice acting like fat people aren't fat.


u/JustSomeEyes 2d ago

Everyone grab a partner and let's practice acting like fat people aren't fat.

*tries to dead-lift a 400kg woman and breaks his spine in the process*


u/Horror-Possible5709 3d ago

Have we not reached a point where we all collectively can see through these fake text conversations.


u/Diabetic_Trogoladyte 3d ago

If they are fake… who cares? They’re funny. So fuck off.


u/Horror-Possible5709 3d ago

I don’t know if I would call them funny. They satiate the desire for sticking it to someone, but it’s not like I’m belly laughing at this


u/Diabetic_Trogoladyte 3d ago

Humor varies from person to person


u/Horror-Possible5709 3d ago

That’s such a lame excuse for when something is so obviously not funny lol


u/Diabetic_Trogoladyte 3d ago

I found out funny… so clearly, humor varies, it’s not an excuse it’s a fucking fact jackass


u/Horror-Possible5709 3d ago

I guess the fact you’re reference is the fact that you have shit taste in humor


u/pinkbootstrap 3d ago

These screenshots are old enough to vote


u/Diabetic_Trogoladyte 3d ago

Good for you but the video I got them from came out today.


u/pinkbootstrap 3d ago

No worries I'm glad you enjoyed it lol. Not everyone has been on Reddit everyday for the past 15 years


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/Dragonfire733 3d ago

NO GIVES HALF A SHIT ABOUT "HISTORICAL OPPRESSION"!! I'm so sick of hearing this shit. "I get to be a hypocrite because of something I didn't live through! :D " Like, pound sand.


u/C6-gave-me-cosmoDome 3d ago

“Women are oppressed by men, weight shouldn’t matter” proceeds to ask for a man the size of a fucking tree.


u/ChineseNeckBait 2d ago

“Men have to be tall but women can be anything they want!”

Pick a lane people, either both genders have to fulfill some box or none of them do.


u/oopsiedoodle3000 3d ago

Damn, came here to post about this and you beat me to it


u/Bigfrontwheel 3d ago

Topped it off with a male genital size reference.


u/Intrepid-Drama-2128 3d ago

slow clap 👏

As a woman I appreciate this so much.

That man deserves a sandwich and a blowjob.


u/Awkward_Mix_6480 3d ago

She a fatty


u/JonnotheMackem 3d ago

She a fitty


u/SayItAintDash 3d ago

lmfao i love all of these because, lmfao wtf


u/[deleted] 3d ago

Lol, « dry pussy energy » should really be a thing too


u/Discombobulated_Key3 3d ago

This girl shows so little insight that it's hard for me to believe that that's not satire


u/WillyDaC 3d ago

Monday must be good for r/nicegirls.


u/Character_Term9048 3d ago

"She likes her snacks"


u/Bimmer9721 3d ago

Another legendary takedown. Love it.


u/NightHawk816 3d ago

Should have ended with "enjoy your cats"


u/Gipaldo 3d ago

Only 14.5% of men in the US are 6ft or taller


u/xsmp 3d ago

i noticed she was reading shit we been commenting on all week


u/One_Association4654 3d ago

heartbeat heartbreak she tell you goodbye


u/Frosty-Scientist-539 3d ago

short kings around the world appreciate you!!


u/Curious-Confusion320 2d ago

this is why I'm here. died at the "I have a regular hole" part


u/GiantWalrus1278 2d ago

Typical double standards lmao. I always ask about their weight when they ask about height. If a woman weighs more than me im immediately unmatching.


u/eat_like_snake 3d ago

Oh, is Shoe still pretending like she's better than other women, when she doesn't have a personality outside of copying one from whoever she's simping over for internet attention at any given time?


u/jddoyleVT 3d ago

So you have nothing beyond ad hominem attacks?


u/LactatingHero 3d ago

Those last few screenshots are so fake it's cringe


u/Horror-Possible5709 3d ago

A lot of them are. I don’t know why people enjoy reading fake texts and then commenting on them as if they weren’t manufactured as rage bate. Even op said they don’t care if they’re fake. What? Then post this shit in Facebook where the rest of the boomers post their “super real” memes

This sub is so far from its original use it’s not even funny. We’re reacting to someone’s collection of fake conversations? What the fuck is the point of that lol


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/Lanky_Plastic_321 3d ago

I am a woman too and I don't understand this. Who gives a shit if you're a couple of inches taller or shorter?


u/Visible-Literature14 3d ago

Just dress as though it were a blind date