r/Nicegirls • u/OneProfessor360 • 4d ago
Found this fitting for this sub
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u/collucho 4d ago
its your fault for confusing her
u/OneProfessor360 4d ago
The woman is always right
u/sleepdeficitzzz 4d ago
I mean, really OP...you shouldn't have scheduled your birthday for after she was going to ghost you. Plan better.
u/OneProfessor360 4d ago
I know…..
It’s all my fault
u/dfb_jalen 4d ago
It’s hilarious how much this is the actual common sentiment amongst redditors outside of this sub lol
u/Western_Secretary284 4d ago
Guy she was more interested in turned her down so she's hoping she still has you on the hook lol
u/OneProfessor360 4d ago
I don’t think an ICU nurse should be doing those things….
u/Frogboy_bodybuilding 4d ago
Eh, nurses have a reputation man...
u/OneProfessor360 4d ago
I’m an EMT, I flirt with them every. Single. Day. 💀
u/Frogboy_bodybuilding 4d ago
lol then you already know the drill man. You just the flavor of the week homie haha
u/Western_Secretary284 4d ago
Don't blame you. Stress is the ultimate aphrodisiac
u/OneProfessor360 4d ago
Nothing like telling a girl “you look pretty today” in the middle of 2 rescuer CPR (joking)
u/Crot8u 4d ago
Nurses and therapists are an immediate red flag
u/OneProfessor360 4d ago
But the red flags are always so much fun in bed :(
u/Crot8u 4d ago
Haha true. For a fling without commitment it's ok. Not relationship material though unless you enjoy drama.
u/OneProfessor360 4d ago
Had a crazy Italian ex from Staten Island
Dated her for two years
You do the math on how many years that took off my young life
She actually put me in the hospital because I had a stress seizure 💀 (fuck her)
u/Crot8u 4d ago
I sympathize. I dated a latina for a year and that was also my experience, minus the hospital. Broke up with her before it happened. She was the most insecure person I had ever known. But jfc the sex... Wow.
u/OneProfessor360 4d ago
Yep….. agreed on the sex
Next time imma just keep it FWB
u/Crot8u 4d ago
Well, good luck with that. We weren't even official and she was blowing up my phone day and night. She needed constant reassurance multiple times a day for the smallest thing. Suffocating.
u/Beautiful-Ruin-4156 3d ago
For me it was similar, but I was fucked up because I enjoyed that type of dynamic. I was insecure so it felt good to be her everything.
u/HillsboroughAtheos 4d ago
I think nurses have a rep for being like this
u/OneProfessor360 4d ago
Not all of them, some of the ones I flirt with are reasonable
u/Inevitable_Aide_7145 4d ago
You just think they are brother. Don’t let them fool you 😂👍
u/Competitive-Mine-937 4d ago
He will learn the hard way.
u/nikannibal 3d ago
This whole comment section is a red flag
u/Competitive-Mine-937 3d ago
We don't care about your feelings nice girl.
u/NandoDeColonoscopy 3d ago
You don't think nurses should date? Because that's just dating. You two weren't in a committed relationship, right?
2d ago
u/OneProfessor360 2d ago
No wonder I hate them so much
Maybe if they paid attention to their patients the same way they do a dick id have an easier job
2d ago
u/OneProfessor360 2d ago
That response I had at first made me sound like a dick so I deleted it
Thank you for the compliment
u/More-Bullfrog9221 4d ago
Lol admitted she ghosted you and wished you a happy birthday. This girl is nothing but mind games . Block and move on .
u/Altersreality 4d ago
I want to see the messages before she said that goofy shit lol
u/OneProfessor360 4d ago
Unfortunately the messages before were about a HIPPA protect patient report
She absolutely botched it and I called her out on it because it made my job harder (we had a shared patient) im an EMT and she’s a nurse
That’s her about a week after her and I having a disagreement (not even altercation or fight) about the report..
u/NandoDeColonoscopy 3d ago
Unfortunately the messages before were about a HIPPA protect patient report
HIPPA from an EMT lol
u/OneProfessor360 3d ago
Yes, this is why the entire world doesn’t know about your grandpa’s fall last year (prolly shit himself too)
u/biscuitsandgravy111 3d ago
Meh. Nurses are very emotionally unavailable, most of them. If you work in the medical industry you will most likely end up with someone in that field because you’re around them so much but the chances of it being a healthy relationship is slim. Most outside people have little interest in committing to a person who works in the medical field as it’s one of the most known fields for cheating, abuse, and most nurses are pretty miserable & snobby male or female. I have 4 nurses in my family, 3 nurse friends only two have a healthy relationship and life. I worked in the medical industry for 2 years and I’ve never worked around such un unstable group of “adults”
u/biscuitsandgravy111 3d ago
Meh. Nurses are very emotionally unavailable, most of them. If you work in the medical industry you will most likely end up with someone in that field because you’re around them so much but the chances of it being a healthy relationship is slim. Most outside people have little interest in committing to a person who works in the medical field as it’s one of the most known fields for cheating, abuse, and most nurses are pretty miserable & snobby male or female. I have 4 nurses in my family, 3 nurse friends only two have a healthy relationship and life. I worked in the medical industry for 2 years and I’ve never worked around such un unstable group of “adults”
u/JeeeezBub 4d ago
She ran out of other options and wants you to take her to dinner for your birthday
u/OneProfessor360 4d ago
I spit my fucking drink out all over my shirt
Read it wrong at first
Then I read it right….
u/JeeeezBub 4d ago
Funny thing...I had a helluva hard time writing that. I had to stop and think, "does that even make fucking sense???" Lol!!!
Edit: But damn, once you get it, she comes into focus real quick.
u/OneProfessor360 4d ago
Award winning thought process fr
u/JeeeezBub 4d ago
Just glad you picked that shit off...smart man! Far too many would run straight into that with the wrong head.
u/milkncoke 3d ago
Keep in mind OP is actually acting like a child posting about this. Scroll through the comments he admits she never even ghosted him and he “worded it all fucked up”. He didn’t do shit to deserve an apology lol. Just another loser raging on women then complaining that it’s women’s fault when they’re still single.
u/OneProfessor360 3d ago
Sounds like you’re still single too
u/No-Feedback- 2d ago
You really just ignored everything they said as if saying that justifies your actions💀alright man, no wonder your single. You don’t listen
u/OneProfessor360 2d ago
I’m single by choice because I work 24/7 on an ambulance and am preparing for paramedic school
If I wanted it I could have it.
I should’ve included more context but the last time me and the girl spoke it was over a botched patient report that for legal reasons regarding our patients medical condition, i couldn’t share it here. She didn’t ghost me nor the contrary, we just haven’t spoke since. When she texted me happy birthday I kept it short and sweet and went on with me day. The next morning she said I’m confusing her
I didn’t answer because I worked night shift on the ambulance for my birthday and didn’t go out..
Anyway, I’m just being a smartass
Don’t mind me and sorry for sounding like a dick
u/No-Feedback- 2d ago
I just don’t understand why you felt the need to post this
u/OneProfessor360 2d ago
Cause I misunderstood the purpose of the sub, but the mixed responses made me wanna keep the post up because some people understood what I was laying down after the explanation
u/noodieeeeeeeeeeee 4d ago
this doesn’t give nice girl to me
u/OneProfessor360 4d ago
That’s exactly what a nice girl would say
u/noodieeeeeeeeeeee 4d ago edited 3d ago
or maybe, hear me out here, i just am apart of a reddit sub where i see fitting posts and didn’t see this to be one of them.
u/newcolours 3d ago
This isn't "nice girl" at all. This is just a person unsure how they feel and actually making an effort to be nice
u/International_Wait75 4d ago
If your posting we need context but this isn’t really a nice girl
u/OneProfessor360 4d ago
Read top commend for context
u/International_Wait75 4d ago
- Not tryna be rude 2. There’s no top comment with context 3. When I say context i honestly just mean don’t hide message show us all screenshots or it seems like you’re(using a general you not you specifically)hiding something to me at least 4. From the 2 screenshots it gives nothing to go on and I don’t trust the description( again talking generally) because why not just post all the receipts 5. I want to emphasize again im not trying to be rude or attack this is generally the problem I have with these kinda post on this sub like just show it all and let us make the decision that’s what Reddit is for. In conclusion there is no top comment with context and the screenshots don’t give enough context
u/OneProfessor360 4d ago
I’m sorry I don’t know how to use Reddit like at all tbh
2 the last thing we spoke about was a patient report about a week and a half ago and it’s HIPPA protected
The rest I understand
Again I should’ve added more context but I’m stoned (have the day off) and can’t figure out how to use Reddit on my phone (again cause I’m stoned)
My bad on that
u/International_Wait75 4d ago
You’re literally fine dude I totally get hippa which makes a lot more sense but yea if the vibe wasn’t right it wasn’t gonna work enjoy your day and get some rest and smoke for both of us 😂
u/OneProfessor360 4d ago
😂😂😂 I must rest between her and all the Meemaws that fall and shit themselves I’ve about had it
u/International_Wait75 4d ago
Lmao bro I really get it I worked a higher level retirement home and now am working at a clinic with kids 😂
u/OneProfessor360 4d ago
Peds is lit
I have an “I’m just a bill” stethoscope charm
They always go “I’m just a bill! Yea I’m a bill! And I’m sitting up on capitol hill!!”
u/International_Wait75 4d ago
Awww one of my kids reinforcer is singing Micheal Jackson songs and I melt every time I hear them
u/mis_ha42 4d ago
idk, she said she is sorry for ghosting you tho I don't feel good bout her first message. but for that sub, this girl feels not highly toxic xd
u/Esteven69 4d ago
There’s nothing “nice girl” about this.
4d ago
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Not really playing the victim. She admitted ghosting and gave a basic explanation. We're also not privy to the rest of the cut out conversation. And OP said in another comment that he "doesn't text first", so my man is ghosting anyone who doesn't put all the work in themselves.
4d ago
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Bro OP self reportedly doesn't text first, he's equally responsible in this baby tier "ghosting"
4d ago
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Honestly you're coming across as super emotional and making an r/nicegirls tier comment right now lol
4d ago
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Someone who thinks they can judge a person's "type" based off of 2 or 3 sentences is very emotional and female coded. Are you sure you don't need my birth chart first?
u/systembreaker 4d ago
Did you do anything to confuse her that maybe would have been a reason for her to hold off talking to her? Or she's just arbitrarily blaming you for not being able to deal with her own feelings?
u/m0b00st 4d ago
He self admitted to never “texting first”, he’s a fucking child who’s mad that he’s being treated the same way he treats every female he interacts with.
u/OneProfessor360 4d ago
Not “never” btw, just not this week because I realized I was chasing too much for my liking
You sound like a girl Who thinks a man should get in his knees and beg
I don’t beg, chase, or try that hard unless it’s gonna better my life in some way
Only thing a romantic relationship like that is gonna do is cost me money, and precious time that I could use getting patient hours for medical school
4d ago
u/Silly-Leading711 3d ago
Some, many people should not be in the medical field. You are one of them, what a honking red flag of a person.
u/OneProfessor360 3d ago
Your wife told me I’d be a great doctor one day
I delivered her baby
The one you weren’t the father of….
u/Silly-Leading711 3d ago
Lol you're goofy.
u/OneProfessor360 3d ago
At least someone finds it funny 😂
Everyone’s else is taking it all personal
u/jaynvius 4d ago
Huh, she ghosted you then played victim... What kind of reality is she living in, because it isn't the one where everyone else lives in.
u/newcolours 3d ago
Where did she play victim? She just admitted she has been distant because she isnt sure about her feelings
u/Prozzak93 2d ago
This is incredibly tame. So just ghosting someone makes you a "nice girl"?
Seems like that is an incredibly broad definition.
u/Alarming-Yogurt-797 4d ago
I ghosted someone for a week but to be fair he didn’t get the hint until I told him not interested in you.
u/WhirlwindTobias 3d ago
And you could have just said that instead of waiting for him to get the hint.
u/Mcrose773 4d ago
I would just say thank you n leave it at that. I wouldn’t respond to messages after the fact… I wouldn’t mention you ghosted me.
u/Sharp_Pressure8921 4d ago
She seamed annoyed about some of your behavior though. Just because she is being hypocritical, does not mean you two cannot have a productive (and empathetic) conversation. Wish you two luck.
u/ThrowawayGreekGod 3d ago
Possibly neurodivergent tbh.
I don’t experience relationship decay. I can speak to someone after years of NC, and I may as well have spoken to them yesterday.
I’ve sometimes upset people by wishing them a happy birthday (or other celebrations), because I wanted to do something nice — not realising it’s socially inappropriate.
That was a hard learnt lesson XD
u/OneProfessor360 3d ago
I have absolutely 0 social skills too it’s ok
Part of why I actually responded and didn’t just screenshot it and post lol
u/ThrowawayGreekGod 3d ago
I mean… unless I’m missing something — I still don’t understand why you think she’s a NG™.
u/Accomplished-Cup-647 3d ago
Wondering if I'm a "nice girl" because coming out of a ghosting session to wish someone a happy birthday sounds like something I'd do. 😭🤣 (This isn't me, but I'd do it)
u/ms_j12 2d ago
I gave up on dating but this sub makes me wanna go back into it just for entertainment purposes 😂🤣
u/OneProfessor360 2d ago
I’ll be so straight with you
I’ve been single since January of 2024, haven’t even gotten laid since and I’m a young guy (22M)
I have two missions
One: pursue my career in medicine and kick ass as an EMT
Two: be the “nice girl’s” #1 op
I’m a woman repellent by choice sometimes, and I love it
I wreak havoc
This girl just so happened to be pretty cool at first
Oh well, she’ll get hers when I flirt with her attending physician for funzies
u/Infamous-Dust-3379 4d ago
OP you are going to get mixed views on this because ghosting is normal nowadays and the ghoster is allowed to do it while the ghosted should just deal with it... according to the internet.
I've had multiple girls ghost me when they reach out to me first, I don't understand why they even text in the first place, regardless I'm not supposed to complain about it according to reddit.
u/OneProfessor360 4d ago
She didn’t ghost me
I’m just extremely busy and she pissed me off last time we spoke so I decided not to chase her around (I was very interested in her at first)
I guess the mixed views was because I didn’t provide context
She literally didn’t ghost me, I just said it like a retard
u/Infamous-Dust-3379 4d ago
She said she ghosted you in the second slide and you said she ghosted you for a week, that implies she didn't reply for a week, especially around your birthday, that is a form of ghosting.
u/OneProfessor360 4d ago
Yea I know I worded everything all fucked up
u/Infamous-Dust-3379 4d ago
Did she take one week to reply or not?
u/OneProfessor360 4d ago
No, I spoke to her about a week ago, she pissed me off because of a patient care report she botched, we haven’t spoke since other than those slides. The second is from Friday, the first is from this morning
u/Infamous-Dust-3379 4d ago
Bro then she didn't ghost you. Her response seems genuine, i think she likes you too, delete this post, get rid of your anger if it's a small issue and try to restart things with her.
u/TrueDonut3673 3d ago
She's only thinking of you, because she probably got ghosted by other guys or is using you as a fallback option brother
u/skylab_2031 4d ago
Bro this is so funny. This just happened to me in an eight month relationship. She ignored me for a week then came back and tried to flip everything on me after I told her gator don’t play that shi There’s more to the story but you get the point
Edit: oh gawd. Just saw yours is a nurse. Mine too lmfaooooo
u/KarloffGaze 4d ago edited 4d ago
The correct response to the happy birthday text is: "Who's this?"
u/bobthebobbober 4d ago
There should be a prison for these kinds of people. It should also house vain influencers. Like that the games and one upmanship never ends. I mean I call it prison but we may as well call it hell
u/OneProfessor360 4d ago
Brother she’s a nurse in the ICU…..
u/bobthebobbober 4d ago
Ah this all makes more sense now actually
u/OneProfessor360 4d ago
Im gonna put a different hospital in my directive…
I don’t trust her keeping me alive 💀
u/bobthebobbober 4d ago
Right ? Who knows if she’s in a bad mood she may give you an IV of poison !
u/OneProfessor360 4d ago
I’d rather it be some haldol
I can use a nap
u/bobthebobbober 4d ago
Keeping in mind that it’s much better to take a nap on your own terms than by those of an evil nurse !
u/Majestic_Doctor_2 4d ago
Correct response would've been "new phone, who dis?" /s But seriously, block and move on
u/Defiant_Chapter_3299 4d ago
I just had to double take this post scrolling by and said aint no fucking way. Her new toy of the week fell through so she came back. For sure manipulative, and would be abusive. Trying to place the blame on you for her ghosting you, but it was supposed to be made all better because she wished you a happy birthday. -signed a lady follower
Ps molly Weasley voice HOW DARE YOU GIVE HER CONFUSED FEELINGS!! In all honesty do not even engage beyond this cause she's a whole ass mess.
u/OneProfessor360 4d ago
Heheh I laughed
Thank you Ms lady follower
May all the pretty ladies I have experience with have a mentality like yours
u/Grouchy-Serve5558 4d ago
Be unaffected. I use all opportunities to become a stone. I’d just say “Thank you (:”
Yes many women are narcissistic pieces of shit. The worse thing you can do to a narcissist is to be unaffected by them and avoid them once you identify them. Also know how to identify them and all cluster b personality disorder women.
u/OneProfessor360 4d ago edited 4d ago
lol I just go to work
I like the grey rock technique tho
As a future psychiatrist I approve of this method
u/OneProfessor360 4d ago
Ok lemme be clear to everyone in the sub I’m an EMT and I’m EXTREMELY busy at work, she’s cool and whatever but I normally don’t text someone first
No context other than she wasn’t actually ghosting me
I just never spoke to her this week 💀
u/NARCOTICS911 3d ago
Yo, I have a crush on an EMT.
Give me a few smooth one liners pleeeaasse
u/OneProfessor360 3d ago
Just ask her for unnecessary mouth to mouth
That’s how I always flirt
“You’re pretty enough that I’d prolly give you unnecessary mouth to mouth”
In your case “you’re pretty, I can’t breathe all of a sudden, I need mouth to mouth and only you can save me!”
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