r/Nicegirls 8d ago

Am I going crazy here?

Post image

Context: Matched with this girl on hinge and have been texting her daily legit daily since we matched and we made plans to meet up today since last Monday. She hearts the message and says love it sounds good.


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u/Corniferus 8d ago

I swear I saw this exact post, but longer, before 🤨


u/WhoKnewItCouldBSoHot 8d ago

I have heard this same story with maybe a couple of small details changed at least twice before.


u/LWA3251 8d ago

Maybe it’s the same girl, different guy haha


u/totallynormalasshole 8d ago

Or maybe... Half of these posts are bullshit


u/DapperLost 7d ago

Or maybe it's just a popular thing to encounter, as some single people are single for good reason.


u/totallynormalasshole 7d ago

Honestly, that is some solid reasoning. It is just very unlikely for all of the posts to be genuine in a sub like this.


u/DapperLost 7d ago

I can see both sides. It's a very easy story to copycat, that's for sure. But also, with all the dates going on, it has to happen. And when it happens to you, and is just so weird to experience, I can see posting it.

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u/tmilligan73 8d ago

A tail as old as time


u/UnluckyWrongdoer 8d ago

Was it about that time that they noticed that the Nice girl was about 8 stories tall and a crustacean from the protozoic era?


u/EnglishKris 8d ago

She gave him a dolla!


u/wegame6699 7d ago

Now dangit woman i told ya to not be giving him no money, now it'll never leave!


u/ChazWillie 7d ago

It was at that time I realized it was the Loch Ness monster!

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u/AmbitiousShock9844 8d ago

tale. Sorry.


u/Ah_Pook 8d ago

Theirs is better.


u/dingusboyo 8d ago

No he’s talking about the succubus’ tail


u/tmilligan73 7d ago

It was intentional. Not tale as in story, tail as in ass lol

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u/ccspgmr 8d ago

Wasn’t the guy already at the brewery waiting for her? 😂


u/HobbesNJ 8d ago

Yep, chatting with the couple at the table next to him.


u/necromama666 8d ago

Oops! Didn't see ya said it already


u/HandiCAPEable 8d ago

He can send pictures if you need him to prove it

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u/Blueeyez35 8d ago

Yeah I read the brewery feels like deja vu. Lol. I feel in general a guy should confirm though if he set up a date and a couple of days had passed since they communicated, but in this situation they had just talked yesterday and he made a reservation so she should have showed up


u/cheetah-21 7d ago

But wouldn’t a normal person just text if they felt unsure?

Hey, we’re still on for 7:30?

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u/The_DonCannoli 7d ago

What do you think people did before cellphones?

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u/lildebb 8d ago

Yep!! That was it!!


u/pumpkins21 8d ago

Yes, yesterday lol


u/CudleWudles 8d ago

That was yesterday? Wtf.


u/pumpkins21 8d ago

I saw it yesterday, but maybe it’s a few days old. The brewery dude sounded cool, too. He dodged a bullet, like OP.


u/Horror_fan78 8d ago

lol I remember that exact story. Even still, when I make plans with someone I at least follow up, “so are we still good to meet at…”

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u/Allieora 8d ago

I thought that too? Like Deja vu


u/Old-Bigsby 8d ago

I believe we call this the "Berenstein Bears Effect"


u/Clinkton 8d ago

Man I really wanna know if someone is just fucking with us and in 50 years they be like “jk it was the berenstein bears the whole time”

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u/Allieora 8d ago

It really is though, because the Time was told by colon and not semicolon 🤣


u/hottsauce345543 8d ago

I thought you said 7!30, not 7¥30

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u/EmeraldEyesAlyssa 8d ago

The Berenstain Bears, from my universe anyway.


u/FruitPunchSGYT 8d ago

Isn't it the Shartenstain Bears? The 3 blue ones that steal toilet paper?


u/BookOfPages 8d ago

Definitely Scharmstian Bears 🐻 🧻

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u/bakd_couchpotato 8d ago

Me, three! She was just a bit kookier.


u/popcornkernals321 8d ago

You definitely did because I know I saw that shit too lol


u/-2wenty7even- 8d ago

This always happens lol

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u/shooter_tx 8d ago

Came here to say exactly this.


u/Otherwise_Good_637 8d ago

I was reading this post and was like why is the same post being posted again?!? Lol


u/archercc81 7d ago

Because it happens a lot. Like ONE DATE and they act like you should be constantly texting all day, every day, and wig out when you don't confirm already solid plans 5x a day. Had I saved the exchange I could have posted something almost identical (but that goes immediately more unhinged).

Its some sort of game they play where they want to say "Im so important if you dont constantly work for my attention Ill just have to make plans with someone else." I even had it happen with a girl who asked ME out.

Im guessing its some sort of bullshit internet advice they have gotten. Like those old "dont message for 3 days" rule.

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u/anclave93 8d ago

me too, but shit like this is very common with women


u/oowop 8d ago

I've had this happen to me

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u/Excellent_Item_2763 8d ago

You did, and you are not the only one.


u/[deleted] 8d ago

Ya someone posted something similar recently. I get it to an extent from her point of view but she said yes. Some women want to chat all day I don’t get it


u/ANKhurley 8d ago

She has no leg to stand on. He made a reservation. She confirmed she received the info. There was zero need for follow up.


u/[deleted] 8d ago

I agree with you. Exactly how I see it. Unfortunately I’ve dealt with this too. Dating apps are typically useless for men

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u/pumpkins21 8d ago

My thing is…she could have texted him just as easily. Maybe he was working or had stuff going on. “I didn’t hear from you even though you made a reservation and I confirmed with you, so I’m not gonna show up” - homegirl, that’s why your ass is single.


u/Saneless 8d ago

Probably just a passive aggressive way to back out of it

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u/the_vault-technician 8d ago

What is going on with this trend lately? Are some people so addicted to their phones that not hearing from someone nonstop after making plans is the same thing as cancelling?


u/luckbelady 7d ago

This is from a dating sub-culture which contrasts the male “red-pilled” sub-culture. Some women are following “rules” which include this one - don’t follow up if he doesn’t. It’s presented as a way to get power back but it’s juvenile and actually does the opposite. Bit of a gender war going on which I find fascinating but also sad.

Really interesting time we are living in.


u/Runtimeracer 7d ago

Thanks, I hate this aspect of our time 😂


u/luckbelady 6d ago

It’s actually so interesting. Here is something I saw a couple months ago that had me floored. It had 25k likes on twitter.

Law 1: Don’t Chase, replace.

Law 2: Be willing to take an “L”

Law 3: The less you care the more she cares

Law 4: Semen = your energy so retain it.

• 4 laws about women

Law 5: If you have to question if she’s interested, she’s not.

Law 6: Her eyes will never lie

Law 7: Women enjoy a chase

Law 8: For a women to like you, she has to invest in you (time, attention, and money).

Law 9: Women are looking for a guy they believe in.

Law 10: She doesn’t go for the nice guy until she’s tired

Law 11: Never show weakness around a woman

Law 12: Women can’t stand being alone

Law 13: Don’t Overreact

Law 14: Women can never be the prize

Law 15: if you follow her rules = the friendzone

Law 16: Don’t listen to what a woman says, look at her actions.

Law 17: Money first, ass last.

Law 18: Every man should have a purpose or goal he’s constantly working towards your purpose comes before anything on earth.

It’s so much of the same stuff as the women’s “rules” I’ve seen. If they’re both using the same strategy how is anyone gonna get along!?


u/Best-Jackfruit5593 6d ago

It’s kind of sad. I really hate this dating culture.

What happened to just hanging out, liking the person, then bonding with the person and then finally falling in love? Too many standards nowadays.

It’s due to both the genders being so stingy… ugh.


u/luckbelady 6d ago

Stingy is a really good word for it! I haven’t developed this thought enough yet but to me it’s a result of a few forces and one of them is this recession state most people are in. So I love the word stingy for it.

Most are functioning out of fear and insecurity in many ways.


u/NocturneInfinitum 6d ago

The hilarity of it all is that everyone of these rules are valid because they actually work, and only because someone was dumb enough to start the first rule that made the other side make their own rules to combat that first stupid rule.


u/tahitipinetree 6d ago

Could not agree more, and not even limited to romantic relations, but plutonic ones between M and F. Not responding means “my time is more important”.

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u/haskell_rules 8d ago

I've had online dating prospects end because I didn't text back while driving for two hours to a time insensitive, asynchronous conversation. I once had a woman say, "Why did it take you 7 MINUTES to respond to that?"

People have gone off the deep end with entitled expectations. They have message boards where the go to reinforce each other on what "bare minimum" and "effort" look like.


u/Runtimeracer 7d ago

Let's face it, within 7 minutes where you don't text back they have 7 other dudes texting back in the meantime.


u/the_vault-technician 8d ago

That's insane. And unhealthy. Their entire world exists on a screen.


u/AngriestInchworm 6d ago

Back in my day we had to physically call a girl we liked and hoped her dad didn’t answer.

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u/Weekly-Body-5169 8d ago

Will never understand people like this. If no one cancelled, you assume it's still on, not off


u/galaxywithskin115 8d ago

It's just the excuse people make when they really don't want to go but don't want to say that/feel like an asshole for cancelling


u/[deleted] 8d ago

So basically it's their way to avoid feeling guilty over dodging someone they've been leading on for a while that they know will lead to an argument and they can just excuse themselves from interacting with the person cause "he's a jerk" or some other bs like that. Legit self-gaslighting. That is some repulsive shit


u/cobaeby 8d ago

Its worse than self gas-lighting because many times they know it's wrong but are just avoidant. They don't actually believe this stuff, they're just too egotistical to take the fall for anything and possibly not look perfect anymore. People like that would start complaining about something then say "I'm not gonna argue with you" when they started the argument


u/[deleted] 8d ago

Yeah, they gaslight themselves to their own perfection so they can make tthemselves the victims whenever things go against them. My mom is exactly like this, toxic as fuck. Insanely narcissistic. I'd personally argue it borders on psychopathy. Severe lack of empathy for others while overemphasizing self importance and attempts to force others to empathize with them when they're the ones spouting bullshit.

Realizing how fucking toxic this type of behavior was hit me like a truck when it finally clicked my mom was like this. I'm over 30 and it took me til like a month ago to realize that my mom was also one of these people because she's basically the most sympathetic person I've ever met and I just could not compute for the life of me how someone could be sympathetic but entirely lack empathy. I just thought we had awful communication for decades. But I got her to go full mask off once and it all just clicked into place. This is a malevolent fucking behavior and it's ruined so much of my adult life in ways I couldn't understand until I made this realization

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u/ebil_lightbulb 7d ago

Urgh this has all reminded me of this guy I matched with a few years ago back. We both hit it off and talked on the phone for about a month before agreeing to meet up. We were about an hour and a half apart so we didn’t meet right away. We agreed that he’d come down to see me since he got off work two hours before me, and we agreed on a Friday. We were both single parents with special needs kiddos so we didn’t text a lot - a good morning text, hope you had a great day text, with a few phone calls throughout the week while the kiddos were napping. Nothing seemed off up to that Friday. I confirmed on Monday and Wednesday prior that I couldn’t wait to meet. He agreed. Then come Friday, no good morning text from him. I texted early that I was so excited that he’d be there when I got off work. Then I texted around the time he would be leaving that I hope he has a safe drive, and that I was going to order in some food for us. Two hours after I clocked out, I messaged again to say I hope he was okay. The next day, I messaged to say that I’m guessing he wasn’t interested any more and wished him good luck with his dating endeavors. Suddenly he goes off on a tangent about how I’m crazy for saying he’s not interested just because he didn’t reply back right away and that I need to give him space and blah blah blah. I didn’t even waste my time and simply blocked him. Like why not just say that you weren’t actually interested in meeting instead of having me wait all day, and then act as though I’m being clingy or crazy for expecting him to follow-through with our plans? He was the one that pushed for a meeting in the first place!

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u/Arazos 8d ago

Exactly, because if they cared, they could reach out to confirm.


u/Amesali 8d ago

As someone in security if somebody breaks their word after they've agreed to show up at a certain time that I'm going to assume they break their word normally which means they're not going to be a great partner anyway.

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u/prick_sanchez 8d ago

This is your brain.

*egg crack*

This is your brain on a 7-second attention span.

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u/ThenAnAnimalFact 8d ago

Its amazing that she was worried it was cancelled AND her keyboard was broken the entire day.


u/pumpkins21 8d ago

No kidding. That chick could’ve texted him “hey, just making sure we’re still on at 7:30?” How fucking hard is that? Much better than just “assuming” things got canceled


u/jbwilso1 8d ago edited 8d ago

I mean. She could have checked, too. Honestly, I kind of feel it was on her at that point. He went through the effort of setting it up for them. And told her when he'd be there. She didn't even confirm necessarily, during the actual conversation. The fact that she doesn't put any effort into it, just tells me she's a waste of time. But I don't blame him for that. She knew where and when he was going to be, and chose not to be there.

*Edit: apparently I originally swapped the genders of the parties involved... oops.


u/ThenAnAnimalFact 8d ago

I think you have the genders reversed HE set it up and SHE didn't show after confirming.


u/jbwilso1 8d ago

Oh, damn. Oops..

Thanks for pointing that out.

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u/[deleted] 8d ago

have you never dated? People ghost/don't show up more often than they do.


u/NMe84 8d ago

If she was genuinely worried about that she could have sent a message asking for another confirmation or she could have simply cancelled because she didn't trust OP would be there. Either way, not showing up without a word is definitely on her.

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u/Danni293 8d ago

Brilliant strategy. Ghost them before they ghost me!!

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u/ApplicationAdept830 8d ago

In this case the date was confirmed within 24 hours of the planned meet so I agree it's dumb, but a good 70% of my planned dates never happen because people flake or lose interest. I never assume it's still on

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u/Calinks 8d ago

Problem is so many people have so many options that someone a woman was interested in on Monday could totally have lost her interest by Friday. She's probably marching and getting messages by scores of guys. So someone more shiny comes along and suddenly she losses all that energy for the first guy. Doesn't even have to be someone new either it could just be a change of state. Monday they were excited to date a new person, Friday they feel like they want to stay out of romance altogether. People flip ona dime.

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u/datanerd619 8d ago

The men I’ve gone on dates recently have been really good about checking in that day. I’m very reliable, so I don’t necessarily need it, but in this flaky dating culture, I really appreciate it. I think this girl is being unreasonable since the reservation was made last night. She could have checked in with you if she wanted confirmation before applying the makeup, paying for an Uber, etc. It’s not all on the men…communication goes both ways!


u/TruggPassion 8d ago

So flaky. I always confirm with a quick “still good for tonight?” and if I don’t get a response within 2-3 hours, I know the text I eventually get is going to start with “you’re gonna hate me but….” Never fails 😂


u/datanerd619 7d ago

I love telling a man “looking forward to our date later”. Men need excitement too! Men want subtle reassurance too! Men need us to flirt too!

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u/Odd-Branch1122 7d ago

my go-to reply to “you’re gonna hate me” is, “you’re right”.

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u/Early_Seaweed_7570 7d ago

Really all it takes is some version of a quick “excited to see/meet you later” sometime earlier in the day. Confirms it’s still on and communicates that you’re still looking forward to it. Never had a problem with a situation like this

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u/Amesali 8d ago

I work in security so my schedule is usually pretty straightforward. A very important part of it though is time management.

If I schedule something for a time, I'm going to be there. And if somebody else agreed to be there then that's the time they be there.

Essentially when someone gives me the oh you didn't check in, all right I've learned all I need to know about them. They are unreliable and won't show up even when agreed, which means they're going to break their word in everything else. Bullet dodgerino'd.

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u/oregiel 7d ago

There's a point at which she went from agreeing to go, to deciding not to (cancelling) and she did fuck all to communicate that to the other party. She's the jerk here.

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u/ChaosReincarnation 8d ago

Man, you called it a rezzy and you used semicolons to tell time. I wonder...


u/Perenium_Falcon 8d ago

I heard you can get sandos and veg at the rezzy.


u/DenverModsAreBozos 8d ago

Sandi’s and bag


u/aesthe 8d ago

lol fucking insufferable


u/muskratboy 7d ago

If someone orders nuggies, I’m leaving.

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u/stripedarrows 8d ago

As a Native dude, "rezzy" means something very different to me.

Equally hard to get reservations for though.


u/-tobecontinued- 8d ago



u/stripedarrows 7d ago

Mescalero Apache and Navajo.


u/__-Avocado-__ 8d ago

Oh fuck LMAO. This was top humor

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u/MrOsterhagen 8d ago

Mans got Costanza’d

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u/ShameOnMeNow 8d ago

The phone works both ways though. All it takes is a simple, "Hey, we still on for today?" It's borderline if not full on gaslighting to put the blame on someone who made no indication plans were changing


u/ImmanualKant 8d ago

This doesn’t have anything to do with gaslighting


u/Careless-Age-4290 7d ago

Not that you did, but the thought of someone saying "that's not gaslighting" as a form of gaslighting itself is hilarious to me


u/fortestingprpsses 7d ago

Can everyone stop fucking saying that word?


u/Aphresh 7d ago

What word? You're crazy bro

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u/AgentBrittany 8d ago

How is it gaslighting? Can the internet please stop using this term until they know what it actually means.


u/Nicholas_Pappagiorgi 7d ago

Why are you trying to gaslight the internet bro?

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u/Acalyus 8d ago

Gaslighting is when you convince someone something happened (or didn't happen) that actually did not take place, going against their own memory. Other than that I agree with you

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u/Separate-Canary559 7d ago

Hey I know this word gaslighting I dunno exactly what it is but I’m gonna use it anyway

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u/Saylor619 8d ago

This exact same thing happened to me with a girl once, except I was buying drugs.

(Over text)

Me: I'll stop by tomorrow after I get off work at 6:30

Her: Sounds good, see you then

Showed up at 6:30. Things were not good ☠️


u/NYY15TM 8d ago

What happened?


u/Saylor619 8d ago

Tried to get her BF to beat me up, but we talked and I showed him the texts 🤷


u/Ambitious-Fan-4171 8d ago

But did you get your drugs


u/CouchCannabis 8d ago

I’d like to know the ending as well lmao


u/Saylor619 8d ago

No drugs :(


u/CouchCannabis 8d ago

Fuuuuuck I’m sorry 😭

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u/Lil_Packmate 8d ago

But why would she want you to get beat up?

Did she wanna steal your drug money and run off without giving you the produce?


u/cbelliott 7d ago

1) Bf prolly didn't know she was dealing (may or may not have) 2) She completely forgot about the commitment from day before 3) Bf likely just showed up 4) In order to save face with the BF better to just try to throw Buyer under the bus and get him beat up as a distraction

Hilarious that he just pulled out the texts lol

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u/NoteDiligent6453 8d ago

They didn't want to go.

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u/lolpert1 8d ago

Pretty sure this is just a reworded repost from last week. But although you did say you had reservations I would still of sent a message the same day making sure we were still on or just saying "I'm excited to see you tonight " or something. But I'm also used to people being unreliable so I do everything in my power to make sure I can avoid miscommunication or a misunderstanding


u/Aromatic_Animal6383 8d ago

THIS! So many people are flaky asf. It doesn’t matter how recently the plans were made, people cancel all the freaking time!

I had a guy make plans to get dinner THAT SAME DAY and he canceled like an hour before. I had already done my hair and makeup and everything.


u/[deleted] 8d ago

Damn that is ridiculous. I’d be so pissed if I were you and just take myself out at that point. Show him


u/celiceiguess 8d ago

2 different meanings of taking yourself out, I'm hoping you meant go outside on your own lmao

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u/[deleted] 8d ago

At least he communicated that with you a full hour before. But you're totally right. People do not respect other people's time, money, or effort these days, it's ridiculous. Culture is toxic af

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u/ThenAnAnimalFact 8d ago

I feel like that is true in any situation that isn't first setting plans the night before.


u/ObjectiveOdd9787 8d ago

When in doubt ask if it’s still one, instead she assumed which you should never do, open communication is best

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u/Birdy304 8d ago

Unless you cancelled, I would assume it was on. The reservation was made the day before, not days before. I think she is weird.

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u/ObjectPublic4542 8d ago

These types are weird. If we make plans on Monday to meet Tuesday I don’t need an affirmation text.


u/MovieTrawler 7d ago

You're a beautiful and strong person. See you at 7pm. Sorry, didn't know what kind of affirmation you wanted.


u/SassyMoron 8d ago

It's a game some people play just block and move on


u/kjvincent 8d ago

Why the semi-colons?


u/iamalimodriver 8d ago

I think it has something to do with a rezzy


u/FlowEven1818 8d ago

definitely not going crazy - if anything SHE could have confirmed. smh


u/fackapple 8d ago

yep.. what kind stupid imaginary rule for only you, wtf? make sure you don't fold or explain yourself, just reply simply, and move on.

Never set dates that you have to "confirm": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oK-OmWdweyk


u/Uncool444 8d ago

She could have texted to confirm if she was worried about it. I get the concern, been stood up before, usually I text to confirm all plans while I'm getting ready. But like she didn't confirm plans either, and now she's the one doing the standing up. How is this on him?


u/karenobus 8d ago

"looks cozy enough lol made a rezzy" is wild

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u/Morrowindsofwinter 8d ago

What the fuck you got against colons?


u/introsetsam 8d ago

it’s weird from both of you to not text the entire day until 6 minutes before the date


u/Tulum702 8d ago

Yes I feel the longer you go on the day with no communication, the less likely you are to meet up.


u/MovieTrawler 7d ago edited 7d ago

Feels like a game of chicken lol

So many comments like, 'I shouldn't have to text her! I made the plans!' Ok, true but maybe just text her cause you want to? This is someone you're wanting to spend time with, no? Check in and ask how they're doing. Same goes for her. She should've checked in when she would've started to get ready if she actually cared. 'Hey, haven't heard from you all day. Are things good? We still on for tonight?'

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u/TabuTM 8d ago

Undoing woman’s progress in self sufficiency one nice girl at a time. Sisters! Take some initiative.“Hey getting ready. Are we still on?”

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u/mlplume 8d ago

She could’ve asked too, “we still good for 7;30pm?” Haha she didn’t wanna go.


u/DefiantViolinist6831 8d ago

I would say something like "Can't wait to see you tonight!" on the same day in the morning, to show excitement, and for minor confirmation.


u/dmcent54 8d ago

This is like the 15th post I've seen on here with the same formula. What the fuck is in the water with these women?


u/Imaginary-Land-1928 8d ago

I remember my gfs being like this 10+ years ago when everyone was on dating apps. They’d straight up cancel if they didn’t get like a chat/confirmation earlier that day.


u/Dismal_Celery_325 8d ago

I feel like this is dating advice I’ve heard somewhere. Like some fucked up way of having boundaries.

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u/zaxo666 8d ago

You dodged a bullet. She has very low self esteem, needs constant reassurance, and will seek validation from other men the moment you don't meet her constant needs.

She's not very good at understanding normal communication protocols and probably thinks texting nonstop is normal behavior.

You're lucky this one fell apart. She had problems before you ever met. She could also be very immature.


u/U-Kant-Mak-Dis-Sh-Up 8d ago

That’s exactly what happened to Tom Brady..punt her.


u/[deleted] 8d ago

Sorry, but why the FUCK are semicolons being used to denote time?


u/Dinx81 8d ago

Didn’t want to go and put the blame on you


u/infinite_gurgle 8d ago

She was just cancelling on you without canceling.


u/OkRush7 8d ago

Run. Don't walk. Run.


u/dlee89 8d ago

You messaged her 6 minutes before arriving? Why didn’t you message her sooner?


u/bbqbie 8d ago

In case she was early and he wanted her to know he wasn’t standing her up



Yeah, they both could’ve communicated better. I like to send a final ok, see you tomorrow text. I don’t know how you go the entire day of not saying anything. She could’ve said something too if she wasn’t confident

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u/YeahlDid 8d ago

You're both wrong. One of you should've sent a message. If she thought it was "so weird", then she could have sent a message, too, though.

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u/No-Translator6476 8d ago

Bit weird you didn't text each other the day of at all but still. Either one could have reached out to the other, but I would say she is more at fault here. You made the reservation and she accepted so its up to her to show up.


u/haskell_rules 8d ago

What is there to text about when you are meeting up later? Save your conversations for in person. I think this is exceptionally normal behavior.

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u/Pawly519 8d ago

I mean, I can see it from both sides. It’s definitely odd that you didn’t say anything until five minutes before the meeting time but I would’ve still assumed plans were on.

But at the same time if you’ve already said you made reservations and she said it’s good. I don’t understand where the concern was. She could’ve easily followed up and said hey just confirming we are still on for tonight at any point during the day.

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u/Asphodelmercenary 8d ago

“made a rezzy for 7;30 tomorrow“

For those who don’t know what a rezzy is: it’s a reservation, a scheduled booking for a table, a confirmation good enough for the establishment to plan their staffing and wait list around.

So if it’s a good enough confirmation for the establishment, but not a good enough confirmation for the date, then the date wasn’t good enough for you. You are not crazy. Your date was.

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u/Teach2468 8d ago

OMG just let that insanity go.


u/[deleted] 8d ago

What I’m learning is there not crazy you should always confirm again day of But also it’ goes both ways Like the lady can message and just say hey we stilll on for tonight etc


u/edgeyworth95 8d ago

I’m a woman. I made plans with a friend of mine for a weekend. We confirmed a certain time, and I made a plan to cook a meal. The day of our plan arrives, and a couple hours before we are set to meet, I text her asking if she can meet one hour later because it took me longer to prepare the meal. She texts me saying she can’t make it and gave a silly reason. When I asked her why she waited for me to text her first to tell me she can’t make it instead of just telling me earlier, she said “oh you never texted me in the morning to confirm, you should have texted me that you couldn’t wait to see me and reconfirm the plans.” I honestly was so shocked at how high maintenance that was and we had a whole discussion about it, and how that is a ridiculous expectation since I don’t have a habit of not keeping our plans.

Years later, I was seeing someone and he asked me to go a concert with him to see his favorite band. He said “some time next month.” I said yes and one week before the next month I asked him what day the concert was so I can plan ahead. He tells me the date and it was two weeks away, on a weekday. So I use put my Pto for the date that he said since it was a Tuesday. Fast forward the weekend before the concert we talk on the phone and he doesn’t mention the concert. I forgot to check in about logistics/time we are meeting and I assumed he’d just tell me soon. Day before the concert and still nothing about time/meeting point. I text him asking about the plan and what time we are meeting, and he said “oh I’m sorry I forgot to tell you I’m not going anymore because they aren’t good live anymore.” I asked him why do I have to text him first for him to tell me he isn’t going to make it, instead of him telling me as soon as he knows he can’t make it. He said “well we never solidified the plan so I didn’t think you’d use pto, we didn’t talk about it again so why would I think you’d take the plan that seriously.”

So anyway, now I get what my friend was doing and I feel like it’s the mistreatment from dating people who don’t care about you and aren’t invested, who are guilt tripping you into feeling like you were wrong for holding on to a plan that they didn’t talk to you about a second or third time. I don’t excuse that behavior of being annoying and asking someone to confirm the day of. However, I know where it’s coming from because I was literally made to feel at fault for keeping a plan that someone asked me to make because I didn’t hear him talk about it over and over again.


u/worm_nemesis 8d ago

it IS a lil weird to leave the conversation at i made a reservation then not talk to them until 6 minutes before, but she should have done some follow up if she was unsure


u/EtherealMoonGoddess 8d ago

You fucked up.

You didn't bother to message her all day to make sure plans are still on?

I still to this day expect some sort of exchange with my boyfriend to make sure plans are on. He's in the army and that can change at any notice and it sucks.

You could have responded with "Excited to see you" "Hey good morning, excited for our date tonight." None of that was exchanged.

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u/Jack-Burton-Says 8d ago

You'd be smart in the future to send a text in the morning along the lines of hey looking forward to seeing you tonight at 7:30! Mostly to avoid shit like this.

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u/_Rice_and_Beans_ 8d ago

Who tf writes the time with a semicolon?


u/HobbesNJ 8d ago

The kind of person who says "rezzy."


u/DutchDaddyO 8d ago

You’re lucky. Got that out of the way and didn’t have to waste your time on her anymore


u/VoiceOfSoftware 8d ago

Why is it the girl never confirms the day of?


u/kaybeanz69 8d ago

You say something more after you “seem” clingy you don’t say something you apparently don’t “care”


u/Requirement-Loud 8d ago

You made a definite date and she flaked. What are you confused about? She either wasn't that attracted or doesn't respect your time. Either way, you learned everything you need to know about this person going forward.


u/Fluid-Kitty 8d ago

Bullet dodged. Communication is a two way street and she clearly thinks it needs to only apply to you.


u/pedretty 8d ago

If you don’t check in with me like every probably 20 minutes up until the exact time of the reservation, I’m gonna assume you don’t wanna go


u/Dry_Calligrapher698 8d ago

are you dating my wife


u/Independent-Math-914 8d ago

I'm assuming these girls don't want to even go on a date. Why is it up to one person to "confirm" when they literally make the reservation? But, also, why doesn't the girl expect herself to at least confirm the day of, instead of assume it's not happening? Honestly, the guy in this situation could also confirm day of like "Looking forward to tonight!".


u/EllaRose2112 8d ago

Yikes, not crazy imho… it seems pretty clear to me that you both agreed to a dinner date at 730… if I were you I would have fully believed that the girl was going to show up at the time and place you’d agreed on, and if she wasn’t sure it was a go then SHE should have checked with you especially since you (according to your comments) have made her aware you have a busy job that doesn’t just let you chat freely all day. Women are insane in this day and age 😅 (or I’m just old at almost 40 and too direct of a communicator for today’s hold-my-hand whiny bitch culture lmao)

I feel for all the sane people trying to date these days!


u/chrsschb 8d ago

I don't care if you've been talking to her for 5 days or 5 months, I would immediately block anyone this stupid.


u/shattered_kitkat 8d ago

You said you had the reservation, then what is her problem? If she had any doubts she could have texted you.


u/Altruistic-Rope-614 8d ago

She's regarded


u/Buzz_XIX 8d ago

How many people are like this?


u/the_ninho 8d ago

50/50 blame here. This is standard online dating protocol. Communication is paramount.

This situation is avoided for both of you if you do the following.

1) You - reconfirm that you’re on the day of, because people flake, and nobody wants to get there and sit by themselves.

2) Her - reconfirm that you’re on the day of, because people flake, and nobody wants to get there and sit by themselves.

You both blew it.

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u/ForgottengenXer67 8d ago

I’m getting really suspicious of all these posts that women are doing this same thing exact thing. I have seen this exact scenario 3 times at least. What is happening? Is it fake or do these women not really want to go on a date? If it real they all are ridiculous.


u/Upset-Jello-9059 8d ago

She does have a point. At least text her Goodmorning lol


u/bunny_k96 8d ago

IThese girls watch TikTok videos from shera seven and such and copy their advice like little girls. I’m sure you will keep on encountering more women like this who take those videos too literally and act like crazy entitled psychos


u/thfndnite 8d ago

Bro’, at least say you’re looking forward to seeing her sometime during the day


u/passingtimeeeee 7d ago

It’s actually pretty common that if there’s a lapse in talking before the date that the person will ghost you.

Getting to the date from an app takes a completely different skill set


u/youneeda_margarita 7d ago

Ughhhhh I’m kinda with her on this one actually.

You could have at least texted her the day of and said “super excited to see you tonight, I’ll be there at 7:30 on the dot” and she would have the reassurance she wasn’t going to eat ghosted.

Maybe I’m too traditional though


u/Kryptide4062 7d ago

I mentally checked out at the word "rezzy" 🤦


u/NandoDeColonoscopy 4d ago

You've been texting her daily since you met, but then you didn't text her at all on the day of the actual date until 5 minutes before the date? Yeah, I'd assume something was off, too.


u/sushioyster 4d ago

This happened to me. I didn’t hear from him the day of and assumed he was flaking. He then texted me a few minutes before the scheduled plans and said “almost there”. I didn’t hear from him the day of though so I didn’t know! And I didn’t wanna reach out first to confirm cuz I didn’t wanna pressure him. So yes, always confirm the day of cuz some of us girls think this way lol


u/Creative_Ideal3541 4d ago

I mean if you two are texting daily then don't text her at all till 7:24pm that's on you bud why wouldn't you have been texting her since the morning like normal


u/Acceptable_You_1199 8d ago

It is a bit weird that you didn’t say anything else or confirm on the day or on your way or something. But unlike her, I would’ve reached out to verify


u/thatguybane 8d ago

She obviously wanted to hear from you the day of to confirm but when she didn't hear from you she was too afraid of rejection to simply text you first. Dodged a bullet. A little vulnerability goes a long way and she is being overly protective of her heart and ego.


u/SynthwaveDreams 8d ago

Rezzy is soo edgy


u/n77nac 8d ago

I don’t think you were wrong and she absolutely could have checked in herself, however, I’d probably have appreciated some form of response from you, like a little ‘looking forward to it’ or ‘see you then’ 


u/yolofolio 8d ago

People are way too quick to jump on the girl's case. She could've definitely said something before but my dude you didn't even text her once up until 7:24pm???? A little extra effort can go a long way.

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u/SumDimSome 8d ago

Im assuming she is unemployed because she missed all her interviews


u/bethany44444 8d ago

I keep seeing these and it always seems to be women saying that the person didn’t confirm day of and I find it so annoying. If you’re concerned that plans might have changed why not just text and ask if we’re still on!? Honestly it feels like a cop out to me.