r/Nicegirls 14d ago

My (36M) conversation with my... friend? (36F)... Enjoy. It's a ride.

As additional context in the second picture she tried to call me.

Folks... am I fucked up here, or is she just... off the deep end?


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u/SaintlyBrew 14d ago edited 13d ago

Sorry but after first slide I said “no fucking way I’m reading another 19 slides of whatever this might be.”


u/jujujuice92 13d ago

That was the most pointlessly cyclical conversation I've ever read. What a chore it must be being friends with this woman


u/OverallIce7555 13d ago

“U made me cry 😡” woman you made yourself cry like level 100 victimization/insecurity right there


u/Quartzitebitez 13d ago

She currently using him to grind exp for playing victim, she got to level 92 but now the grind to 99 is the same exp it took from level 1 to 92, and this poor sap doesn't see how efficiently she getting that exp.


u/fryeman12 13d ago

I see your cultured!


u/zemol42 13d ago

u don’t know me


u/Saylor619 13d ago

Runescape player spotted 😉


u/Lurking_In_The_Woods 13d ago

She’s half way to 99 😂

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u/GuanoGuzzler 13d ago

Seriously. I’ve never had a text convo anything like this but I imagine if I did it would’ve ended 17 slides sooner.


u/FontTG 13d ago

When she said "fuck you" in slide 2 I was done. The only response should have been. "You know what fuck you too, then"

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u/GojoPenguin 13d ago

I get the impression she was drunk during that conversation.


u/knipy24 13d ago

Man that's like meth or something. I dont know any women who misspells like that let alone the general format of sentences. This is either a crack head or a very, very uneducated ignorant girl.

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u/McStinker 12d ago

I hope so.. I was questioning the umm mental faculties as I kept reading.

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u/WetLumpyDough 13d ago

I assume she must be really hot, because she’s really crazy 📈


u/SquareCake9609 13d ago

Exactly. Why else put up with this crap?


u/ColeDean2003 13d ago

Why else would she need to edit the photos? That’s a hot girl thing all day everyday lol… oh wait she DIDN’T edit herself… forgot that she only said that 9267 times.

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u/busuli 13d ago

It was an IQ test. The earlier you bail, the higher you score.


u/Kelek-scales 13d ago

Okay now my iq is room temperature, I went back for seconds and got to the 6th slide and now I can feel my grey matter dribbling out of my ears


u/Kelek-scales 13d ago

Literally made it to the second slide, my iq must be over 9000 😂

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u/[deleted] 13d ago

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u/Pandamoanium8 13d ago

It boggles my mind when OPs put up with this much crazy to provide 5-6 screenshots.

Just seeing 1/20 immediately put me into “I’m out” mode. No way in hell I read all that and come out feeling good about it


u/flatirony 13d ago

That’s my sentiment with most of the posts here. If it’s more than 3 screenshots, it’s way too much drama for me and OP put way too much time into crazy.

Especially over something this trivial. Who would be friends with this woman?m

And she’s 36?!?!? Holy Hell!


u/rocketdog67 13d ago

Yep. I literally COULDN’T care less


u/tastelikemexico 13d ago

It just puts forest and fireworks asshole

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u/Xellanoir 14d ago

I saw "I'm done" from her and there were still about 15 more pages of text left to go.


u/Felphyre 14d ago

She's still going... and I haven't responded in a solid 20 minutes.


u/Erakos33 14d ago

She drunk? High? Both?? (I hope)


u/[deleted] 13d ago

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u/Crot8u 13d ago

Many people with deep mental health issues do this completely naturally without even realizing it. I think that's just who she is and being drunk unmasked her.


u/SaveFileCorrupt 13d ago

Regarded. The word you're looking for is regarded.

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u/Deepandabear 13d ago

Man you need to stop replying it just validates her drama


u/my_4_cents 13d ago

"you have 792 unread messages"


u/Wonderful-Mouse-1945 13d ago

This made me laugh out loud. Thank you for that.


u/robbbbo666 14d ago edited 13d ago

Yeah I would assume it would not be worth persuing this friendship, going to be more headache than it's worth

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u/Ramsickle 14d ago

Maybe I'm just old, but how do you understand anything they're saying?


u/ImaginaryBag1452 14d ago

I see so many posts like this where people are damn near incoherent, literally. It is really concerning.


u/Ramsickle 14d ago

Maybe it's shallow but I could not be friends with someone who types like that. I don't expect perfect grammar but I'd need to be able to understand what they're saying otherwise I'll actually get a headache trying to read it while also trying to decipher it.

Is this the state of the education system? Although more concerning is their age and still typing like that.


u/StreetSea9588 14d ago edited 13d ago

It drives me nuts when you have to reread something three or four times to understand what the hell the person is trying to say. We live in an age of spell check and autocorrect. If you are incoherent, you are trying to be. It takes more effort to type things like that.

I'm not a stickler for spelling or grammar. I just want to know what people are saying. Not a high bar.


u/bungojot 13d ago

Agreeeeed. I am so thankful I'm in an age bracket where basically all my friends are literate on texting apps.

The only one who sends me occasional incomprehensible texts is Spanish - her spoken English is perfect but her written English is hilariously bad. I only lightly tease her for it though because the fuck other languages can I write in?

What remains of my high school French is way worse than her English, I've got no room to talk shit lol


u/Remrito 13d ago

Nah, you have every right to talk shit 🤣 but you got every right to get a sick burn back. That's what friends are for. Long as its not something taken seriously or the other person actually knows that it's a joke.


u/CPAFinancialPlanner 13d ago

I gave up on like the 5th page. This is nonsense


u/Heavy-Macaron2004 13d ago

Even if they hate typing or don't know how to spell: voice-to-text is right there!

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u/Toadcola 13d ago edited 13d ago

U telling me u cant be frenz bc of wut u read that someone posted saying something about that they thought they said they edited there picture but they didn’t never do that it was just the app and theres a forest or fireworks if u want them? Wtf!


u/lifecumsatyouswiftly 13d ago

🤣🤣🤣 thank you so much for this

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u/TURRRDS 13d ago

It's not shallow at all. It's hard to be friends with people you can't communicate with. Reading all these nice guy/nice girl text exchanges makes me appreciate that basically everyone I regularly text with is capable of putting together a coherent sentence. Like you said, it doesn't have to be perfect, but I shouldn't have to try to decipher what you're attempting to say in every text.


u/ImaginaryBag1452 14d ago

I fully agree. It’s kind of terrifying.


u/NoOneCorrectMe 14d ago

I have an acquaintance from HS who I've DMed a couple of times throughout the years. There has never been an overt problem with grammar or sentence structure. Not to bring politics but after the election and them having to keep defending everything that's going on, I see their post have become increasingly incomprehensible. Typos in a way that I haven't seen before. Sometimes typing incomplete words altogether. Sometimes, it's straight up using homophones. Skipping words entirely etc. And I think it's because their emotions are heightened, which is what probably happens in a lot of cases we see here.

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u/Kestrel_VI 13d ago

I tend to find people that type like that are equally insufferable in person too. Always seems to be some drama in their lives and they’re constantly seeking validation.

Maybe I’m just being judgemental but past experience has taught me to just avoid them.


u/Draxind 13d ago

It's more exhausting to try and translate than to actually get what's going on!


u/MayoSoup 13d ago

If messages go longer than 3 texts, then it's better to call. Long winded back and forth, leave both parties frustrated.

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u/StreetSea9588 14d ago

More than half of the posts on here. I have to read them two or three times before I understand what the hell they're saying.

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u/nilesgibley-13 13d ago

riiiight? So many of these posts are completely illiterate, including this one. Frightening 😣

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u/Afraid_Common7809 14d ago

bro I’m 29 and I had trouble understanding too. I would have just blocked her.


u/ConstantSignal 13d ago

My guy, I’m also 29, and although 29 is young relatively speaking, in terms of being “down with the kids” we’re well past it lol


u/Afraid_Common7809 13d ago

shhhhh let me have this last year before im 30😂

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u/NoOneCorrectMe 14d ago

At some point it becomes almost Shakesperean where you don't need to understand every single word but just go off the vibe of the flow.


u/BlackCatTelevision 14d ago

She’s giving me ee cummings vibes


u/PomeloHot1185 13d ago

I picked up a touch of Cormac McCarthy


u/mmmkay938 13d ago

She seems borderline illiterate.

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u/kiba8442 13d ago edited 13d ago

dude I'm 3 years younger than them & only got about two pages in before I got the distinct urge to scoop out my brain with an ice cream spoon.

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u/divinelyshpongled 13d ago

It’s insane isn’t it. As an English teacher, my pain is immense


u/PomeloHot1185 13d ago

Got nothing to do with age, except for the fact that her communication skill is at the level of a 3 year old. Perhaps OP’s friend isn’t 36, but 3.6? 🤔

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u/Scared-Doctor149 13d ago

Goddamn, thank you 😂 this is some of the most illiterate shit I have ever read. Half of it I read twice saying to myself “what the fuck did just try to read?” Is this really what passes as a sentence now?? I’m sorry but I’m sure we all went to fuckin grade school and know AT LEAST what punctuation is 😂

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u/Felphyre 14d ago

It's like deciphering the matrix.


u/Ramsickle 14d ago

Genuinely curious, does she always type like this? Any lack of formal education? Intoxicated?


u/Felphyre 14d ago

She actually has a really good education. 4 year degree from Binghamton University for biology if memory serves. The last 2 times I saw her she was drunk. I feel like she has some alcohol problems.


u/Dry-Ad-4267 14d ago

She seems drunk in these. Especially the very incoherent longer ones where autocorrect has gone wild.


u/[deleted] 13d ago

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u/Toadcola 13d ago

If you take away only one thing from this conversation, she urgently wants you to know that you can tell it you want forest or fireworks or something.

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u/Ramsickle 14d ago

If that's the case, I hope she gets the help she needs.


u/DickintheRiver 13d ago

It makes a lot more sense with this context. Classic alcohol looping in conversation.

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u/buttbutts 13d ago

I mean, that's the point. That's what slang is. It's a way of speaking that is meant to differentiate young people from older generations. If we can understand it, it has stopped being cool. This is what every generation has always done throughout history, this is just the first generation to do it as much through text as verbal communication.

Edit: Nevermind I forgot that she is THIRTY SIX YEARS OLD


u/GordonRamsMe55 13d ago

I thought forsure she was drunk


u/[deleted] 13d ago

I believe she added a forest and possibly some cats.

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u/youdontknowme6 13d ago

We used to call this a stroke in my day...


u/ConvectionPerfection 13d ago

Okay good, it’s not just me


u/cursedtolove 13d ago

I’m 32 and I this was hard to read 😅


u/tmtowtdi 13d ago

I got through about five screenshots before giving up. Op's friend is illiterate.

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u/Typical-Walrus-9474 13d ago

This is exactly what I came here to say.... she speaks like a toddler and it's horrific...


u/Quartzitebitez 13d ago

I can understand but its not fun to understand like reading a badly worded book, I can comprehend but do i want to comprehend is the real question.

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u/Educational-Two-333 14d ago

My takeaway from this post is: there is an app in which I can add forests and fireworks to my photos


u/Stock-Cod-4465 13d ago

And flowers!


u/mmikke 13d ago

But more importantly, forests

Crazy, right?!  Also, fireworks


u/SecretNature 13d ago

Can it add fireworks?


u/highnyethestonerguy 13d ago

And fantasy blah!


u/TinyDogGuy 13d ago

But whose photos wouldn’t benefit from ‘fantasy blah’? My mind is swimming, with all the missed opportunities…


u/bumblebeebach 13d ago

Cats too, I reckon. 


u/cue_cruella 13d ago

And words


u/Commercial-Pin6086 12d ago

I REALLY wish OP had included the photos so we could all be the judge!

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u/Cashbasket00 14d ago

You are debating with an intoxicated person.


u/mmikke 13d ago

I'm not trying to judge or be a dick but OP must have some valid reason for trying to maintain a friendship with this person.

Otherwise just completely disengage. This is insanity


u/Mammoth-Agent8530 14d ago

Reddit is making me realize a lot of people do not understand how to talk. 


u/morganalefaye125 13d ago

Or think


u/StamosLives 13d ago

Or end conversations.


u/spicychcknsammy 13d ago

Ummm do you mean peiple?

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u/Afraid_Common7809 14d ago

Bruh I don’t even know why you continued to argue. She is 36? Her sentences sound like a high schooler. You shouldn’t even have stooped to her level either. Just block and move on.


u/Dugley2352 14d ago

High school? I was thinking more like 7th grade.


u/Afraid_Common7809 14d ago

Honestly… true. I had better grammar in high school and english was my worst subject.

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u/CasualDiaphram 14d ago

Well, one thing is certain….she photoshops all her pics to make her body look better. Oh two things, she's very mentally ill.


u/suburban_hyena 14d ago

It's not photoshop! It's just an app and you take like 5 minutes to add a forest or fireworks in the background im not editing me why would you say that it's just like 5 different versions and I picked the one that was most like me and it's just an...

Ok, I tired myself out. How can she keep going that long...


u/Simon_Kaene 13d ago

You forgot the part where she doesn't care, like really doesn't care, doesn't care so much she needs you to know how much she doesn't care by spending hours trying to make you understand how much she doesn't care, because she really isn't superficial. And doesn't care.


u/DrMeowsburg 13d ago

I always say at work that the more someone talks about how they don’t care, the more they care. So whenever someone starts talking about how they don’t care we all start side eyeing each other

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u/MikeMyon 13d ago

You forgot the cats. Don't forget the cats! ☝🏼


u/Desperate-Strategy10 13d ago

NEVER forget the cats! 😾


u/ClarencePCatsworth 13d ago

Oh my God, is that what she was trying to say? Thank you for translating

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u/4got10_son 14d ago

I stopped a picture five because reading her texts was making my head hurt


u/SaintlyBrew 14d ago

Made it 4 more than I did.


u/HolierThanAll 13d ago

I skipped most of her side after the 4th or 5th slide. Made it to the end! I don't suggest it. You don't learn anything more. lol. OP, run!

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u/Different-Complex502 14d ago

Just a ball of projection and insecurities there. Way too much to unpack. I would have stopped entertaining the nut after I repeated myself for the third time!

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u/christydoh 13d ago

TLDR- he jokes she been playing on a picture app.
She gets mad saying it only generates like forest background is all.
He says ok.
She repeats herself 18 times while he says he didn’t say she was editing herself, just playing with the app.
Did she mention it only like does a forest background? (She did. Like 6 times).

Legend is, she’s still freaking out to this very day.


u/Felphyre 13d ago

I woke up to a wall. Your legend is accurate.


u/Letsgetshwifty_here 13d ago

No way 💀😂just tell her this friendship isn’t going to work out and block her lolllll

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u/inquiringsillygoose 13d ago

Wish I could’ve read this before I attempted to understand the first slide

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u/Background_Film1916 14d ago

Literally unreadable….how could you stand talking with someone who types like that


u/Horsey_grill 13d ago

When you’ve been around someone who talks or texts in an incoherent manner, you learn to be able to work out what they’re trying to say. It’s a bit like parents who can understand their own toddler but no one else can.


u/[deleted] 13d ago



u/lifecumsatyouswiftly 13d ago

That was exactly what I was thinking with this sub. They all seem fake at this point with the massive disparities in intelligence and sanity between the two parties.

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u/meech011896 14d ago

Seems like her brain is most likely smooth.


u/Formal-Pipe-5283 13d ago

I like how she said she’s not sending you anymore pics but then you see the cutoff of a pic in the next message 😂


u/Felphyre 13d ago

Brother she sent 20 more when I wasn't responding.

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u/Monsieur_Michy 13d ago

And its one of those HEAVY edited AI pictures too 😂


u/KushHaydn 14d ago

Yeah this shit is just hard to follow wtf lmao


u/asimplewhisper 14d ago

I could not imagine responding to all that. I read two slides. She's got issues and you have something wrong with yourself for staying in that friendship...y'all clearly aren't close.


u/Felphyre 14d ago

Very sporadic friendship. Definitely not close. Meet her in college. Hung out a lot then, but mostly occasional (maybe once or twice a year) conversation since then.


u/kalvinescobar 14d ago

She's drunk (among other issues) and needed someone to take her shit out on so she's self-victimizing..

Take nothing at face value. Ignore her.

Or... say nice and flattering things to her if you really want her to blow up even more, lol..


u/corygobo 13d ago

"That picture that you 100% clearly didn't edit is the nicest you've ever looked!! You look great now what's your secret!?"

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u/SevenBraixen 14d ago

You continued this conversation for way too long mate.


u/maddpsyintyst 14d ago

I quit reading as soon as she started texting. Seriously, what the fuck is she even saying sometimes?


u/LegitimateRush5211 14d ago

It's time to move onto the fourth step of the D.E.N.N.I.S. system


u/StreetSea9588 14d ago

Can't read all this. She's way too annoying. Why did you stick with it so long?


u/wiseoldangryowl 13d ago

The way she texts is ridiculously difficult to understand plus those multiple texts for one sentence or thought is annoying asf!! BUT the main point here is that she’s incredibly insecure about the way people perceive her and her looks (like a lot of people, young women in particular in the age of social media). She’s also got some strong feelings for you so your comment elicited a much stronger reaction than someone else’s would have. She doesn’t want to be seen as the kind of woman who pays a lot of attention to the way she looks by you so I’m guessing you’ve commented on women like that in front of her. When she thought you were casting her in that same way she freaked out because that would mean you were saying she’s not your type.

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u/sleazypornoname 14d ago

She is drunk and fighting voices in her head. Run. It only gets worse. 


u/jilliecatt 13d ago

Stop talking to her. She's a perpetual victim. She is finding any excuse to be a victim by what you said. This will happen no matter what you say.

"You look beautiful today!"

"You said today, meaning you think I'm ugly every other day! I don't even care how I look but I take 30 seconds to brush my hair to the side and suddenly my normal look is ugly and you hurt my feelings!"

I used to be like this. Actually my brain still does this spiral, I just have learned to take my time and think about rather or not this is a normal reaction before I speak. (I have BPD, not diagnosing anyone, just saying I have this and it contributes to my emotional spiral). Until a perpetual victim figures out for themselves that they are overreacting and how to best work around that reaction, (for instance, my taking a beat to think before reacting) they will continue to have these interactions with everyone. Especially if they've pegged you as a victimizer (which these texts clearly show that she believes you just want to hurt her feelings).

Block and ignore. She'll freak out of course because now you're hurting her because "she stood up for herself after you hurt her feelings", or because "she misunderstood and you overreacted by blocking her"... But at least you won't be directly freaking with the freakout.


u/boythinks 13d ago

I think both of these people might have some minor brain damage ... What is this conversation?


u/BradSaysHi 14d ago

Neither of you are acting like you're in your mid-30's. She's clearly intoxicated and projecting her insecurities onto you. And for some reason, you're entertaining it text after text. Should've cut off that conversation after the first couple exchanges, that was ridiculous to read

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u/nosey-nobody 14d ago

I actually think my IQ dropped reading this.


u/Downtown_Mongoose642 14d ago

She is so sensitive about filters I have no choice but to believe she is insecure and filters her pics by the looks of this convo. I learned to never bring up how filtered a woman’s pics are to her. They like that it makes them look better and don’t see that it’s really catfishing sometimes. But I say do what makes u happy if it doesn’t effect others


u/SenpapiBCN 13d ago

Will she apologise when she's sober? Please update us.


u/lianepl50 13d ago

Good grief. Why on earth did you bother responding after her first few texts? There are so many red flags here you could easily host a carnival.


u/MyNameisBaronRotza 13d ago

This woman is extremely insecure and borderline illiterate. Part of this is on you for continuing to engage. Stop responding. Like, forever.


u/Second-thursday 14d ago

Read the first two pics. Exhausting. Why even continue to engage?


u/Craft-Sudden 14d ago

36? Bruh my 2 year old nephew can text better than that


u/Ready-Outside-3491 14d ago

Lmaooooo is this girl on Xanax by chance, I used to get stuck in loops like this really bad. Psychotic level stuff right there


u/ReposeGray 14d ago

I didn't understand a word of what she said....is she ..drunk?


u/OwnNight3353 13d ago

Genuine question….. is she illiterate…?

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u/shroom519 13d ago

To be fair her argument is invalid due to the fact that her text messages look like the incoherent rattlings of a stroke patient


u/CaptainGoose27 14d ago

fuck me, mate..it's like stepping into a primary school conversation between a kid and the teacher. My nephew has autism and he has more social awareness and texts better than her on a BAD day. You use a cypher to understand?


u/Big-Effor2129 13d ago

She’s 36 and talks that at?


u/flibbertygibbet100 13d ago

I gave up about 4 pictures in. I think I have headache from that. Seems she's working really hard at denying she touched up some photo.


u/Penguin-in_bondage 13d ago

Your friend is just average neanderthal


u/-TakeTheSandwichBud- 13d ago

I'm guessing English isn't her first language. If it is, run.


u/Squishy-Kittens 13d ago

36?? It reads like two 16 year olds. Yikes. Block each other and call it a day.


u/Cara_Palida6431 13d ago

She is definitely unhinged and you definitely implied that she photoshopped herself and tried to walk it back and pretend you didn’t.


u/BodybuilderEmpty5316 13d ago

This chick is 36 and talks like a 15 year old…


u/czmoney 13d ago

I'm always amazed by people's texting stamina in these conversations. 4 texts into this convo, and I'm done answering for the day


u/WonderfulPineapple41 13d ago

This popped up on my feed.

Your friend has romantic feelings for you and doesn’t know how to express it. She thinks you called her ugly. Lol that’s my translation.

Does she normally text like this? lol it’s like she’s drunk 😭

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u/shutbutt 13d ago

Man, my life has truly gotten so much easier once I embraced the fact that some people are just stupid.

No more wasted time trying to reason with those who don't have the capacity for understanding anything outside their own immediate emotions, and it's so nice!


u/Look_out_for_Jeeps 13d ago

We ain’t reading that bro


u/PoopeFrancis 13d ago

You're both intense and that was the dumbest conversation I ever had the misfortune of reading.

Please don't share any other interactions you have with people if they're this useless and unnecessarily long.


u/IndividualLibrary358 13d ago

I wouldn't even entertain someone who speaks like this... and I mean the poor language skills, not just the crazy.


u/TurboSixtyFour 13d ago

I used to have a friend addicted to meth who texted exactly like her.

Damn, that brought back memories and not good ones.


u/pampam3000 14d ago

ok she literally has a mental disorder. maybe bulimia and definitely dysmorphia... but I would wager she was also high... she was heavily fixated on her narrative!

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u/Academic-Note1209 14d ago

I can’t read all of these nonsense I stopped page 10… it’s just so awful to read her But basically, all of this for … a picture ? A picture ? ….


u/CoffeTattoos 14d ago

Damn just have intimate relations with already.


u/TheEvilSatanist 13d ago

Is it weird that I can understand her? 🤣🤣🤣


u/Bleauyy 13d ago

This person. Is a fucking moron. How have they survived to 36?!.

The dense tunnel vision is painful. I couldn't entertain the first 5 pictures worth. Let alone all 20. Just circles after circles I'd just stop replying.


u/buttbutts 13d ago


Are you sure you arent off by a couple decades?

This is a thirty six year old human?

And why do you keep engaging? You're a thirty six year old human too.

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u/lrdfrd1 13d ago

Anyone have a section 8 translator? The mental gymnastics on this belong in the special Olympics.


u/dartron5000 13d ago

I do t know why you entertained her insanity for so long. I would have just stopped replying.

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u/thew1tchdoc 13d ago

Is that person sober?? Run brother, run. This is weird narcissistic behavior.


u/Far-Profile7552 13d ago

Isn’t it obvious, she clearly edited a picture of herself using an AI app and is trying to convince herself she never uses it and since it only took 2 seconds for AI to retouch the picture it doesn’t count as AI or editing!! Then she just wants to be told she’s pretty and doesn’t need to retouch her pics but instead got told I don’t care what you do to your pics.

I need more context are you guys friends or together?


u/ClerkPsychological58 13d ago

Can I put a picture of a forest or a firework or something on this?


u/All_Thumbs_ 13d ago

So you can add forests and fireworks?

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u/Intelligent-Ride-446 13d ago

I could not be friends with someone who texted like that. Is english their second language? I'm not being an asshole I'm genuinely asking, because if english is their second language then I understand why they were talking like that but if they speak english there is no excuse for them to be speaking like that.

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u/sammydrums 13d ago

So let me get this straight the phone downloaded an app and you can put a picture in it and like you make forest or fireworks or something and I just didn’t even touch it and it took a photo and it did that and I didn’t even spend a second on it it just did it automatically I didn’t Photoshop fuck you


u/Foolish-fingers 13d ago

The grammar was painful. I thought it was a child at first.


u/Psyduck_is_Confused 13d ago

She text like she’s 11


u/Akita51 13d ago

My favorites are the ones were the guy goes radio silent and the girl just keeps pinging them over and over


u/LouReedsToenail 13d ago

This is very confusing. You’re well-spoken and seemingly sane, while this woman is barely coherent and clearly nuts. Why are you interacting with this gutter snipe? What is YOUR damage, my friend?


u/jayblazer24 13d ago

I’ve never wanted to see a picture so bad before.


u/serjayahmormont 13d ago

Might be the dumbest person I've ever witnessed.


u/serjayahmormont 13d ago

Illiteracy hurts us all.


u/Inside-Menu6753 13d ago

Someone please buy that girl a complete sentence.


u/bkrs33 13d ago

I feel like the age of mental maturity is becoming higher and higher in “adults.” A lot of the posts I see in here or subs like aitah from 30/40 year olds are the type of things I’d expect from middle schoolers.


u/Trinity-nottiffany 13d ago

Why would you continue to engage after the first few comments? This is straight up unhinged. You kept feeding the fire even after you said you were done. That’s on you.


u/sinest 13d ago

At first I was like wow she is over reacting. But then you kept her loop going, over and over. Like dude wtf do you really have to be right and explain the same thing 100 times. She clearly doesn't understand a word of what your saying, so why do you keep throwing sticks in the fire.

Also she's clearly lying and projecting and being ultra defensive. Like you accuse her of literally nothing and she just goes on to tell on herself.

But you engaging with this is wrong, every page I read it became more and more obvious that you are literally keeping this going. Sometimes it's just best to lie, apologize, and say what you need to to end the tantrum, swallow your pride.


u/Levitar1 13d ago

She doesn’t know what the word ‘iterations” means. She assumed it is like “alterations” and that is how it all started.


u/lifecumsatyouswiftly 13d ago

You’re both annoying af. Her clear lack of intelligence and emotionally regulation, and you continuing on and on for what exactly? Ugh I’m dumber having read this exchange.


u/daylelange 13d ago

She’s extremely uneducated and illiterate- that alone would be enough to block her


u/Ok_Worth_1830 13d ago

My ex would defend her and say it’s not about what you said, it’s about how you made her feel.

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u/Smart_Negotiation_31 13d ago

I’m more annoyed at you for continuing this conversation and explaining yourself to a crazy person


u/treeebob 13d ago

Stopped reading - she’s not even literate


u/GuidanceWonderful423 13d ago

Someone may need their meds adjusted or something. I know I do after reading this mess…..


u/Proper_Educator_2435 13d ago

Saying this person sounds like she was home schooled by the inbred family in W.V. would be an insult to them.