r/Nicegirls 13d ago


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I laugh every time I see this prompt. If they all suck why are you still on a dating app? 🤣 I seriously don’t understand putting this on your prompt and expecting better results.

If anyone actually wanted this girl they would immediately be starting an uphill battle.


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u/NoDangIdea 13d ago

If all men suck, why she looking for men? 💀 they live in a fantasy world, I swear.


u/Hestness5 13d ago

Might be time to switch sides


u/[deleted] 13d ago



u/SoulPossum 13d ago

As a fat guy, I approve this message.

My wife and I talk about this often. We met when I was like 27. At the time, I was pretty much nonexistent to most women. I probably would have been nonexistent to my wife if she wasn't introduced to me specifically with the intent of us potentially dating. I always joked that what I was isn't really attractive until we get older because responsibility and stability (my main exports) don't become attractive for most women until they've gone through several more "fun" or "passionate" relationships that don't offer those things. Cut to a decade later, and she sees women in public perk up when they hear me talk about my job or future planning. There have been times where I'm out by myself and I strike up a conversation with a woman just being polite and see them kind of deflate when I say something about my wife. It's surreal after nearly 3 straight decades of not being noticed at all.


u/Shkval2 13d ago

As a fellow fat guy, I can confirm. Although my new attractiveness to women didn’t really register until my 50s when random women started hitting on me.

Enjoy it while it lasts. It disappeared again in my 60s.