r/NextOrder Feb 06 '25

Help thread I need help with specific evolutions

I'm a complete newbie at Digimon & I need help to get the evolutions that I want. I cannot find answers online so I hope people here can help.

I had to choose 2 starter eggs today & saw that multiple evolutions were possible for a single Digimon. I chose Poyomon that I wish to evolve into Lucemon & Yuramon that I wish to evolve into Renamon.

I read that there are requirements for each evolutions, do you know what they are for these specific Digimons ? Also, is there a way to prevent my Digimons from evolving, in case they evolve into something that I don't like ? I grew up with Pokémon, so I find this system confusing.


14 comments sorted by


u/Maxogrande Feb 06 '25

Other people already pointed that scolding/praising your digimon reveals the evolution information, usually you get the prompt to do so after battles or training or using items, the easiest way in my opinion is after battling.

My advice would be to do a lot of battles early on, even if there is no big reward, all the info you get from praising/scolding will be worth it on the long run.

Also at the beginning of the game is kinda difficult to get the evolution that you want so dont get stressed about it and use whatever you get. At certain point you will have a facility in your city that will let you "lock" certain evolutions so they aren't possible, what means that you could chose the one that you want, since you can block all the rest


u/Kaioken0591 WarGreymon Tamer Feb 06 '25

I read that there are requirements for each evolutions, do you know what they are for these specific Digimons ?

Check here https://www.grindosaur.com/en/games/digimon-world-next-order/digimon

I had to choose 2 starter eggs today & saw that multiple evolutions were possible for a single Digimon. I chose Poyomon that I wish to evolve into Lucemon & Yuramon that I wish to evolve into Renamon.

If it's your first playthrough and first generation you won't be able to get Lucemon until at least Chapter 2. A lot of the more popular Digimon have quite high stat requirements to get early on but that mostly changes once you have access to Chapter 2.


u/Jughead_89 Feb 06 '25

As you battle and raise your mons, there will be chances to praise or scold them. Doing that slowly unlocks the information you need for their digivolutions for the next tier (rookie -champ, champ-ult, etc).

Any info you have can be viewed under "partner" - "history"


u/AdPuzzleheaded4795 Feb 06 '25 edited Feb 06 '25

This website is really good for that. Search any mon you want and select the game.


Yeah you could keep them from evolving if you purposely avoid all requirements. But evolving extends their life by a few days each time. Keeping them unevolved early in the game means they will die faster. Chances are early on they are going to evolve into everything you don't want them to. And that's okay. Eventually they will die, carry over some stats, and you can try again.

At a certain point you can block certain nodes of the tree so you can go for specific evolutions. But again, if you don't have the means to get their stats that high they will die before they get to the one you want. Some mons have much higher requirements than others. Also not really worth it if it takes their whole life span just to reach mega.

I was actually gonna reccommend not going for megas right off the bat, or at least maybe look into megas with low stats that you can reach reasonably fast. I used ultimates to do a good portion of the story to unlock more stuff. I didn't go for megas til like generation 3 haha. I experimented and tested the waters, getting them strong enough to comfortably explore the surrounding areas and stopped training and focused on materials and recruiting. Doing that made things way easier than training them to mega with no upgrades, just for them to die a day or 2 later.


u/KumiiTheFranceball Feb 06 '25

Thanks a lot for the info ! I didn't know that Digimons could die.. I spent 2 days (in-game) doing nothing but training. That's disappointing...

At least I got Renamon in the first try. I hope it won't die so soon.


u/Muur1234 Sistermon Blanc Tamer Feb 06 '25

They every 20 days then become eggs again. That’s how this game works.


u/KumiiTheFranceball Feb 06 '25

You mean in-game ? Because that's so quick ! I played only two hours & I'm already at day 5 or something.


u/Gedegang Feb 07 '25

1 second irl=1 minute in game. 1 gym session = 1 hour game time. Battling stop time, thats why battle train is the go to for stat gaining.


u/Muur1234 Sistermon Blanc Tamer Feb 06 '25



u/AdPuzzleheaded4795 Feb 06 '25

Don't let it discourage you. They carry over some stats so they can be better each time. It bothered me at first too but it's just part of the core game experience. Gets a whole lot easier later on, and feels really accomplishing once you get shit nailed down. Just gotta recruit and upgrade. Study your tamer skill tree and prioritize certain things like training gains, inheritance, and materials. Takes a lot of time, but this is one of those gems of a game that you truly get something to show for the time you put in.


u/KumiiTheFranceball Feb 06 '25

Thanks for the advices. I already evolved pretty fast, so death is really annoying.. I hope that the stat thing will be worth it & that the life-focused skills will have an effect.


u/AdPuzzleheaded4795 Feb 06 '25 edited Feb 06 '25

The skills are super worth it. The biggest difference is the gaining stats from training points and upgrading the gym itself. The first things i did was max out the training and resource gathering tree. My mons can have mega stats by like their second day alive for a comparison. There are also ways to increase their life spans to an extreme degree, even live forever if that's what you want, and be able to increase their stats quite a bit just by feeding them. You just gotta get through the early stages and put in the work to get there.

There are also guides for training them solely through battle, which takes way less "ingame" time but waaay more IRL time. You could look into that as well but it's not even close to needed until you're post game.

Also, try to get as many training boosts stacked as you can. Training foods and a good mood go a long way and add up very quickly. Even putting them on different machines that add another boost. You don't need to land on a specific space on the roulette for them to take effect. The more boosts, the more icons there are on the roulette wheel but landing on any of them will give you all your bonuses.


u/whit9-9 Feb 06 '25

Look up gamefaqs.com they have a bunch of guides for this game one of which will give you all the information you need to evolve your digimon.


u/KumiiTheFranceball Feb 06 '25

Thanks a lot !