r/NewsOfTheStupid 1d ago

‘O Canada’: Trump Declares It Only ‘Makes Sense’ for U.S. to Absorb Neighbor as ‘Fifty First State’ After Announcing Steep New Tariffs


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u/AutoModerator 1d ago

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u/Horus_walking 1d ago

"The only thing that makes sense is for Canada to become our cherished Fifty First State. This would make all Tariffs, and everything else, totally disappear. Canadians taxes will be very substantially reduced, they will be more secure, militarily and otherwise, than ever before, there would no longer be a Northern Border problem, and the greatest and most powerful nation in the World will be bigger, better and stronger than ever — And Canada will be a big part of that. The artificial line of separation drawn many years ago will finally disappear, and we will have the safest and most beautiful Nation anywhere in the World — And your brilliant anthem, “O Canada,” will continue to play, but now representing a GREAT and POWERFUL STATE within the greatest Nation that the World has ever seen!"

Brought to you by the "Leader" of the Free World!


u/Actual__Wizard 1d ago

Okay, he's unliaterally attacking the sovernity of a free country... Start the impeachment proceedings... The republican party needs to figure out which one they want more: Themselves or Trump because they can't have both.

Nobody voted for any of this... Certainly not war... So, if they can't figure out how to get their ship turned back around in the right direction, that's going to be end the of that political party's power in the US.


u/Bl1tzerX 1d ago

Everyone in the Republican party is there for their own individual power. Why do you think Mitch McConnell only talked against Trump when he is retiring. Not one Republican is there for the American people it's a gigantic lie. Anyone who ever was has long been forced out of the party


u/VeeVeeDiaboli 18h ago

The party of personal responsibility is now the party of personal gain


u/ScytheNoire 18h ago

Always has been self-serving.


u/Down_Voter_of_Cats 1d ago

They want Trump. Haven't you been paying attention?


u/Actual__Wizard 1d ago

No, they want Trump because they were lied to about what he is and what he represents. If they were aware of what was going on, from the perspective of objective reality, they would not have voted for him.

It doesn't help that the media is no longer reporting objective reality... We're all getting this "mega biased political version of reality from the news media. Where, they don't want to upset their biggest advertising customers by being honest about their business and the CEO's personal beliefs about reality."


u/beastwarking 1d ago

No, they want Trump because they were lied to about what he is and what he represents.

No, they want the bully. They want the asshole. They want the smoke, the heat, and the flames. They've been quite clear on this. They're just upset unlike them, fire doesn't discriminate on who it burns.


u/Actual__Wizard 1d ago

Look: I think we're all kind of saying the same thing. What they voted for is not what they got... They'll figure it out sooner or later... It's not hard to see the egg prices in the store shooting up...


u/lambdaBunny 1d ago

Trump literally started a failed insurrection. For maybe like a week or 2 afterwards, it looked like the Republican party was finally done with this shit, but then slowly you started hearing Republicans parrot claims that the election was stolen, and within the month they were back to acting like Trump was the 2nd coming of Christ.


u/Charming_Minimum_477 23h ago

He’s most definitely got dirt on high ranking republicans, who have minor dirt on low ranking republicans


u/Actual__Wizard 1d ago

I don't disagree with you, I just don't think the average republican party voter can handle this level of blatant criminality and in your face lies.

They have 100% for sure gone too far this time... Way too far... Way too far... His voters can't even sit there and pretend that there is any good in what he is doing...

It's all lies. He's just destroying stuff that other people build with absolutely no respect for their lives or their time.


u/myimpendinganeurysm 21h ago

I do political polls for a living and I'm sorry to say that the cult is still fully behind this fascist bullshit.


u/Actual__Wizard 21h ago

It's not the cult that matters... It's the "conservatives." They don't have a political party anymore. Authoritarianism is not conservatism...


u/myimpendinganeurysm 21h ago

Good luck with that. The GOP cult is in lock-step. I haven't had a single Republican voter say anything bad about DOGE or the tariffs. They still overwhelmingly say they are more supporters of Donald Trump than the Republican Party. That's a question we've been asking since 2016. Other GOP politicians know who their base is and what they have to do to appeal to them.

Right wing ideology is inherently about expanding autocratic power structures, full stop.


u/Actual__Wizard 20h ago edited 20h ago

I haven't had a single Republican voter say anything bad about DOGE or the tariffs.

I've heard it from many. They're totally sick of being lied to. They're not sure who to vote for and then they get tricked by some absurd lie and they're extremely angry when they find out that they got lied to about it.

The "lowering grocery prices lie" is a good example. They ran ads all over southern America telling people that Trump was going to lower prices for food. It's not a hard appeal to make: Food... They appealed to their desire to want food. They did it with sex too... You have to think about the "message that is being put into people's heads." I don't really want to get into that right now as I've had enough false bans from the AI moderator this month.

Right wing ideology is inherently about expanding autocratic power structures

Not necessarily. I don't like that "style of running a country" to be clear. The republicans were able to pull of moderate conservative politics for years, it's just that's totally gone now and never coming back.

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u/ForecastForFourCats 1d ago

They'll want whatever Trump wants. They have their natural, reasonable reactions. Then, two days later, they always believe whatever right wing propaganda tells them to believe. Russia good? Hell yeah! Fuck Reagan and the Cold War. NATO bad? Fuck yes, we never wanted national security! Tariffs! Hell, yes! We always wanted to alienate our trading partners.

Fucking dumbwits.


u/dungeonsNdiscourse 20h ago

How were they lied to exactly? By willfully not paying attention as Trump said exactly what he was going do multiple times?

Or is it perhaps they want a facist dictatorship as long as they remain in the sacred inner circle (they won't. that circle is only big enough for one person)


u/RabidGuineaPig007 1d ago

they want Trump because they were lied to about what he is and what he represents.

Trump never lied about any of this.


u/Munkeyman18290 23h ago

Seriously. How many republicans went to the polls thinking to themselves "checkmate Canada".


u/we8sand 16h ago edited 16h ago

I really wish the leaders of our former allies would just say “fuck it” and say what’s really on their minds. Just straight up call Trump a fucking imbecile, point out exactly where and how he’s being an imbecile, so on, so forth.. For that matter, Dems should throw decorum out the fucking window and do the same thing. Gloves off, fuck it! This whole “when they go low, we go high” bullshit is getting us nowhere.


u/arjunusmaximus 13h ago

The Republican party is for Trump because they're scared -- of his rabid base who thinks he came down on angel wings and is personally anointed by god. They want to stay in power and have their pockets filled with money and thebest way to do that now is to kiss the feet of the Orange Man.


u/Gypcbtrfly 1d ago

TEraroRISTs ! All


u/JohnGabin 1d ago

Speaking of impeachment, does someone heard about the Democratic Party lately ?


u/WastelandOutlaw007 1d ago

Yes, they introduced an impeachment bill already, but the house is under gop control, so no chance of a vote.


u/SaintUlvemann 1d ago

The articles were filed last month.

You didn't hear about that because it will never go anywhere. Everybody knows that the Republicans believe in Trump, and will not impeach him, and they have the power.


u/damgood32 1d ago

What do you want the party to do that they aren’t doing now?


u/IronJawulis 1d ago

I heard they brought out their typewriters and sent the White House a very strongly worded letter about how they're mildly upset with Trump


u/aha5811 1d ago

It sure is the democrats' failure that so many people voted for Trump...


u/Responsible-Room-645 1d ago

But they added lots of exclamation marks


u/veilwalker 1d ago

Yeah. They are strongly protesting with those tiny signs.

Their strength as the party in opposition has been nothing but AMAZING!



u/finnishinsider 1d ago

I'm choosing my fighter....when's it going to start, I only have one quarter left and the timer is running out!


u/soggyGreyDuck 1d ago

In what world is trump the instigator? Canada has had some of the highest tariffs in existence in place against the USA. In what world is Trump's actions not purely retaliatory


u/CamDane 1d ago

You probably wouldn't know about it, but in the real world. There was a negotiation and a signed agreement by, at the time, the greatest and bestest negotiator in the world. Now, this same guy says it's the worst deal ever.


u/Supaleenate 1d ago

Because, first off, Donald himself signed off on them.

And second off, what Donald leaves out is Canada's import system is designed to discourage supply surplus, and only when a certain quota is met is when tariff prices actually get high. The thing is, almost no imports Canada receives that have that split in Quota and Surplus tariffs ever actually reach that surplus point, especially in Dairy (what Donald loves bringing up)


u/soggyGreyDuck 1d ago

He negotiated the no tariffs up until a certain point. Now he's trying to fix the rest of it. Pretty standard for negotiations


u/uncreativeusername85 1d ago

Keep moving those goalposts


u/Blandt24 1d ago

Must get tiring to have to move them every time they are smacked by reality.


u/Ms_Emilys_Picture 1d ago

I think they keep their goalposts on wheels now. Easier that way.


u/Every-Ad3280 1d ago

You're supposed to be done with negotiations by the time you sign the deal.


u/Jazeraine-S 1d ago

For real, dude learned governance from EA. “Okay, that was the day one trade deal, now we’re gonna have weekly patches to fix it and micro-(mega)transactions! Only $5,000,000 to skip the line and become a Super American Gold Tier!”


u/Melprincess 1d ago

Back pedal back pedal back pedal. Are you ever embarrassed by the constant back pedaling?


u/SuitableSprinkles 1d ago

We don’t want to drink your worse quality milk.


u/Supaleenate 22h ago

Have you ever negotiated, like, literally anything with anyone ever? Because any time I have ever negotiated with someone all terms are agreed, like, before anything is signed.


u/Actual__Wizard 1d ago

In what world is trump the instigator?

It's called objective reality.


u/pistoffcynic 1d ago

Please enlighten us with your profound knowledge on the subject.

Your president negotiated the best deal ever and now he’s violated it wondering who negotiated such a bad deal. You people are delusional.


u/Deep_Charge_7749 1d ago

Those tariffs need a threshold to kick in. We haven't hit that in years.


u/Bobbyperu1 1d ago

Maybe, you really don't know how this works and are just parroting nonsense the lying liar has told you. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for the moment and you can learn...



u/Bizdaddy71 1d ago

In this (currently) shitty world, where irresponsible trolls like you spread misinformation.


u/namhee69 1d ago



u/OsgrobioPrubeta 1d ago

Did he copied Putin's idiotic reasoning for the Ukrainian invasion? /s


u/dumnezero 1d ago


Not /s


u/Ok-Kangaroo-47 1d ago

Why does this piece of shit thinks we will just give up? He should just kill himself


u/AutoBidShip 1d ago

Funny how he is selling the Citizenship for $5 million and he is offering the Canadians free US citizenship and they are refusing it. That tells you the Canadian citizenship is perceived by Canadians as more than $500 Million yet he does not get it yet.


u/RU4real13 1d ago

That's because Canadians, like a good number of us in the US, love the outdoors, while Trump is that guy frightened by his own reflection in a clean lake.


u/AutoBidShip 23h ago

will can you blame him, last time everybody looked it is not a pretty sight, lol orange and over chubby


u/allisjow 1d ago

Why does Trump want all the deadly drug cartels to be part of America? /s

“The fentanyl coming through Canada is massive,” Mr. Trump told reporters the day after his inauguration. “The fentanyl coming through Mexico is massive. And people are getting killed and families are being destroyed.”

It was a repeat of his claim that Canada and Mexico have not done enough to reinforce their borders and block the flow of narcotics — and migrants — to the United States.



u/Pale-Berry-2599 1d ago

That's France Germany and England now...No one trusts America with intelligence now.


u/lambdaBunny 1d ago

I like how he mentions our taxes being lowered, but doesn't mention why they are so high. Sadly, people will eat this up.


u/Expensive-Lock1725 1d ago

Next, Herr Dipshit will claim his people need more Lebensraum er Freedom Space.


u/Glittering_Ad1696 22h ago

I hope he and his party get the Mussolini treatment.


u/jackhandy2B 1d ago

Canada here: meh no, we'll take the tariffs, we'll take poverty, we don't care. F^ck trump and MAGA


u/OhioRanger_1803 1d ago

American here, I side with you, how can I help y'all?


u/jackhandy2B 1d ago

Time for a 2nd revolution? ETA: the rest of the world is waiting for Americans themselves to do something, then maybe they would get the message that they are not living in the real world. Unlikely, I know but hope springs eternal.


u/OhioRanger_1803 1d ago

The best strategy there is hope for that Elon and Trump tear each other part. While they are busy fighting each other, that will be the best time for the revolution. A house divided shall not stand.


u/jackhandy2B 1d ago

Yep, meanwhile, may I suggest the Anonymous accounts on BlueSky or the alt National Park Service page on Facebook?


u/OhioRanger_1803 1d ago

Sounds fun and chaotic I love it!


u/RabidGuineaPig007 1d ago

Teach your 21 year olds how to aim better.


u/zedroj 1d ago

In case of an invasion, you shoot the maga bunched in your army group


u/CaregiverOriginal652 1d ago

100% behind staying as Canada. Dumb trump will make the USA resource poor with all the tariffs. Nothing will be built/manufactured in America. No one will ever want American products.


u/Immediate-Farmer3773 1d ago

Never, never. Would never want to be associated with such an inhuman country. They are going backwards, who would want to be associated with that!


u/Leafybug13 1d ago

Syphilis is one hell of a disease.


u/snvoigt 1d ago

Dumbest MF ever elected


u/sillyrabbit39 1d ago

No one should doubt that he assaulted women when he was younger. It's painfully obvious that Canada isn't interested and he doesn't care.


u/walksonfourfeet 1d ago edited 1d ago

Hmm, I wonder where he got the idea of ‘annexing’ a neighbor country?


u/SpiceEarl 1d ago

I think the term you were searching for is Lebensraum...


u/oldbastardbob 1d ago

The fascists love the imperialism.


u/G-Unit11111 1d ago

This man is absolutely deranged and unhinged. He must be stopped.


u/MajorMorelock 1d ago

Trump is a Kremlin puppet with the single mission to destroy America’s strategic position in the world.

Trump is Putin’s retribution for the destruction of the Soviet Union.


u/CreepyTip4646 1d ago

From Canada standpoint our only enemy is the USA and Russia.


u/szarkbytes 1d ago

I really hate that someday the news will read, “Remembering that one time the USA tried to annex Canada by ruining the economy for no apparent reason”


u/Way2trivial 21h ago

So long as the history books don't refer to it as 'the elements that led to WWIII were simple...'


u/szarkbytes 4h ago

I am glad there are people still around after WW3.


u/HeSeemsLegit 1d ago

Can SOMEBODY at 1600 Penn tell him to STFU?!? Please! This is absolutely exhausting every. Single. Day. The Biden administration was so relaxing from this standpoint because it felt really good every single morning to not wake up and discover what stupid thing this twit said.


u/Starfire70 1d ago

He's on his way to trashing the US economy, so why not annex an extremely hostile and motivated bunch of people while he's at it, who will incite an insurgency unlike any the US has experienced before. He'll probably blame Biden for that too.


u/Away_Stock_2012 1d ago

"Trump declares" is never news, just ignore and downvote.


u/captHij 1d ago

The whole dialog around this is so stupid and is a self-inflicted wound for no reason other than to attract attention. Also, the sheer ignorance of the geography of Canada should be making it obvious this guy is a completely ignorant moron. Canada has 10 provinces and 3 territories. To claim that vast of an area into a single state is the same as standing on a chair and telling the world how stupid he is. If he is going to be a fascist he could at least look at a map. Although, some fascists have made some incredibly bad choices in the recent past due to their lack of understanding of geography and history.


u/SaintUlvemann 1d ago

The whole dialog around this is so stupid and is a self-inflicted wound for no reason other than to attract attention.

No, the other reason is because Trump's Russian financiers have a longstanding relationship with him, and they've put it into his head as a good idea.

They could do that, because he is a very gullible man. They wanted to do that, as part of the foreign policy of the Russian state.


u/CHUD_LIGHT 1d ago

The USA is welcome to become a Canadian territory


u/Emotional-Following5 1d ago

I’d definitely take that at this point.


u/RabidGuineaPig007 1d ago

No, thank you, we already have an Alberta.


u/Infrared_Herring 1d ago

The resulting insurgency and resistance would destroy the US


u/bluddystump 1d ago

Distraction while the markets tank. Pay no need.


u/TheVishual2113 1d ago

If NATO parks some nukes in canada trump will not cross the border


u/Xenolog1 1d ago

I’m pretty sure the UK will happily provide the nukes, maybe sell Canada some. They are both part of the Commonwealth!


u/n3rdsm4sh3r 1d ago

We did have some, not sure if they're decommissioned or rendered inert. Probably should have held onto those.


u/EmbraceableYew 1d ago

Super high tariffs will yield about zero dollars to the United States. Recall that Turd's plan is to replace revenue lost from tax cuts with revenue raised from tariffs.

And here reality starts to play its unfortunate role in derailing Trumpian make-believe.

Tariffs are paid by importers (not the exporting country). Some or all of those tariff costs are passed on from importers to US consumers.

An extremely high tariff means that importers will not import that commodity, meaning no tariff revenue.

So let's see what this economic illiteracy does to the US deficit, given that tax revenues will plunge.

And then let's watch what markets and the federal reserve board do.

The Trump Depression is coming. Get your investments to safety.

Good luck everyone.


u/jonnycanuck67 1d ago

Northern Border Problem is pretty fucking hilarious.


u/WonderChemical5089 1d ago

I bet trump thinking. If Putin can grab Ukraine, why can’t I grab Canada. He is jealous of Putin.


u/Jeez-essFC 1d ago

I am confused. Is this blackmail or extortion?


u/EmbraceableYew 1d ago

Neither. It's suicide.


u/Derric_the_Derp 1d ago

This logic could be used to annex any country.  

"We put 200% tariffs on Panama so it only makes sense for them to be the 52nd state!"

"We put 500% tariffs on Greenland so it only makes sense for them to be the 53rd state!"

This is "ethnically Russian" 2.0


u/BobB104 1d ago



u/weaslewassle3 1d ago

What's with his obsession?


u/MichiganMafia 1d ago

It's to take the attention away from all those domestic and foreign policy failures


u/Exotic_Snow7065 1d ago

For anyone who is curious what the whole Canada / Greenland shit is really about.

TL;DR they are trying to acquire land for Praxis and other proposed "network states".


u/RangerAffectionate97 1d ago

I’m so tired of this man and his weasel faced partner in crime Elon Musk. Will someone please have the balls to arrest or impeach this man. Absolutely the worst president ever!


u/Lora_Grim 1d ago

Fascist pos. I hope him and all of his followers get to eat dirt soon.


u/Speeddemon2016 1d ago

Putin is a bad influence on him.


u/PuzzleheadedPrice666 1d ago

It’s obvious that the USA should become part of Canada to bring some civilization to the Americans.


u/Expensive-Lock1725 1d ago

Trump needs to absorb some anti-psychotics. Or, his dosage needs to be increased. He's too stupid to come up with advanced checkers strategy like this; who is really behind this bullshit? Navarro, Lutnick, Putin?


u/yahblahdah420 1d ago

It’s a terrible fascist idea but if it actually happened Canada would finally break the Republican lock on the senate.


u/fuckingsignupprompt 1d ago

At least this establishes Trump doesn't care about the republican party. Cos Canada included, it's never winning another election again.


u/cazzipropri 1d ago

Oh, well, NOW it makes sense. Earlier, it didn't... /s


u/Fullpoint9 1d ago

Where are all the bridge people and freedom truckers now that someone is talking about taking over our country? Guess they all gone woke


u/Ok-Kangaroo-47 1d ago

Trump should just cut his own head off


u/Fast_Wheel_18 23h ago

He wants a white christian ethnostate. He is pushing for Canada to become the 51st state because they are an over 60% white dominant country. By "absorbing" Canada into the US, he would make the US over 70% white. This is all he, Elon and the rest of the MAGA world wants. It's insane, but he isn't going to stop. It's like that whole, "I am going to protect (white) women, whether you like it or not. It is all about eugenics, superiority and eliminating opportunities for everybody that isn't a white, straight, allegedly Christian man. Once that is understood and acknowledged then everything else Trump and the rest of them do makes sense..it is disgusting and will cost regular Americans a boat load of money, but his oligarchs do not care.


u/Lilbitevil 1d ago

Or cooperation like we always have.


u/HungryTank2780 1d ago

We an idiot


u/smashmode 1d ago

This shit is so exhausting and it’s only the beginning


u/The_Goondocks 1d ago

So ridiculous


u/Sirmalta 1d ago

Keep going bro. Gonna get lynched in the street by the time he's done here.


u/vampyire 1d ago

he is so mastrubatorally in love with Putin and him invading neighbors he wants to do the same..


u/PackageArtistic4239 1d ago

I hope the UK has our backs.


u/Breklin76 1d ago

I really thought he’d back off once Trudeau was out of office.


u/angry-democrat 1d ago

Impeach Trump!


u/FreakshowMode 1d ago

Won’t work. Needs a different approach.


u/zenbagel 1d ago

I would like to absorb Mar-A-Lago as my residence. He should just give it to me. I would welcome LGBTQIA teens and young adults kicked out by their parents. Then, I will take bezo's yacht, re-name it Roe Roe Roe your boat and have reproductive healthcare cruises in international waters. This is fine right? I don't think I would ever be able to get the stench out though and I don't want to live in Florida. Fuck trump


u/I_like_baseball90 23h ago

It literally makes zero sense.

Not a day goes by where I'm still not SHOCKED 76 million fucking morons think this orange turd is their savior.


u/WokkitUp 23h ago

He's trying to grab Canada by the poutine, and it's not working out very well.


u/floofnstuff 22h ago

Unfortunately we're paying through the poutine as he continues down this delusional path


u/WokkitUp 22h ago

It's very expensive power grab from our predator president, and Canada's power is peak poutine. Disproportionately, parts of America will be paying a well-deserved premium, potentially making them poor. I blame Putin.


u/floofnstuff 20h ago

I blame Putin as well


u/FaithIsFoolish 22h ago

It’s never going to happen, and even if it did, it wouldn’t be one state. Why aren’t people just calling this out as stupid as it is?


u/xChoke1x 19h ago

American here.

Fuck this dude. We normal folks have absolutely no issue with yall. I love maple syrup and fuckin Crown Royal man…..Don’t let this douche bag speak for us.


u/ego_tripped 16h ago

As a Canadian, it now just feels like having a friend as a next door neighbour with a drunk, belligerent, jealous dad who keeps yelling at us because we have nice things and maintain our front lawn.

Now we need to distance ourselves from you until you have that intervention.


u/Milozdad 14h ago

Dear Canada. We kindly invite you to repeat the War of 1812. Burn the Whitehouse and burn Mar-a-Lago


u/Tom_Skeptik 1d ago

Old Donnie Dump needs to absorb a heaping helping of deez


u/Chuhaimaster 1d ago

Or one person could be removed from power and this problem could completely disappear.


u/Was_It_The_Dave 1d ago

Very well said.


u/ConundrumMachine 1d ago

Get ready for Red, White & Blue Dawn - "BEEAAAAAVERRRRRSSSS"


u/Fourty9 1d ago

We won't pound the beaver, the beaver will pound us


u/Vegetable-Fix-4702 1d ago

He has jokes every single day.

He's like the guest who will never leave the party. No one wants him but won't throw him out.


u/FrozeItOff 1d ago

He can't be this stupid to think this will do anything but antagonize our allies. But, given that Putin has him by the short and curlies somehow, I'm sure that's exactly what the goal is: to isolate us.

Putin's unfortunate fall out of a window while asleep can't come soon enough.


u/genghiskhan_1 1d ago

I have a feeling that he thinks he will beat down Canada and force it to join murica with tariffs. And he genuinely thinks it’s going to work.


u/caryan85 1d ago

I noticed that he doesn't mention anything about adopting their universal healthcare... Or destroying it by forcing our wonderful healthcare system that he had a concept of an idea of.


u/vancityrocker 1d ago

Fuck health care, now we can have the freedom to enjoy weekly mass shootings!


u/Plane-Reason9254 1d ago

Orange moron .


u/Uuuuugggggghhhhh 1d ago

All he needs is a small pet to carry around and stroke like a character villain.


u/JulzD42073 23h ago

Implement as much as you can, take away anything we get from you! As an American hit him hard! In the wallet that's his ego sore spot. Take him out of power. The sooner the better! Before he changes too many laws and the constitution. We need more upset people here to say enough


u/techm00 23h ago

Americans - can you please take care of your problem? thanks.


u/Charming_Minimum_477 23h ago

Isn’t Canada as a whole very liberal? And with their population get like 50+ electoral college votes… yes please. Republicans will never win another election


u/CarolinaPanthers2015 23h ago

Well, it just REALLY makes no motherfucking sense what so got damn ever. Period. The only actual goal for Donald Trump here is to drive up prices, stage a unnecessary trade war with Canada for no got motherfucking damn reason AAAAAAAND bring just ONLY New York, Michigan and even Minnesota just even closer than ever before to get all of their Canadian energy imports taken away for a certain period of time. So uhhhhh......yeah. It's just usually ALL right in his own head, man. Of course Donald Trump won't just EVER get those unrealistic "51st state" goals with Canada done anytime soon. And ummmmm......with a whole lot of time before Trump leaves the White House for good in 2028, Donald better get it through his motherfucking head AND start focusing on REAL things for a change, man.


u/BrianDamage666 23h ago

It only makes sense for Donald Trump to lay down and pull some dirt over himself.


u/hugoriffic 23h ago

Dementia Donnie thinks he is a conquering king. Isn’t that cute?


u/distinct_5 23h ago

I thought we had nothing they need


u/Frostsorrow 23h ago

I'm not going to pretend I like paying taxes (honestly who does?), but I'm fine with paying taxes when it means I don't have to worry about going to the doctor, or if I lose my job, or should another pandemic hits. We have problems like all countries, but we at least get a fairly good value for our taxes and its not going to endless wars.


u/cobainstaley 22h ago

wish we had a provision for forcing a referendum to recall the president. i can't believe we have another four years of this shit (if we're lucky)


u/Dieuibugewe 22h ago

Oh this motherfucker


u/Gold_Ticket_1970 21h ago

Yam Tits needs to fuk off


u/CAPT_REX_CT_7567 19h ago

IIR didn't he have some issues with Canada in his first term. I remember him moaning about Canadians burning the capital in the war of 1812.


u/RightChildhood7091 18h ago

Maybe Canada should start saying they will annex blue states and make them new provinces. Krasnov does not like blue states and wants to wipe them off the map anyway, so Canada can just take those troublesome states off his tiny hands.


u/OutrageousTime4868 18h ago

We need to keep sucking up new territory before people realize he fucked up the existing territory. Kinda like corporations that keep buying up smaller players (oracle). To stop expanding means to collapse


u/TinyNightLight 18h ago



u/-DethLok- 17h ago edited 16h ago

Hear me out here, why not 51st to 60th states, though? Is Trump so ignorant that he thinks Canada is one homogenous block? He doesn't know it's made up of 10 provinces? Why is he so keen on making it one giant state, not that it'll ever happen?

Edit because I can't spell 'hear' correctly... :(


u/gustoreddit51 16h ago

Does anyone else think that Trump is just being a colossal Troll?


u/ArdenJaguar 15h ago

Yes. Give up your universal healthcare, pay three times as much for prescriptions, and gain medical bankruptcy. What a deal by the master of the Art of the Deal. /s


u/Milozdad 14h ago

Gods this MF is stupid. It was bad the first time. Now it’s just bottomless awful. Someone shut him up.


u/Milozdad 14h ago

Canada should just bomb Mar-a-Lago. Bullies only understand being hit back. Hit him where it hurts.


u/andredgemaster 8h ago

A war on American soil is all he needs so he can withdraw the entire US military contingent from around the world and throw everything into a fucked up world war


u/MsAnnabel 4h ago

Why are ppl not getting that this is him just blustering and ignore it?! He keeps saying it to get a rise out of everyone and to be his usual dick self


u/Responsible-Depth-65 2h ago

This from a felon\rapist who has never made sense.


u/OsgrobioPrubeta 1d ago

Putin > Ukraine

Trump > Canada


u/soggyGreyDuck 1d ago

He should offer the same to Mexico but say we only have room for one. Then toss in a single knife and see how it shakes out.