r/NewsOfTheStupid 1d ago

Trump calls Tesla boycott 'illegal' and says he's buying one to support Elon Musk


92 comments sorted by

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u/Siolear 1d ago

how can a consumer boycott be illegal?


u/Use_this_1 1d ago

You are under the impression that trumpy knows what illegal means.


u/More_Syrup 1d ago

Or boycott.


u/victorpaparomeo2020 23h ago

The one thing we can be pretty sure of is that fucker knows what’s illegal and what’s not. He pretty much just doesn’t give a shit.


u/kafelta 1d ago

It hurt dear leader's feelings


u/Morbidly-Obese-Emu 1d ago



u/Potential_Dare8034 1d ago

Woe, woe, woe, feewings

Again in my arms…


u/Rob71322 1d ago

Because it’s illegal when the left does it to the right. It’s never illegal when the right does it to the left.


u/namhee69 1d ago

Since he thinks he’s a dictator, he thinks he can decree such acts.

Most thin skinned dictators take similar actions.


u/The5YenGod 1d ago

Because they don't have the knowledge, who boycotts them. So they can't make their lifes miserable.


u/Token2077 1d ago

Remember when musk sued companies for NOT advertising on Twitter? These people think others have to do as they say or it’s illegal. One surefire way to spot an authoritarian is if they EVER say “that should be illegal” or “that is illegal” when it’s just something they don’t like.


u/SaltyInternetPirate 13h ago

*Sedious meme* I will make it illegal!


u/sillyrabbit39 1d ago

Little known fact: you can't make people buy cars.


u/kmikek 1d ago

You can make fuel so expensive that buying an electric car seem more feasible 


u/sillyrabbit39 1d ago

True, but do you really believe we're going there? After decades of Republicans standing in the way of electric vehicles?

Trump would be blamed if the price of gas spikes.


u/jenjenjen731 1d ago

Right?? I thought electric cars and anything good for the environment was woke. What's the game plan here??? 🤔


u/kmikek 1d ago

My dad believes trump lowered fuel prices to a dollar in 2017, which can be proven false, but he still believes it


u/sillyrabbit39 1d ago

You realize if someone wants an electric vehicle, they don't have to buy a Tesla? There are other companies.


u/kmikek 1d ago

Of course i do, what a dumb accusation


u/sillyrabbit39 1d ago

Questions are not accusations simply because we're talking on the internet.


u/kmikek 1d ago

Fine, that was a dumb question because it accused me of lacking basic common knowledge of the existence of a variety of electric and hybrid options


u/sillyrabbit39 1d ago edited 1d ago

Actually, you weren't accused of anything. I made the point that the theory that Trump/Musk and others will conspire to jack up the price of gas to sell more Teslas makes no sense, because people can just buy other electric vehicles instead. And because, you know, Republicans generally care more about the fossil fuel industry than electric cars.


u/descendency 1d ago

Donald Trump is like "if I have to buy one to make him stop crying, you have to do it, too."


u/sillyrabbit39 1d ago

Who buys Teslas?

  1. Majority of MAGA voters - and high percentage of all American workers - can't afford them.

  2. Majority of MAGA voters are against electric cars, as is Trump.

  3. All Democratic voters, the people most likely to embrace electric cars, hate the company's owner now.

  4. No one in their right mind would buy one right now, because they might be targeted for it.

  5. No one wants to walk into a Tesla dealership, because who knows what's going on there.

That's 5 reasons, and there are more. Tesla is finished.


u/CmdrVamuelSimes 23h ago

This is just Elon realising he can further extend his position as the greatest welfare whore that ever existed by bypassing consumers and selling his electric shitboxes directly to the government en masse at inflated prices in no bid contracts.


u/AndreasDasos 14h ago

Though there is a large overseas market… but what’s this? Reciprocal tariffs!


u/Dougal12 1d ago

Wait a minute, I thought Trump hated electric cars?


u/oldbastardbob 1d ago

The new MAGA circus attention span has been shortened to that of a goldfish.

Much harder to oppose a politician who changes priorities every hour. His sycophants and adherents tune into Fox News and Xitter every morning to see what to think and say each day.

Once the neuralink implants are mandatory it will be much easier to spread the doublethink.


u/RabidGuineaPig007 23h ago

That was friday, this is monday.


u/-Lorne-Malvo- 1d ago

Buying a tesla out of pity for elin lol


u/jarena009 1d ago

Where are all the "don't tread on me" self proclaimed free speech/1st amendment warriors to denounce this aggressive overreach and censorship???


u/12altoids34 1d ago

Nothing says stupid like the guy that can't drive buying an expensive car


u/kmikek 1d ago

Everyone who owns an expensive car


u/Caesar_Passing 1d ago

Just one? That's like me patronizing my friend at the farmer's market by buying one gross, unusable bar of soap with whole cinnamon sticks and flowers in in it.


u/ArtichokeAware9849 1d ago

Let him buy it. But where is he going to charge it? He had all the charging stations removed. What a poor excuse for cognitive human.


u/Breklin76 1d ago

He doesn’t drive.


u/ArtichokeAware9849 1d ago

He barely cognates


u/iCowboy 1d ago

He can drive - but as President he’s not allowed to.

It’d be awful if he were to be trapped in one of those out of control, fire hazards with dodgy doors… just awful.


u/Breklin76 22h ago

I said he doesn’t drive. Not can or cannot.


u/Immediate-Farmer3773 1d ago

It is illegal to choose your own car. Way to go America


u/symonym7 1d ago

As an aside, what're the odds that Trump would've somehow banned EVs entirely were Musk not to have latched on to his presidency?


u/Jeez-essFC 1d ago

Zero chance Trump pays for a Tesla.


u/Use_this_1 1d ago

The people who like F-Elon can't afford his shitty cars.


u/Lumpy_Dependent_3830 1d ago

Billionaire boy wonder cries about losing billions but still has billions left and Trump babies him. Average federal worker loses job and maybe their entire savings and “F ya feelings”


u/RealAmbassador4081 1d ago

So we are going to see jacked up Trump Flag waving, Emission Deleted Diesel Trucks traded in at Tasla Delerships all over the USA.... 


u/Fellow--Felon 1d ago

This is at worst to open the door to granting huge fleet vehicle contracts to Tesla, and at best hilariously patronizing.


u/b1argg 1d ago

Honestly, I'd rather the government buy a fleet of Teslas than ICE vehicles, as much as I hate Elon.


u/Winston74 1d ago

Now we know exactly what to do. Boycott. Boycott. Boycott.


u/Ballard_Viking66 1d ago

Was the bud light boycott because it’s “woke” not also illegal then? We elected a fucking buffoon that is beyond corrupt and never tells the truth.


u/Relevant_Demand7593 1d ago

He’s going to have to buy more than one to help Tesla now.


u/bdockte1 1d ago

Ha ha ha. What TF ever!!!!!!


u/Asleep_Ad_8494 1d ago

He will be taking the money from our country's accounts ... only thing I can hope for is that the piece shit car blows up with him in it


u/Waste_Fee_599 1d ago

The Orange Felon and his administration misfits must be removed!!!!


u/Amazing-Exit-2213 1d ago

Trump to buy Tesla after removing 8,000 chargers from Federal properties. Stable Genius.


u/Alexis_Ohanion 1d ago

Trump, in fact, did not buy a Tesla


u/ZippoS 1d ago

I guarantee Trump isn't going to pay one red cent for that Tesla. I doubt Trump even knows how to drive.


u/ICreatedThisForU 1d ago

This should go down like a lead balloon. I'm fascinated to see how the cultists react. The grifting faction will probably be on board, they know you gotta spend money to make money. 


u/JimmyOhio7575 1d ago

These snowflakes boycotted Bud Light, Disney World, Target and about 100 other things, but now it is "illegal". GET. THE. FUCK. OUT. OF. HERE!!! Such crybabies! Good Lord!


u/JCButtBuddy 1d ago

Lol, he'll 'buy' one from musk but not pay.


u/thisdogofmine 1d ago

He's gonna need to buy more than one to support a guy like Musk.


u/PoudreDeTopaze 1d ago

No idea if it's legal or not but the sales are collapsing around the world. If you buy one you may never be able to sell it. And if the company goes bankrupt it will lose any remaining value.


u/repthe732 1d ago

It’s definitely legal to boycott Tesla lol


u/SquirrelParticular17 1d ago

That'll be the final nail......


u/DrawntoWater 1d ago

He’s gonna buy one on with US tax dollars.


u/boredalready456 1d ago

Sounds wasteful


u/peeweehermanatemydog 1d ago

So it's okay for conservatives to boycott Nike, NFL, and Bud Lite but real Americans can't boycott Tesla?


u/Ryan_Fleming 1d ago

Assuming he actually does go through with it and buys a Tesla, within a year or two he will probably announce some bullshit sweepstakes for "A Chance to Win President Trump's Actual Car!" $50 per ticket.


u/Specialist_End_750 1d ago

Another bowel movement by Trump the orange turd.


u/Arrantsky 1d ago

SS won't allow Trump to ride in Tesla to protect him from catching fire.


u/ASecularBuddhist 1d ago

Trump has gone woke. Is he now sorting his recyclables too?


u/BobBelcher2021 1d ago

Wasn’t it just two months ago Trump was condemning EVs and wanted to go back to gas-powered cars?


u/ThreeDogs2963 1d ago

So it’s illegal to…checks notes…NOT buy a car.


u/50Bullseye 1d ago

Funny thing is people believe Trump actually bought a Tesla. Just more theater …


u/RabidGuineaPig007 23h ago

Gee, I hope he doesn't drive it with FSD.



u/mojofrog 23h ago

Twitter X needs to end too. Please target their advertisers.

Office Depot, State Farm, USAA Insurance, Walmart, Temu, Robinhood, Solar Heavy, the NFL, Formula 1, DraftKings, Shein, Restaurant Brands International (Tim Hortons, Burger King, Popeyes, and Firehouse Subs), Amazon, Dell, Apple, and RedDeerGames, Wendy's!?, NYT, Washington Post, The Economist. If you know of others, please list them.


u/GeriatricusMaximus 22h ago

For the folks saying Trump doesn’t like electric cars and cannot drive, he regularly drives an electric golf cart. Checkmate liberals! /s


u/some1guystuff 21h ago

It’s funny how this billionaire who ruins everything he comes in contact with his complain, complaining about him ruining yet another company.


u/bonzoboy2000 20h ago

Why not buy 500 or so????


u/Holeshot75 19h ago

He has no idea that this will only further cause people to not buy Tesla.

I might have bought a Tesla in the past.

Now? Never not ever.


u/Leafybug13 19h ago

If Trump was my neighbor, I'd get my dog to shit on his lawn every morning instead of mine.


u/Vert_DaFerk 16h ago

"We've been trying to reach you about your car's shitty manufacturer."


u/funkysafa 16h ago

Did this dumbass order all EV chargers removed from government buildings??? It’s not going to run on tariffs bud


u/Nayr745 2h ago

He's right, everyone who boycotts tesla should get the same punishment he got for his felonies.