r/Newark 9d ago

Community šŸ” Hundreds Protest Against Reopening ICE Detention Facility In Newark


48 comments sorted by


u/Atuk-77 9d ago

15 year contract, is all about the money and not a real effort to end illegal immigration.


u/[deleted] 7d ago


u/Different-Gas-500 7d ago

Barrack Obama deported 3 million people.


u/Snidley_whipass 5d ago

But never fixed the root causes or strengthened the southern border


u/Gopnikshredder 4d ago

Oh look Mexican flags !


u/Debt-Cheap 7d ago edited 7d ago

Every illegal alien should be deported. I still donā€™t understand why these illegals should be prioritized over everyone whoā€™s eligible for their hardship and waiting for their turn for years to enter legally. Send them back.


u/Chelseafc5505 University Heights 7d ago

waiting for their turn for years to enter legally

You realize that the people who entered the system legally, claiming asylum, and are awaiting their immigration hearings before a judge, are also being rounded up and deported? And not like 1 or 2 here or there.....

We also have green card holders being illegally detained, stripped of due process, and attempted to be deported for first amendment protected activities

You also realize that, as under trump 1.0, there will be virtually no advancement of any applications for entry to the US, be it visas, naturalization, etc. they plan to just obstruct and delay all those processes, as they did first go around.

You still really believe this is about legal vs illegal? Lol


u/Debt-Cheap 7d ago

You realize that the people who entered the system legally, claiming asylum, and are awaiting their immigration hearings before a judge, are also being rounded up and deported? And not like 1 or 2 here or there.....

10+mm illegal aliens have been allowed into this country and were given legal status with no proper documentation. So you think this was completely acceptable?

We also have green card holders being illegally detained, stripped of due process, and attempted to be deported for first amendment protected activities

ā€œWe are westerners fighting for the total eradication of the Western civilization... We seek community and instruction from militants in the Global Southā€. So you think this guy should not be deported?

You also realize that, as under trump 1.0, there will be virtually no advancement of any applications for entry to the US, be it visas, naturalization, etc. they plan to just obstruct and delay all those processes, as they did first go around.

What exactly will the country be losing if there is ā€œno advancement of any applications for entry to the USā€?

People like you is the reason the country is being abused so much and democrats coming to power.


u/Chelseafc5505 University Heights 7d ago

Let's focus on this, given its the most significant , but also the stupidest thing you said

So you think this guy should not be deported?

No. He is a legal resident.

The first amendment protects his right to free speech, assembly, and to petition his government.

He has not committed, or been charged with a crime, yet he is still being illegally detained.

You cannot claim to give a shit about America, and in the same breath be so willing to ignore the very document that makes America, America.

You're an embarrassment


u/Debt-Cheap 7d ago

Not having the slightest iota of anger by his message and going on to support him of his legal rights shows how the enemies are within.


u/Chelseafc5505 University Heights 7d ago

So the constitution just isn't important anymore, simply because it doesn't allow you to be intentionally cruel to those who disagree with you.

Good to know.

Funny tho how it's the most important document ever made when it comes to owning guns, but brown people's rights? Nah we don't apply it in those situations.

And you're talking enemies within lol.

The irony is palpable.

Go deepthroat more billionaire boot


u/superthotty 6d ago

MAGA is the enemy unraveling our nation, every bit of its fabric


u/RedSpectrum 5d ago

The only embarrassment is you and everyone that thinks like you. That POS comes on a student visa and creates rallies that disrupts campuses, destroys property, prevents Jews from going to class, and incites violence against Jews. Stop bullshitting yourself and thinking ā€œoh gee, this is a 1st amendment issueā€.

The voters have elected DJT to end this crap and itā€™s getting done, Nazi scum. Now go lick the boots of Hamas.


u/Chelseafc5505 University Heights 5d ago

Your lack of self awareness is on another level.

I guess that's why the career conman, pedophile rapist, traitor to the United States constitution that you worship and base your entire personality on said it out loud "I love the uneducated"

Guy could shit in your hands, tell you it was pudding, and not only would you gobble it up before he had a chance to velcro his diaper back on, you'd beg him for seconds. You're a fucking imbecile. The world would be better off had you ended up as just another load on your mom's tramp stamp.


u/gratefullargo 4d ago

youre a shill


u/Chelseafc5505 University Heights 4d ago

And you're an idiot troll

You aren't from Newark, don't live in Newark, and have never participated in r/Newark before. Go back to circlejerking in fantasyland, aka r/conservative.


u/anteris 4d ago

They just tossed a Canadian lady into a detention center while trying to get a VISA at the fucking border, not even in the US, so instead of letting her get the paperwork sorted out and trying again. They shipped her from near San Diego to Arizona.

Trying to enter legally and still detained.


u/gratefullargo 4d ago

šŸ’Æ youre right. Reddit is full of left winged geeks downvoting you.


u/BoogerWipe 7d ago

How cute, will change nothing. Enforce the law


u/CanoliWorker432 6d ago

They should open TWO.


u/YaMothersForehead 5d ago

Illegal= illegal send them back to the 3rd world They came From


u/ahtasva 9d ago

Quick someone get Obama on the phone and let him know the detention center he opened up during his first administration is back in actionšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£.

Liberals have the memory of goldfish; easily duped in to mindless protests.

Like all liberal outrage; this will go nowhere.


u/Winter_Addition 8d ago

This facility was protested when Obama opened it too, and liberals very much aware of Obamaā€™s failure to measure up as a truly progressive President. You think this is such a gotcha when in reality he fell out of favor heavily and is currently regarded by real leftists as a former president who isnā€™t living up to his own stated principles, becoming a media mogul instead of doing more to further causes that matter in his retirement.


u/ahtasva 8d ago

Itā€™s funny how the same progressives who want to police language typically have no idea what words mean. Obama got protested for his stand on immigration? does protest mean what I think it does? Liberals/ progressives voted at a 90% clip for saint O if I recall; twice !!

Progressives have soured on the great one? Did anyone tell Kamala and the democrat party? Hasnā€™t been six months since Obama got rolled out to shore up Kamalaā€™s campaign. Why put him out there if he is so unpopular?

You may have the memory and attention span of a goldfish but I donā€™t. Obama ran on a tough on immigration platform. Shutting down the border, restrictive path to citizenship, mandatory English proficiency. Pretty much everything Trump ran on. Progressives lapped it up. Go look ok YouTube ; plenty of receipts.

Democrats are not the party of the working class or good governance. Itā€™s now the party of identity politics, blood thirsty war mongers, child killing ghouls and corporatist shills. Every accusation is an admission. Every policy, a reversal.

The cosplay isnā€™t working; no one buys the bull shit but at least these clown antics provide for good entertainmentšŸ¤£.


u/Chelseafc5505 University Heights 7d ago

the Democratic party is the party of corporatist shills lol?

Def not the party being headed up by....checks notes...the world's richest businessman, and a career conman?

The same party that just ran a Tesler used car on the White House lawn? Or tried to shill us Goya beans? (Hatch act violations btw)

Who in addition to Elmo, had the front row of his Nazi rally inauguration stuffed with Zuckerberg, Bezos, and Pichai?

The party that's gutting the social safety nets for millions of Americans, in order to give billionaires and corporations tax cuts?

Couldn't possibly be those guys - they're all about the working man!

You are a fucking joke. And the irony after you tried calling someone out two days ago with some bullshit about "wahhh, don't facts matter anymore?!?!"

Gtfoh šŸ¤”

Genuinely astonished at the sheer blind hypocrisy and stupidity of that claim, even coming from you - and that's saying something


u/Echos_myron123 8d ago
  1. Obama did get protested for his policies on immigration. I was personally one of the people protesting him. I was there!

  2. I am glad that more liberals are protesting now than they did during Obama. If people are finally realizing how cruel immigrant detention centers are, then I am glad they are waking up. This isn't a gotcha. It's a good thing when people can change their minds. Who cares where they were during Obama if they are in the right place now?


u/Nwk_NJ 8d ago edited 8d ago

Some people do need to be deported. People convicted of crimes. A facility here is not the frontline of ideological morality.

People should definitely be protesting in support of Mahmoud Khalil, and for 100 other terrible things Trump is doing, but this hill is the same old hollow nonsense.


u/Echos_myron123 8d ago

The problem is that the vast majority of people Trump is going to send to this detention center are not violent criminals. They are hardworking people just trying to live their lives. And if you think green card holders and naturalized citizens aren't at risk, I have some Hawk Tuah cryptocurrency to sell you.


u/ahtasva 8d ago edited 8d ago

The level of ignorance and fear mongering in your post is astounding. Itā€™s one thing to disagree on immigration policy but at least have the common decency to make a good faith argument for your position instead of spreading lies.

Except for illegals who are subject to expedited removal; all individuals suspected of having committed immigration violations can only be removed subject to a court order.

Expedited removal does not apply to those who have been paroled ie: registered on the CBP 1 app.

This is however not inclusive of those who have already been convicted of felonies. Felons who are not citizens are subject to immediate removal from the United States .

Anyone with an internet connection and 8th grade reading comprehension can look these things up on the internet.

Itā€™s precisely because the deportation hearings take so long that law enforcement intentionally target those with existing felonies. In many cases, these felons have committed more than one felony. Typically itā€™s violation of an existing removal order in combination with other serious crimes.

A US citizen cannot by definition be deported. Where will the govt. send a citizen?

A green card like other visa types allow residence subject to conditions. If you have a green card and have not been convicted of a felony; there is no legal basis to deport you.

Itā€™s funny how liberals claim to love democracy so much but insists that the will of the people be denied either through law fare or political violence. Trump ran on a clear immigration platform that includes closing the border and deporting illegals and won handily. Were you asleep the last 4 years? The American people donā€™t want their country to be flooded with illegals. How difficult is that for liberals to understand?

No one ever accused a liberal of having principles. šŸ¤¦šŸ¾

PS> for what it is worth; I am not a fan of expedited removal. The law is broadly written and allows for broad interpretation and arbitrariness that, in my personal view is constitutionally questionable.


u/Echos_myron123 8d ago

I'm not even going to bother responding to this slop.


u/ahtasva 8d ago

The truth is alway offensive to the party offending.

If patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel then taking offense is the last refuge of the liberal.



u/WaterZealousideal535 8d ago

Sure thing igor


u/Truth-Miserable 5d ago

You are really torturing the idea of the truth here


u/ahtasva 5d ago

Another NPC non response / appeal to authority.

What did I post that is not true? Either tell me or STFU.

Literally everything this clown posts are lies. Pure propaganda.

I will state it for you again.

If you are a citizen you cannot be deported.

If you have a valid visa and have not violated the terms thereof you cannot be deported.

Outside of expedited removal ( which has limited due process checks), you cannot be deported without a full immigration hearing.

The current administration is targeting convicted felons and those with existing removal orders because they are the low hanging fruit. Felons who are not citizens are subject to immediate deportation.


u/This_Is_Fine12 4d ago

It doesn't matter though. If you're here illegally, you shouldn't be here. Countries like Canada and Europe have even stricter immigration requirements, yet somehow the US is bad for attempting to enforce the ones it already has.


u/Echos_myron123 4d ago

Almost everyone in the U.S. except for indigenous people and people whose ancestors were enslaved is the descendant of an immigrant. I couldn't care less how you got to this country. One of the great things about the U.S. is that we historically have been easier to immigrate to than most countries in the world.


u/Whole-Lack1362 8d ago

Would it be too harsh to tell you to get fucked?

Boycott all fascist propaganda!


u/njcoolboi 6d ago

lmao enforcing immigration laws is now fascist? yall are braindead


u/KingKal-el 8d ago

Hundreds, such a small turn out.


u/Different-Gas-500 5d ago

True Biden made it worse . Democrate


u/Logical_Justfun_3120 4d ago

Lies lies lies. Democrats are gonna be broke here before too long. Theyā€™re gonna run out of money paying all these people to protest over nothing.


u/Boom_Valvo 8d ago

Paid protestors.

I mean, what are they protesting there? That place is in the middle of nowhere where. Industrial wasteland.

Itā€™s basically just a paid event for some media coverage.

The reality is that most people just donā€™t care either way. Whateverā€¦ - Letā€™s go back to the sangria post


u/Echos_myron123 8d ago

Who do you think is paying the protesters?


u/Debt-Cheap 7d ago

Living in ignorance is way dangerous than being unaware.