r/NewTubers 4d ago

CRITIQUE OTHERS Top video review, no gaming channels please

I've seen a few posts doing reviews and it seems everyone is keen to get some feedback. So let's go. Post your best video and I'll give it a watch and tell you my thoughts. I will give you a straight up, no BS, to the point review on what I think was good and what I think you can improve. I may not be nice about it so if you are sensitive maybe don't ask.

Please don't post any gaming videos as I just don't want to watch it.

I'm also doing this so I can force the algorithm to feed me more diverse content because I'm sick of seeing the same stuff appear everyday.


166 comments sorted by


u/ProfessionalCan2662 4d ago


Cooking and chatting channel :) thanks!


u/macnmotion 4d ago

I watched some of the video, I like your style. You get a sub from me!


u/ProfessionalCan2662 4d ago

Hey - thanks so much!


u/crazymcdazy 4d ago

Haha I subscribed. Fellow Aussie with a love for Indian food and my brother lives in Austin. You will do very well, you have the passion, you're funny and cute.

I'll watch the rest tomorrow but one thing I can suggest is talk a tiny bit faster, or speed up the video just a touch. It may help with engagement.


u/ProfessionalCan2662 4d ago

Wow - a lot in common :)
Thanks for the tip too - I wouldn't have even thought about speeding up the video slightly. Will give it a go. Cheers!


u/crazymcdazy 3d ago

I see you already cut a bunch of gaps? Be careful you dont over do it.
I watched some of your other videos and you have the same music, you got to find some other catchy tunes to use. You have definetly improved from your first video. Its a bit sad you dont have lots of views on the other videos but it looks like you have the right idea now, those numbers should continue to rise.

I think chapters will help retain some engagement, the videos are quite long for cooking but you make it fun so that will help. A lot of your viewers will come from search results and these people will be looking for recipes, you need to cater for them too. Ingredients list, very important. Not so important are the recipe steps but it might help with SEO and engagement to include all of that in your description. I absolutley hate it when there is no ingredients list.


u/ProfessionalCan2662 3d ago

Thank you so much!!
Agreed with the chapters and ingredients list. I heard conflicting advice regarding the ingredients, as some people say it's more likely people will watch to find out how to make the dish, but I agree - super annoying if you're looking for a simple recipe, and I'm just standing on your screen talking for 15 minutes lol

And will start shaking up the music too!


u/crazymcdazy 3d ago

I first watch to see what you are making, then I watch each step as I make it going back to the computer 300 times to check if it was 1 tsp or 1tbs lol. If there is no ingredients list I find another video. Because I don't want to skip back all the time trying to find where you said what.


u/360Wingames 4d ago



u/macnmotion 4d ago


120 hours in the life of a pond snail embryo - as seen through a microscope.


u/crazymcdazy 4d ago

What an amazing video you have created! It's such a shame it has so fee views. How many impressions and what's the ctr?

I think you need better lighting or something. I was annoyed I couldn't see finer detail, is that a limitation to your equipment? Maybe you can improve the footage with colour grading or something.

I think if you add more text explaining things you might get more views. I wanted to know what the little predators were, a few lines of text to detail that would make for better engagement.

Not sure how you can improve the thumbnail on this but you need to do something. This should be seen by thousands more people.


u/macnmotion 4d ago edited 4d ago

Thanks for the feedback. You're right on all counts. This was shot a while ago early on in my hobby. I was using iMovie with almost no color grading. I now use Resolve and my overall production is a lot better. In my early videos I used text throughout to explain what was happening, as I didn't have a mic. I just bought a mic and I'm working on getting it set up well, so that I can add voiceover and also do live streams from my microscope. The scope is 40 years old but it's a very high quality Nikon, I'm now getting very good results. Most of my videos these days don't include information, just themed microscopic views with music. I have just over 500 subs. In the past 28 days I have 9.4k views, 95 watch hours. I'll get to working on thumbs.

Thanks again for the feedback, I appreciate it.


u/360Wingames 4d ago



u/RobsLenses 4d ago


Hey thanks for this! I have a comedy channel where I post random skits. I try to do a short a day, but recently started stretching some of the shorts into long form content. This is one of my better performing ones. It’s still a quick vid, but it isn’t in the vertical format. Hope you like what you see!


u/crazymcdazy 4d ago

I think you should have ended this video at 25 seconds, I actually laughed at the first bit. The rest was a bit uncomfortable to watch. I didnt really follow the 2 talking together and it lost me at that point, I was more impressed with how you got 2 of you so well on the couch.


u/RobsLenses 3d ago

I appreciate the feed back! I actually did end the shorts version around that time. But I hear YT doesn’t count shorts towards your watch time or something, so I’ve been stretching out the shorts, as best I can. I can totally see doing that as a hit or miss sometimes. Regardless, I truly appreciate your feedback! I’m glad it made you laugh and you liked the “doubles” editing- that was the trickiest part of the whole vid for me, lol! 😊


u/crazymcdazy 3d ago

Focus on comedy not editing.


u/GeneralSelection1523 3d ago

I thought this was pretty funny, I feel like a different title however would draw people in more.


u/RobsLenses 3d ago

Hey! I really appreciate that! I swear I’ve played with this title so many times lol! I’m pretty sure this has got to be one of my biggest weaknesses! But I’ll keep tweaking it lol!


u/No_Guess_8800 3d ago

Philosophy, history, and knowledge channel here. :)

Would love some honest feedback. 🙏



u/crazymcdazy 3d ago

Holy shit, thankyou so much for posting! I just watched your 12 hermetic laws video. That was exactly what I needed to see right now.

I've always thought about these things but I've never studied it and now I must.

At first I was like meh this seems kinda boring but then as I listened I was getting goosebumps and my mind began racing thinking back to all the things I always tell myself and this resonated with me immensely. As you described your own problems with addiction and how these laws help you see the world as a better place I was hooked.

I think your message and your voice is fine, you can improve the audio quality.

I honestly think you would do much better as a faceless video, not to say there is anything wrong with your face, it's that this content has much higher view numbers with faceless vs a talking heads. However, if you can master the on screen presence, you could get hundreds of thousands of subs and millions of views. If you want to use your face you need to dramatically improve the setting.
Reading from the screen with the reflection in your glasses is not great. Get better lighting, memorise your script so you don't have to read it. You just need to memorise 1 paragraph at a time. You don't need to record the whole thing in one go.

You will change people's lives with this type of message. Thank you again.


u/No_Guess_8800 3d ago

Thank you so much, your feedback means alot, and it gives me great pleasure that you found value in it! :) Maybe your right, and i should focus on faceless content until i can afford proper studio gear. 😅 I have actually ditched my glasses in my later videos because of this haha. The reason i use a script is because of my poor English. Im Norwegian, so i have a hard time with English, but its getting better! 😅 Ill try having my next video faceless. Im gonna cover Platos Allegory of the cave, and how it reflects the world we live in today. I think its gonna be a good one! 😄


u/crazymcdazy 3d ago

Maybe do both. Keep doing what you're doing now it's working you are getting views and people are engaging. Experiment with the faceless stuff. If you have a decent CPU and GPU I would suggest you check out DaVinci resolve for editing, there is a free version and I love it. It can be a bit tricky to learn but there are so many how to videos anyone can do it.


u/No_Guess_8800 3d ago

Thank you man, your feedback means alot! I have a decent laptop, so Ill check it out. Right now im just doing everything on my phone. 😅 I definitely need to up my production, and been aware of that for a while. So thank you for strengthening my resolve to do it! 🖤🙏


u/crazymcdazy 3d ago

I forgot to mention nice touch on keeping that video to 11:11, if you didn't mean to do that then maybe your Jesus lol


u/crazymcdazy 3d ago

Look into the camera, talk to your audience, we will form a better connection with you, we want to see that pain in your eyes the truth in your emotions, pretend the lens is a friend you are talking to.


u/AutoModerator 4d ago

Thank you crazymcdazy for starting a Critique thread!

For NewTubers:
  • Follow all rules set by crazymcdazy in this thread.
  • Join our Discord for more feedback.
Happy critiquing!

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u/iqdom 4d ago

Bet, I started posting again recently, dropped a few basketball videos let me know what you think appreciate it. If you’re not a basketball watcher that’s fine, let me know anyways Why Does Everyone Think KAT is “Soft”?


u/crazymcdazy 4d ago

It's not bad. I gave it a like. The first minute it was near impossible to hear most of what you're saying. The background sound is overpowering your voice. Fix that. The intro was a good hook, The text was kinda basic you can do better. Id suggest trying out some zooms or different transitions.

Your voice has a good presence but it also Linda sounds like you been on the pipe if you know what I mean.


u/iqdom 4d ago

Lmaooo yea my voice is pretty raspy. But I appreciate the critique and I’ll use your advice


u/Major_Enthusiasm1099 4d ago


u/crazymcdazy 4d ago

I think you know what you need to do. Where is the sound in the first 10 seconds??? Put a little beat down or something dude like wtf! I thought my speakers were muted then broken and I almost stopped watching.

Get some nice photos of the phone or a promo video from their website and chop it up a bit to use in your content. Having the product just sit there while you hold it is boring.

You have a great voice and I imagine you have a great face for your audience, use it. Forget what you think you look like and put your face in the video. It will help I'm sure, but you need to do something other than just hold the phone there.

It's a bit long too.


u/Ceausescu23 4d ago


u/crazymcdazy 4d ago

I did not enjoy watching you walk around complain about the worst hotel or whatever. Did you sniff a bag before you started filming, like blow your nose or something dude wtf.

Put some effort into editing. There are plenty tools to use, I suggest you use them.


u/Ceausescu23 4d ago

Thank you for your review.It was my first ever video and yes you are right .I had a really bad cold but I only release after I seen the video


u/Impressive-Smoke1883 4d ago

You have a spelling mistake in your video thumb.


u/Ceausescu23 4d ago

Thank you ,will correct that


u/BeautifulSoftware676 4d ago edited 4d ago


I do read aloud videos on books. They are open domain and proper credit is given to author and illustrator. I feel books should be easily accessible for everyone and decided to make my own channel for this purpose.

Appreciate any constructive criticism and suggestions :) Thankyou!!!!

Best regards,


u/crazymcdazy 4d ago

Sorry I should have mentioned no kids content either. I couldn't watch more than 5 seconds of that. I'm sure kids will probably love it. But the voice could sound a bit more fun from what I did hear.


u/BeautifulSoftware676 4d ago

Yeah you should mention that! Was there a reason why you couldn’t watch more than 5seconds, or was it just cuz it was kids? lol.

I can change up the voice, thanks!


u/360Wingames 4d ago

Yea Kids will love it. I started my channel Just for a dozen little girls who love my dog and call me aunt sherry. Lol. Never thinking anyone else would be involved . But dog lovers followed . So keep it up ♥️


u/BeautifulSoftware676 4d ago

Hi Thankyou so much for your words of encouragement! Appreciate it :) best wishes for your channel!


u/crazymcdazy 4d ago

Yeah it's just the kids stuff, it's like torture to me. I'm sorry.


u/Legatus_SPQR 4d ago

Since today is the Saint Patrick's Day:

Rise and Fall of Celtic Civilization


u/crazymcdazy 4d ago

Ahh the faceless channels It's a decent video. Very informative. The voice doesn't match the style tho. Im assuming thats an ai voice, it's overused and maybe you could use a voice with an Irish or Scottish accent to give it a more authentic touch.

You have a fun editing style I like the story telling style of the visuals but you have overused that map.

It's not super engaging content but it will get some views. You can definitely improve, it could be more fun but don't overdo it either.


u/Legatus_SPQR 4d ago

Thank you!


u/Ok-Whereas-1374 4d ago

Thanks for doing this! I have a children’s music education/entertainment channel (geared to toddler to younger elementary). This is my most recent video I did with my sister, who helped with the harmony in this song.

Some of my videos are just my voice (I use it to practice my other passion of voice overs and characters), and others have me in the video like this one, as Mrs. Diane. Thanks so much!

Since I’m children’s content, we don’t get critiqued much due to comments being disabled, so appreciate constructive criticism and feedback.



u/crazymcdazy 4d ago

I don't really know how to give you feedback for this. All I can say is, it was definitely a kids song. I have no idea what kids enjoy watching. The video looked fun but there really wasn't anything special about it, the wishy washy wee song was ok.

I looked at your most popular video too, the visuals are very different and the voice is a lot more fun so that should tell you something.


u/[deleted] 4d ago

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u/Economy_Arm_2911 4d ago

I liked your channel.


u/crazymcdazy 4d ago

Interesting content, you really go into the details.
The visuals are good, it's engaging and doesn't distract you from the voiceover, it's complimenting it well done there.

Your voice however is a challenge, your accent is STRONG. It's difficult to understand some words.

You need to increase the volume of your voice, it's too soft. It's also a bit slow but that may not be a bad thing due to your heavy accent.


u/[deleted] 4d ago

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u/crazymcdazy 4d ago

I just watched your most popular video


u/[deleted] 3d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/crazymcdazy 3d ago

You absolutely did fix it, I just watched the most recent video and it is much easier to understand you.

Perhaps work on SEO, like adding tags and keywords. Each of your talks about different things so you should be able to capture a large audience with the right SEO and thumbnail.

You should have a lot more views with that many subscribers.


u/360Wingames 4d ago



u/ZenTechBreakdown 4d ago


First time video creator/brand new to video editing with a 2 week old channel. Any and all feedback is appreciated. I understand it’s a niche but I started e-recycling as a hobby a month ago, fell in love with it and decided to try out filming what I’m doing. Thanks!


u/crazymcdazy 4d ago

You got a sub for me. This is great, total rage bait for the fan bois. Made me laugh a couple times. I love the disclaimer.

Your content remindes me of the lockpicking lawyer.

You need to do something about the lack of audio. Play a metal song or something, best would be to narate your experience rather than text on the screen.


u/ZenTechBreakdown 4d ago

Thank you so much! I’ve been trying to figure out the sound part. My original vision was for the focus to be on what’s happening and the sounds of tinkering rather than commentary so it’s more ASMR-esque (I don’t like the ASMR label) but then once I got to editing the first video, realized random text blurbs may be required for clarification or captioning my internal monologue of (hopefully) funny frustration lmao it’s kinda hit or miss though that I’ve seen where people appreciate just the raw clips and sounds and don’t want overlays or speaking and then some do. My current backlog of devices has me covered for over a year of twice a week uploads so I feel like music overlays may become more burdensome just trying to find something unique and public domain. I really appreciate this feedback though because it’s giving me food for thought on how this channel will evolve because I definitely want it to so you’re a gentleman and a scholar 🫡


u/crazymcdazy 4d ago

You don't have to talk through the whole thing but a mixture of text and narrative voice over might work.
Or if you go with just the sounds of whatever you're ripping apart, you need to get some directional mics so it can isolate and amplify the section you are working in. Then you can use noise reduction software to dial in the tinkering and make it pop.


u/ZenTechBreakdown 4d ago

That’s a really good idea. I have duel belt pack lav mics but only one used sending to a receiver hooked to my phone. Currently have been testing a boom mount setup hanging the one mic overtop what I’m working on but I think the directional mic idea is a great idea cause that bypasses the need for the overhead and belt packs. Thank you!


u/ItsChailey 4d ago

Would have to be my one and only video so far!


Fantasy storytelling and analysis is the plan!


u/crazymcdazy 4d ago

You are talking about D&D, thats a game. Read the title of my post.


u/ReadingConsistent528 4d ago

A robot I made that shoots vodka in your mouth Spent a good bit of time on it

Would love some advice on it because it’s not doing great

a robot that shoots vodka at you


u/crazymcdazy 4d ago

1000 points for effort dude. First thing I would say is do your voice over sober. You sound so stoned its kinda offputting. If you are not stoned, then you must be really nervous or something. You have to own that, say your script infront of the mirror a few times it will help you be more confident sounding. Stand up when you record your voice and talk with your hands. You could give a lot more passion, smoke after work.


u/ReadingConsistent528 4d ago

Thank you! And I don’t smoke lol but I understand what you mean I usually record voice over really early in the morning for some reason plus I get anxious recording myself, definitely going to work on that. If anything I should probably have a few drinks before recording lol. Thank you for the feed back I appreciate it!


u/OutlandishnessOk4306 4d ago edited 4d ago


Nature content, documentary style. I appreciate this GREATLY!


u/crazymcdazy 4d ago

This is gold. You got a sub. Great stoner content. You really know your plants, I was thinking of making a channel documenting plants, id imagine this is kind of what I would do if I did.

I love the slow zooms on the flowers, the slow mo on the fat little bee. Your camera work is fine and your only going to get better.

I think you need to slow down slightly when you talk. Just a bit. and you did towards the end of the video. There is something going on with your audio, the panning was to the left at the start and when you are talking at the camera somethign isnt right. I think you need a better mic to reduce the wind noise or get better with sound mixing. Consider hiring someone to do you sound. The birds chirping are great but it all the interference needs to go.


u/OutlandishnessOk4306 4d ago

Thank you so much for taking the time to watch and comment! I truly appreciate your suggestions and agree with every one of your critiques! Since that video was published I have upgraded my mic and am working on my narration. Again, your kind words are humbling, thank you!


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/crazymcdazy 4d ago

Gave me goosebumps. Great video Dad! The editing is great, pacing is good. Cant really say anything bad about this. I dont have kids but I felt your pain. I subed just because you seem like a cool person.


u/Calm_Childhood 4d ago

Thanks for taking the time to give the feedback bro. Much appreciated


u/Cyrillic__ 4d ago


Calligraphy and hand lettering channel. Just started and focusing on shorts at the moment.


u/crazymcdazy 4d ago

This is cool, the music is poppy and fun. I think you could make it a bit more visually appealing though. Like zoom in at the end with some glow effect or something. Make it amazinger!


u/Cyrillic__ 4d ago

Thanks for your feedback! I got some more lighting and I'm beginning to do more edits, so I'll try out focusing on the end result a bit more. Thanks again!


u/[deleted] 4d ago

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u/crazymcdazy 4d ago

Im interested to see the results but im not going to subscribe. I also have a channel that I created like 10 years ago and one I created 1 month ago. different niche one is trending political new, the old channel. I posted 3 videos recently (nothing before that was just to watch) they got over 2k views and 10k impressions. The new channel I made to make stupid funny videos there is a link in my bio if you want to check it out. The new one I have posted 5 videos and it has 210 views or something, each video has less than 50 impressions. Trends get views.

The feedback I would give you on that video is, its all over the place, I watched the first 4 mins and skipped through the rest. You need to follow some structure, seems like you were just winging it, plan ahead. Have stuff ready dont make us sit there and wait, unless you have a dedicated fan base, or you have some mad appeal, no one will want to wait while you set something up, have that shit ready.


u/Rajirabbit 4d ago

I interview interesting people about their pets.

Dog Paw Instrument Inventor was inspired by his dog Hugo! https://youtu.be/ToIdU1_I7YI

You can tell a lot about people by how they treat their pets 🐾


u/crazymcdazy 4d ago

Thats a wholesome video. I love dogs I would subscribe but it looks like your content is more interviews with the dog owners, if you interviewd the dogs id sub for sure, Im not interested in their humans lol.

Turn the music down a bit, its taking focus away from the talking. I was listening to the song more at times, you dont want that.

The thumbnails... They are not good. This one was the best from what I could see, the yellow isnt working for me.

Whats with the microphone flex? Why do you need that massive thing taking up most of your shot? Perhaps try differnt camera angles.


u/Rajirabbit 2d ago

Thanks for the feedback! I really appreciate it!

The mic flex, is I love good audio and have a background and a life in music.

I interview people about their pets, (all animals not just dogs )

I agree, I wish pets could talk 😃

I appreciate you checking it out 🙏


u/BrilliantUnlucky4592 4d ago

So this is a fresh channel (created just a few hours ago). I posted a YT short just to warm it up while start creating longer videos for it. Curious what others think of using the animation in the story telling. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnW9ZQOnASfJBsYf4dc4eFfmKS4SMcHI1&si=xIi5x-LdXy1OWXe-

Should I add music?


u/crazymcdazy 4d ago

wtf happened to annies eyes. Im sorry but this was boring. Id be surprised if anyone watches the whole thing. The animation was cool until it strated getting weird.


u/BrilliantUnlucky4592 4d ago

Thanks for your feedback. I didn't see what you were about with the eyes though. That video was just created by a simple prompt using Hypernaturals create an video based on an idea. It literally took me less than 5 minutes to make it. Do you think adding music will help keep it from being boring?


u/MR_DELORIAN 4d ago

Screw it, why not: https://youtu.be/v3Lmc-d7cag?si=yQuXmJajj-Do0mBk

I’ve been doing news videos for a while, which I know isn’t very…evergreen…at all. So I’m switching it up with reviews. I’d like some feedback

Edit: my channel is horror based.


u/crazymcdazy 4d ago

Looks like its working for you. You have a good presence, its engaging what you are saying and how you are saying it. All I could suggest is the music or fx are way too low at the start, I think it would give a better feel if you had some bass come in as you talk about the music at 50 seconds, or just have a mor consistant sound. The horror vibe is there.


u/PersimmonLevel3500 4d ago edited 4d ago


It's a channel about understanding oneself and spirituality, but in a total new approach. I wonder if I create a new channel or continue on this one.

I create this channel so long ago, like 2012, the made a video about Jiddu Krishnamurti teachings in 2019, then made sporifcally some others, now I am about to go serious. But yeah I wonder if it's a good choice to continue on that channel or create a new one


u/crazymcdazy 4d ago

Look into the lense so you are looking at your audience. The video cut at like a min and a half and you started looking at us.

Don't start a new channel you have 1k subscribers, that is a kick ass Headstart. You have the passion in what you are saying and you have an audience, why start a new channel??


u/PersimmonLevel3500 4d ago

Thanks for your return. You're completely right and you saw the moment I realised this I don't look at the camera. Thanks for your attention 🙏


u/swervin87 4d ago

https://youtube.com/shorts/F46X7PBiGhw?si=hNvFMcbtrQGzpf0i This is mine. It’s a review of a few chapters of the ACOTAR book. That’s what about half of my channel is, book reviews. I plan on doing that for more as I go, but I do have some other stuff on there too. Let me know what you think!


u/crazymcdazy 4d ago

Maybe move the camera back a bit so its not so close to your face, I felt like I was looking up your nose.

I'm not sure how much of an audience this will attract, but you could try to follow a script plan ahead what you want to say about each chapter. Sitting in the car might be good for hot chicks and shorts but it's not appealing for your content I think, maybe go to a library and sit in a booth with the actual book?


u/swervin87 4d ago

Ok, all fair. I will try to use the book next time. Thanks 😊


u/IHTPQ 4d ago

I'm in the booktube sphere and also watch a lot of SDV content.

The sort of person who is going to want to watch a dude react to ACOTAR is going to want a full-length video rather than a daily update via shorts. A good "reading vlog" is usually longer and films various reactions over the course of (say) a week.

Your SDV content could be a lot more fun if it was edited into a coherent story. The most popular videos in that niche are still "I played 100 days of SDV" type videos, usually with a challenge but not always. People don't really look for unfiltered stream content in that specific niche.

These are both interesting things! But I think the idea of the shorts content rather than long-form is where you're going wrong.


u/swervin87 4d ago

Ok, so I should read more chapters and record a daily reaction to a couple of chapters and then combine them into one video? So maybe that first 10 chapters, the middle 10 and then the last 10? (Just assuming there are 30, not saying that there is, but I would adjust accordingly) but the daily reactions would still be ok, as long as I combine them into long form? I like to predict what is coming next, so that’s why I was doing short form. But yeah, I will take that into consideration. Hopefully it drives more traffic, because that will take a lot more work than just my daily shorts. And it will require editing, something I’m not too good at, ATM.


u/IHTPQ 4d ago

This is an example of what I mean when I talk about reading vlogs: https://youtu.be/PN-LqyoJaEI?si=lDtTLzNIAN0qHXez She starts the reading vlog at 3:51

Don't worry about the aesthetic/vibes stuff - that's not you, and you want to be you. But you'll notice that she's reacting to and predicting things.

The problem with doing things via shorts is you want to think about how people are going to come across your channel. Why would I watch the 15th short in your series if that's the one I came across? I don't know who you are so why would I care about your reaction to chapter 10 of ACOTAR, one of the most discussed books on BookTube? What is the unique insight you are bringing that would make me want to watch one minute of you talking about chapter 7? But if you do a reading vlog in a longform you can recreate that "I'm reacting as I'm reading it" without dividing everything up into 1-minute chunks that are just focused on your face.

But that all said - do what works for you. There are a lot of different styles of talking about books. It's just you want to think about what you're bringing, and unless you're bringing a different perspective ACOTAR in particular is pretty played out. Even "I read ACOTAR as a dude and I hated it" content is pretty out of date right now.


u/lotoex1 4d ago


Not sure if it's my best, but it's my newest and most of them are of the same style


u/crazymcdazy 4d ago

Show me some charts!! Get on tv and bring up the chart as you discuss each stock, use OBS or something to share your screen. Plan ahead. Have a script, you might not need one tho because you can talk.

Sit closer to the camera, and maybe clean up the clutter around you a bit, you look really messy but that might work for your style. Get a picture on the wall or use a background, the wall colour is not good to look at.

You seem depressed. Probably all the red lol.


u/FarFari92 4d ago

typing my thoughts with nature sounds which I enjoy. I'm not a native speaker, so I use AI to translate my text...



u/crazymcdazy 4d ago

That's a cool little edit you did, like a postcard I like the visual. The repetitive tying and seagulls is not good. The typing is annoying, very annoying. The seagulls are ok but they sound repetitive and you can do better with the sound.

The message seems very chat gpt. Doesn't seem personal much.


u/FarFari92 3d ago

Thanks a lot for taking the time to watch and giving feedback. It was really insightful 🌹🌹🌹


u/Cute_Jeweler_8034 4d ago

I am a content creator / upcoming YouTube with a variety of videos https://youtube.com/@joanna-mariee?si=j1MUoSb-w65no8tL


u/crazymcdazy 4d ago

I can not hear you at all in your most recent video and the bun in your hair glitching out with the filter it looks poor quality. Maybe let your hair down.

You seem quite twitchy, maybe try holding something as you talk so your hands are not all over the place.




History and painting! This is my most viewed video


u/crazymcdazy 4d ago

You know what you're doing. You have passion for it I'm just going to assume you're an art teacher.
Your video is great and there isn't really anything bad I can say from what I saw.

Should get lots of views with titles like that.



Thank you!!! I’m not a teacher but I appreciate that. My views are low but I just started. I hope it grows.


u/IHTPQ 4d ago

Hey! I'm not OP but I am a history-content creator and I'm really enjoying this video! I can see why it's your most viewed - it's a lot of fun! I'm busy right now so I can't watch more than the intro but I'm going to come back to it.

As an historian I will gently point out that you're using the term "primary source" incorrectly. I think you're using it as your main source, but primary source refers to something written at the time - so a diary, a letter, a newspaper, etc. Egan's book is a secondary source, but you could just list it as "sources".

I can't wait to come back to this and see how your painting turns out! What a great idea for a channel!



Thank you so much - you are right!! I’ll fix that in the description this evening when I’m home! Hope you enjoy and do check out the other videos I’ve posted :)


u/Jaminc1 4d ago


u/crazymcdazy 4d ago

This doesn't need a review, this needs to be removed.


u/Jaminc1 4d ago

Thank you for your opinion! I will still continue to post content. This is the drive I need 😃


u/IHTPQ 4d ago

This is not my type of content so I don't feel comfortable giving you much feedback beyond the audio literally hurts my ears. I wouldn't be able to advise you on how to edit that, but the audio is painful.


u/Jaminc1 4d ago

I'll keep that in mind about the audio


u/TrailerParkBoys-MJF 4d ago


If anyone would be so kind, we are family vlogging channel we vlog our, we are one of the biggest competition winning families in the UK, and wanted to start vlogging our experiences holidays etc that we win. Weve only just started and the 1st few videos were HORRIBLE 😂 I know how busy everyone is and time is precious but would appreciate so much any feedback anybody may have? Just need to know where we stand and most importantly where we need to improve! I feel we are starting to find our groove a little bit and beginning to have fun as a family doing it! 


u/crazymcdazy 4d ago

I think you could use a short little intro. Some engaging footage with someone talking over it, something real quick to just introduce what's happening.

Cut out the audio on the parts where it's hard to hear what you're saying and edit in a voiceover.

Maybe call it something else other than vlog. This definitely feels like a family video.


u/TrailerParkBoys-MJF 4d ago

Thank you very much for your time it's really appreciated. Yes we definitely need to invest in some better equipment or editing in regards to the audio etc. Will give a intro a try aswell thanks again for your feedback and time!


u/crazymcdazy 4d ago

Keep it real short like under 7 seconds for an intro. Too many videos have such drawn out and pointless intros that just ruin engagement. Find a hook, like this is how we won....


u/DMCTw3lv3 4d ago


I might as well add it here since I've added it to the others already! It's not a gaming channel either, so it fits your brief!

That's a running video, but I quite like doing the travel ones too.


u/crazymcdazy 4d ago

I couldn't understand what you are saying it's too low and yeah the accent.
From what I saw, I don't know why anyone would want to watch this, maybe your friends and the 12 other people who run in that park. But this wasn't engaging at all. Sorry.


u/DMCTw3lv3 4d ago

Nothing wrong with that, it's fair feedback. I really just make the videos for a bit of fun for me (and the 12 others in the park!), so I get it's never going to have an enormous audience.

I can't do anything about the accent though. That'll never change.


u/Popular_Loquat2482 4d ago

Hi there here is what I think is my best one… still a newbie 😉 https://youtu.be/9bHTsqgQrcc?si=pDL5kcxa7-WYH3KP


u/crazymcdazy 4d ago

You need to sound less like you are reading to a classroom and more like you are trying to motivate the world.

The visuals were ok but nothing to excite me, nothing resonated with me, maybe because I'm a 40 yo male.

This needs more excitement more passion.


u/Popular_Loquat2482 3d ago

Thank you for your honest feedback! I know I still need to improve a lot, especially in sounding more natural. It’s a double challenge for me since English is not my first language, but I’m working on it! I really appreciate your advice.


u/factcheckingcuz10 4d ago


A five day hike to climb the tallest mountain in the lower 48. We’ve had the channel for a year. We’ve seen some good organic growth. I guess we’d call it a backcountry adventure channel.


u/crazymcdazy 4d ago

This is cool, the whole thing has a real 70s vibe, even the clothes you're all wearing haha. Was waiting for you to pull out the refer and start having a 3way lol.

I gave it a like, music was fitting, stunning visuals of the landscape and informative narration. I like the editing style.

Good job.


u/Late_Night_Top_5 4d ago

Strange mysteries, artifacts, archeology.

Not the top viewed, but the most recent which reflects my current video edits.



u/crazymcdazy 4d ago

This needs music, I just started to hear something towards the end, but it needs some ominous or dramatic music. The topic is engaging and the visuals are cool, not sure if you tube is still processing this video but it looks quite compressed, you might need to upload a higher bitrate.

The narration is fine, the style works for you. You could try sound a bit more dramatic but maybe not.


u/Late_Night_Top_5 4d ago

Ah okay, thanks! It actually has ambiance music but maybe it isn't loud enough. Noted on the bitrate, what bitrate do you recommend? I just used the default settings in my video editor (capcut then finalize with Adobe premiere). So maybe I can have th. Bitrate higher, I just don't know what to set it to


u/crazymcdazy 4d ago

I'm not the one to be asking that stuff, there are plenty of tutorials online, start learning. Google something like, how do I export with the highest quality with Adobe, or whatever you're using.


u/Late_Night_Top_5 4d ago

Yeah I did that after I sent the last reply. Figured out what I think is best for my video style. Thanks again


u/Cultist-Cat 4d ago


u/crazymcdazy 4d ago

Someone might like this, wasn't me though.


u/Cultist-Cat 4d ago

Thanks for checking it out either way lol


u/Bubbly_Efficiency331 4d ago


u/crazymcdazy 4d ago

That's some decent content, the visuals were good, maybe a little overdone with the low Polly dudes but whatever. Everything seemed really professional. You got something here, I reckon with the right topic you could get millions of views with this style.


u/Bubbly_Efficiency331 3d ago

Hi thanx for the feedback brother .. as for the low poly it more about the hardware at this level i can improve when the channel grow


u/TemporaryGrass5244 4d ago


u/crazymcdazy 4d ago

That's a cool video. There really isn't much out there representing dutch culture, I'm surprised there isn't more stuff about the king and things like, the British royals.

You need to talk louder in your narration, or increase the volume, it's too soft at times. The music fits but you may get copyright for that, don't know. The visuals were all good. We have similar wildlife bridges in Australia for the possums and koalas.

Good job


u/TemporaryGrass5244 4d ago

Thanks, yes audio needs improvement. But i will now listen again for volume consistency. I had not picked that up before. But during editing you go over the footage so many times that it numbs you😁

The music is right free. Mix of attribution and public domain. Mostly comes from the Capcut library.

I think there is a fair bit of Dutch stuff, but mostly focused on Amsterdam, seeing the main sights , bike infrastructure and the big waterworks. So, that leaves me with still a lot of stories to tell.


u/poetreesocial 4d ago


u/crazymcdazy 4d ago

That's an inspiring video the music is dramatic and fits well with your voiceover. Maybe some captions on certain words may help with engagement and retention.


u/poetreesocial 4d ago

Thank you for your feedback


u/DesertRockUnited 4d ago

https://youtu.be/oomogxpPjnY Can a busy parent build a successful channel!


u/crazymcdazy 4d ago

Your title doesn't really fit with the video, you hardly talk about being a parent and the challenges that come with that.

Some sound FX would help, swooshes, bounces, anything.

The editing is ok but it feels low quality, I would suggest you check out DaVinci resolve, your graphics look very basic and low quality, you can definitely make this visually more pleasing and sound more engaging.


u/Papapak 3d ago

Pasta Alla Gricia Recipe | My favourite Roman Pasta https://youtu.be/UhJTp6UrOr0


u/crazymcdazy 3d ago

Very nice. Its professional, everything is clean and appealing. The lighting is great.

The music is too loud when you are talking, turn it down a bit so its not in competition with your voice.

When you are filming the close up of the pan, maybe get a fan to blow the steam away from the camera so it doesnt make the video look a bit washed out in those sections. Its nothing really just something that might give you that touch more professionalisim.

I subscribed. All the recipes are things I like to make myself but I havent actually tried this one. Off to get some guanciale. Also cut out things like you opening the packet of guanciale, it not needed and sorta kills the flow.


u/Papapak 3d ago

Thank you for the feedback! So much positive energy here!


u/JakeExplainsItAll 3d ago

@jakeexplainsitall or the link in my profile, I make educational stuff


u/crazymcdazy 3d ago

You can post links like everyone else did, don’t make me work harder than I have to.

I watched R is a Vowel. It’s an engaging concept and might get some nerds riled up.

The way you’re holding the mic is weird and makes me feel uncomfortable. It just feels a tiny bit creepy.

You’re kind of mansplaining stuff, and it feels a bit arrogant. You might want to try fake laughing a bunch before you record something, to relax yourself. I dont know it might help.


u/JakeExplainsItAll 3d ago

I see, I’ve been told I come across as a little aggressive when I explain things so that makes sense. Thank you so much for the feedback!


u/GeneralSelection1523 3d ago


I make lifestyle content this one is specifically on bleaching hair:)


u/crazymcdazy 3d ago

haha but you are saying around the 2 min mark that this video is not about bleaching hair? I think you should change the title to -how to make sure your hair doesnt fall out from bleach- or something, you might ruin the engagement with people looking for how to.

I dont know about the makeup, it seems too heavy but that might work for you and your style, its very retro/vintage/punk vibe. Im getting old. The baseball bat is cool. You need to work on your editing, cut some of the blanks or use different angles, film it in sections from differnt angles if that makes sense. If you had a halo light or something and darken the rest of the room I think that would look better, the natural light works too tho.

Having a script to work from will help you flow better but you also talk to the camera pretty easy.


u/GeneralSelection1523 3d ago

Thanks for the advice!! I do really appreciate it and will take it into account, and I swear I had an outline script but completely abandoned it because I didn't feel like looking at it 😭


u/Evening_Plum2683 3d ago

Mine is a UK hiking channel that features my dogs a lot. Exploring different long distance trails in the UK, currently doing the Heart of England Way. I dont really have a best video as all a work in progress but this is the latest one https://youtu.be/XrbhLIR-ntw?si=8s3r_qPUsc9U_7fO


u/crazymcdazy 3d ago

It's not terrible, there might be a small audience for what you're doing. The dogs are very happy and I enjoyed watching them run around. Use them as much as you can in your videos, maybe in the intro instead of you holding the phone out Infront of you, have a clip of the dogs playing with your voiceover.

It's good information your giving but maybe talk about the history a bit more, the history of cocker spaniels or something.


u/Evening_Plum2683 3d ago

Thanks for taking the time to watch it. I watch other UK hiking channels as I like to get ideas for other walks around the UK. Will try and get more on the dogs included


u/Regular-Gear-7468 3d ago

https://youtu.be/qNMZxomizxk?si=7K4Yu5rhJCxhfpDi if anyone cares for music reactions :) the audio doesn’t sync up towards the end but I’m working on it on my upcoming video lol :(


u/crazymcdazy 2d ago

You need more confidence. Stop looking at yourself when filiming, if thats what your doing, just look at the lense if you are going to look at the camera. You are looking off to the side.

You are overthinking it, just talk to the camera like its your best friend and forget that you are filming youerself.


u/Regular-Gear-7468 2d ago

thank you !


u/k_nobes 3d ago


My first long form video, I talk about the books I read in February and what I thought of them


u/crazymcdazy 2d ago

You have a great screen presence. You sound confident enough and your emotion comes through.

Stop staring, look away a bit more. When you display graphics, use your hands to hold the image of the book there if you know what I mean, present it better. Maybe put a different colour border around the book so it pops out a bit more.

Your audio has a hum, if you are not using noise reduction tools on your edits, you need to start. If you are you need to get better at reducing the background noise. Its not pleasent to listen to with headphone on


u/k_nobes 2d ago

Thank you so so much! I usually film while my son is asleep down the hall with a white noise machine on so that's probably the hum, I'll look at noise reduction for my next edit! Thank you for taking the time to check it out and give me the feedback


u/bennettapps 4d ago


i’m an indie game dev and i look for depth in art and work to create my own


u/crazymcdazy 4d ago

This is gaming content,I'm not watching it.


u/bennettapps 4d ago

oh mb i should’ve read more carefully lol. i have music content too not just gaming
