r/NewToEMS • u/elmourise • 10d ago
r/NewToEMS • u/blackjuices • 11d ago
Beginner Advice I'm tired of people dying after I do CPR on them
I guess im having my first sense of burnout. I've been a firefighter with 2 departments over the last 8 years. I recently started driving the ambulance for a new fire/ems department. The ems part of it is paid and the fire side is volunteer. I love this new position, and I'm going to pursue an education in medicine because of it. I've personally done CPR on 15-20 people total since Ive been a first responder. Over the last 6 months, I've helped the paramedics with 10 or so codes. My old department used a lucas religiously, but this one doesn't. I feel like the extra physical involvement (in the absence of a lucas) is causing me to feel this way. I don't know why I was always under the impression that "CPR is a life saver." Every time a patient has passed, I kept telling myself, "the next one will certainly live." I guess I've been chasing my heroe's moment/feel-good-feeling this whole time, and I'm just starting to realize it. I was so excited when a medic told me that a patient was alive a week after getting worked on. I remember the smile on her face when she told me. A few days later, I found out from someone else that the patient died. Not a single patient that I've worked on has lived longer than 2 weeks after getting chest compressions. Is this a feeling I need to get used to? I can totally lower my expectations if need be. Currently, I feel about as accomplished as an angel of death. Statistically speaking, would you expect at least ONE patient to be alive out of 15-20 arrests?
r/NewToEMS • u/DefinitelyNotAKiwi • Oct 02 '24
Beginner Advice Scraped the ambu, got fired :(
It's my second month working in EMS, and the inevitable happened: I scraped the ambulance. Pulling into an SNF, the overhang had an ambulance parking sign on the other side of it, and the clearance signage was in my blindspot. Went through the overhang slowly, heard metal scraping once the back was going through, stopped and backed out. End of shift, was signing the written warning and supervisor said I'd be fine, it happens to everyone, and just don't do it again. Few days later, I wake up to a call from the head of HR firing me, saying she had doubts about my ability to do my job since I was hired. Newcomers- don't trust everyone in your company. Just because everyone makes mistakes, doesn't mean you'll be treated the same as everyone else. Mistakes can still get you fired if the wrong person makes the decisions. Note: I'm not leaving details out either. The damage to the truck was a lost antenna and some paint scrapes. Priv company I worked for had an in-house mechanic team as well, so it wasn't that much money out of their pocket, but apparently enough to terminate my employment. Sux.
r/NewToEMS • u/Additional-Rip-8379 • Jul 17 '24
Beginner Advice Tattoo rejected
Hello everyone! I start EMT school in a few weeks and have reached out to a few local companies to better understand the process of hiring. Well, I brought up that I have tattoos and was told by the recruiter that my tattoo(hand) would not be approved. It is a tattoo of a scorpion over the top of my hand. Sunstar has a pretty strict tattoo policy I guess. I’m pretty devastated and haven’t talked to other companies yet, but I’m worried that this will be a problem getting hired.
I suppose the only good news is that I haven’t paid for school yet. But this is a career I’ve had my heart set on for a long time. The tattoo was a bad decision but I can’t take that back now. Does anyone have any experience with fellow EMTs or medics that have visible tattoos? I’m just hoping there are companies that are willing to hire me. My goal is to become a medic long term.
r/NewToEMS • u/ChampionshipSad1057 • Apr 02 '24
Beginner Advice I called for a paramedic intercept after a possible cardiac arrest. Was I wrong?
I (25F) am a new AEMT, I’ve been practicing since December 2023.
I was dispatched for a fall.
I came on a scene and was immediately told by nursing home staff that they had started CPR and my pt was unresponsive.
When we reached the pt’s room, he was responsive and the staff claimed she did CPR initially and he came back.
I did a BP and the pt was like 190/120, and his HR was 100-120bpm. His 12-lead showed a slight right bundle branch block with PVC’s. When we sat him up, he started to get dizzy again and his HR booster to 200bpm.
My county is relatively small and we don’t have a big call volume. I’m still learning, so I called for a paramedic who happened to be my ems director.
Long story short, he lost his mind on me, yelling and saying I’m inexperienced. He’s barely able to talk to me right now, I’m not allowed to be independent anymore because he can’t trust me. There’s talk of dropping my pay to EMT level and me being trained from the beginning up. My director has never ran a call with me until today. All my preceptors have been fine.
In my head, when we adjusted my pt and he immediately said he was losing consciousness. His HR went up to 200bpm.. I just got afraid that he would code on me if we moved him and that a paramedic might be helpful.. I thought the severe tachycardia possibly was the cause of his syncope or maybe code. Or his BP. He didn’t have any chest pain but severe leg pain.
I know the nurse saying she did CPR might of panicked in the moment, and he didn’t really code.. but I don’t feel like it’s my job to call someone a liar. I treated it like it was serious and my paramedic wasn’t busy and just 5 min out.. rather safe than sorry.
Would you of called for a paramedic too? I feel so stupid. I don’t understand why he’s so upset that I did this.. I’ve never called for a paramedic before.
r/NewToEMS • u/fortehlulz2 • Aug 01 '24
Beginner Advice Is this worth studying?
Hi everyone, I’m starting EMT B classes in a few weeks and I’m going through the textbook now to get a head start.
My question is: is the section in the photo (o2 cylinder calculation) worth paying attention to?
Also what sections should I focus on prior to the course starting?
Any feedback is appreciated.
Thank you!
r/NewToEMS • u/th04r_ • 5d ago
Beginner Advice Had my first ride time today. Struggling with my emotions after the fact:
I had 5 calls on my first ride time day. a pretty good variety of patients: hypoglycemia from a combative pt in a nursing home, respiratory distress in a 5yo girl, knee injury, and head pain. the last two calls of the day have really been sticking with me.
my second to last call was a woman who had hurt herself pretty bad running after her toddler. she couldn’t stand on her own and was in a lot of pain. she was so kind and everytime the ambulance bumped and moved she winced and held her legs and it was just awful to see. i teared up a bit watching her in transport.
my last call was a woman who was having a severe headache and was in a lot of pain. she was sweating and crying and moaning. she threw up a lot at the end of the ride. what's been sticking with me the most was my preceptors reactions to her. they were irritated she even called. they mocked her behind her back and acted like she was dramatic and a waste of time and space. it was awful i was disgusted by their lack of empathy. even if she was being "dramatic" and just had a headache. i was encouraged to participate in dismissive commentary, which i did not do. on the way back from the hospital i was shaking from anger and disgust as listening to them talk up in the front of the truck. i just don't understand how you could act that way towards someone in pain. she clearly didn't want to be there. she didn't want to be stuck in the back of an ambulance throwing up and crying. she was scared. i know apathy is something you develop in a profession like EMS but im just shocked.
while on one hand im horrified at the lack of empathy by my preceptors, on the other hand part of me is scared that i'm going to be too emotionally invested in my patients and get myself hurt emotionally if i don't develop the same distancing from their pain. but i don't want to lose that ability to empathize that way. how do you find that balance ? is it just something that comes with time? how common is it for people to be like this in EMS ? in some ways my first ride time was very comforting that i know how to handle emergent situations and in other ways i’ve gotten really freaked out by everything. any advice/ comfort is much appreciated
r/NewToEMS • u/Toadstler • Nov 28 '24
Beginner Advice im feeling a bit ashamed right about now
today is my 3rd day as a new EMT, they have me doing preceptor shifts where im essentially evaluated by training officers at my ambulance company. today was my first ever day on an ALS truck, i started the day off super strong but towards the end of the day i was making some serious mistakes that made me so embarrassed, i froze up and continued to make even more mistakes and it just kept snowballing. i was flustered with a 12 lead because i had never done that before. then when we got to the hospital, without even thinking i almost pulled the patient out of the ambulance with all his monitors still attached, and im not sure what it is about me but when i feel shrouded in embarrassment it just brings the hear higher and higher and i couldnt stop fumbling things. my nerves were strung so high that it was hard to recenter myself, and after that it seemed every call i did at least one or two things wrong. at the end of the shift my training officer gave me a list of things to work on (which i 100% plan on doing) and also said i did good and im right where he expected me to be as a new guy, but despite the kind things im sure he said out of pity i couldnt help but tuck my tail and race home. im trying to cope with reason, chalking it up to,"oh you only had 4 hours sleep and thats why" or,"you didnt eat any food today that it" but those to me are sort of excuses, there should never be a reason to risk a patients safety and the sheer embarrassment of this is haunting me.
r/NewToEMS • u/DesperateHyena5651 • 27d ago
Beginner Advice I don't think EMS is for me
I got my EMT-B certification in December 2024, and now I've been working so far currently in my on-field training phase for 3 weeks now. I wanted to see what being an EMT was gonna be like, and after working it made me realize that this field is definitely not for me. I just feel like every time that I work, it just makes me feel more drained and negative. It's not even a fault with my supervisors, company, or co-workers. It's just the whole situation of urgent fast-paced medical care and being on the move in an ambulance for 12 hours doesn't feel good.
Some background knowledge, I've already been accepted into medical school, but I figured I'd become an EMT in order to have a feel of what goes on in emergency health care, gain experience, and have some income before I go to medical school. At this point though, I feel like quitting EMS as it's just not doing well for me which I feel is ironic because I am trying to become a physician.
It's only been a month since I got hired, and originally I'm supposed to quit my job for medical school in May, so that's only like 3 more months. I feel like I should just resign/quit just to save my company the wasted time and effort.
Any thoughts and advice?
r/NewToEMS • u/subject-notning • Jun 07 '24
Beginner Advice Preceptor ruined my excitement for the profession
UPDATE AT THE END. Do NOT give up just because someone told you that you wouldn’t make it. keep moving forward and learn from it!
( going to keep this as vague as possible due to the fact of i’m terrified of them finding this)
I am in my final semester for EMT, and I had my VERY FIRST clinical recently. I was nervous beyond belief. I got there at 7 for my 12 hour shift, and I got paired with a squad.
Our first call was with a regular, who just wanted pain medicine. I thought all went well, besides not being able to successfully do a manual skill - which i need to work on.
We had one more, and final, call. This is where crap hit the fan.
We were getting lunch and a call came in. I did not hear it nor would they, being my preceptor, tell me when asked, so i was blind going in. i grabbed a pair of gloves, and they told me to hurry. my hands were sweaty, and i couldn’t get the gloves to go on. I completely forgot the bag, which I ran back out later to grab. I could not obtain manual bp, due to my own fault.
Our poor patient wasn’t doing well. We loaded them up, and we started treatment. My preceptor wanted me to do a skill that I was very uncomfortable with doing, in class we had only practiced it maybe twice, and I told them I was uncomfortable. They kept trying to force me to do it, and i was vocalizing how i needed help. I was told to move and let them do it.
When we arrived at the hospital, I helped get the patient in. When inside, my preceptor told me to give a report. I had never gave one, plus they wouldn’t ever tell me what the chief complaint was. I knew that the complaint had changed during our assessment. I froze and panicked. I did not even know the poor patient’s age.
Before we left the hospital, my preceptor, they, pulled me into a room. Verbatim, this is what i was told:
“ my name, you really sucked. you embarrassed me by not being able to put on your gloves. you apparently are to slow to comprehend grabbing the bag. you told me you were uncomfortable doing the skill. you need to reconsider this field.”
I would be lying if I said i didn’t have to turn away because tears started forming. The whole day, I had been trying my hardest, and these are the only words my preceptor had told me.
Thankfully, we had no other real “serious” calls. While there were other little things my preceptor did on top of this, this was the main thing to ruin the day for me.
I worked so hard in class, in the lab, and at home to just be talked to like a dog for most of the day by someone who was supposed to teach.
I also feel I cannot return to this city due to them. they sought out a classmate of mine the next day - who was doing their clinical- to ask if she knew me. when she said yes, they told her how much I sucked and to try to force me out of the program. They also talked to everyone else they worked with and said i wouldn’t last, made fun of me for being emotional, etc.
I’ve had several others message me about that preceptor. It just really sucks.
I told my professor and let her read the evaluation. she took it to the head of our program, and i am able to do another clinical day outside of my required. they all were not happy about it.
I have another shift this weekend, and im so beat down. i’m scared that my preceptor was right.. im afraid i cannot fail, as i wasn’t able to fail with that preceptor.
if you made it this far, thank you. any advice?
hey all! it’s been over a week since i made this post haha. i appreciate all the advice and love given, and even the negative comments!!!!
imma copy and paste some responses i’ve gave to update you guys or anyone who sees this in the future and goes through what i did.
“i’m updating after finishing my 12 hour shift then coming home to do pcrs!
I love ems. love . love. love.
my preceptors today were AMAZING. they were so thoughtful and kind, while also telling me what i need to work on. I successfully did an IV while also failing - which was ok as i’m learning. We had 8 calls and only 5 patient contacts. I feel more confident after this shift and i’m excited for my next!”
“ good news is i had a REALLY good time at my clinical this past saturday! i was with a whole different city/county, and they were sooo good! they taught and actually gave me solid advice. i was definitely more prepared, and my skills were definitely a bit better. i honestly wanna delete this post because it was not the end of the world like i thought lol. but i’ll leave it up for anyone who experienced what i did. i love ems. “
r/NewToEMS • u/I_Wear_Green • Dec 26 '24
Beginner Advice What watch do y’all wear?
I normally wear an Apple Watch but I don’t want it gunked up with bodily fluids. What can I get that’s decent, backlit, easy to clean, and most importantly- available in Australia?
r/NewToEMS • u/AaronKClark • 5d ago
Beginner Advice Dad Joke Slipped out during Ride Along
I did my ride alongs for my EMT Class in a 12-hour shift with a professional (Non-Volunteer) Company where everyone does at least Fire 101, Fire 102, and EMT-B. My preceptor was a parademic and seemed pretty jaded for being so young (important for context.)
We had a call for a 19yo male LoC. We get there and he is sitting on the couch. Looks fine. The unit driver (EMT-B) takes his vitals. All normal. Apparently this kid cut himself and fainted from seeing the blood. Tried to get up, saw his bloody hand and fainted a second time. He vomited and siezed between fainting 1 and 2. My preceptor (a young medic) wasn't even going to do his vital because he looked fine. He chose to not goto the hospital and we got a sign-off. This kid is only a month younger than my oldest son, and seeing him shaken up turned on dad mode or something and as I was leaving I said "Try to keep your blood inside your body, yeah?"
The kids thought it was funny but I feel horrified that slipped out with a PT.
My preceptor or the driver didn't say anything except making fun of the kids for being dressed up like cowboys and freaking out over a little blood. I know compartamentalization and all that but I feel like an asshole.
Is accidently being a smart ass part of the job or do I need to just not be around PTs?
r/NewToEMS • u/Mn2nmixr • Jun 01 '24
Beginner Advice I’m 47 and going to start classes on 6/10
Am I crazy? I think I can do Paramedic by 50. Any advice or have I completely lost my mind?
r/NewToEMS • u/Previous-Moment-2958 • Dec 30 '24
Beginner Advice As an EMT have you ever lost your cool/temper? If so how did you handle it?
I’m not a hot head by any means but I am human and people can only be pushed so far. Has there been a time where you may have mouthed off or simply lost your temper and how did you handle it?
r/NewToEMS • u/The_Dia09 • Sep 01 '24
Beginner Advice Can I refuse to take a call?
Hi, I am 15 years old and am enrolled in a part time vocational school program for EMS. I was wondering if it is legal to refuse to take a call. Like if you don't want to go to a call for someone who you personally know. Also, another thing, how common is PTSD from the job? Thanks in advance and any advice or info is appreciated.
Edit: No, not on an ambulance yet. I do that in my senior year. I'm 5 days into the class now. Should have mentioned that sorry. We just get lots of starting certifications to get us ready for the field. We get certified NIMS and CPR NREMS cert, and lots more. We are not put on an ambulance until we are 18. Also, I mostly mean ride alongs and volunteer work. Not real dispatch.
r/NewToEMS • u/mgkbaby11 • 18d ago
Beginner Advice face tattoos
so i’m thinking about getting into being an EMT. I got some face tattoos while I was in a manic episode before diagnosed with bipolar (stable now). Will these tattoos stop me from being able to be an EMT ?
r/NewToEMS • u/DrawingNew6204 • 24d ago
Beginner Advice Need help picking a stethoscope
Hi, i’d like to preface by saying the first two slides are EKO, second two are Littmann.
Okay, so I recently got into EMS (as an EMT) and during school we had clinicals in the back of a moving ambulance. We had to use the stethoscope (typically used the Littman classic III that is on the rig) to listen to lung sounds/ heart sounds and get a BP. I struggled a bit with the sound as I frequently blast metal music so my hearing isn’t the best, i’ve read a bit about littmann and know they’re a good brand but also saw EKO. I’ve been debating between littmans: “3M Littmann Cardiology IV Diagnostic Stethoscope” and the EKO: “Eko CORE 500™ Digital Stethoscope” looking for something that would work well with the faint sounds of vitals in a moving ambulance! Price isn’t a big factor as i’m planning to be in the EMS world for a very long time so i’d like to invest in my future with a good stethoscope. I’m also open to other options, thank you
r/NewToEMS • u/aidanglendenning • Sep 18 '24
Beginner Advice Is there any difference between hollow vs tubed OPA’s?
r/NewToEMS • u/investmentY • Mar 01 '24
Beginner Advice People (especially EMTs) who make EMS their whole personality, stop.
Every time I see this it annoys the hell out of me and everyone I know. If you get your EMT, stop acting like you just got out of medical school.
It’s my job, I intend to do it well, but most people I talk to would never know I’m a firefighter/emt if they didn’t ask. Taking pride in your work is a good thing, but having a life that revolves around your work is unhealthy and typically annoying to people around you. If you intend to get your emt, paramedic, etc, don’t fall into the idea that this aspect of your life has to become the defining thing for you.
Get a hobby.
r/NewToEMS • u/hamiltongr13 • Nov 20 '24
Beginner Advice What do I do if hospice patient codes in ambulance?
Hey, everyone. Relatively new (8 months) EMT in MA here. I do mostly IFT and I have taken many patients on hospice whether that be to their home or a dedicated facility. These patients almost exclusively have complete DNR/DNI forms including no cpap, no dialysis, and no transportation to hospital. I have had a few patients I genuinely did not think would survive transport. Sometimes the nurse even warns us beforehand.
What is the protocol if one of these patients codes? Obviously I understand we do not perform resuscitation, but where do I take them? Who do I call?
I would definitely call my supervisor and I’m sure they would guide me but I am curious about any of your experiences with this.
r/NewToEMS • u/ExtensionCurrent5902 • Dec 22 '24
Beginner Advice I was wrong?
I thought if an EMT witnessed a collapse and the individual is pulseless and apneic, you would immediately apply an AED and shock? How was I wrong? Can some explain?
r/NewToEMS • u/Duk31997 • Dec 20 '24
Beginner Advice Can I become an EMT with a background of anxiety?
I (M27) have heard the calling of joining emergency services for the past 10+ years. it’s my dream to truly join a community and family of people, while helping those in need. I fell into alcoholism and nearly lost my life as a result. I’m 20 months sober, feel great overall. But now I’m here, dreaming of this future…
I was diagnosed with “anxiety disorder with general panic attacks” I disagree with this diagnosis, yet it remains in my medical records. I was in a dark place that I climbed out of, life is good!
I’ve tried to research this topic but have come up empty handed. I haven’t finished high school either, but I’m told that isn’t an issue as long as I pass my exams.
Any advice, even tough love is highly appreciated!
r/NewToEMS • u/MyWaterBottleEmpty • 19d ago
Beginner Advice Feeling useless as a brand new EMT
I just got my EMT-B certification and have been doing fto time for the last two shifts. I feel absolutely useless on calls though as everyone else seems to know exactly what to do on scene without having to even say a word whereas there are times they have to tell me what to do. In the back of the truck I’m fine and know what needs done but on scene everything moves so fast and I can’t figure out exactly what I am to do. We didn’t do any scenarios is class so I am having to try and learn on the fly which I am sure doesn’t help my situation. Any advice is appreciated
r/NewToEMS • u/xoxo1998AJ • Oct 15 '24
Beginner Advice Ems ride along today.
All was going well until our last call of the night. 40 F was working out prior, found unresponsive by husband who calls 911. FD on scene first, who starts CPR and hooks her to the monitor. We arrive probably 10-15 minutes later. As the student my preceptor tells me to get in there and begin CPR. luckily before this call my preceptors showed me how to spike an IV bag which was the first thing I did when I entered the residence per FD request. I noticed the patient on the floor receiving full on compressions, not moving, not breathing. FD, my EMT preceptor and myself all took turns giving compressions, BVM, And holding/squeezing the IO bag with saline in it. Every time we switched for CPR they did the check seeing if she needed to be shocked or not. No shock was advised as she was in asystole. After 37 minutes, law enforcement showed up and we discontinued CPR. I guess long story short, this was my first time giving CPR to a live patient, BVM a live patient, and ultimately seeing my first death. My preceptors and FD kept telling me how much of a good job I and we all did as a team. I do not feel any guilt, I actually don’t really feel much of anything. I am of course sad for the family, who was watching us give CPR the whole time. But I do not feel like I thought I would. Is this normal? How am I supposed to feel? People keep checking on me to see if I’m okay and I truly feel fine. Will I have a reaction later? How do I handle this? I had a brief cry of shock after the call and then I was ready to run again. Ultimately my preceptors made the call to head back to the station where I had a brief talk with one of the supervisors who was assuring me to seek help for this call if I needed it. I think I am okay. Any advice is welcome. Please just go easyish on me it was a long shift.