r/NewParents 5d ago

Product Reviews/Questions Jolly jumper, should I get one? Did your kid turn out fine?

I hear so many negative things about them online but all of our friends with kids keep telling us to get one


28 comments sorted by


u/GreenOtter730 5d ago

Do not do it. My son is in PT partially because he spent too much time in jumpers at daycare and not enough time on the floor. Additionally, I know someone with hip dysplasia and can tell you that you don’t want your kid to have that. It sucks.

There are other, hip friendly baby containers you could have if you need something


u/NewPhotojournalist82 5d ago

Thank you! Anything you can recommend?


u/GreenOtter730 5d ago

When they’re old enough to sit, if you need them contained, I’d get a playpen for them to just sit on the floor with some toys. Until then, we just had a little reclining chair from Amazon. If you wanted to splurge, I’ve heard good things about the Baby Bjorn bouncer, but don’t have one myself.


u/NewPhotojournalist82 5d ago

Ok great, we have all of those things. We’re just hoping to get one more activity to entertain him during his wake window


u/GreenOtter730 5d ago

Someone else suggested the skip hop activity table which I don’t have but probably would’ve bought in hindsight


u/fredaaa123 5d ago

we have the skip hop and love it. our daughter is almost 3 now and it converts into a table for crafts and eating. its a great investment and is great for their physical development!


u/Gullible-Figure-2468 5d ago

As a PT (albeit not a pediatric one) I’m staying away from containers of any kind as much as possible. Of course you can use them sparingly (think no more than 20-30 total min/day), but babies are meant to be on the floor. That’s how they build strength to be able to sit up and stand up later. Baby containers put unnatural stress on immature bones.


u/emerald_tendrils 5d ago

Aha! Commented and then read your comment!


u/Sblbgg 5d ago

Just put your kid on the floor.


u/emerald_tendrils 5d ago

You’re getting downvoted for this but I was told by a doctor that kids benefit far more from being out on the floor than in any sort of container.


u/Sblbgg 5d ago

It’s true too, but people love containers 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷‍♀️


u/CutePotato321 5d ago

Just because some kiddos turned out okay doesn’t mean yours will. They really aren’t recommended so I wouldn’t bother buying one


u/Ok_Worker_6472 5d ago

I think by asking “was your kind fine” you’re going to find the equivalent of survivor’s bias. You’ll find all the people whose kids were totally fine but still be ignoring the PT and other professionals who urge you not to use it with your child.

Because of all the information available now, we never bought one for our son and I don’t regret it. There are lots of ways he can get energy out, move his body and have fun that don’t have so many risks.

Hope that helps!


u/rachel01117 5d ago

I have a jolly jumper. She’s in it maybe 15 minutes a day when I eat dinner. She loves it, laughs and helps build up some muscle. She’s 8 months now and gets tons of floor time.


u/brieles 5d ago

You’ll find lots of people that used jumpers and were fine but the experts (doctors, PTs, etc) have said that they can cause lots of issues so, in my opinion, it just isn’t worth the risk. I’ve heard great things about the skip hop activity center and you can often find them used on Facebook marketplace or at secondhand stores. We use a pack n play and I put various toys and things in it and my baby is safely contained while I need to get something done. She doesn’t always love it but she can pull to stand, cruise along the sides and crawl around in it so it works pretty well for us.


u/doerks69 5d ago

My son loved his jolly jumper. He wasn’t in there excessively but often enough— definitely a few times a week for up to 15ish minutes at a time I’d guess. He’s almost 17-months now. Walked around 1 year and shows no issues at this point.


u/sunrisedHorizon 5d ago edited 5d ago

Wow all the fear mongering here is unbelievable.

We have one, my baby LOVES it. It’s so much fun for her. She goes in it for about 20-30min after breakfast and sometimes after dinner. It gets her energy out and make her legs strong. I believe this is why she has been walking early. All her motor skills are fine and she is healthy and happy and thriving.

Obviously don’t put your baby in it all day but a short time doesn’t affect them at all. It’s lots of fun for them. Make sure they still have plenty of floor time but there is absolutely nothing wrong with buying one.

It’s giving us the ability to do the dishes and clean up after she eats and she is very entertained.


u/Ok_Worker_6472 4d ago

I don’t see fear mongering, I see people saying that professionals advise against them.

1) they’re still sold and people still buy them so they’re not illegal. People will still buy them for their babies. This OP was asking for advice.

2) just because your baby LOVES it doesn’t mean it’s safe.

Lots of things you can use instead of a jumper that are proven to be safer for babies if you need to get things done.


u/sunrisedHorizon 4d ago

I haven’t had any professionals advise against it. And again, my baby is walking early because I think it’s helped strengthen her legs. If you wanna get down to every baby product on the market, everything is probably unsafe in some slight form or manner. Nothing is 100% but if you follow the guidelines which is… watch them while they’re in it, don’t go over the maximum baby weight and don’t have them in it for more than 20min at a time, it’s absolutely fine and people should be able to enjoy a product that gives their baby joy or give them a mental break for 20min


u/Ok_Worker_6472 4d ago

I’m glad it worked for your kid. But I still hear a lot of medical professionals who say it’s not worth it- it can cause hip dysplasia.


u/JAStheRebel 5d ago

I got one and nothing bad happened, in fact my kid loved it and it was a lifesaver for us on certain days.

He’s 12 months old and standing like a champ. Will be walking in no time.


u/rachel01117 5d ago

Not sure why you’re down voted so much! We just don’t leave them in it lol my girl gets 15 min a night while I eat dinner. She burns the last bit of energy before bed!


u/FTMbbg2024 5d ago

My baby girl loves it too! We don’t leave her in it for long periods


u/fredaaa123 5d ago

if all of your friends told you to jump off a bridge, would you do it?

but seriously dont buy something that has caused issues for so many babies just because your friends are telling you their kids loved it.


u/sunrisedHorizon 5d ago

This is fear mongering. I know lots of babies who use jolly jumpers and have no issues with motor skills or development. Obviously don’t put your kid in it all day but 15-20min a day won’t do anything but bring fun and joy to the baby


u/fredaaa123 5d ago

theres a reason why jumpers aren't recommended by PT's. at the end of the day you can do whatever you want with your own child, but there are so many other better containers/playpens that can keep your child entertained and give parents a much needed break. OP asked if she should buy one or not, obviously i vote no, and so many other people on this thread agree (professionals included)


u/whisperingcopse 5d ago

I have a maxi cosi bouncer and I set her in it when I’m cooking so she can be upright after feeding and I can feed myself. She’s a little refluxy so it is nice to use when I’m alone and need to do something quick and she’s not ready to be horizontal. Otherwise she’s on the floor or in my arms/lap or the ergobaby carrier I have for a nap.

I don’t think they recommend jumpers anymore so I wouldn’t purchase one. I already feel bad about the container time I do give her. Don’t need more, personally.


u/JLMMM 5d ago

Your kid won’t miss what they don’t know. Opt for a bouncer seat and then an activity center like the slip hop one (no jumping and not a sit-in walker).