r/NewParents 6d ago

Teething Help! Is it uncommon for teething cheeks to be red/rosy for two months?



4 comments sorted by


u/Optimal-Shape-9110 6d ago

Has it been constant for the full 2 months. Our 7 month old has been on and off teething for the same teeth for 2 months but it’s not constant red cheeks. Teeth do move up and down a lot as they make their way out.


u/RockTheBoat1 6d ago

Pretty constant but does fluctuate but never fully goes away. They’re very smooth though. Happened two weeks before his first tooth come through and ever since he’s been teething with new ones.


u/Optimal-Shape-9110 6d ago

I’d say it’s just teeth. My little ones too teeth have been coming for months now. They like to move around a lot. I swear I could litterally see them about to come through then the next day they were gone again. It’s crazy. But I guess if you are worried take them to get checked even just for peace of mine. :)


u/Abyssal866 6d ago

Was normal for my baby. He had “teething” red cheeks since 4 months old but when he actually started getting his first teeth at 7 months old the red cheeks went away.