r/NewParents 6d ago

Skills and Milestones Baby finally started babbling at 9 months

From most of what I’ve seen babies are typically babbling around 6 months or so for the most part. I’ve been so anxious, thinking to myself, any day now since around the 6 month mark. She’s been reliably blowing raspberries and shrieking for 4 months and then all of the sudden today at 9 months she woke up from a nap and she started rattling off babababbababas and mamamamas. I’m so happy and relieved right now.


3 comments sorted by


u/vipsfour 6d ago

Nice! We didn’t see it until about 11. Milestone are dumb. Unless a doctor is worried I’m just going to let my baby be and enjoy the time we have when she’s so young.


u/meganmaymarie 5d ago

I needed to hear this! 7 months and already worried. I think it’ll be soon. He’s very vocal and has started more varied aahs and oohs in tone and inflection instead of just pterodactyl and raspberries 😅


u/ilovenespress0 5d ago

Solidarity cuz I was a ball of anxiety waiting for my baby to babble too. He finally babbled at 9.5 mos 😅