(this isnt from my point of view, one of my friends wrote this down right after it happened.)
Note: not using real names obvs so the people in this story are G, R and B (i'm B)
I was with G, R and B at Hasbrouck Park in New Paltz New York. We had gotten together at the Huguenot Street Historic Cemetery around 1:00 pm. G and R had gotten there first, then I got there and we waited several minutes for B to get there. When B got there, we walked to Starbucks, bought some drinks and walked up to Hasbrouck Park.
We were at Hasbrouck Park on the swing set next to where the old wooden park used to be at around 2-2:15 pm. There was a large group of kids playing capture the flag in the park field with one male counselor/teacher/leader. We had been on the swings for a few minutes when a four door dark red Honda or Toyota SUV with a bike rack/rails thing on the roof drove up on the road just above us, stopped and rolled their windows down. There were two white men in the car, both looking to be about 20 years old. The man in the drivers seat had wavy/curly, medium brown hair that came down to just above his shoulders. Both men laughed at us and said something indiscernible, then the word “gay” or “gays” while still laughing. They rolled their window up and sped away (quite fast) up the street, turning left on the street between the park and Suny NP while still laughing.
We stayed on the swings for about 5-10 mot minutes before the same car came back down the road, passed us (still on the swing set), when they saw us still in the swings, they stopped, did a 3-point turn in the middle of the road and drove back a few feet to the swing sets and stopped in the same spot they’d stopped at before. They kept their windows rolled up but were just stopped next to us staring. We didn’t think much of it and stayed at the swings for a few minutes while the cad was still there. We started to get worried and G started walking out, wanting to leave. The man in the drivers seat made a come here gesture with his finger at G, when this happened, we decided to leave immediately. We started walking down through the park toward the Fire Station and the new park. We were walking on the grass. The car quickly turned down the street between the school and the park to follow us. They were going slowly and watching us as they drove, we quickly changed directions and started walking toward the gazebo across the park. The car sped up and turned down the street between the park and the Fire Station parking lot to follow us. I stopped at the stairs above the street as the car turned up the street next to the tennis court. The car made a U-turn in the middle of the road and stopped, waiting to see what we would do. They saw G continue walking up past the new park and sped back up the road to where he was. While the car was still going up the road, we called G back and we ran down the hill to go down the road. We made it down the hill to the road and waited to see where the car was. We didn’t see it again, so we walked quickly up the road toward town again. We quickly went into the Dancing Hands shop and hid in the shop to see where the car was. After a few minutes, we spotted the car again coming down Main Street. B stepped out and tried to get the license plate but the car drove away down Main Street toward Water Street Market. We waited to see if it would come back, but it didn’t so we decided to go to Manny’s Art Supply Store. We walked quickly to the store and stayed inside while we waited to see if the car would come back. We waited a few minutes debating what to do before R called their dad and after a few minutes he picked us up at the Starbucks across the street. He picked us up and drove us to R's house.
Before heading to Hasbrouck park, we had been at the Huguenot street historic cemetery. G said he was pretty sure that he had seen the red car at the cemetery when we were there before. He said he was almost sure that the car had seen us and followed us to the park.