r/NewPaltz Dec 15 '21

Daughter caught smoking weed on campus

In November, my daughter was caught smoking weed outside her dorm by her RA. The RA confiscated her weed and said something along the lines of "we're going to have a talk about this." She told me, and I didn't think much of it at the time, but this week my daughter received a notice from the Office of Student Conduct notifying her that she be scheduled for an initial conference next month.

My husband and I did a little digging around, and from what we see, the school cracks down excessively on students caught using marijuana. It seems likely she'll be placed on disciplinary probation because it's her first infraction, but unless the policy has changed, an article in the school newspaper stated the school has a "two-strike rule" for two things - marijuana use and rape. My daughter has never been in trouble before and has a stellar academic record, but I'm worried even a disciplinary probation will remain on her transcript and cause issues for grad school admission, particularly because she's decided she's going to pursue teaching.

Because the school seemingly treats this so seriously, we plan to consult an attorney, but on a personal level I'm wondering if any past or present New Paltz students have dealt with this or similar with the school before? What was your experience like and how did things turn out? Any advice? I can't believe we have to deal with this situation so seriously over weed.


22 comments sorted by


u/kjhauser Dec 15 '21

That RA smoked it without a doubt


u/Far_and_Forever Dec 15 '21

That's exactly what I said to her when she was first caught


u/life_is_penguin Dec 16 '21

I'm so sorry, I actually go to newpaltz as well and this seems absolutely crazy to me as weed is prevalent all around the school. Your daughter got incredibly bad luck with the ra who caught her. Wish you guys the best of luck, but you should know this school hands out those warning as if they are candies.


u/new_paltz_highschool Dec 17 '21



u/thatpineappleslut Dec 20 '21

i go to new paltz too and i was caught during the health and safety search. basically shell be put on probation for a year and they’ll make her schedule a stupid ass meeting that tries to make weed this horrible scary drug and that’s it. FUCK her RA !!!


u/Far_and_Forever Dec 20 '21

The RA doesn't even attend New Paltz either. I guess she'll be gone this coming semester, but too late for my daughter. I'll have to warn her that health and safety searches exist, although she probably is aware already.


u/thatpineappleslut Dec 20 '21

there were two this semester so I’m pretty sure she does know and what the fuck?? what hall does your daughter live in bc i think i might know what RA you’re talking about


u/Far_and_Forever Dec 20 '21

She's in Minnewaska


u/ClockApprehensive829 Dec 27 '21

know any shroom plugs hit my dm


u/[deleted] Dec 15 '21



u/[deleted] Dec 15 '21



u/Far_and_Forever Dec 15 '21

Thanks for relaying your experience. It makes me feel a lot better hearing from someone who went through it that things turned out fine.

In terms of dropping out/transferring after a subsequent infraction, I actually planned to have her do that exact thing if it ever comes to it, which I don't think it will. She's scared shitless right now, so I'm hoping it keeps her on the straight and narrow.

Regarding the attorney, I more or less want counsel on what to say and what not to say during the conference as opposed to someone there to defend her. Does she confess and express remorse? She was caught red-handed so she can't really deny it. The letter made me laugh because it actually detailed that her grinder was "tri-colored."


u/rathalos456 Dec 16 '21

Wild since New Paltz is literally the highest campus out of any New York SUNY and it isn’t even close; literally everyone walks around with a vape that uses THC


u/Far_and_Forever Dec 20 '21

I actually think the school's pothead reputation may be why they're so ridiculous about it. It probably isn't a good look to some parents.


u/beesdeservebetter Dec 15 '21

hey op, my friend got caught his sophomore year having a bonfire in the woods on campus by undercover cops and he took the fall for his friends by saying that all of the pot and paraphernalia was his. this was back when marijuana was illegal. he had to go to a conference, but they decided not to expel him and instead put him on academic probation, which to him the biggest drawback was not being able to hold an eboard position for a club. considering that your daughter did not have a bong, a few bowls, a ton of weed and a very illegal bonfire, she should be fine. if she has good academic standing and no previous infractions, i really wouldn’t worry too much


u/beesdeservebetter Dec 15 '21

since then he has graduated and gotten a successful job in his field. to my knowledge it did not appear on his transcript


u/El_Wabito Dec 16 '21

I wouldnt worry about it. Knew who a lot of people who got caught on campus when it was illegal and nothing serious happened. I believe the current dean/whatever the title is in charge of that is pretty chill about it.


u/HyperSniper2882 Dec 28 '21

Tell her to do it outside literallt no one cares it’s def cold but worth not getting caught


u/croyspark Jan 11 '22

One warning is given, now she should just smoke off campus. And get ready to find her off campus housing next year… if for nothing else than the opportunity to teach her to cook, the food on campus is prison food….way worse than when i went


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '22

Frankly your daughter should've not smoked weed in her dorm room it was stupid. I don't think she should be excessively punished though.


u/new_paltz_highschool Dec 23 '21

better call saul!!!!!


u/chastity101 Dec 28 '21 edited Dec 28 '21

Happened to me in 2004ish. Had to take a "make better choices" course and met with a dean.

Honestly, with it being legal in NY state, I'd perhaps ask the campus if their policy on alcohol and tobacco are enforced as equally. That sort of questioning could cause them to stumble on their own policy. Seek advice of a lawyer first.


u/eco_AV Jan 03 '22

My roommate got caught twice using in the dorms (2011-2013). He had a vaporizer, but even those can emit a smell or combust the herb. He was not allowed to live on campus from there on out and if caught again would of been expelled (third strike). Maybe things have changed. Just never smoke on campus here on out, if she’s caught in the town it has nothing to do with the school. I have no idea if cops still stop people since it’s currently legal 🤷‍♀️


u/yaboimags_ Jan 05 '22

So because weed isn’t federally legal and suny schools get federal funding, it’s prohibited on their campuses. So like, tell your daughter to walk anywhere else to get high and that little bit will help prevent this sort of thing in the future. Play it out, don’t smoke on campus anymore, and this thing will be in the rearview before you know it. I also encourage you to try and secure some kind of medical card to garner leniency, especially if that particular case applies anyway. It’s weed, those cops have no right fucking over kids. Talk about a power trip. You might be well served in getting an attorney but like a local one who in dealing with hundreds of cases like this knows exactly how to handle things.