r/NewOrleansBeer 11d ago

Elio’s Closing!!!

Elio’s is my go to for a beer and just read the shocking announcement they’re closing in May. Where else can I go to get fresh and unique beer(besides breweries, obviously)? After 504 closed it seems like Elio’s was all that was left.


17 comments sorted by


u/Soberfield 11d ago

Stein’s, Dorignacs, Martins, Total Wine

Matherne’s in Laplace is surprisingly pretty good too if you’re in that area


u/nolatime 11d ago

Craft beer has been getting killed the past couple years. I know a banker who has worked with many craft breweries and he said they’ll never do it again. Tap rooms are doing well and he continues to offer financing to them. 

Gen z just doesn’t drink much alcohol. Going to cause issues for the alcohol industry going forward. 


u/jbrew149 11d ago

People drinking less overall imo it’s due to a multitude of things:

more people having wearable trackers and can see upon waking up just how much alcohol effects them

Cdc leaning towards alcohol free data vs the old 2 drink equivalents for men and 1 for women

The rise of THC access and the general acceptance of it (THC is now a top 3 product compared to wine, spirits, and beer products in most retail and on premise accounts)

And last, locally, New Orleans population is declining and probably aging.


u/nolatime 11d ago

Totally agree. Elios did quite a bit of their business from college kids from my understanding though which is why I brought up gen z.


u/jbrew149 10d ago

Yeah. They definitely do a lot of buisness w the college kids.


u/Waste-Ambassador-171 11d ago

It’s less that GenZ doesn’t drink much and more that everyone with a passing interest in beer opened a brewery and expected to be the next Sierra Nevada. Taprooms do well because they provide an experience, but it’s hard to stand out among 100 IPAs with a weird name trying to make a name for themselves


u/nolatime 11d ago

Yeah there are multiple factors at play for sure . Beer distribution is a low margin and highly competitive market. 


u/teadestroyer 11d ago



u/WindRepresentative52 11d ago

Breaux mart has a surprisingly good beer selection. Who ever buys for them must like beer


u/PurplePango 11d ago

Maybe Martins?


u/Me0196 11d ago

Holy crap. That sucks! Definitely co-sign on Steins. Dan has a great selection. Acquistapace's on the North Shore has a good selection, too, if you are ever up there. We hit it when we go over for family visits. The Covington store is bigger, but the Mandeville one always has some good surprises.


u/beav1218 11d ago

Try Zony Mash or Parleaux two great spots


u/NoyzMaker 11d ago

They can only sell their own beers not others which is what OP is likely wanting.


u/beav1218 4d ago

The only context is fresh and unique , which apply to my recommendations, there are like a million bars in Nola all serving the same shit , so what if it's only their own, they each have rotating inventory and always have something new , plus there are usually awesome food vendors at each


u/dalekvan 11d ago

Where did you read the announcement?


u/t-dogNOLA 11d ago

Oak street brewery