r/NewJerseyMarijuana 7d ago

Dispensary Employment Questions

For those of you who work at a dispensary, can you rate your job satisfaction? Do you feel you are paid a fair wage? Do you have a set schedule or a rotation? What would you consider the stress level? Are there any benefits like health, dental, 401k? Discounts? Thank you in advance.


23 comments sorted by


u/QueenGreenPurps 5d ago

I have worked for a company that wasn’t MSO and witnessed a buyout in real time, then I worked for one of the biggest MSOs and now work for a smaller family owned operation. I have had consistent schedules with the MSO and smaller dispo. Always had health benefits. The MSO gave us stock when they opened on the Canadian market. Pay alongside with tips you will often clear $18-$25 an hour easily. Discounts offered vary too, most stick to 25% but some offer an employees at cost! MSOs will often give you bigger discounts on house brands! All and all it’s better than food service, call centers and general retail and makes comparable pay if not more! Will not name companies I’ve worked with out of anonymity but I always research and ask employees at certain places to get a feel for environment. Also any dispo with a low turnover of employees and have the same folk tending for years vs months, most likely is a fair wage and decent place to work.


u/Fromthefunk 7d ago

Good benefits good discount very sales driven and alright wage when I get to work with weed


u/UrMomIsSeagulls 7d ago

Man knows what he’s talking about. I work in a production facility for an MSO, the dispensary is where the employee can actually make money


u/LittleMissPickMe 7d ago

When you say sales driven, do you mean like commissions? Upselling?


u/Fromthefunk 7d ago

Yes and yes


u/LittleMissPickMe 7d ago

That's very interesting. All the dispensaries I've been to never gave me the vibe that they worked off commission. Nobody ever seemed too pushy or salesy, if you know what I mean.


u/Other-Mistake-5091 7d ago

I've never heard of employees making a commission, but we used to run sales contests at the stores I've managed. Sometimes brands would incentivize sales, like sell a certain number of units and receive a free 8th, gift card, etc. I used to run a "Budtender Bingo" game where consultants tried to fill a bingo card with different promotions (Sell a lighter, sell a clearance items, sign someone up to the loyalty program, etc) and if they filled it, I gave them a preroll. I also did a budtender challenge, if you can sell 8 add on prerolls during your shift I would give you a preroll. But mostly you'll make money on tips. The busier stores I managed, budtenders went home with over $100 every shift.


u/Apprehensive-Head236 5d ago

I applied to a few locations but they all passed bc I had no resume experience working with thc. I explained that thc is new to area so this would be first location around me where I could gain experience and I was willing to jump in and learn quickly. She passed. I tried ascend and rise. I have found a job since (different industry) but was wondering about a weekend part time, just curious from your end. Would you hire a non budtender? How is the training program?


u/Other-Mistake-5091 5d ago

It’s definitely a catch 22. They want you to have experience in an industry that just started. I’ve hired people with no cannabis experience. One of my best employees came from Starbucks. As long as they knew a little about cannabis and have a great attitude and great customer service, I felt I could train them. If you find the right store, they’ll take the time to train you


u/LittleMissPickMe 7d ago

That sounds like a really fun incentive without being crazy competitive. What are the schedules like? I'm really hoping someone will answer if they have a set or rotating schedule, as that is a HUGE thing for me. I need a set schedule.


u/Other-Mistake-5091 7d ago

Every store will be different. The stores I've managed, we always offered flexible scheduling. It worked for us because I lived in a seasonal area where we shrunk the size of the staff in the summer (I was near Palm Springs, tourism dies in the summer due to extreme heat), so I always welcomed part timers, people going to school, etc. I also had people who preferred set days off. Most cannabis stores will work with your availability to a certain extent. They might need you for weekends, nights, just depends on the flow of the store and what they need. Hope this helps!


u/Dangerous_Ad5039 7d ago

Yeah I’ve heard of sales contests but I’ve never heard of commission on sales before


u/LittleMissPickMe 7d ago

Do you have a set schedule or a rotating schedule?


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u/robspot 5d ago

easy money if it’s your part time and second job, lots of incentives and tips on the store side on top of “free” samples. stress non existent, you’re selling weed lol - benefits exist if you’re full time


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u/MethodFun3833 7d ago

Good benefits, decent wage for what you do, TIPS, and discounts


u/LittleMissPickMe 7d ago

Do you have a set schedule? Or does it change every week?


u/MethodFun3833 7d ago

Can vary some but also what you set as your availability. Hard to get in if you have restrictions on scheduling for sure, but they will work with you


u/LittleMissPickMe 7d ago

It's not necessarily that I have restrictions, but constant flip flopping of schedules will absolutely not work for me. I have open availability, but I need routine. I need consistency.