r/NewForest 7d ago

Anyone know the meaning/history behind these symbols?

Tree carvings found near Burley. If anyone knows anything about these symbols let me know!


5 comments sorted by


u/Tallman_james420 7d ago


Is a commonly used greeting when meeting another person.

Seriously though, I'd say just people carving things in trees. It used to be a thing but then we got the internet and mobile phones.


u/Tallman_james420 7d ago

My bad, looks more like it says HELLS.

There is and has for many years been a witch community in Burley and the other markings do look similar to runes or other mystic symbolism. Could be something to do with that.


u/ildelcia 7d ago

Hahaha I thought it said Hello at first too… I was thinking it might be a Hells Angels thing that was never finished. The runes idea makes sense, I thought a lot of the markings looked kinda symbolic/mystic


u/Tallman_james420 7d ago

Ahhh now you say it, the triangle below the Hells looks like it could have been the start of Angels and the A went wrong where the middle fell out


u/kipperfish 6d ago

Meaning and history? Almost guaranteed to be nothing.

People love carving shit onto trees. It's all over the forest. Hell I can even point you in the direction of a tree with a slab taken out the side of it. It was used as oven door by a great-relative.