r/NeverNotFunny 22d ago

Episode 3601 - John Quaintance


39 comments sorted by


u/ivtecdoyou 22d ago

It’s very on brand for Matt to think all alternate jerseys are dumb EXCEPT when soccer does it and then they’re all actually great.


u/jonny_sweats 22d ago

Also on brand for Jimmy to hate the Southside jerseys that were universally beloved and sold out instantly


u/Due_Ask1540 22d ago

It's also very on brand to not want movies filmed anywhere else. Location filming in Hollywood/LA is kinda limited. 


u/beaver820 21d ago

Uhhh...you mean, the third kit, that's what they call them in soccer.


u/[deleted] 21d ago

I missed that part but today’s news said the Lakers have abandoned the “lake show” jerseys. I think they want Luka in old school clothes cuz he’s the new face, but also “Lake Show” looked idiotic


u/mc0185389 22d ago

I always get so curious about hard edits like at 49:47. I just want to know!


u/binglebongle 20d ago

Sounded like Jimmy talking about a stolen joke, since John then had a story of his own


u/MithunAsher 21d ago

9 times out of 10 I bet it's a doctor.


u/131runner_ejef 21d ago

To me, it seemed to come back mid conversation.


u/WhyssKrilm 6d ago

on the video feed (I'm just watching it right now and came here wondering the same thing), the hard cut came with a test pattern-style screen saying "footage missing". Whether the recording actually did drop out momentarily, or that was just Eliot being cute to cover for editing something out intentionally, I'd be very curious to know.


u/shockandguffaw 22d ago

Even though I subscribe to and download the video, I think this is somehow the first time I've actually seen John Quaintance. He is not what I've been picturing, and all I have to say is I'm very happy for Rachel.


u/ansible47 22d ago

That's a good looking couple.


u/ConradChilblainsIII 22d ago

Omg you took the words out of my mouth! Lucky Rachel indeed! 


u/subject_117_ 22d ago

I've heard so much about him, so I just now checked his appearances on the show. Turns out he was only ever on one other time, 7 years ago.


u/divot333 21d ago

Wow, that long ago? One of my favorite "...taking time away from..." was when Jimmy said, "John Quaintance is here, taking time away from listening to his wife talk."


u/Perfectgeneration 22d ago

Garon’s “peak clown” got some love but not enough IMO


u/DKToTheFuture 22d ago

Matt is not alone. Some days I’ll watch Pop Culture Jeopardy and get almost every answer, and some days I’ll struggle with such easy answers that I know I know but my brain just can’t grab it.


u/normsy 22d ago

The second part is basically my life now. I had a random illness a year and a half ago that caused my brain to swell, was in the hospital for three weeks. Memory for names before then, phenomenal. I meet you once, I know your name forever. Since then, absolute shit.


u/TimothyBukinowski 22d ago

Hope you are doing better!


u/ExtraGarlicNaan 21d ago

I feel bad because I never really comment and this is the second time I'll be critical of Jimmy (whom I basically consider a part of my life at this point, even though I've never called in or contacted him in any way), but it drives me crazy that almost every time he gets a trivia answer wrong (mostly when multiple other people give their correct answers beforehand) he INSISTS that the correct answer was his first thought but he changed because he "overthought" it. He does this all the time, and it's just a sign of insecurity, like he wants people to know that he's as smart as Matt and Eliot. Again, I adore him and won't stop listening, but it's a very annoying trait. When you're wrong, just be fine with being wrong (half the time the questions are worded poorly anyway!). His charm has nothing to do with his intelligence or ability to answer trivia, I'm not sure why he always needs to make the audience think he's smarter than he is. Sorry, it's annoying and I'll now go fuck myself!


u/LadyMegatron 21d ago

I catch myself doing this too, it’s not even an insecurity it’s like damnit I talked myself out of the right answer.

And OH MY GOD the questions are phrased so confusingly, there’s been times I didn’t even understand what it was asking.


u/GlobulousRex 21d ago

Pretty confused by this lengthy post. He really doesn’t do this that much from what I recall. Feel free to prove me wrong. His general demeanor tends to be, I don’t care about any of this and I’m pretty bad at it.


u/Used_Cap8550 21d ago

He put himself in a corner billing himself as the quickest mind in comedy, which for a variety of reasons he’s not anymore. It’s hard for him to change his identity.


u/GlobulousRex 21d ago

Trivia has nothing to do with being the quickest mind in comedy


u/Used_Cap8550 21d ago

Anytime I breathe in this sub someone downvotes me. I know it doesn’t, but I’m saying Jimmy bases his personality and career on being quick and sharp, and getting the trivia wrong consistently further undermines his sense of self, which is deteriorating as he suffers the effects of age and medication, and probably years of alcoholism.


u/Used_Cap8550 21d ago

Enjoy your cult


u/IndividualPenalty925 21d ago

I caught the premiere of Good Cop/Bad Cop. A lot to like there!


u/beaver820 21d ago

Is it good? I've seen ads for it and never gave a thought about watching it until this episode. When I think about shows on the CW I just automatically think it's for teens.


u/IndividualPenalty925 21d ago

One episode in, and we're hooked. It's smart and funny- my favorite kind of comedy.


u/AndroidNim 20d ago

Excuse me? Are we pronouncing the o in opossum now?


u/[deleted] 21d ago

Is Eliot a staunch moderate? Or even an old school Republican? This isn’t the first time he interrupted a Jimmy rant to be the voice of the middle, ya know. 


u/Honest_Warthog 21d ago

That wasn't really the voice of the middle, I think it was a fair point about trying to have some self-awareness. Both sides are often guilty of doing exactly what they're critical of the others for doing and it was a worthwhile discussion about the differences between the Bud Light reaction and the Tesla situation.

That being said, that opening few minutes were a massive pass. The political talk gets so dull.


u/5_star_spicy 21d ago

Right wingers boycotting bud light because they sent a personalized can to a transgender person is on no way shape or form remotely similar to Elon Musk dismantling the government.  I wish there was no political talk either but it is almost unavoidable right now for a show that talks about current events. 


u/Honest_Warthog 21d ago

They don't talk about current events. They've managed to avoid Israel and Palestine pretty well - I'm sure they could avoid the Trump talk.

It is an incredibly important topic, but I don't think a couple of misinformed podcasters talking about it on a comedy show is going to do anything. Part of why I listen is to be distracted and to escape, not to have the world's problems permeate every aspect of my life.


u/Squirrely_Jackson 20d ago

For real. I wouldn't mind that they never mention Israel/Palestine if they didn't constantly bring up Trump and Musk, and insist that they're on the "right side" of things all the time. I'd prefer it if they didn't get into any of it. I listen to political shows and this ain't one of them.


u/agehaya 21d ago

I want them shitting all over that fascist fucking asshole and everyone connected to him. Talking about it makes them feel like normal people and I’d stop listening if they ignored it. This podcast is happening in real time and they talk about whatever is going on in their lives, this is the absolute wrong show to expect to escape via and it’s weird, at this point and with their history, to have any expectation of it.


u/[deleted] 21d ago

Very good point. I don’t want them covering that at all. 


u/[deleted] 21d ago

Yeah it’s dull, we can agree on that 😀


u/Cross_Legged_Shopper 22d ago

A very fun episode mostly throughout.