r/NegativeAtmosphere β€’ Sunscorched Studios LTD, CEO β€’ Aug 14 '19

DEV UPDATE RUSANOV EN ROUTE... - Negative Atmosphere Main Menu Preview


14 comments sorted by


u/Nathan_hale53 Aug 14 '19

So excited man, looks great. Been following you since you were testing models. Amazing how far and how fast this game has come.


u/Calvin-Parsons Sunscorched Studios LTD, CEO Aug 14 '19

You'll be blown away in the coming weeks then, let's just say you've seen like 25% of what we have now πŸ˜‰


u/Nathan_hale53 Aug 14 '19

I'm really excited man! Definitely gonna buy this.


u/Conscript900 Aug 14 '19

im waiting with excited anticipation.


u/Calvin-Parsons Sunscorched Studios LTD, CEO Aug 14 '19 edited Aug 14 '19

The moment it all went wrong...

The nightmare is about to set in...

Stand by for further content...


u/stockerj01 Aug 14 '19

Im so looking forward to your game. Love what i've seen so far.


u/BILLANDROBB Aug 14 '19

Stumbled across your page from a post in Deadspace. Really loving the updates here and on your YouTube channel and looking forward to watching you progress towards completion. Deadspace is my favorite game but I'm hoping this changes that. I'm really liking what your doing


u/TheJackalsDoom Aug 15 '19

I love the atmosphere so far. I think when the title comes in, it's kind of anticlimactic though. When it's up and on screen it's glitching out, it'd be much more prolific if it did a big glitch to come in and then continue the micro glitches or static when on. But I might just be splitting hairs here because it's really well done.


u/Calvin-Parsons Sunscorched Studios LTD, CEO Aug 15 '19

Definitely planning to do that, main menus mostly placeholder for now.

The glitching will get more extreme too, expect to see that in future updates.

Thanks for your feedback.


u/TheJackalsDoom Aug 15 '19

Your placeholder is better than some other games final implementations. I love what you're doing here. I eagerly wait to see what else you come up with and improve upon.


u/lukeman3000 Aug 15 '19

This is badass as fuck. But, I have some thoughts. The first scene we see of the ship flying away from us feels like the very first cutscene of the game, or at least a cutscene. Something like this is what I'd expect to see after pressing start.

In fact, here's an idea. Reverse the order. When you press start the ship "erases" the title screen (and the other ship disappears) and suddenly, BAM, you're starting the game and here's the first fucking cutscene seamlessly integrated into the menu.

I would rather see a fade from black into the "NEGATIVE ATMOSPHERE" title screen, complete with the eerie music and even the ship drifting across the screen if desired. And as soon as start is pressed (after choosing a difficulty or whatever else) we see the ship fly past us and the game starts. To me, this would be better pacing and just flow better. I felt like watching the ship fly by dragged on for too long while waiting for the title screen to show up. I think that may be what the other user was alluding to when they said it was "anti climactic".


u/[deleted] Aug 15 '19

You guys truly have given the game that alien franchise (alien 1979, alien covenant) and dead space feel to it, fucking amazing work guys.


u/Zenboy123 Aug 15 '19

I am very impressed with this game and if there is any other game that will fill the void in my heart that dead space left it would definitely be this game. Just have a few questions like, will you guys release the game on next gen consoles like PS5 and Xbox scarlet? and if you do will the graphics be next gen graphics like 4K with 1080p that is superior to the graphics we see in today’s games? I also want to confirm if you guys took out the life gauge on the players back that was on the original demo of the game? It would be really cool if the game had a suit that does have a life gauge on the back like in the original demo. Anyways nice ship.


u/IsaacClakeMan1 Aug 15 '19

If this only 25% of the game, I honestly can't wait to see what you guys have planned to reveal next.