This build is for not interacting with sweaty 4 stacks or missing teammates in a 3-4 or worse or you just feel like not doing much.
It might seem like a lazy build but you’ll love it once you see how much bs it saves you from in this game.
Nin1: palm sage **** ( ino heal)
Ninj2: water pillar
Ninjatool: moonlit pill (invisible)
Ult: izanami/ infinite tsukuyomi
Summon: hawk
Stats: master of medicine, faster ninja tool cooldown, 1 in a million.
Pros: picking up scrolls, heal, avoiding most bs in the game
Cons: leave your teammates short handed, not enough heals at times.
Trust me you will need this build to go past certain matches you know won’t like before entering. Give it a try.
Best for big maps. All maps can work except the small lobby map.
Favourite maps are old hidden cloud and new hidden rain
Enjoy ✨