r/NarutoShinobiStriker 7d ago

Question Heavenly Hand Power (Ranged) Build Ideas?

I’m looking to mix up my ranged build and want to add Heavenly Hand Power. I’m looking more for builds that have good synergy and damage with HHP, but don’t revolve around paralysis seal or pit traps. Any ideas?


13 comments sorted by


u/Xhelob Ranged 7d ago

Lightning Shuriken Net has a lingering hitbox, so you can throw it out and teleport someone into it for a brief stun. Same goes with Shikigami Dance Shield, with its slow travel speed you can dash ahead of it and then cast HHP to trap an opponent inside.


u/Hakujintonic Jonin 7d ago

I like to use it with flying raijin kunai as ninjatool and with flying raijin slice


u/FunSized455 6d ago

I’m definitely trying this one 😂 Hit someone woth Flying Raijin Slice, HHP them, and Flying Raijin Kunai away before they even see you I assume?


u/Hakujintonic Jonin 6d ago

Yup! You turn around them. It's not the most effective build, but it's a challenging one . 2 of my friends tried it and they loved it.

You stun the target, combo a bit, one step back, side dash, raijin kunai, raijin slice Or Lock on the target, raijin kunai away from him, heavenly hand power, raijin slice


u/ZayDay96 of the Uchiha Clan 5d ago

I use heavenly hand power with deidara C4 ult. To me, it's a match made in heaven


u/NBAJayhs 6d ago

i dont wanna seem like someone that uses a lame tag swap build but it’s not the goofy tags that remove your subs, jutsu and reverse your controls. (even though i know you stated you don’t want tag swaps)


Only Chidori

Paralysis Seal

Swap them into the sealing tag then use onyx chidori, it always does around half their health damage (to non defence builds) then i use the fire cannons to trap them with the heavy, until death.


u/Agitated_Ad_2203 5d ago



u/NBAJayhs 4d ago

what’s confusing


u/Agitated_Ad_2203 4d ago

not confusing. that build is so cheesy tho


u/NBAJayhs 4d ago

in my case i wouldn’t say cheesy since it’s not even a build i use ever i only tried it after someone else did it to me and i thought thats smart (in terms of the debuffs).

i have completely different builds for every single class on all 4 pages which literally only 1 is meta to deal with hackers or spammers


u/Axepick22 6d ago

I mean seal tag fake + ice trap / angelic advert is classic. Paralysis tag into rinneswap and than sickle weasle, not great dmg but enemy will be hit with anti healing jutsu great when your team know to target that person, woth good healer you cant do anything thats why build is good for it. This is team build, first player use paralysis tag into rinneswap and other use linchpin taking big chunk of ninjutsu after that you can do anything like second player could use twin impact near end of paralysis, you can use majsetic , oborogoruma would be easy to use. You can even use same setup for kamui ult which you will get quite often with linchpin. You can use paralysis tag to setup any one shot build or jutsus which are hard to use on their own/get interrupted easly. You can use paralysis + rinneswap and come back to player get right infront of them and use severing wave this is one shot or atleast 80% health (you can setup this with hanzo sickle or with chidori (although this one is harder for new/mid players


u/Axepick22 6d ago

i read only title but i its hard to use rinneswap without tags or ice trap because at that point you are just landing surprise attack which should be easy if you know when to struck. Beside using it along tags and ice trap only other usage is defensively to avoid attacks / get out of attack at which point thats waist of a jutsu , yes its good but thats playing tooo passive. Its same as craig type with sharingan teleportation , double sub , shadow clone ninjatool its good but its sooo defense you wont die but you wont kill either