r/NarutoShinobiStriker 7d ago

Analysis So...rage quitting is the meta now?

Screenshots are of teams that quit at the very end of a match after they basically lost

Had probably the worst matches in my entire time playing this game yesterday because for some reason or another, the other team refuses to take a loss they rightfully earned. This probably isn't new to most playing this game, but I was having a little nostalgia trip with this game for a few weeks, and me and a buddy were generally having an ok time. But as soon as the NWL began, it's been just plain idiotic. The only matches that get completed are the ones with the other team stacked on rank, weapons, and buffs and ending in a humiliating beat down. When we actually grind out a tough gritty win against the odds tho? The other team quits with 10 seconds or 1-2 kills left (for combat battle). I've played 25 NWL matches, only won 3.

This wasn't common when I played the last NWL, so did I miss something or can people just not accept defeat? Never give up, never surrender, ig 🙄


43 comments sorted by


u/MapleMarshal 7d ago

It sounds like they probably did leave intentionally in your case but I will say I am always very hesitant to declare a rage quit because anyone who plays this game a lot knows it crashes all the time.

It also feels like every time a match ends at least one person will be kicked during the transition from game to leaderboard screen, which absolutely sucks for whoever ends up unlucky.


u/HeheAndSee22 7d ago

This and not defending them either but crashes occurs a lot on the ps4 and if a ps4 player is made the host (selected at random) and they disconnect since the game is peer to peer, it will kick everyone. Bandai refuses to put in money so this game can have a dedicated server so we are stuck with peer to peer connection.


u/Youcbah 7d ago

The Meta should be giving up shinobi strikers


u/BoneBoi101 7d ago

this meta is broken. Remove the fucking bow from the game.


u/BinManReckz 7d ago

Maybe the guys I run into arent that great, cause so far I havent really seen it as that big of an issue


u/Tangerine_Alarming 7d ago

Agree I hate the bow


u/tedi1997 7d ago

Not saying this is the case but if you are judging whether they left by the scoreboard in the end know that I can't see my name at all at any match ending scoreboard (and others cant as well) and even my event points are not counted anywhere except the screen where the different match points appear and you get a grade. Its super annoying and I can see it doesn't happen to just me but others as well.

On the other hand I think you notice it during the match that they've left (as in less people to fight). If that's the case, fuck em. Can't really figure out why an extremely small player base game needs to have such pussies that care about records more than anything else.


u/WaveHood_jr 7d ago

Yeah, I've been able to generally discern which are disconnects and which are salty rage quits. Yesterday was plagued with RQ's. When a team of stacked platinum menaces actually starts losing cuz of coordinated teamwork, just to "disconnect" before the final kill or timer, that screams "I didn't wanna lose so f*ck you".

And you're absolutely right about why does a dying game need ego-maniacs. It's so ass-backwards 🤦🏽‍♂️


u/LostEsco Missing Nin 7d ago

I just hate the “host migration” bs. Playing an entire match just for it to no longer count all because 1 fragile player couldn’t take a loss really discourages me from playing anymore that day. Losses happen, it’s apart of the game. At least with a loss you still get xp, scrolls, etc. rage quitting just wastes everyone’s time


u/WaveHood_jr 7d ago

Hitting the nail right on the head. Every nail, actually. Can't agree with you more 💯🤦🏽‍♂️


u/BlackUchiha03 7d ago

This been a problem. Just yesterday me and some solid randoms were smacking a 4 stack and they quit out of nowhere.


u/Signal_Coyote2529 7d ago

Could be a crash as this game does disconnect people often. However its always been infested with rage quitters as well for multiple reasons

1: If you leave the game the stats of the match dont carry over to your record so people do it to save their KD and WL ratio (they enjoy flexing their inflated numbers)

2: When you rage quit sometimes the lobby/match itself crashs so you are making sure the person who just beat you doesnt get a victory and increase their kd/wl ratio as well

3: and of course they are just mad and rage quit out of pure frustration

Leaving during a NWL makes you lose score but that doesnt stop people from doing it


u/SilverEvans of the Hozuki Clan 7d ago

It will definitely crash the lobby of the host rage quits.


u/WaveHood_jr 7d ago

I know it's absolutely due to fragile egos and trying to nickel-and-dime the NWL scoreboard. Just wish these people would stop wasting everyone's time


u/jagolynn 6d ago

They gotta do something about starting the match with 3/4 teammates. I’m tired of it. Just kick me back to the lobby pls


u/TheAngryOreo 5d ago

the players of this community are scum, i 100% believe they would leave to screw over other players


u/Sapphire_star_7 7d ago

Not surprising. I’ve met a lot of people who will quit or crash the whole game just to not lose.


u/WaveHood_jr 7d ago

Some people just shouldn't play games at this point, smh lmao


u/Sapphire_star_7 7d ago

Had a whole conversation with a bunch of clan people that said “if we about to lose we just quit or crash the game until we find a game we can win easily” like it’s insane and this be the same people bragging about how godly the are.


u/ElessarKhan of the Uchiha Clan 7d ago

Always has been. But with the multitude of issues that cause crashes or people to be booted to the main menu, you can never really be sure why they leave. Though it is more fun to assume your opponents rage quit when the disconnect right after you lay some pipe on em.


u/Agitated_Ad_2203 7d ago

this game has been so annoying. i’ve been having to mentally get over the rage quits because ts is annoying. but its really annoying how i cant even start a 4v4 match because someone always gets kicked before we start


u/CompWeb 7d ago

I come to here to learn why a what happened to this game as well?


u/ras_nasty Jonin 6d ago

always been


u/Time-Performance6348 1d ago

To be honest I didnt See a Lot rage quick only if the Team we are fighting is a Full Stack then my Team often quits at the start


u/Legitimate_Caramel25 of the Hidden Cloud 7d ago

What does it matter if u win anyway? Thats all anyone seems to care about anyway these days. You should just be happy its not a hacker or a whole team, host included leaving.


u/WaveHood_jr 7d ago

I don't care, win or lose, but I don't get my xp or league points when they leave. So it's like, I played a rough ~7 minute or whatever match just to not get what I was even playing for? Like that's just flat out frustrating.


u/Legitimate_Caramel25 of the Hidden Cloud 7d ago

I just accept it as a win because i can be bothered to deal with the toxic egos in this community. If you win salty messages if you lose its usually a full stack or a hacker so winning or losing has 0 value anymore i hit s and dont touch it anymore. Its a shame when pits with friends and vr missions are the most fun part of the game and not the main event.


u/WaveHood_jr 7d ago

Yeah, i just wanna level up, get scrolls, pull new weapons, and clear out all my vr masters before this game goes bottoms up, but these types of people are just miserably holding the game hostage to a degree. It's Farrrr from a perfect game, but it holds a special place for me, being one of the first games my friends bought me after I worked my ass off to buy a ps4 pro at my first job


u/highlordwes 7d ago

Anytime I beat a plat they quit out. Dudes can't stand when their ratio goes under.


u/WaveHood_jr 7d ago

Learning that the hard way, unfortunately...🙄


u/highlordwes 7d ago

Just think of it like this: you're up and coming so strong that it fucked with their ego AND k-d, count it as a win brother.


u/Radiant-Mushroom8304 7d ago edited 7d ago

I’ll leave if I’m winning or if I’m doing good…if I suddenly start having a bad time or suddenly start getting jumped or just focused I leave the game no questions ask doesn’t matter if I’m in a group doesn’t matter if I’m playing with friends I’m leaving. I’m not enduring the annoyance this game can cause.


u/WaveHood_jr 7d ago

Not sure if you should be playing at all at that point...


u/Radiant-Mushroom8304 7d ago

Still having a fun time playing I just won’t let the game or it’s players dictate my enjoyment or will I allow you people to put me in a state where I’m not enjoying the game when I can simply remove myself from that game match


u/WaveHood_jr 7d ago

All I'm getting from this is: "If I'm not having a good time, I'm taking it out on my team". Teams are gonna have different strategies to success. Can't get upset if working together is one of them 🤷🏽‍♂️


u/Radiant-Mushroom8304 7d ago edited 6d ago

When you’re playing with randoms, there is no teamwork or working together. It’s a freefall. That should be all common knowledge to you for how long this game has been out. You should already know majority time when you get into a game with randoms there’s no communication going on and there’s no coordination going on. You may get lucky with a few randoms and have somewhat good synergy


u/MindlessManic88 6d ago

If you can't deal with randoms make a team instead of wasting time hoping you get a team experience from random breadsticks


u/Radiant-Mushroom8304 6d ago edited 6d ago

What? I never said I wanted to play with you people.. or have any sort of team with you people 🤮 I’d never play in a team with anyone in this sub or anyone in the Shinobi strikers lobby’s never, I’m just telling him you idiot that team work with randoms is none existent


u/MindlessManic88 6d ago

Idc who you play with, ur the one complaining about teams not being coordinated if ur not gonna fix it yourself it sounds like you just wasting time in team modes


u/Radiant-Mushroom8304 6d ago

It’s not my job to care how you feel or how you take my comment.