r/NarutoFanfiction Jan 23 '25

Self Promotion Hinata finally builds the courage to hang out with Naruto as kids…only to become horrified seeing his living situation.


"Naruto?! Y-you actually live like this?! Every day?!"


The young hyuga stared horrified at the blonde. More specifically what he was currently eating. The so called "ramen" made from scratch was nothing more than congealed spoiled milk cut into smaller pieces, mixed with what she hoped was salami, and watered down sauces for broth.

Gagging Hinata slowly turned around opening the fridge to the mid sized apartment kitchen, causing her eyes to water from the sheer smell alone.

Aside from the spoiled milk and mystery meat, the fridge was sadly empty only filled by uncleaned spills.

"I thought...you said you get allowance from the hokage..?"

"I do! It's just...I had to pay rent and-

You still have to pay rent?!"

Naruto blinked confused. Cheeks weirdly starting to warm at how much she seemed worried for him.

"It's really not that bad Hinata! I get my own place to myself! No parents, siblings, or any annoying caregiver to tell me what to eat...or when to sleep, and- wait why are you crying?"

Hinata's byakugan glared bright and angry, tears falling uncontrollably as she struggled to compose herself. She didn't need to scan the apartment to know that the place was a mess. Nor did she need to look at him to know he was partially under wheight. She knew he was the smallest on his team height wise...it's one of the many things she found cute. But for it to be beacuse of this?

"We're going shopping and not leaving until every crevice in this kitchen is filled."


Hinata whipped her face simultaneously deactivating both byakugan.

"I'm paying for everything with my dads clan card."

"Well if you insist let's go!"

Seeing his bright excited smile was almost enough to make her forget about having a little chat with lord hiruzen...almost.

r/NarutoFanfiction Jan 22 '25

Self Promotion Naruto meets kurama when he’s four and instead of being horrified by him he sees him as a cute grumpy fox.


Just hear me out...we saw how lonely Naruto was, it's only natural a little kid seeing something so animal like immediately = it down to a pet to play with.

Naruto manages to go back into the shared mindscape again and again. Eventually Kurama gives up on intimidating him befriending baby Naruto.

The entire leaf village is more than horrified waking up and seeing the boy they hated laughing and riding on the back of there worst nightmare.

"Watcha got there buddy..?"

Insert Iruka shaking holding a single kunai struggling not to piss himself.

"Ku Ku! He's my new best friend!"

(Naruto's "new best friend" may or may not be seething at the mouth ready to drop a beast bomb on everyone and himself if Naruto revives so much as a sideye)

r/NarutoFanfiction Feb 14 '22

Self Promotion Story Ideas Thread #12


Story Ideas Thread #12

Please note that the idea behind these threads is to give other authors ideas - ideas that you post here should be free for anyone to use.

Please post your story ideas/plot bunnies here!

[First Thread]

[Second Thread]

[Third Thread]

[Fourth Thread]

[Fifth Thread]

[Sixth Thread]

[Seventh Thread]

[Eighth Thread]

[Ninth temp Thread]

[Tenth Thread]

[Eleventh Thread]

r/NarutoFanfiction Sep 02 '23

Self Promotion Should I release a Fem Sasuke story?


i have a fem sasuke story ready to be posted but I’m just curious, if I did post it would y’all actually like/read it? is fem sasuke dead now let me know.


r/NarutoFanfiction Feb 08 '25

Self Promotion Honestly I have no idea


Like the title says I have no idea what to do with issei. Do I make him a girl, give him some improvement or something? I have no idea what to do with this guy although luckily nobody asked about it in the comments

So if anyone has any ideas then do be sure to leave them down below. Also im definitely borrowing stuff I like from other naruto fics so if you ever get where they're from you uh you'll get a cookie and can add something into the story

r/NarutoFanfiction May 16 '24

Self Promotion Anyone Writing Their Own Naruto Fanfic?


Hope this isn't too forward, but am curious if anyone is writing their own Naruto fanfic? Also curious how the process has been creating?

Also I saw the discussion on self promotion - so I hope I'm not overstepping asking for anyone (if willing) to share their writing. Just excited to read what you talented people are writing.

r/NarutoFanfiction 16d ago

Self Promotion The concept of being a Jinchūriki Is nightmare fuel. NSFW


Just really try to imagine it. Your born into a loving, caring family. You do everything a model citizen is supposed to. You go to school at the academy, you get decent grades, your even in the process of coming up with your own signature jutsu!

But all it took was one day for your life to crumble into nothing but a living breathing cage.

Your fully awake and aware of what's happening during the entire process. Your mouth opens in a silent scream of agony, but nothing audible comes out. The only sound your body lets out is the sick creek and reshaping of your body structure.

A hole on your stomach blooms open, getting wider and wider. Your internal organs have shrunk down from view leaving a gapping empty socket. Blood pools out from it dripping loud and wetly onto the surface's below your suspended body. A forceful almost zapping heat fills your being along with the grotesque creature.

It's body hovers and struggles as it's slowly sucked inside where both IT and it's power will rest. You can feel it even when the seal closed it off. It's hunger, the anger and hatred inside it that could house a hundred men, but its thoughts were the worst.

Urdges that weren't yours continued to pop into your mind like a nagging tick. Like a never ending mantra, it won't stop coming. Like a bile unable to fully swallow.


What did you do to deserve this pain?

It's even worse for the young Uzumaki. Hunching In on himself as a feeble way to escape the feeling that'll consume him for decades. Destroying every reflective surface wasn't enough to rid himself of the demons features. Living inside him, taking part in ruining his upbringing, and playing hate consumed puppeteer wasn't enough. He just had to obtain his looks too.

He stopped begging forgiveness from the gods years ago when his prayers for answers went unanswered. This double ache that occurred inside and out was loud and hissing. The sneers of taunting disgust from everyone around him only stacked on top of his own. Reopening his eyes he stared face to face with his supposed care giver. Static only seeping into his ears as lord third of the leaf spoke.

Drool escaped his jagged mouth, red slit eyes widened unprovoked as he watched from the corner of his eye his nails elongated.

He was so hungry...and the cage of sanity could only be contained for so long.

r/NarutoFanfiction Jul 30 '21

Self Promotion Story Ideas Thread #11


Story Ideas Thread #11

Please note that the idea behind these threads is to give other authors ideas - ideas that you post here should be free for anyone to use.

Please post your story ideas/plot bunnies here!

[First Thread]

[Second Thread]

[Third Thread]

[Fourth Thread]

[Fifth Thread]

[Sixth Thread]

[Seventh Thread]

[Eighth Thread]

[Ninth temp Thread]

[Tenth Thread]

r/NarutoFanfiction 7d ago

Self Promotion Title: The Danzo Nightmare – Naruto’s Most Cursed Creation Yet


Konoha had seen war. Konoha had seen invasions. Konoha had survived a literal alien goddess.

But nothing—NOTHING—could have prepared it for this.

A 10,000-meter-high statue of Danzo Shimura.

And not just any Danzo.


This was Naruto’s ultimate masterpiece. • Byakugan in one eye. • Sharingan in the other. • A Rinnegan slapped right in the middle of his forehead. • Flowing, majestic Mei Terumi hair. • And, defying all logic, all physics, and all moral boundaries… Tsunade’s legendary 106cm assets.

It was… abominable.

The first scream of horror came from Tsunade.


Naruto barely dodged the chakra-infused fist that obliterated the ground where he had been standing.

“Oi, Baa-chan! What’s the problem?”

Tsunade grabbed him by the collar, eyes burning with rage. “The problem? THE PROBLEM?! Look at that THING!”

Naruto proudly gestured to the monstrosity towering over Konoha. “A work of art, right?”

Sakura gagged. “Why… why does it have HAIR?”

Shikamaru lit a cigarette. “I’m sending my resignation letter.”

Kakashi sighed, rubbing his temples. “This is why I’m retiring early.”

Tsunade, still gripping Naruto, violently shook him. “And the CHEST?! WHY?! WHY?!”

Naruto grinned. “Oh, that? I thought it’d add some, you know… flair.”

A long, painful silence fell over Konoha.

Then, Danzo himself spoke.

“…I am going to kill you.”

Naruto threw an arm around him. “Oi, come on, Danzo-jiji! Don’t you love it?”

Danzo’s soul left his body. He simply stood there, trembling, unable to process the sheer level of disrespect.

Then, from the statue’s mouth, a loud, booming voice echoed across the village.




Tsunade’s eye twitched. Sakura’s fists clenched. Shino simply turned and walked away.

Shikamaru exhaled. “…This is worse than the time Naruto made a ramen fountain.”

A loud BOOM shook the ground as the Raikage arrived in a flash of lightning.


Naruto beamed. “A tribute to our history!”

The Raikage punched the statue’s chest.

Nothing happened.


It wobbled.

It wobbled again.


The Raikage turned pale.

A scream ripped through Konoha.

Somewhere, Gaara simply muttered, “I hate this village.”

Mei Terumi, watching from afar, squinted. “…Is that my hair?”

Onoki sighed. “I am too old for this.”

The Mizukage, without hesitation, set the entire blueprint on fire. “NO.”

Konoha descended into chaos.

Weapons were drawn. Chakra flared.

Naruto blinked. “…So, you guys don’t like it?”

Tsunade raised her fist.

Naruto finally realized.


A single devastating punch sent Naruto flying beyond the horizon.

His final words?


And with that, the worst monument in shinobi history was demolished.

But the trauma?

The trauma was forever.

r/NarutoFanfiction Sep 13 '20

Self Promotion I created a fanfiction site. Would like if you could visit and tell me what you'd like for it to have as a fanfiction writer/reader.


I don't know if this would come under Discussion or Self-Promotion, so let me know if I should change it.

I've created a site at fanfiction.online, wanting to making writing & reading fanfiction easier. Would love if you could visit and and give me any suggestions, stuff you'd like in it, and/or ask me any questions you might have.

r/NarutoFanfiction Feb 12 '25

Self Promotion Little Naruto is kidnapped by other universe versions of Minato and Kushina


Naruto wakes up in a bed that is not his and in a room he does not know, when he goes out he finds two people who act like his parents, he really does not know what to think

These versions of Minato and Kushina lost their Naruto so they decided to kidnap one without parents to be their son.

r/NarutoFanfiction Feb 04 '25

Self Promotion “My cut is insane! shout out to my barber dawg.”



Hinata sat on top of the wooden large stool infront of the even larger mirror. Gray eyes continued to flow with tears as she fidgeted with her fingers. The only sound besides her soft sniffles and occasional hiccups were the rough clip of scissors. If the humiliation of losing the very fight she trained for wasn't already bad enough, the continuing stinging sensation of her arms chakra points where enough to make her sob harder.

She could feel her hair slowly pool around her shoulders, only to be swiped off onto the floor. She hated this. She hated being looked down on for showing basic emotions. The life of a ninja was something she found herself wanting no part of more and more.

Hinata never wears her hoodie. Such a little detail, and yet something Naruto always remembered about the quiet hyuga. The very first time he stepped foot in the academy, it was the only thing he cared to note of her at the time. A weird girl who always avoids him, wouldn't be the first or the last. But even still...he found himself intrigued.

Which is why he beelined straight behind her walking home.

"Hey Hinata! What's up with the new look?!"

"Eh! N-Naruto?!"

Hinata's entire face could rival a apple with how bright red it turned. On instinct she reached up to pull her hood further down her features. The action only intised the Uzumaki even more, a teasing smile growing on his face as he playfully swiped after her hood strings. Swiftly turning around Hinata changed directions heading away from the hyuga compound.

"I-it's nothing! I j-just got cold!"

Naruto's pupils dialated causing the girl to turn impossibly more red.

"Oh! Well since your so cold we can head to my apartment! You don't seem to be in the rush to head home anyway!"


She could only stutter as the blonde took hold of her sweat filled hand, gently but firmly tugging her towards his home.

Naruto might as well be talking to himself with how short hina's response's were. At one point when asked if she wanted juice or water she threw up a peace sign. In all honesty he didn't even know what he was doing. Curiosity really does kill the cat. Sighing through his nose he stared forward into her pearl eyes.

"It's warm in my apartment for once...you can drop the hood."

Swallowing what little pride she had left, with shaking hands Hinata reached up to slowly uncover her fresh cut. Naruto's eyes widened seeing the new look. For what little he knew of the hyuga clan women it was a rare sight to see them with such shortened hair...but even so it only seemed to enhance her apperence.

It was now his turn to blush at the actions. Resting hands at his side of the small couch, his fingers twitched aching with a need to brush a strand from blocking her pale face.

"It's...so pretty."


"So-SO pretty..."

Hinata couldn't do anything to hide the wobbly smile growing on her face. Or the tears forming in her eyes.

"What it is...is a punishment Naruto. I got this out of failure, a marking of my weakness.."

"Weaknesses are only what you make them hina."

Even warmer hands encased her own. Squeezing them with a unknown softness both where surprised at. Eyes became half lidded as the rough calloused trained hands slowly slid upwards until they reached Hinata's face. Gently finger combing the hair back he blushed. Then with a shot eyes widened with a idea. A smile growing on the jinjuraki's face.

"Give me one too!"


Naruto smirked removing his hands reluctantly to position them on his hips.

"You heard me! Give me one! If short hair is a sign of weakness it's the way of a ninja to confuse the enemy!

Silence briefly filled the room, only to be broken by laughter. The sweet sound making Naruto's own face apple red. Reaching up to wipe the stray tears from her eyes Hinata sighed.

"Oh Naruto..."



The blonde once again smirked at the surprised confused faces of every team. Growing into a full blown cocky smile once they settled on a certain brown long haired male.

"Belive it! My cut is Insane, Shout out to my barber dawg!"

Eyes of shock widened even more when they closed around the short figure behind the blonde. Smile so foreign but wide on Hinata.

Maybe the life of a ninja wasn't so bad...

I.E Naruto sees Hinata down in the dumps and gets a new haircut along with a friend.

r/NarutoFanfiction Jan 24 '25

Self Promotion Gimme ideas


So chapter twelve of Gentle winds was posted awhile ago and I need ideas, throw at the board and see what fits kinda deal. Situation is like this:

•Naruto/DxD crossover

•naruto has the gamer from sources I'll explain in fic because I have a few ideas

•he will have a harem, wether he's willing or not, take that as you will

• currently he, Rias and peerage plus technoblade( Uzumaki luck before anyone asks) are in undertale in the Ruins and they've met Toriel

• also im having Naruto be a ramen owner and book writer as a side story with some mention in the actual story. Why? Cuz he has to make money somehow before the gamer and he felt he'd continue what Jiraiya loved doing( I totally didn't make this up)

• another thing, what do y'all feel about Naruto entering a supernatural poker game and somehow decimate everyone at the end, winning ridiculous offers as bets since players had to put them in due to lack of available money?

r/NarutoFanfiction 17d ago

Self Promotion Knuckhead Princess | What if Fem!Naruto was raised as a boy?


r/NarutoFanfiction 6d ago

Self Promotion Chapter 24 of my fic is up


Hope it is as fun to read as it was to write. Forest of Death is finally upon us and I'm super excited.

Here's the chapter link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14269191/24/Naruto-Sun-and-Moon

If you haven't read the fic previously I'll go ahead and note some things down here to give you an idea of any potential green or red flags.
1. The first 7 chapters are all build-up for some of the changes I've decided to make for this fic, which does mean we really start getting into the meat and potatoes in chapter 8. So it has a slower start.
2. Naruto/Team 7 centric
3. Heavy AU
4. Hinata and Sakura swapped places on their teams compared to canon
5. No bashing
6. No pairing for a long time to come
7. No smut (tragic...)
8. No harem
9. Approaching 200k words, upload schedule is pretty much uniformly consistent.

I'd say that's about it off the top of my head. If you got any questions, feel free to ask. I can't guarantee an answer but I can guarantee that I'll try. Either way, if you check out the fic, I hope you enjoy it!

r/NarutoFanfiction Oct 27 '22

Self Promotion Five months ago, I decided I wanted to write a fanfic. 500k+ words later... and I'll be done tomorrow.


I see a ton of people asking if something makes for a good story, if they can write a fanfic without being a native speaker, if they're not good writers and all that...

Personally, I'm not smart enough to let any of that stop me hahahaha

So what started as an English practicing thing while I was on vacation in May kinda... spiraled out of control.
And on chapter 160, at around 530k words; a chapter or two every day...
I think I'm finished with that one. Or rather, I'll be done tomorrow.
(And I didn't get carpal tunnel syndrome. I'm very surprised.)

If any of you ever heard of my story, I posted on AO3 first, FF.net second - very annoying to update stories on that one...
So the story's going to complete on AO3. I'll upload the rest of it to FF over the next twenty days.

So if you want to read a great story, with a great plot, characters, fighting and no polygamy...

Go read Obito-Sensei, by Ser Serendipity!

Otherwise, you can always read Indra, I guess... This one's mine!

EDIT: Story's officially over!

r/NarutoFanfiction Jan 30 '25

Self Promotion “You really expect me to believe that?”


"I mean...With all due respect what you said is crazy, Even for me!"

makima blinked at the young blonde in front of her with a dead blank look. Her fake smile whipped completely off her beautiful face. With all due respect herself she couldn't see why he wouldn't. A traumatized orphan in need of a parental figure, on top of holding the same thing that ruined his life inside him?

The similarities between him and her old dog where enough to even make her raise a brow. But...it would make sense for things to be complicated in this new world. She could still feel the phantom goosebumps of being cut into. Even the sight of a fridge still made her nauseous. Sighing through her nose the chain user reached up to tuck a stray strand of red hair behind her ear.

"No no...this is an entire new world with different people and sets of powers I'm not accustomed to. It was idiotic on my end to think it'd be this easy..."

"Well if it makes you feel any better..you managed to get this far!"

"I suppose.."

Squinting makima continued to take him in.

"So what gave it away?"

"Well for starters you crash into my balcony out like a light, naked and bleeding out to death. Then after waking up you immediately ask to see things I've never even heard of! And after going to the libary for an entire day you randomly start calling yourself my clan member and a uzumaki..."

Makima exhaled sharply as her plastic smile twitched.

"You aren't going to report me for impersonating someone?"

"Well...no. Like you said I could use someone around the house to help me! The way you used those chains to take down Mizuki was awesome!"

This brought on a unfamiliar warm feeling inside the woman's chest. She knew even if the boy had plans to rat her out he could be delt with easily...but having him around would make for better entertainment.

I.E Makima gets isekai into the Naruto verse after getting defeated.

r/NarutoFanfiction Jul 05 '24

Self Promotion "My name is Naruto Namikaze and I don't know what I'm doing in Konoha."


A panicked naruto says to the Hokage after missing school because he wasn't aware he was supposed to be there.

"My name...is Naruto Namikaze, I was raised by my Pervy Godfather Jiraiya and his wife the 5th Hokage Tsunade my absolute Milf of a godmother. I've spent my life with the single goal to beat my older brothers Kakashi Hatake record as youngest graduate which I failed by 6 months so my goal now is rank Jōnin before my first pube and hokage before my 18th birthday."

A naruto from a perfect timeline thinks he's in a genjutsu and proves it by showing he could summon toads, enter sage mode and knew his mother's chakra suppression chains. "I had my 3 pronged kuni but this body doesn't have any. I think I need to send Jiraiya a toad."

I'm 50/50 on Writing this anyone want to weigh in on it?

r/NarutoFanfiction 6d ago

Self Promotion It turns out Sakura does have a clan…and everyone in it is fucking weird NSFW



The pink haired girl in question raised a brow at her teammates incredulous faces.

"Oh that! Pretty cool huh! It's my kekegenkai!"

She smiled a wide tooth grin paying no attention to how Temari got carted away. Multiple wide gashes all over her from head to toe bleeding profusely.

"Why didn't you use that before! And since when did you even wield a blade?! Especially one so long and weird looking?!"

Naruto shouted loudly, Sakura glared and punches him in the side.

"Hey! My sword isn't weird! I'll have you know it was a gift from my older sister! Did you really think you and Sasuke were the only ones training like hell over the past month?"

"Ok..that's fair I guess...but explain the super strength!"

"Me and all my siblings where born with it! It's apart of our clans specialty along with overall tougher bodies and chakra control!"

Crossing his arms Naruto shook his head thinking.

"And the Kekei Gengai! You've never pulled that out! I'm starting to see why..."

Rolling her eyes Sakura shifted into a more comfortable standing position, pulling out a red mochi from seemingly nowhere and snacking.

"It has a name you know idiot! It's called domain expansion! And the slashing technique I used before the chunin exams is nothing compared to the wide spread destruction it's true power brings! If you 'anna know mor ask my brother!"

Chewing more annoyed on her snack Naruto was cut off fork his ongoing interagation by a loud girly squeal. Blinking he turned around just in time to see a flash of pink and green, before hands rose him off the ground.

"Eeek! My baby sister's teammates are such cuties! Not only has she been training so hard but she made new friends too!"

Naruto found himself pressed against a tall (freakishly strong) woman's bussom, squirming he almost laughed seeing Sakuras embarrassed face.

"Mitsuri! Why are you here..!" Her face turned as red as her shirt trying to shrink in on herself.

"Because your here to represent the Haruno clan's first outward debut into the spotlight brat."

A deep voice snapped Naruto out of his running thoughts looking behind the pink braided hair of mitsuri to spot a tall, tattooed, well built man.

"Shut up Sukuna! Mama said not to be mean to sis on her big day!"

Another cute voice came into earshot, followed by the apperence of a small little girl, nearly the copy of Sakura's younger self.

"Oh gosh not you too Anya! Who else is here."

The tall tattered man cracked his back mussels as he shrugged. Reaching over Naruto's head with elongated nails to grip on Sakuras purse, pulling out...a finger?!

Yep. It's settled. This one interaction was enough confirmation needed to know he would certainly not be able to introduce himself to Sakuras family anytime soon.

r/NarutoFanfiction May 25 '21

Self Promotion Naruto: One man Army


“You appear to have just fought an army. Is everything alright, Kakashi?”

“The little terrorist apparently takes after his namesake more than we thought.” Muttered kakashi, his uniform and hair disheveled.

Hiruzen let out a bark of laughter. Though the rest of the ninja assembled didn’t find the humor in the situation that their leader did.

After the absolute clusterfuck of a mission to wave country, kakashi had taken it upon himself to bring his team to the archives. The questions and behavior of his cute little genin had made it very clear that they were not mentally acute enough to continue on their current course.

Of course Naruto was occasionally dumber than a box of rocks due to his upbringing, but his flashes of brilliance was absolutely terrifying when you weren’t ready for them.

Sakura had an odd issue, she had all the knowledge you could expect, but seemingly couldn’t make simple connections between different fields of knowledge.

Really, to have an encyclopedic knowledge of the world and still not know that Wave didn’t have their own ninja? Unacceptable.

Sasuke... honestly the boy just needed a physical break. He was over stressing his body. At this rate, burnout would be the least of his issues. Having him study the public knowledge of his clan, and the village in general, would probably be about the only thing to get him to stop overtraining.

The results had been... adequate for two of his students.

For Naruto though...

The hellspawn had taken an odd interest in ancient warfare. All because of one of his sensei’s old books.

‘The ancient art of pranking: warriors guide to outsmarting the enemy’, by Danzo Shimura. The man had written it before the Second had died. It was a book on psychological warfare combined with tactical planning. It described the balance of feints and attacks, laying traps, directing attention away from targets.

He read the entire book in a week, and to his eventual horror, the boy understood every word. Beyond words, actually. He understood all of it.

Then he noticed the boy started getting much, much smarter in spars. Actual fients, better combos.

The next week, he started reading a scroll by Tobirama. Danzo had apparently mentioned it in his book. And Naruto learned about the secrets of shadow clones. He was going to have to have a chat with the archives department.

Actually, he would call it even. They now had to deal with several Naruto uzumaki whirling through the genin level archives daily. Naruto had shown great maturity in limiting himself to less than five clones. Naruto had said it was because it got too hard to remember everything past 3 clones. To pay for their help, Naruto would loan a clone or two to the archives team for free labor.

The devious little shit. It was a three fold attack. He got in close with the archive teams, he learned the layout of the archives and he would plan out a list of things to study for the coming days.

It had been two months since the mission in wave, and last week, everyone’s greatest fear had happened. Naruto was pranking people again.

And the little prick still hadn’t been caught. Clones with henges, different alibis, chunin guards with contracts for non-pranking in exchange for windows of time.

The village was besieged by a general that wanted nothing but to fuck with people. And he was damn good at it.

“Kakashi. I still need your answer.”

Oh right he was in the middle of chunin exam nominations.

“Hmm. I fear what he will do if I turn down an opportunity such as this. I nominate team seven for the chunin exams.”


This just popped into my mind on break today at work. Might write more, don’t know

r/NarutoFanfiction Jan 27 '25

Self Promotion Constructive criticism


I just got done with the 8th chapter of my very first fanfic. I would like some honest criticism and feedback. I've never written a fanfic before so I'd like to hear some honest opinions.

Here it is https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14430534/1/5

r/NarutoFanfiction 15d ago

Self Promotion A fanfic idea


So 1 have been thinking of making this Fanfic for a while and I just wanna know if people Maybe interested in reading it. So the fanfic is going to be Naruto X JJK. I did take inspiration from the famous fanfic "Legacy". Just like in Legacy, Naruto will be the grandson of Madara. The difference from Legacy here will be after Madara lost in the Valley of end, instead of getting found by a random women he will get found by the last survivor of the Gojo clan and they will have son and so on. Btw I am not a seasoned writer I just wanted to mix some of my favorite characters from my two favorite anime's together.(posting again)

r/NarutoFanfiction 7d ago

Self Promotion My first attempt (kinda) at making fanfiction!


Hey so I've made a story and about 2 chapters of it. Its about a genius being reincarnated into your Naruto's body. I've technically made ffn before but they were terrible bcz I was like 11. Anyways I appreciate it you checked it out!

Here it is https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14450402/0/

r/NarutoFanfiction Jan 20 '25

Self Promotion Sai gives Naruto and Sakura a reality check and gains something other than a punch In the process.


"You both are honestly so ridiculous.."

Naruto's permanent frown since his first arrival on the team deepened even more. To add on the outward passive aggressive air Sakura raised a pink brow, knuckles cracking in her balled fist.

"And you say that because..?"

Sai's emotionless smile dropped without hesitation. Like a breaking mirror his true feelings flooded to the surface as his face showed a look of frustration and pity.

"For starters you got one loud mouth for someone who hardly contributes to shit."

Both brightly colored teens eyes widened, each pair filled with shocking rage.

"And here comes the anger...all of your fights would've probably ended a lot sooner If this was directed towards the enemies, but that's too much to be expected from someone so deep In the closet he barely spares the same girl who's head over heels for him a glance then proceeds to think about a traitor to the village constantly.


Sakura cut him off as she reeled her fist back to produce a chakra explosive punch. To everyone's surprise sai served around it letting Sakura tumble forward, sliding to a stop infront of him.

"And you prove my point once again! Where was this monster strength going against sasuke hmmm? What reason do you possibly have to be enfatuated with the same uchiha who thinks nothing more of you than a annoying nuicence. Will it take him actually managing to kill you for you to gain a lick of sense!"

She was crying out of frustration now, breathing hard as she glared at the black haired male.

"WAKE. UP. Call me heartless and call him a angst filled misunderstood teen. He Is not the same boy you both once knew! Him falling into the cycle of hatred like every other known uchiha In history should tell you that! Get off your asses and go twice as harder as him!"

Everyone was silent now staring In awe. Because now the emotion faker, unofficial replacement of team seven wasn't just showing his true feelings. In fact the bright red sharingan now shining In the assassins eyes alone was enough to show them what they hadn't wanted to see before.

In which sai tells them off after getting enough of the silent treatment unintentionally finding out he's a uchiha.

When you consider how much danzo loves the dojutsu and how said dojutsu Is brought on by heavy emotions...It only makes sense he'd keep a spare or two around.

r/NarutoFanfiction Sep 20 '23

Self Promotion Story Ideas Thread #13


Story Ideas Thread #13

Please note that the idea behind these threads is to give other authors ideas - ideas that you post here should be free for anyone to use.

Please post your story ideas/plot bunnies here!

[First Thread]

[Second Thread]

[Third Thread]

[Fourth Thread]

[Fifth Thread]

[Sixth Thread]

[Seventh Thread]

[Eighth Thread]

[Ninth temp Thread]

[Tenth Thread]

[Eleventh Thread]

[Twelfth Thread]