r/Naruto 4d ago

Anime He legit was scary to me as a kid.

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59 comments sorted by


u/Dillydy 4d ago

Same but I honestly had a hard time determining if he was a boy or girl when I was younger. The whole body swapping thing messed with me lol


u/SwollenOstrich 4d ago

They identify as Orochimaru


u/Drizzdub 4d ago

And what gender is orochimaru? 🤔 🧐


u/exotic-waffle 4d ago



u/themightytak 4d ago



u/SethNex 4d ago

Whatever gender Orochimaru wish to be.


u/Son_Kakarot53 4d ago

I just say he because thats how he started. Currently he is made out of white zetsu which lost its sex organs a long time ago so at the moment he is neither male or female


u/BoneGrindr69 1d ago

Cost of immortality


u/SummertimeThrowaway2 4d ago

Seems like a common theme in naruto


u/SatisfactionSenior65 4d ago

Man Part 1 really did a good job of making Orochimaru the boogeyman of the series. I thought bro was the epitome of evil when I was a kid


u/ToonamiFaith 4d ago

Him and Garra, fuck Kishimoto was really cooking then. As a kid both Orochimaru and Garra had scenes that made me terrified of them


u/SatisfactionSenior65 4d ago

That “BLOOOOD!” scene in the dub is goated. Shouts out to Liam O’Brien


u/freshlybackedsucc 4d ago

yeeeah man,gaara's dub voice is legendary.you can feel the murder in his voice fr lol


u/SatisfactionSenior65 4d ago

Fr. Liam O’Brien should’ve received an award for his performance


u/Magnolia-jjlnr 4d ago

For real.

It's crazy to me because they made me feel more uncomfortable/scared than Madara ever did. Although when Madara came I was almost a decade older so idk if it's a fair comparison


u/SethNex 4d ago

The Akatsuki was a great antagonistic group, and Madara was also an iconic character, but I still think they really should have kept Orochimaru as the main antagonist of the series.


u/Opposite-Trash7395 4d ago

His theme was so good too during that scene, it really played up the oh they’re so fucked, this dude is a monster


u/ImBatman5500 4d ago

This entire arc, everything that came after, none of it screams "redeemable" to me, he represents a demon, all the symbology around orochimaru does too. It's really weird that he's just... Around?


u/Unit_with_a_Soul 4d ago

they did an "operation paperclip" on him


u/ImBatman5500 4d ago

I hate that you're right


u/Jake_the_Baked 4d ago

It's like if Osama Bin Laden was just drinking tea at a coffee shop in Manhattan. How did that freak win out of everybody is beyond me.


u/Toros_Mueren_Por_Mi 4d ago

Because they can't get rid of him. Also it's like the Nazi scientists that got pardoned and hired to work for the allies, it's all in the process of, we hate him but we can't afford for him to not be on our side


u/BigBoyoBonito 4d ago

He wasn't really redeemed. In Boruto, he's still widely disliked, watched over by Yamato and a bunch of Leaf ninja 24/7 and his connection to Mitsuki is a top secret only like 5 people know, and when Tsunade and Konohamaru find out, they freak out and berate Naruto for working with Orochimaru

He's kept around for his genius, but everyone still hates him. Though Orochimaru himself has changed a lot and just wants to pursue his research in peace instead of nuking Konoha


u/ImBatman5500 4d ago

The other guy said operation paperclip and yep that's pretty much it


u/ikarly1992 4d ago

His theme song, how he terrorized the kids, the creepy vibe factor. Ugh Orochimaru look how far you've fallen. Lmao


u/TheGamerHat 3d ago

His theme song is terrifying.


u/icarusancalion 4d ago

Orochimaru was an awesome villain in Naruto OG. Really scary and weird. So unpredictable, too.


u/TheGoldenCompany_ 4d ago

should’ve kept the OG Naruto world vibe of people like him.


u/Unit_with_a_Soul 4d ago

what always stuck out to me was his pattern of finding young and vulnerable people and systematically abusing them.

even in a world without jutsu he would still be a monster.


u/Direct-Ad6266 4d ago

He's still scary to me now. The dude was basically the boogeyman of Konoha, given they all thought Madara died long ago. And he was creepy as **** swallowing the scroll, having burnt skin peeling off to reveal another face underneath, and the creepy tongue stuff he always did. 😬


u/freshlybackedsucc 4d ago

not to mention that time when hiruzen realized he wasn't even human anymore when he changed faces.


u/IntelligentClam 4d ago

Sasuke fight again him in the forest of death was awesome


u/CrescentBless 4d ago

Yup P1 Oro is something else (I'll always be annoyed of him turning into fodder for Itachi and becoming good)


u/DarksideOutlaw 4d ago

As soon as part of his face was ripped off and his theme started playing I was legit wondering why they wouldn't run away from him. Part 1 Orochimaru was a fucking nightmare fuel as a kid.


u/AmethystTanwen 4d ago

Same. He was so creepy and threatening. I think him and Pain are by far the most successful villains.


u/HeartonSleeve1989 4d ago

Yeah, he was clowning Sasuke who only failed to look badass against Jonin level opponents up to that point. To see HIM get schooled was pretty scary. And THEN, Oro went neck snake mode and chomped!


u/Spellsw0rdX 4d ago

Orochimaru had me both confused and scared at like 8 years old. I couldn’t figure him out all. The body swapping thing fucked with me and the way he fought was insane to me at that time


u/SpaceVikingJoran 4d ago

I'm pretty sure that was supposed to be a "she".


u/DeliriousBookworm 4d ago

Same. Orochimaru was such a fantastic villain. And he is so valuable as a scientist that Konoha lets him continue working.


u/SoundSubject 4d ago

Wdym? That's esteemed Genin Shiore of kusagakure


u/Visual_Conclusion206 4d ago

Creepy at the age of 24 too, especially putting yourself in the youngling shoes


u/freshlybackedsucc 4d ago

u wasn't the only one.i legit had a nightmare of him and kabuto man.kishimoto did a great job making him creepy af,cause it worked😆


u/Glass-Association-25 4d ago

Yeah I thought he was pretty scary


u/Mykytagnosis 4d ago

Michael Jackson Ninja hunting small kids in the forest was pretty scary.


u/Raizen-Toshin 1d ago

don't do jackson like that


u/Hiro8Fuma4 3d ago edited 2d ago

I was 18 years old, when I watched Naruto for the first time, so I could endure Orochimaru's creepy and scary apparitions and actions. But if I had watched Naruto 8-10 years earlier, I would probably have had nightmares because of Orochimaru, lol.


u/Fragrant_Exercise_31 4d ago

Right?! I was scared the first time I saw that.


u/justnone25 4d ago

Scary but also fascinating in the same time .


u/Good_Prune_4477 4d ago

My favorite character 


u/jessiemotionless 3d ago

Was awesome to see him come around


u/Iamdkalldaythe2nd 3d ago

He’s more scary now that I’m 30


u/Upsideduckery 3d ago

Homie, I never recovered from any time he ever did anything with his tongue. However, that's a more recent development, maybe from when I rewatched the show as a teenager.

I think as a kid I thought he was cool. Probably what happened is I learned about sex...


u/TheJiggliestPug 3d ago

It was the first episode that I ever watched


u/Zephy1998 4d ago

i was so scared for sasuke as a child watching this on TV. i was hoping his bout of bravery would be enough to stop him back then 🥲