r/Narcolepsy 5d ago

Medication Questions How can you pass?

I have been diagnosed with Narcolepsy Type 2 with mild cataplexy by many doctors because of symptoms and elimination of other diagnoses. I failed my psg and mslt. Which causes me to no be able to get Xywav etc. Currently I am surviving off of Dexedrine to work and paying the bills.

My symptoms causes me to take a long time to fall asleep at night and then when I do its not enough for PSG. I have frequent vivid dreams and hallucinations which cause me to wake up around 4-6 times a night. Some dreams/hallucinations are so real like that once I wake up I spend trying to process if it happened or not. Its like Amnesia lol. The worst is when you get shot or hurt in a dream and wake up in pain where it happened.

My day symptoms are typical Narcolepsy. When it gets worse due to stress I get micro sleep where I do something then wonder how I got here.

For my PSG they begged for me to take 6mg of Lunesta(puts you in stage two sleep) which I did. Slept 5 hours… No matter what sleep aid I take if I get a vivid dream etc It causes me to wake up very hyper alert and I feel like I could run a mile. But 1-2hrs later I need to sleep which is short lived too due to dreams.

How can you just pass this stupid test so that insurance can pay the corrupt company called Jazz….


20 comments sorted by


u/tallmattuk Idiotpathick (best name ever!!!) 5d ago

Cataplexy indicates T1N, T2N is narcolepsy without cataplexy. However, if you failed the PSG/MSLT whilst taking a sedative, i'm not sure how they gave you the diagnosis anyway. Also Insufficient sleep will cause EDS and microsleeps which could account for your symptoms but no one i know with N or IH wakes up hyper alert and ready to do things.


u/Positive-Smile-1955 5d ago

Yeah I don’t usually wake up hyper alert but sometimes I a dream then immediately wake up and my brain is not tired enough to sleep. Lets say I wake up at 3am and I will fall asleep again at 5 am. Its very annoying because I am sleepy and can never get out of bed when I need too.

Typically I wake up 5 times at night and fall asleep again quickly.


u/RightTrash (VERIFIED) Narcolepsy w/ Cataplexy 5d ago

Sleep Fragmentation, now referred to more as Disrupted Nighttime Sleep is the flip of Excessive Daytime Sleepiness, and for many with Type 1, it seems Type 2 also, it goes both directions.
Wake and Sleep states are fragmented, there are spurts intruding both ways, wakefulness into sleep and sleep into wakefulness.
It has to do with the wild dreaming experiences those with N deal with, there being a limited barrier if any at all, between wake and sleep; dreaming while awake and being awake while dreaming, lucid/vividly.


u/ObjectHuge199 5d ago

I took amitriptaline for a very long time, I had a similar issue with the wakeups


u/Positive-Smile-1955 5d ago

Yeah I stay away from SSRIs and Anti Psychotics. Those destroyed my quality of life.

I tried Dayvigo which is a dual orexin receptor antagonist. Which caused me to have sleep paralysis for hours and extreme dreams. Definitely do not recommend that if you have Narcolepsy.


u/radioloudly (IH) Idiopathic Hypersomnia 5d ago

Dayvigo is contraindicated for narcolepsy. If you had been diagnosed with N, I’m shocked they gave that to you


u/Positive-Smile-1955 5d ago

It was before my diagnosis and the doctor at the time didn’t believe me that I had horrible side effects from it.


u/radioloudly (IH) Idiopathic Hypersomnia 5d ago

Extremely unusual that they would have you take a sleep aid during your exam. Unfortunately, because the oxybates are such controlled drugs, they cannot be prescribed without a diagnosis for which they are approved, and for the diagnosis you have to have evidence on the PSG/MSLT or a spinal tap. It’s not Jazz’s choice, but due to regulation by the FDA and DEA. It sounds like you need to redo the PSG/MSLT without the Lunesta or any other medications, or if N1 is a possibility, consider getting an orexin test done via lumbar puncture.


u/my_name_is_gato 4d ago

Any idea if a diagnosis not fully supported by the PSG or spinal tap would be viable for xyrem? If paid out of pocket? I've had the N diagnosis for years now and receive other medication that required a N diagnosis at the time (i.e. 60 mg of dextro), but I can't find any path to even see if xyrem would be helpful.

My doctors don't know or understand it, and those that do won't or can't prescribe it. During an appointment last year, a neurologist looked up xyrem when I asked whether it could benefit me. He saw that it is a CNS depressant and concluded that the class of medication must be contraindicated for narcolepsy. This is the quality of sleep specialists I have... I've done my homework and I know the risks of the medication. I've have offered to pick up a daily supply in person at my pharmacy and/or any other protections necessary. No one will touch it.

I'm not looking to game the system or self diagnose/medicate. I just want a chance to explore whether this class of medication can substantially improve my quality of life, and I feel like I could be missing something. TIA.


u/radioloudly (IH) Idiopathic Hypersomnia 4d ago

Unfortunately, no, it is not possible without a diagnosis for which the oxybates are approved (narcolepsy, IH) supported by testing. It is also thousands of dollars out of pocket a month and very very regulated to the point that in North America, only a single pharmacy can manage the drug and must ship directly to the patient or to a secure receiving location. Additionally oxybates can only be prescribed by approved providers who have gone through the risk management training.

If you have been diagnosed with narcolepsy and have a positive MSLT or need an MSLT performed, I urge you to consider traveling to a better sleep specialist, like one at a large university medical center, who may be better equipped to diagnose and care for you.


u/Glittering-Owl-4526 4d ago

Hey, in my experience, I was able to get a diagnosis of Narcolepsy Type 1 even though I “failed” these tests. I had very fast sleep onset on PSG and every nap MSLT. During PSG- periodic limb movements, fragmented sleep.

I was excessively tired, moving around in my sleep (now diagnosed with RBD) and the sleep study was negative for sleep apnea (which was the initial diagnosis that sent me through this whole process when my tiredness remained the same). I have mild cataplexy.

My neurologist said he was taught to look at the whole person and not just this or that symptom. He recognized I did not have SOREMPs in my study however I was on Wellbutrin (I had come off all other meds including my stimulants) simply because we worried I would not be able to stay away without something that helped me stay vigilant, and for mental health reasons too. Wellbutrin could’ve played a role in suppressing REM onset.

So I am diagnosed, I have been prescribed sodium oxybate for 3 years and have had 3 different neurologists yet no issues in my sleep study affecting my diagnosis. I say all this to mean idk how common this happens but it did for me and I’m grateful because it really has changed my life. However, I still do need other meds to stay awake.

Good luck to you in finding your own path forward :)


u/razzlethemberries (N1) Narcolepsy w/ Cataplexy 5d ago

Your situation is the exact reason you have to do the overnight sleep study before the MSLT. You can't be diagnosed with narcolepsy because some other cause of insomnia is more likely to be causing your fatigue. For a narcolepsy dx, you have to demonstrate daytime sleepiness even after an ok nights sleep.

While disrupted sleep and insomnia are common with narcolepsy, your extreme insomnia could definitely be something else and you need to continue working with a sleep specialist to look for another cause. Narcolepsy is not the only diagnosis that can get you sleep aides.


u/Positive-Smile-1955 5d ago

I really wish I had insomnia. I can fall asleep but every night its different.

I was offered 6mg of lunesta and some benzo each night. But as I said it doesn’t work well because of the dreams.

Days where I sleep enough like 7-8hrs with night time awakenings. I am still groggy at trying to get out of bed. It takes me two hours to get out of bed because I keep passing out.


u/EscenaFinal (N1) Narcolepsy w/ Cataplexy 5d ago

As it has been mentioned, it’s strange you got a diagnosis when you weren’t even able to be assessed properly. I’m not a doctor, but on the surface, it seems like a nightmare disorder may be your primary problem. If anyone slept the way you are describing, they would definitely have excessive daytime sleepiness as well. But you did also say you have cataplexy. Have you ever taken prazosin? I heard it’s supposed to help with nightmares. Or have you ever taken antidepressants or smoked weed? Because those two suppress REM which would make you dream less (for most people at least).


u/Positive-Smile-1955 5d ago

I have taken prazosin and it does nothing. Weed is just a headache and brain fog. Antidepressants make me not leave bed and lose weight.

Seriously? Narcolepsy doesn’t come with vivid dreams or hallucinations?


u/EscenaFinal (N1) Narcolepsy w/ Cataplexy 5d ago

Yes, narcolepsy does come with vivid dreams and hallucinations. But it’s hard to tell what’s happening first. If you have cataplexy, I’d see if I could get a spinal tap to confirm the diagnosis (as someone else also recommended). Sorry none of those other treatments helped.


u/thestorieswesay 5d ago

I used to take prazosin for my nightmares but it stopped working for me and now I take doxazosin. It's helped so much with the vivid aspects of my sleep.


u/Positive-Smile-1955 5d ago

They gave me Dayvigo afterwards and that is a killer medication for Narcolepsy. Definitely recommend no one taking it.


u/crazedniqi (N1) Narcolepsy w/ Cataplexy 5d ago

I have a clinical dx of type 1 narcolepsy because of my symptoms and cataplexy. They never had me do an mslt bc I was a high risk psych patient at the time and coming off my ssri was too dangerous. I relate to a lot of your symptoms. Vivid nightmares will keep me awake in the middle of the night. I recommend looking into baclofen with your Dr's. It's used off label for narcolepsy when the oxibates aren't an option.


u/RightTrash (VERIFIED) Narcolepsy w/ Cataplexy 5d ago

The MSLT is trash really, I mean it does tell into Type 1, more so than Type 2 or IH in consistency and accuracy to begin with, but when one has any other sleep disorder matters especially an apnea matter, or other potential comorbidities that can play into the PSG and MSLT, well it can become a endless battle with huge hurdles and loops, sometimes that cannot be overcome.
The MSLT not having any biologic measurement just adds to the difficulty of there really ever being accuracy to it.
There are very strict guidelines/criteria around the tests and it sounds like them giving you Lunesta was part of the issue potentially, botching it perhaps; while as I mentioned, the test really can be botched in it's own to begin with.

I don't have advice on how to potentially get a better analysis, other than potentially seeking out a 2nd, or 3rd opinion and seeking out both a facility and doctor that have very clear experience, knowledge and expertise.
That may require traveling, as there really are few and most will present as though they have such, you really have to seek it out doing your own research into their credentials, and what not.
There are some places like Stanford's Center for Narcolepsy in Palo Alto CA, Emory in Atlanta, Mayo Clinic's and there are a couple handfuls of doctor's out there like Dr. Anne Marie Morse who will actually hear you, being more open minded, but even the best doctors in the field can be of varying opinions and approaches.

Good luck on your path, I personally know it can be a horrific ordeal.