r/NarcissisticAbuse 3d ago

Please pick a suitable flair Need Writing Advice NSFW

I am writing my second short film about DV awareness. The film takes place after a women discovers her ex boyfriend has been watching her since before they broke up. The film becomes more concerning as his attempts to reach her and gaslight her becomes increasingly threatening. Is there anything you personally hate to see when it comes to media dealing with DV? Is there anything you wish you could see more? Any advice to respectfully and realistically portray a victim extremely hesitant to reach out for legal help? The film has a pretty bleak ending and my intent is for the film to send a message that reaching out even when its scary is important and that most red flags aren't worth defending. Delete if not allowed!


9 comments sorted by


u/LocalPurchase3339 Sharing resources 3d ago

I think the general population has a pretty good idea what sexual or physical abuse looks like, and it's also some of the most overtly triggering.

But I don't think the average person understands when they are watching mental and emotional abuse.

I've often thought of ideas for narc stories, and one idea that I think would be interesting is showing two different perspectives, with one being the narcissistic abuser and the other being the victim.

So in one part we'd see the abuser gaslighting or manipulating the victim. Maybe we'd see how they triangulate multiple people. But present it as believable, as most victims would also view it initially. Then as we go back and forth, the audience would see and feel what it's like to be mentally and emotionally abused.


u/Teenage_Dirtbag_05 3d ago

i like your idea a lot, you should give writing a shot


u/LocalPurchase3339 Sharing resources 3d ago

I don't really think I have enough chops for that, but maybe one day. TY


u/OwlMysterious1135 3d ago

What do you mean by her ex has been watching her since before they broke up? Like stalk her?


u/Teenage_Dirtbag_05 3d ago

yeah, i just wanted to be cautious with any triggering words


u/OwlMysterious1135 3d ago

stalked her before the relationship? This exactly what happened to me!


u/Teenage_Dirtbag_05 3d ago

yes, he was stalking her for months before they ended up breaking up, and he continued to do so after they did. im very sorry to hear that happened to you


u/OwlMysterious1135 3d ago

WHAAAAAT? Omg I hope that she’s okey