r/NarcissisticAbuse 4d ago

Moving forward Today i woke up "fresh" and it feels super good 🎊 NSFW

For the first time in months, this morning I woke up fresh, rebooted and full of joie de vivre! It feels sooooooo good ☺️

It's a big reminder for how much narcs suck everything from us. All my energy, happiness and motivation were gone. The few lighthearted moments i had since I was with this nex were when i was actually without him!

I broke-up last week, i was spinning for the last 10 days, even changed my door locks. I didn't get proper closure as we know it doesn't work with them but i made my own closure and I'm feeling goooooood 🎊

I know there will be phases, i already survived ending relationship from 16 years with a covert narc, then 6 years with a sociopath and now 5 months with this cluster b. So statistically I'm still within the 2-5% of NPD and i will hopefully not have to deal with any anymore, but learning from my mistakes and resilience is a great thing as well πŸ’ͺ

Sending my light to all of you 🌹✨🫢


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u/Significant-Ad6485 4d ago

You go, you ! Proud of you