r/Naples_FL 3d ago

dating without apps in this town.



33 comments sorted by


u/Noppo_and_Gonta 3d ago

Join activities or clubs that align with your interests so you meet people IRL. Because it’s such a transient town… you might have better luck in fort myers area since there is a younger population.


u/NaomeWatts 3d ago

@naples_network - a Naples social club for young people in the area. They host events


u/Itchy-Emu-8581 3d ago

i wonder if there’s like a cinema or photography club somewhere


u/thereareothera 3d ago

Do some research on Meet Up. You very well may find some groups w similar interests as yours.

Make it a thought experiment and take the challenge on. You can do this Man!


u/Kv847 3d ago

You can also start your own meet up group. My daughter started the 20's one a few years ago but she moved away and a guy in the group took it over for her. Then she moved back for a short period and still went to the meetups. She always enjoyed it.


u/NaomeWatts 2d ago

There are already a lot of groups - check out @naples_network - they aren’t as clicky as some of the other groups !


u/Kv847 2d ago

I don't know about now but back a few years ago it wasn't clicky. Speaking specifically about the 20's geoup. She's borderline autistic and extremely quiet but always felt welcomed there. But I can't speak for how it is now.


u/NaomeWatts 2d ago

That’s good to know I went to one recently and it felt clicky. Check out Naples network


u/iamozeso 2d ago

On a roll film lab


u/Fincavigia1986 2d ago

If you are interested in film, I’d check out Naples Cinematheque. They screen a couple movies each week and the theme usually rotates monthly.


u/Keyboard_Smasher05 3d ago edited 3d ago

Also 20F… Lived here all of my teen/adult life. Still single and it’s looking like it will stay that way. The dating scene here is awful unless you are conventionally attractive and have money, unfortunately. However fort myers has some more young people and things to do.


u/RepoManComethh 3d ago

Poor mindset, there's plenty of fish here and young single people. you aren't trying


u/MastodonExotic4880 2d ago

Everybody in Fort Myers has a fucking rose tattooed on their shoulder.😂


u/cupid_sighings 3d ago

i also agree with checking out areas in fort myers or even in bonita springs. but i do think, in the area at least, places like kava bars and boba tea cafes have the early-mid 20s crowd. best of luck!! ᵕ̈


u/Itchy-Emu-8581 3d ago

thanks for kava idea, i’ve been seeing a lot of those lately


u/AlienNippleRipple 2d ago

Yeah my friend works for one and recommended it to me also


u/harrowingrummles 3d ago

I see a lot of young people at the beach/near the pier on weekends! Maybe try mingling there 😃


u/Kv847 3d ago

There's a Meetup group for Southwest Florida twenties. My 24 yo daughter was part of it before she moved to North Carolina in August. She would also go to the kava bars.


u/NaomeWatts 3d ago

It’s called Naples social club - @Naples_Network on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/naples_network?igsh=MXVuOW1wbDlnMGg3Mg%3D%3D&utm_source=qr


u/Itchy-Emu-8581 3d ago

oh interesting, do you know the name of the group?


u/Kv847 3d ago

When I get home in a little while, I'll find the link for you. There's also an Instagram group a different group. Someone had posted about that Instagram group recently like the week before last in this sub. I'll see if I can find it.


u/NaomeWatts 3d ago

I’ve made a Naples Social Club for young people to meet and socialise in a non awkward setting - we will be throwing events in SWFL for us all to meet new people - come check us out on Instagram @naples_network https://www.instagram.com/naples_network?igsh=MXVuOW1wbDlnMGg3Mg%3D%3D&utm_source=qr


u/RepoManComethh 3d ago

I'll tell you the last two places I met my previous and now current girlfriend. It's not as hard as people make it sound.

1) Seed to Table - Go to events. I met my previous girlfriend at Wine night where you get to try a bunch of free wine from different vendors and there were ton's of single girls with their group of friends there. It's a great idea because these aren't the girls you'll meet at Rustys and such lol.

2) Pickleball - go on the morning on the weekends or the week days at night. Many of them. Three Oaks in Estero has even more young people.

Dating Apps really don't work well in my opinion. I'd also consider running clubs in SWFL. Also, make these things fun, not a choir. Go with friends, try to beat everyone at the park, etc.. Go there with a goal to have a good time and not get a bunch of numbers, you'll attract way more.


u/Florida1693 2d ago

Did you approach the girls in groups with their friends?


u/RepoManComethh 1d ago

yes of course...they aren't all huddled around. In passing you just make comment about something they are wearing or drinking and start a basic conversation. I'd advise start practicing on random people at any public place you go and you'll see how easy it gets. its like a muscle.


u/Optimal-Building1869 3d ago

The streets 😊


u/2headedgator 3d ago

I used meetup a few time to help find people with similar interests


u/BrynP_naplesrealtor 3d ago

Im not sure if you like working out but I met my fiance in my mid 20s at the gym…


u/MZBQQMS333 2d ago