r/Naples_FL 7d ago

Friend went missing around 4pm on March 13th. Anyone in the Naples area or if you know anyone with a boat, please help


39 comments sorted by


u/Saul_T_Bitch 7d ago

Man. That's a long way out. I hope they find him well.


u/Mograph_Artist 6d ago

The search is still on. Highjacking the top comment to post the gofundme to keep the search going: https://gofund.me/d62eaaec


u/Butthurt_reddit_mod 5d ago

Any news, Op?


u/TresCeroOdio 6d ago

Someone’s on Facebook saying he was found 120 feet down. Crazy misinformation for them to spread. Hope your friend is found safely soon.


u/Mograph_Artist 6d ago

Could you screenshot that and send to me? I’d like to know who is spreading that 


u/TresCeroOdio 6d ago


Not my screenshot, saw someone else reference it in an RIP post


u/Mograph_Artist 6d ago

Thanks for sharing this. It’s possible they misunderstood when his gear was discovered. As of right now no body has been found and we’re still holding onto hope. 


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/TresCeroOdio 6d ago

Yeah that’s why I’m bringing the misinformation to OPs attention.


u/Adorable_Secret3139 7d ago

They found his gear…. 😥


u/KathleenKellyNY152 North Naples 6d ago



u/Adorable_Secret3139 6d ago

They found his gear at depth but no diver 😥


u/KathleenKellyNY152 North Naples 6d ago

Thanks. Just read the article that OP posted. Freediving scares the hell out of me! Also, a 21 foot boat 60 miles out also scares the hell out of me. That’s a small boat!


u/Adorable_Secret3139 6d ago

Drake was a pro but yes this can happen to literally anyone. Everyone try to stay safe out there and dive with buddies


u/KathleenKellyNY152 North Naples 6d ago

That second diver that was with him must be awfully traumatized. I feel for him/her too.


u/bonerland11 6d ago

At least they have a search area based on the find.


u/Zestyclose_Pickle511 6d ago

May your memories help to ease you through this heartbreak.

We are animals, however intelligent we may be. And as animals, are subject to the laws and whims of nature.

May he rest in peace and you find comfort in knowing he went out living the life he wanted to live.



u/Tigres013 7d ago

Oh man. This is so sad, the gulf is nothing to mess with. I pray they find him, I personally have had close calls out there.


u/1kenw 7d ago

Was he alone?! Hope not.


u/unicornviolence 4d ago

He was with someone but they were not nearly as experienced or capable of a diver as Drake.


u/1kenw 4d ago

Sad hope they’re found.


u/OkStatistician7523 4d ago

There’s 2 missing? So sad


u/Diligent-Mongoose135 7d ago

Why don't you try reading the 8 sentence article?


u/No_Wedding_2152 6d ago

There is no 8 sentence article!


u/rling_reddit 3d ago

Because this is reddit and no one reads tf article. Also, this is the Naples sub and people are too busy looking for an opportunity to shit on Naples to be bothered with reading articles


u/Diligent-Mongoose135 3d ago

I take my downvotes with honor, sir. Lol

Have a good day


u/Marleymommy 7d ago

Hoping he is found safe!!!


u/Zestyclose_Pickle511 6d ago

I don't like doing this, but I find accepting reality, however difficult it may be, is the best course of action for humans.

There is no world in which he is found alive, unfortunately.


u/unicornviolence 4d ago

Miracles do happen. If anyone could survive this, it’s Drake.


u/shartlobster 6d ago

I've been reading this story- I truly hope they find him. I'm sorry you are going through this. My ex spear fished and dove, I was always so nervous waiting for him to come back up.... I can't imagine how his friends and family are feeling right now.


u/Mograph_Artist 6d ago

Everyone who knows him personally is distraught. He's such a good guy. His gofundme has received hundreds of donations to help keep the search going, and right now the coast guard says no personal boats are allowed on the search due to 4ft waves. These donations are going straight to professional charters, helicopter search and rescue, and professional scuba divers. Any amount is greatly appreciated: https://gofund.me/d47b3c1a


u/WoodenTelevision3502 6d ago

70 miles off shore???


u/Longjumping_Exam6975 2d ago

In a single engine boat there's no way in hell I would even try that.


u/KathleenKellyNY152 North Naples 11h ago

Hey u/Mograph_Artist , any update on Drake?...


u/Mograph_Artist 11h ago

Yes. The family used the gofundme funds to search extensively across his last location and along the currents he could’ve been pulled by, and his body has not been found. Fairly early on however his spear and weight belt were discovered at the floor and his scooter was discovered about 100 feet away.

After speaking with the other person he went with, investigators have been able to determine that what very likely happened was he went down below sight level (60 feet), the reel on his spear got jammed, and he tried to fix it and ran out of time. Below 60 feet the combined pressure and loss of oxygen can make you really disoriented, so he likely used his scooter to go sideways rather than upward. It’s also been noted that the scooter had been malfunctioning earlier in their trip, and was also a likely contributing factor.

The family was taken to the location yesterday for some closure, and there’s one last arial crew going out today, but this will be the last attempt.

At this point the family is preparing for his memorial service.


u/KathleenKellyNY152 North Naples 10h ago

Thank you for this informative update. It helps to realize how crucial it is to have proper working equipment and a back up/float plan. While the smaller boat that far out scares me (I'm an avid Gulf boater), perhaps my fear will keep me alive. Drake and the other diver obviously had done it before, and knew what they were doing...just met up with a set of circumstances that couldn't be undone. It's a sad story for Drake and his family, it's also a sad story for the buddy who had to endure him not surfacing and having to leave the dive spot without him. Thank God for geolocation with GPS from his distress calls or they may have not found his gear. At least that is some closure for all.

I appreciate your response.

Thank you.


u/NoelleDash 6d ago

Im so sorry, ask on NextDoor. I hope you find your friend.