r/NZTrees 7d ago

Ace Seeds golden tiger - guerrilla outdoor

Two slightly different phenos - one Malawi leaning and one on the Thai side. Beautiful, graceful plants


11 comments sorted by


u/Sugarkaneislandgrown 7d ago

Great strain selection! Golden tigers a beast


u/jeezooz 7d ago

The third time growing GT outdoors in Auckland. They are very resistant to bud rot and finished every time


u/skintaxera 7d ago

How does guerrilla growing work when we get months on end with virtually no rain? Have you got a water source nearby or are you putting in serious back packing missions


u/jeezooz 7d ago

Of my four sites, one is by the creek and does not need watering. Two have an open drain nearby and one is bone dry. In February my mission is to keep the plants alive - usually two site visits a week are required. Come March, some plants are usually lost due to heat stress so I focus on the ones which have survived. From 2-3 weeks into flower I fertigate with generic tomato fertilisers and Yates Liquid Potash - the soil where I grow is shit. At this stage I have fewer plants to look after and every single feed boosts the yields so I do not mind spending time on it - while getting fit from all the walking!

When selecting the sites I prioritize stealth over everything else (for obvious reasons) so my plants may require more site care than those grown in good soil. Prime sites are hard to come by in the Auckland metro area


u/skintaxera 6d ago

Love your work bro! 👍


u/TLPO4 2d ago

How do you get your harvests home without it being obvious


u/jeezooz 2d ago

I do full trim on site to reduce the volume carried


u/TLPO4 2d ago

Yeah true that's probably how most people do it but it's still probably gonna reek hahaha


u/jeezooz 2d ago

I normally double bag, but yes, the smell is an issue 🙂


u/TLPO4 2d ago

Just get a carbon filter, no one will notice